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Most waves are generated by wind, not from within the water. As wind travels across the
water's surface, it pushes against the water (crest/trough) and energy in the wind is
absorbed by the water (circular movement of molecules).
Wave move along a medium. Water waves water, soundair, seismicland
!peed "istance/#ime. Measure from trough to trough or crest to crest passing certain
point during specified time period.
$% & '(cean in a bottle) & from wee* %
$+ & paper, pen
$,, $-, $. & #ub, water, fan, floating ob/ect, board/stic* to ma*e waves
$0 & !lin*y
$1 & si2 marbles
%. '(cean in a bottle) & 3emember lava lamp from last wee*4 Movement of the waves.
+. !tudents draw a wave on paper.
,. #ub of water. 5se fan to show surface movement from wind (crest/trough)
-. #ub of water. 6lace floating ob/ect near end of tub. 5se board to ma*e waves showing
how ob/ect remains in places as waves move under it (circular movement of water
molecules). 7oard should move gently up and down at opposite end of tub from floating
.. #ub of water. !ame as $- e2cept use board to swirl water ma*ing floating ob/ect move
around tub (currents).
0. 5se slin*y to ma*e simulate wave motion.
1. Marbles. 8ine up five marbles. 3oll si2th marble at marbles causing marble to line up
with others. 8ast marble should move forward while other marbles remain in place
(displacement of energy & energy travels along marbles to last in line, similar to water
molecules in ocean)

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