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So soon?Lyns smile was quavery. It will be better if I go quickly.

You plan to
return to your former work?Yes I t!ink so."oncetta plucke# a rose an# stro#e
$!ere is not!ing more won#erful t!an to be utterly certain again t!at you !ave
love in your life. Lyn% you too must &n# a man to make you !appy. ' career is
not enoug! it #oes not fully compensate.
I wante# to #ie% you know. I t!oug!t I was losing (ulios love% an# I was out of my
min# wit! misery. ' woman is a #ea# t!ing wit!out love s!e nee#s it as t!is
rose in my !an# nee#s t!e sun. $!ere was no sun for me w!en I t!oug!t (ulio no
longer care# for me you see% Lyn% my fall #ownstairs was no acci#ent. I felt a
!an# pus! me I t!oug!t t!at !an# was my !usban#s.
)e !as taken !er to t!e station. S!e !as money of !er own an# I #ont t!ink s!e
will trouble us again. *ick was quite prepare#% you see% to tell (ulio everyt!ing if
s!e refuse# to leave% an# s!e loves (ulio. S!e woul#nt want !im to know t!at s!e
was rea#y to kill me for !is sake.Su##enly t!e eyes looking at Lyn were abla+e
wit! !appiness.
Yes. ,!% its all rig!t- "oncetta smile# an# squee+e# Lyns !an#s. I am no
longer in #anger from !er. Last nig!t I broke #own an# crie# in *icks arms. I tol#
!im my fears% an# !e guesse# w!o !a# !urt me. )e #eci#e# t!at .ona /stella
s!oul# leave.I saw !im #riving o0 wit! someone1

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