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Lyn smiled, for right now Leoni would be enjoying a ride on one of
Corts ponies. Rosa had taken her to the ranh for the afternoon.!hen do you
wish to go" Conetta asked.#ay $ go on #onday"
%o soon"Lyns smile was &ua'ery. $t will be better if $ go &uikly.(ou plan to
return to your former work"(es ) $ think so.Conetta pluked a rose and strode
There is nothing more wonderful than to be utterly ertain again that you ha'e
lo'e in your life. Lyn, you too must ) *nd a man to make you happy. + areer is
not enough ) it does not fully ompensate.
$ wanted to die, you know. $ thought $ was losing ,ulios lo'e, and $ was out of my
mind with misery. + woman is a dead thing without lo'e ) she needs it as this
rose in my hand needs the sun. There was no sun for me when $ thought ,ulio no
longer ared for me ) you see, Lyn, my fall downstairs was no aident. $ felt a
hand push me ) $ thought that hand was my husbands.
-e has taken her to the station. %he has money of her own and $ dont think she
will trouble us again. Rik was &uite prepared, you see, to tell ,ulio e'erything if
she refused to lea'e, and she lo'es ,ulio. %he wouldnt want him to know that she
was ready to kill me for his sake.%uddenly the eyes looking at Lyn were abla.e
with happiness.

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