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Inside this issue:
13 Augustus/ August 2014 Nuusbrief/ Newsletter 25 van/ of 2014
Tel: 023 347 0663/ F: 023 342 2766/
Posbus/ P.O. Box 193, Worcester, 6849/ Krigestraat 8 Krige Street, Worcester
Funny things kids say and do.
I have a black thumb when it comes
to flowers but I had managed to
succeed in having one lone flower
in our backyard. While I was ob-
serving it , my little toddler was
with me. So I said, "Now, Patti,
don't pick that flower or it won't
grow big". I went back inside and
soon Patti came in with my flow-
er! When I ask her why she picked
my flower she replied, "But Mom-
my , it was not growing it was just
standing there".
My sister shared something her lit-
tle toddler said while flying for the
first time. Her daughter was look-
ing out the window and ask,
"Mommy, why are we flying upside
down?" (they were flying above a
layer of clouds at the time.)
My son David, when he was about
4, wanted a garden. I helped him
plant a few radishes under my
kitchen window. They hadn't
seemed to grow properly and I
wondered why. One morning I
heard David talking to his little
friend. He was telling the boy
about his radishes. I decided to
join them and while I was walking
towards them I saw David pull out
a radish and say, "See my rad-
ish?". He then put it back in the
When my little Patti was about 2
or so. she was playing in our
fenced backyard. I was in the
basement washing with the door to
the backyard open so I could hear
my little girl. I noticed she started
talking to herself a bit. "Num,
Num", she said. I knew she had
nothing to eat so I quickly ran to
her. She held out her hand and
repeated.."Num, Num" To my hor-
ror her hand was the remains of
a baby bird which must have fallen
from the nest!! I grabbed Patti and
ran for the house, trying to get
what was in her mouth ..out while I
ran. I was a young mother and
scared to death of what just took
place. I quickly called the doc-
sobbed out. To my horror the
doctor started laughing hysterical-
ly? When he could finally gain
control of himself he said, "Give
her a glass of water to wash it
down"...then started laughing
Another time when David was lit-
tle, he woke me up yelling,
"'MAMA!, MAMA!" I jumped up
and ran to him.
I found him in the kitchen by the
window up on a step-stool. Look-
ing out the window he yelled
ARE UP!" (We had a lot of smog
most of the time and you couldn't
see the mountains) He thought
they went up and down like an
One of my others sisters had this
happen. She was shopping in a
grocery store and had her little
girl in a stroller. Her little girl was
sucking on a lollypop. A man
came up to her and said,
"Wow! What a great lollypop
you have.". Her little girl had a
serious look as she said, "If you go
poo-poo potty you could get a
lollypop too."
My toddler and I went to the
Meat Market one day. It was a
very small one and was packed
with people waiting to be waited
on. My toddler was exceptional-
ly and had walked early. It was
finally my turn to order the meat I
wanted. In the corner of my eye I
noticed little Patti was staring at
an exceptionally tall man next to
her.. I tried to get her attention to
give her a stern look for staring
but had to pay attention to what I
was buying. As soon as I could I
looked back at Patti, she was
slowly moving her eyes up the
man. When she reached his head
she fell over backwards, her eyes
never left his head...nor did she
cry...just laid there staring......! I
was horrified at her manners....but
before I could scold her and help
her up the market filled with
laughter, it seems everyone was
being entertained by this. Even
the tall man was laughing.
It seems my little boy was always
up before me. On one occasion I
awoke abruptly when he pulled
one of my eyelids open and ask,
"Mama are you in there"?
One year we had hundreds of
snails bothering our plans. They
were everywhere. During this
time I received a call from my
close neighbor. "Did you know
your little boy is going door to
door trying to sell snails?"
I quickly ran outside and sure
enough he was on his way to the
next neighbor to sell snails!
This was sent to me via e-mail
from a person named Kathy.
While at the doctor's late one
evening, the cleaning crew start-
ed to pick up. One man in the
crew (wearing short sleeved shirt)
was missing an arm. My son, who
was seven at the time, walked
over to the man, stood right next
to him and bent his body so he
could look up the empty
sleeve. From across the room he
shouted, "Mommy, his arm is
gone!" Fortunately, the man
laughed and explained what
had happened to him.
This one was also sent to me from
Kathy: My son, who is ADD, could
easily get out of control. Instead
of always saying, "stop that" or
"don't do that" etc. I wanted to
get my message across without
always sounding negative; so, he
and I decided that when I thought
things were getting out of hand, I
would say, "put the brakes
on." Then one summer afternoon
he was running through the back-
yard after another child, I yelled
out "Put the breaks on", he yelled
back without missing a step, "The
brakes are Broken!"
Belangrike datums/ Important dates 2014
Wednesday 13/8 Hockey vs Hexvallei & Brerivier (home) Girls: 7A, 9A, 13B & Boys: 7A, 9A & Mix: 13C
Thursday 14/8
Rugby 11A+B; 13A+B & Netball 10,11,12,13 A+B-teams vs Robertson Primary (home)
Skaak vs De Tuinen (tuis) O/11 + O/13
Saturday 16/8 Rugby 7,8,9,11,13 A+B-teams + Netball 7,8,9,10,12 A+B-teams & 11 A,B,C,D-teams
13 A,B,C-teams + Hockey10A+B (S+D), 11A+B (S+D), 13A+B (S+D) @ Robertson
Monday 18/8 Kring Spelkompetisie
Wednesday 20/8 Sports photos will be taken (letters to be sent out)
Thursday 21/8 PTA Meeting @ 18:00
Hokkie/ Hockey
Netbal/ Netball
WPS vs Gericke, 7/8/2014:
U/10A won 2-0
U/10B lost 1-2
U/11A lost 3-0
U/11B drew 1-1
U/13A lost 0-1
U/13B won 1-0
Sportdag vs Laerskool Gericke, 7/8/2014:
7A verloor 0-1
7B gelyk 0-0
7C gelyk 0-0
8A wen 3-1
8B verloor 0-1
8C verloor 0-1
9A gelyk 6-6
9B wen 4-1
9C verloor 1-4
10A wen 10-5
10B verloor 3-4
10C gelyk 2-2
11A wen 13-5
11B verloor 3-4
11C wen 13-0
12A verloor 7-8
12B wen 11-0
12C wen 11-1
13A wen 23-13
13B wen 20-3
13C wen 23-0
13D wen vs (C) 12-2
U/10A lost 0-4
U/10B lost 0-5
U/11A drew 2-2
U/13A lost 0-1
U/13B drew 1-1
WPS vs Avianpark op 12/8/2014:
13B vs A wen 14-6
12B vs A wen 21-2
10B vs A wen 11-1

Baie dankie aan die volgende netbal-mammas wat vir ons hrlike
broodjies gemaak het: Marga Louw, Rina Blomerus en Sharee Pois-
Sportfotos/ Sports photos
Neem asb. kennis dat daar op 20 Augustus sportfotos geneem sal word.
Leerders wat aan sport deelgeneem het gedurende 2014 moet alle alle alle alle
sportdrag sportdrag sportdrag sportdrag vir die onderskeie sportsoorte waaraan hulle deelgeneem het
No phone calls will be allowed for forgotten clothes. It will only prolong No phone calls will be allowed for forgotten clothes. It will only prolong No phone calls will be allowed for forgotten clothes. It will only prolong No phone calls will be allowed for forgotten clothes. It will only prolong
the program. the program. the program. the program.
Leerders sal nie toegelaat word om oproepe te maak om klerasie te laat Leerders sal nie toegelaat word om oproepe te maak om klerasie te laat Leerders sal nie toegelaat word om oproepe te maak om klerasie te laat Leerders sal nie toegelaat word om oproepe te maak om klerasie te laat
kom wat vergete gebly het nie. Dit sal die proses vertraag. kom wat vergete gebly het nie. Dit sal die proses vertraag. kom wat vergete gebly het nie. Dit sal die proses vertraag. kom wat vergete gebly het nie. Dit sal die proses vertraag.
Orders for these photos will be taken after we received the photos. (R15
Nuusbrief/ Newsletter 25 van/ of 2014
Pick n Pay Till Slip Drive
Help to raise funds for our school!
Pick n Pay is offering the following deal: should the
school collect R1 million worth of Pick n Pay till slips
within the set period of time, they will pay us 1% or R10
Start date: 1 June 2014 End date: 30 August 2014
Till slips from all Corporate and family stores, Hyper-
markets and Express Stores are valid.
All till slips are to be handed in to the class teacher.
Dankie/ Thank you
Gr.1.1 se maatjies en Juf-
frou Margo gee stywe
drukkies vir mamma Alida
en mamma Antoinette wat
heerlike belonings vir ons blik gestuur het! Om te kou,
help ons beslis om te konsentreer!
LOSLITDAG/ CASUAL DAY 5 September 2014
Verjaardae/ Birthdays
Sportdag vs Laerskool Gericke op 7/8/2014:
7A gelyk 2-2
7B wen 4-2
7C wen 5-3
8A verloor 0-4
8B verloor 0-5
8C verloor 1-5
9A wen 2-0
9B gelyk 2-2
11A wen 12-0
11B wen 20-0
11C wen 46-0
13A wen 21-15
13B wen 17-0
13C wen 45-5
Klop op die skouer/ Pat on the back
Baie dankie aan WPS vir die geleentheid rakende die insiggewende inligtingsessie wat deur M. du Plooy aange-
bied was vir die Speelgroepie en Graad R-ouers. Dit het weer perspektief gegee aangaande die ontwikkelings-
fases van ons kinders, na gelang van hul ouderdomsgroepe en vermo. Ons sien daarna uit om soortgelyke sessies
in die naby toekoms by te woon. - Arina Kilian (Speelgroepie-ouer)
Die Gr.1.3-maatjies wil baie dankie s vir Carla se mam-
ma, Elmaree, vir ons pragtige plakkers. Die maatjies werk
ekstra hard daarvoor. Ons klas is baie bevoorreg om van
die 3de kwartaal af n projektor in die klas te h . Ons wil
baie dankie s vir Christiaan se mamma, Lindie, wat al die
relings en moeite gedoen het.
WPS vs Esselenpark op 12/8/2014:
9A vs Avian A wen 1-0
9B vs Avian B verloor 0-6
11A vs EPP (A) wen 47-0
11B vs EPP (B) wen 34-0
11C vs Avian A verloor 0-45
13A vs EPP (A) wen 29-12
13B vs EPP (B) gelyk 5-5
13C vs Avian (A) verloor 0-45
Baie geluk aan Mev. Janene Janse van Rensburg
(Tina Cowley) met haar verjaardag op 14/8. Mag
dit n gesende nuwe lewensjaar wees!
Musiek: Stefmari Burden (6.1) het 100% - erkenning
op die ererol verwerf tydens die Unisa Gr.2 Teorie-
eksamen. Baie geluk!
Lootjietrekking/ Raffle draw
Thank you for supporting the Gr.7 Cake Sale!
The raffle draw for the rugby ball and netball ball will
take place on Monday, 18/8.
Remember to purchase your Casual Day stickers from your childs register teacher. Please
support this worthy cause! Stickers are sold at R10 each in aid of Nuwe Hoop Sentrum and
NID College. Great prizes to be won, see p.4.
WPS Jeuggroep begin!! WPS Jeuggroep begin!! WPS Jeuggroep begin!! WPS Jeuggroep begin!!
Banking details:
ABSA 632005 ACC NO: 405 674 7412 (Cheque acc.)
Please ensure that all cash or credit card payments (@ reception) are
done before 14:00 for banking purposes. Thank you!
PARENTS, PLEASE PAY YOUR SCHOOL FEES * Please use your MySchool card
Page 4
WPS Greetings
Koekverkopingdatums/ Cake sale dates
5/9 Gr.2 & 3
17/10 Gr.5
14/11 Gr.4
Wednesdays 14:15 Wednesdays 14:15 Wednesdays 14:15 Wednesdays 14:15 - -- - 15:15 (from 6/8) 15:15 (from 6/8) 15:15 (from 6/8) 15:15 (from 6/8)
All the Gr.6s & 7s welcome! All the Gr.6s & 7s welcome! All the Gr.6s & 7s welcome! All the Gr.6s & 7s welcome!
Foundation Phase: Foundation Phase: Foundation Phase: Foundation Phase:
Winning class (most sales): Winning class (most sales): Winning class (most sales): Winning class (most sales): Boerewors braai
Winning learner (most sales): Winning learner (most sales): Winning learner (most sales): Winning learner (most sales):
1. 1. 1. 1. Caf Dulc meal voucher
2. 2. 2. 2. 2 x 3D Movie tickets @ Nu Metro
2nd & 3rd runner 2nd & 3rd runner 2nd & 3rd runner 2nd & 3rd runner- -- -up (learner): up (learner): up (learner): up (learner): 2 x 2D Movie tickets
@ Nu Metro
Class teacher of winning class: Class teacher of winning class: Class teacher of winning class: Class teacher of winning class:
1. 1. 1. 1. Wash & Cut @ Hair Affair
2. 2. 2. 2. Beauty treatment @ Annique
3. 3. 3. 3. 1 x 3D Movie ticket @ Nu Metro
Senior Primary: Senior Primary: Senior Primary: Senior Primary:
Winning class (most sales): Winning class (most sales): Winning class (most sales): Winning class (most sales): 2D Movie @ Nu Metro
Winning learner (most sales): Winning learner (most sales): Winning learner (most sales): Winning learner (most sales):
1. 1. 1. 1. Caf Dulc meal voucher
2. 2. 2. 2. 2 x 3D Movie tickets @ Nu Metro
2nd & 3rd runner 2nd & 3rd runner 2nd & 3rd runner 2nd & 3rd runner- -- -up (learner): up (learner): up (learner): up (learner): 2 x 2D Movie tickets
@ Nu Metro
Class teacher of winning class: Class teacher of winning class: Class teacher of winning class: Class teacher of winning class:
1. 1. 1. 1. Wash & Cut @ Platinum
2. 2. 2. 2. Full pedicure & Soft laser facial @ Skin & Nail Excellence
3. 3. 3. 3. 1 x 3D Movie ticket @ Nu Metro
2 x 2D Movie tickets 2 x 2D Movie tickets 2 x 2D Movie tickets 2 x 2D Movie tickets up for grabs to the first 2 learners first 2 learners first 2 learners first 2 learners with the most ticket sales most ticket sales most ticket sales most ticket sales
by Friday, 15 August 2014 by Friday, 15 August 2014 by Friday, 15 August 2014 by Friday, 15 August 2014 (All Phases).
Hulp met huiswerk: Hulp met huiswerk: Hulp met huiswerk: Hulp met huiswerk:
Juf. Michelle Visser is weeksdae
na skool beskikbaar vir hulpver-
lening/ ondersteuning met
huiswerk aan leerders (Gr.17).
Dek alle vakgebiede en leerareas.
Kan by die huis of by die skool
wees. Kontak Michelle Visser by
071 334 7265

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