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The doctor greeted Lyn, chatted a few minutes, then left to make a call on

another patient. Concetta tucked an arm through Lyns and they went out to the
sunlit patio, and it was there that Lyn told her she was leaving.How much we
shall miss you, my dear. Concetta looked a little sad for a moment. ou have
!een so good for Leoni. "o soon#Lyns smile was $uavery. %t will !e !etter if %
go $uickly.ou plan to return to your former work#es & % think so.Concetta
plucked a rose and strode
There is nothing more wonderful than to !e utterly certain again that you have
love in your life. Lyn, you too must & 'nd a man to make you happy. ( career is
not enough & it does not fully compensate.
% wanted to die, you know. % thought % was losing )ulios love, and % was out of my
mind with misery. ( woman is a dead thing without love & she needs it as this
rose in my hand needs the sun. There was no sun for me when % thought )ulio no
longer cared for me & you see, Lyn, my fall downstairs was no accident. % felt a
hand push me & % thought that hand was my hus!ands.
He has taken her to the station. "he has money of her own and % dont think she
will trou!le us again. *ick was $uite prepared, you see, to tell )ulio everything if
she refused to leave, and she loves )ulio. "he wouldnt want him to know that she
was ready to kill me for his sake."uddenly the eyes looking at Lyn were a!la+e
with happiness.

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