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uenoLare ln AusLralla ls commlLLed Lo LreaLlng Lhe personal lnformaLlon we collecL ln accordance wlLh
Lhe AusLrallan rlvacy rlnclples ln Lhe rlvacy AcL 1988 (CLh) (rlvacy AcL). 1hls rlvacy ollcy seLs ouL
how uenoLare handles personal lnformaLlon.

1hls rlvacy ollcy does noL apply Lo personal lnformaLlon collecLed by uenoLare LhaL ls exempLed
under Lhe rlvacy AcL, for example employee records.

uenoLare may modlfy Lhls rlvacy ollcy from Llme Lo Llme Lo reflecL lLs currenL prlvacy pracLlces.

ln Lhls rlvacy ollcy, 'uenoLare', 'we', 'us' and 'our' ls a reference Lo Lhe uenoLare parLnershlp.

."'+$#&, -#5$'4&%-$# 8" 0$,,"0%
1he Lypes of personal lnformaLlon we may collecL lncludes:
1. names, [ob LlLles, conLacL and address deLalls
2. lnformaLlon ln ldenLlflcaLlon documenLs (for example, passporL, drlver's llcence)
3. Lax flle numbers and oLher governmenL-lssued ldenLlflcaLlon numbers
4. daLe of blrLh and gender
3. bank accounL deLalls, shareholdlngs and deLalls of lnvesLmenLs
6. deLalls of superannuaLlon and lnsurance arrangemenLs
7. educaLlonal quallflcaLlons, employmenL hlsLory and salary
8. vlsa or work permlL sLaLus
9. personal lnformaLlon abouL your spouse and dependanLs.

lL may be necessary ln some clrcumsLances for uenoLare Lo collecL senslLlve lnformaLlon abouL you ln
order Lo provlde speclflc servlces or for conLracLlng or recrulLlng purposes. Lxamples of Lhe Lypes of
senslLlve lnformaLlon LhaL may be collecLed ln such clrcumsLances lnclude professlonal membershlps,
eLhnlc orlgln, crlmlnal record and healLh lnformaLlon.

lL ls generally noL pracLlcal Lo remaln anonymous or Lo use a pseudonym when deallng wlLh uenoLare
as usually we need Lo use your personal lnformaLlon Lo provlde speclflc servlces Lo you, or whlch
relaLe Lo or lnvolve you.

9$8 8" 0$,,"0% &#2 4&#&:" ;"'+$#&, -#5$'4&%-$#
Cenerally we collecL your personal lnformaLlon from you dlrecLly (for example, when we deal wlLh
you ln person or over Lhe phone, when you send us correspondence (lncludlng vla emall), when you
compleLe a quesLlonnalre, form or survey, or when you subscrlbe Lo our publlcaLlons).

SomeLlmes lL may be necessary for us Lo collecL your personal lnformaLlon from a Lhlrd parLy. lor
example, we may collecL your personal lnformaLlon from your employer where Lhey are our cllenL,
from your personal represenLaLlve, anoLher uenoLare member flrm or a publlcly avallable record.

We may also collecL personal lnformaLlon abouL you from your use of our webslLes and lnformaLlon
you provlde Lo us Lhrough conLacL mallboxes or Lhrough Lhe reglsLraLlon process on our webslLes.

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lf you provlde us wlLh someone else's personal lnformaLlon, you should only do so lf you have Lhelr
auLhorlLy or consenL Lo provlde us wlLh Lhelr personal lnformaLlon. ?ou should also Lake reasonable
sLeps Lo lnform Lhem of Lhe maLLers seL ouL ln Lhls rlvacy ollcy or any rlvacy CollecLlon SLaLemenL
we glve you.

9$,2-#: ;"'+$#&, -#5$'4&%-$#
uenoLare holds personal lnformaLlon ln hard copy and elecLronlc formaLs. We Lake securlLy measures
Lo proLecL Lhe personal lnformaLlon we hold lncludlng physlcal (for example, resLrlcLlng access Lo our
work places and sLorage of flles ln secure rooms) and Lechnology (for example, resLrlcLlon of access,
flrewalls, Lhe use of encrypLlon, passwords and dlglLal cerLlflcaLes) securlLy measures.

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uenoLare collecLs, holds and uses personal lnformaLlon for a number of purposes lncludlng:
1. Lo provlde professlonal servlces
2. Lo provlde Lechnology servlces and soluLlons
3. Lo respond Lo requesLs or querles
4. Lo malnLaln conLacL wlLh our cllenLs and oLher conLacLs
3. Lo keep our cllenLs and oLher conLacLs lnformed of our servlces and lndusLry developmenLs
6. Lo noLlfy of semlnars and oLher evenLs
7. for admlnlsLraLlve purposes
8. for recrulLmenL purposes
9. for purposes relaLlng Lo Lhe employmenL of our personnel, provldlng lnLernal servlces or
beneflLs Lo our parLners and sLaff and for maLLers relaLlng Lo Lhe parLnershlp
10. when engaglng servlce provlders, conLracLors or suppllers relaLlng Lo Lhe operaLlon of our
11. Lo manage any confllcL of lnLeresL or lndependence (lncludlng audlLor lndependence)
obllgaLlons or slLuaLlons
12. Lo conducL surveys
13. for seeklng your feedback
14. Lo meeL any regulaLory obllgaLlons
13. as parL of enLerlng lnLo an alllance, [olnL venLure or referral arrangemenL, or
16. for any oLher buslness relaLed purposes.

lf you do noL provlde us wlLh Lhe personal lnformaLlon we have requesLed, we may noL be able Lo
compleLe or fulfll Lhe purpose for whlch such lnformaLlon was collecLed, lncludlng provldlng you or
our cllenLs wlLh Lhe servlces we were engaged Lo perform.

1he Lypes of Lhlrd parLles Lo whom we may dlsclose your personal lnformaLlon lnclude:

1. experLs or oLher Lhlrd parLles conLracLed as parL of an engagemenL,
2. our servlce provlders,
3. our professlonal advlsers:
a. as parL of an engagemenL, lf you are a cusLomer, an employee, a conLracLor or
suppller of servlces Lo one of our cllenLs, Lhen we may dlsclose your personal
lnformaLlon as parL of provldlng servlces Lo LhaL cllenL
b. as parL of enLerlng lnLo an alllance, [olnL venLure or referral arrangemenL, or
4. governmenL or regulaLory bodles or agencles, as parL of an engagemenL or oLherwlse, (for
example, Lhe AusLrallan 1axaLlon Cfflce).

We do noL dlsclose personal lnformaLlon Lo Lhlrd parLles for Lhe purpose of allowlng Lhem Lo send
markeLlng maLerlal Lo you. Powever, we may share non-personal, de-ldenLlfled or aggregaLed
lnformaLlon Lo Lhem for research or promoLlonal purposes.

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We may sLore, process or back-up your personal lnformaLlon on servers LhaL are locaLed overseas
(lncludlng Lhrough Lhlrd parLy servlce provlders). 1hese servers are commonly locaLed ln Lhe unlLed
SLaLes of Amerlca.

ln some clrcumsLances, uenoLare also uses Lhlrd parLy servlce provlders Lo carry ouL lLs funcLlons and
provlde servlces. 1hese servlce provlders are Lyplcally locaLed ln 8ussla, lndla and Srl Lanka.

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uenoLare may also use your personal lnformaLlon for Lhe purpose of markeLlng lLs servlces.

lf you do noL wanL Lo recelve markeLlng maLerlal from us, you can conLacL us as deLalled below:

1. lor elecLronlc communlcaLlons, you can cllck on Lhe unsubscrlbe funcLlon ln Lhe

2. lor hard copy communlcaLlons, you can emall enqulrles[

3. 1hrough our conLacL deLalls seL ouL ln Lhe 'Pow Lo conLacL us' secLlon.

.'-/&01 $# $*' 8">+-%"

'Cookles' (l.e. small LexL flles placed on your compuLer when you flrsL vlslL Lhe slLe) are used on some
uenoLare webslLes. MosL browsers now recognlse when a cookle ls offered and permlL you Lo refuse
or accepL lL. lf you are noL sure wheLher your browser has Lhls capablllLy, you should check wlLh Lhe
sofLware manufacLurer, your company's Lechnology help desk or your lnLerneL servlce provlder.

Cookles are prlmarlly used Lo enhance your onllne experlence. lf you vlslL our webslLes Lo read or
download lnformaLlon, such as news sLorles or arLlcles, much of Lhe lnformaLlon we collecL ls
sLaLlsLlcal only (e.g., Lhe domaln from whlch you accessed Lhe lnLerneL, Lhe daLe and Llme you
accessed our slLe, and Lhe lnLerneL address of Lhe webslLe from whlch you llnked dlrecLly Lo our slLe)
and noL personally ldenLlflable. We use such lnformaLlon Lo make our slLes more useful and aLLracLlve
Lo you.

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?ou have several cholces regardlng your use of uenoLare's webslLes. ln general, you are noL requlred
Lo provlde personal lnformaLlon when you vlslL our webslLes. Powever, lf you apply Lo recelve
lnformaLlon abouL our servlces, evenLs and lndusLry updaLes or wlsh Lo apply for a [ob, provlslon of
cerLaln personal lnformaLlon wlll generally be requlred.

C-#@+ %$ %=-'2 ;&'%1 8">+-%"+
uenoLare's webslLes may conLaln llnks Lo Lhlrd parLles' webslLes. 1hose oLher webslLes are noL sub[ecL
Lo our prlvacy pollcy and procedures. ?ou wlll need Lo revlew Lhose webslLes Lo vlew a copy of Lhelr
prlvacy pollcy.

uenoLare also does noL endorse, approve or recommend Lhe servlces or producLs provlded on Lhlrd
parLy webslLes.

We undersLand Lhe lmporLance of proLecLlng chlldren's prlvacy, especlally ln an onllne envlronmenL.
ln parLlcular, our webslLes are noL lnLenLlonally deslgned for or dlrecLed aL chlldren under Lhe age of
nlne (9).

lL ls our pollcy Lo never knowlngly collecL or malnLaln lnformaLlon abouL anyone under Lhe age of nlne
(9), excepL as parL of a speclflc engagemenL Lo provlde professlonal servlces whlch necesslLaLes such
personal lnformaLlon be collecLed.

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?ou can requesL access Lo your personal lnformaLlon, sub[ecL Lo some llmlLed excepLlons permlLLed or
requlred by law. Such requesL musL be made ln wrlLlng Lo Lhe uenoLare leadershlp Leam.

lease see 'Pow Lo conLacL us' for deLalls.

uenoLare may charge reasonable cosLs for provldlng you access Lo your personal lnformaLlon.

E"";-#: ;"'+$#&, -#5$'4&%-$# 0*''"#%
lf you belleve LhaL any personal lnformaLlon uenoLare has collecLed abouL you ls lnaccuraLe, noL up-
Lo-daLe, lncompleLe, lrrelevanL or mlsleadlng, you may requesL correcLlon.

1o do so, please conLacL Lhe uenoLare leadershlp Leam and we wlll Lake reasonable sLeps Lo correcL lL
ln accordance wlLh Lhe requlremenLs of Lhe rlvacy AcL.

lease see 'Pow Lo conLacL us' for deLalls as Lo how Lo conLacL Lhe uenoLare leadershlp Leam.

lf you wlsh Lo make a complalnL Lo uenoLare abouL our handllng of your personal lnformaLlon, you
can conLacL Lhe uenoLare leadershlp Leam as seL ouL ln 'Pow Lo conLacL us'.

uenoLare wlll endeavour Lo reply Lo you wlLhln 30 days of recelpL of Lhe compleLed complalnL form
and, where approprlaLe, wlll advlse you of Lhe general reasons for Lhe ouLcome of Lhe complalnL. ln
some clrcumsLances, Lhe uenoLare leadershlp Leam may decllne Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe complalnL, for
example lf Lhe complalnL relaLes Lo an acL or pracLlce LhaL ls noL an lnLerference of Lhe prlvacy of Lhe
person maklng Lhe complalnL.

lf you are noL saLlsfled wlLh Lhe ouLcome of your complalnL, you can refer your complalnL Lo Lhe
Cfflce of Lhe AusLrallan lnformaLlon Commlssloner.

9$8 %$ 0$#%&0% *+
uenoLare ls a parLnershlp beLween uavld Wllllams, !ohn van PaLLem and SLuarL Polywell. Lmalllng
any one of Lhese Lhree people consLlLuLes conLacLlng Lhe uenoLare leadershlp Leam. 1hey may be
conLacLed vla Lhe followlng emall addresses:

uavld Wllllams - dwllllams[
!ohn van PaLLem - [vanhaLLem[
SLuarL Polywell - sholywell[

AlLernaLlvely, you may conLacL us aL enqulrles[

<">+-%" 3"'4+ $5 6+" 7%&%"4"#%

1hese 1erms of use (Lhese 1erms") govern Lhe web pages of Lhe /
webslLe hereln as Lhls WebslLe".

8y uslng Lhls WebslLe, you are agreelng Lo Lhese 1erms. lf you do noL agree Lo Lhese 1erms, Lhen you
are noL allowed Lo use Lhls WebslLe and should lmmedlaLely LermlnaLe such usage.

1hls WebslLe ls provlded by Lhe arLnershlp of uenoLare herelnafLer referred Lo as we", us" or

unless oLherwlse lndlcaLed, Lhe conLenL on Lhls WebslLe ls provlded by us.

unless oLherwlse lndlcaLed on Lhe conLenL, you are auLhorlzed Lo vlew, copy, prlnL, and dlsLrlbuLe
(buL noL modlfy) Lhe conLenL on Lhls WebslLe, provlded LhaL:

(l) such use ls for lnformaLlonal, non-commerclal purposes only, and

(ll) any copy of Lhe conLenL LhaL you make musL lnclude Lhe copyrlghL noLlce or oLher
aLLrlbuLlon, lf any, assoclaLed wlLh Lhe conLenL.

?ou are noL auLhorlsed Lo copy or use any sofLware, proprleLary processes, or Lechnology embodled
ln Lhls WebslLe.

LxcepL as expressly provlded hereln, you shall noL use Lhe name uenoLare", Lhe uenoLare logo or
oLher reglsLered or unreglsLered Lrademarks of uenoLare LhaL appear on Lhls WebslLe.

8eferences Lo oLher parLles' Lrademarks on Lhls WebslLe are for ldenLlflcaLlon purposes only and do
noL lndlcaLe LhaL such parLles have approved Lhls WebslLe or any of lLs conLenLs. 1hese 1erms of use
do noL granL you any rlghL Lo use Lhe Lrademarks of oLher parLles.

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1PlS WL8Sl1L CCn1AlnS CLnL8AL lnlC8MA1lCn CnL?, Anu WL A8L nC1, 8? MLAnS Cl 1PlS
WL8Sl1L C8 An? A81 1PL8LCl, 8LnuL8lnC 8ClLSSlCnAL AuvlCL C8 SL8vlCLS. 8LlC8L MAklnC
An? uLClSlCn C8 1AklnC An? AC1lCn 1PA1 MlCP1 AllLC1 ?Cu8 llnAnCLS C8 8uSlnLSS, ?Cu
SPCuLu CCnSuL1 A CuALlllLu 8ClLSSlCnAL AuvlSC8 unuL8 A lC8MAL CCn18AC1

1PlS WL8Sl1L lS 8CvluLu AS lS, Anu WL MAkL nC Lx8LSS C8 lMLlLu 8L8LSLn1A1lCnS C8
WA88An1lLS 8LCA8ulnC l1. Wl1PCu1 LlMl1lnC 1PL lC8LCClnC, WL uC nC1 WA88An1 1PA1 1PlS
WL8Sl1L WlLL 8L L88C8-l8LL C8 WlLL MLL1 An? A81lCuLA8 C8l1L8lA Cl L8lC8MAnCL C8
CuALl1?. WL Lx8LSSL? ulSCLAlM ALL lMLlLu WA88An1lLS, lnCLuulnC, Wl1PCu1 LlMl1A1lCn,
WA88An1lLS Cl ML8CPAn1A8lLl1?, 1l1LL, ll1nLSS lC8 A A81lCuLA8 u8CSL, nCn-
lnl8lnCLMLn1, CCMA1l8lLl1?, SLCu8l1?, Anu ACCu8AC?.

?Cu8 uSL Cl 1PlS WL8Sl1L lS A1 ?Cu8 CWn 8lSk Anu ?Cu ASSuML luLL 8LSCnSl8lLl1? Anu 8lSk
Cl LCSS 8LSuL1lnC l8CM ?Cu8 uSACL. WL WlLL nC1 8L LlA8LL lC8 An? ul8LC1, lnul8LC1,
SLClAL lnCluLn1AL, CCnSLCuLn1lAL, C8 unl1lvL uAMACLS C8 An? C1PL8 uAMACLS
WPA1SCLvL8, WPL1PL8 ln An AC1lCn Cl CCn18AC1, S1A1u1L, 1C81 (lnCLuulnC, Wl1PCu1
LlMl1A1lCn, nLCLlCLnCL), C8 C1PL8WlSL, 8LLA1lnC 1C 1PL uSL Cl 1PlS WL8Sl1L.

CL81Aln LlnkS Cn 1PlS WL8Sl1L LLAu 1C 8LSCu8CLS MAln1AlnLu 8? 1Pl8u A81lLS CvL8 WPCM
WL PAvL nC CCn18CL. Wl1PCu1 LlMl1lnC An? Cl 1PL lC8LCClnC, WL MAkL nC Lx8LSS C8
lMLlLu 8L8LSLn1A1lCnS C8 WA88An1lLS WPA1SCLvL8 8LCA8ulnC SuCP 8LSCu8CLS Anu

ll An? Cl 1PLSL 1L8MS Cl uSL lS lnvALlu C8 unLnlC8CLA8LL ln An? !u8lSulC1lCn, 1PLn:

(l) ln 1PA1 !u8lSulC1lCn 1PL? SPALL 8L 8L-CCnS18uLu 1C LllLC1 1PLl8 ln1Ln1 AS
nLA8L? AS CSSl8LL Anu 1PL 8LMAlnlnC 1L8MS SPALL 8LMAln ln luLL lC8CL Anu
LllLC1, Anu
(ll) ln LvL8? C1PL8 !u8lSulC1lCn, ALL Cl 1PLSL 1L8MS Cl uSL SPALL 8LMAln ln luLL
lC8CL Anu LllLC1.

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