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Member Information for registration on corenet

Name as in NRIC/Passport
NRIC No./Passport No *
For Passport no. pls indicate country
Name of Company:
Address of Company:
Building Name :
ouse No :
!e"el No :
#nit No :
Road Name :
Postal Code :
&o'ile: (not mandatory)
*mail address:
Alternate *mail Address:
Role: Pls see list 'elo+
Professional Registration No:
Accredited C,ec-er No.
delete +,ere not applica'le
List of Role(s)
Accredited C,ec-er !icensed *lectrical .or-er Pro/ect &anager
Accredited C,ec-er 0rganisation !icensed 1as 2er"ice .or-er Resident *ngineer
Arc,itect !icensed Plum'er RI 3 Arc,itect
Builder !icensed 2upplier RI 3 &ec,anical
Cler-4of4.or-s 0+ner 3 &gt Corp Registered 2ur"eyor
Desludging Contrtactor 0+ner 2afety 0fficer
De"eloper P* 3 Ci"il 2afety 2uper"isor
!andlord P* 3 Ci"il 5 2tructural $enant
!icensed Ca'le Detection .or-er P* 3 &ec, 5 *lectrical
!icensed *lectrical Contractor P* 3 2tructural
!essee Plum'ing Contractor

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