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Kurtis Leong

English 10-02
February 6th 2011
"The Pardoner's Tale"- Questions
1. I personally liked the twist ending and the oral behind the story. !he "a#t
that the rioters die be#ause o" too u#h greed is siilar to any situations in
odern li"e$ when #elebrities die o" drug o%erdose& et#. be#ause o" an
o%erload o" #ash.
2. !he rioters treat 'eath in a %ery "or#e"ul& negati%e way& as they "or#e
in"oration about 'eath out o" hi by threatening that he will (pay "or it(
)1*0+. !his di#tion tells us that the rioters belie%e that they ha%e superiority
and power o%er 'eath& and that 'eath #annot har. !his tells the readers
that the rioters are %ery big-headed and egotisti#. !he rioters also belie%e
that the old an is 'eath,s spy.
-. !he poor old an 'eath and a destroyer o" greed. !his is be#ause
he wishes and is trying to die hisel"& yet it sees ipossible "or the old an
to die. Furtherore& the old an is the person that sends the rioters to the
gold& whi#h leads to their death.
/. I ha%e "ound e0aples o" %erbal irony. 1hen it is entioned that ('eath is
'ead(& it is %erbal irony as death #annot die )1*0+. !here is also %erbal irony
when the brothers tell ea#h other that they (won,t betray( ea#h other& yet the
brothers end up killing ea#h other be#ause o" greed "or the gold.
*. !he story that the 2ardoner tells is about dying "ro being too greedy& and
yet the 2ardoner hisel" is being greedy by telling people his story to gain
oney. !his is an e0aple o" %erbal irony. I belie%e that sin#e the 2ardoner
sees like an awkward person& he is 3ust telling his story to gain oney& and
he does not reali.e that it is wrong )he sells the story in a noral& natural
6. 4hau#er is and o#king the "a#t that people are all greedy in real
li"e& and in any #ir#ustan#es they end up getting hared be#ause they
are too greedy.
5. !he 2ardoner wants us to reali.e that people die "ro being too greedy.
6. !his oral is still seen in odern li"e today& as any #elebrities get too
greedy "or #ash by wanting huge #ontra#ts& et#. and they end up dying "ro
drug o%erdoses. For e0aple& 4harlie 7heen deands huge #ontra#ts )one
illion dollars per episode 8led o" Two and a Half Men+& and 7heen ends up
being arrested and in trouble with the law.

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