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[English] Benigno S. Aquino III, fifth State of the Nation Address, July 28, 20!

State of the Nation Address

"is E#$ellen$y Benigno S. Aquino III
%resident of the %hili&&ines
'o the (ongress of the %hili&&ines
[This is an English translation of the speech delivered at the Session Hall of the House of Representatives, Batasang Pambansa Complex, ue!on Cit", on #ul" $%,
Vice President Jejomar Binay; President Fidel Valdez Ramos; Senate President Franklin M. Drilon and members of te Senate; S!eaker Feliciano Belmonte Jr. and
members of te "o#se of Re!resentati$es; %ief J#stice Maria &o#rdes Sereno and o#r J#stices of te S#!reme %o#rt; distin'#ised members of te di!lomatic
cor!s; members of te %abinet; officials in local 'o$ernment; members of te military( !olice( and oter #niformed ser$ices; my fello) !#blic ser$ants; and( to my
Bosses( te Fili!ino !eo!le*
+ood afternoon.
,is is my fift S-./; only one remains. 0e a$e a sayin'* ,ose )o do not look back to te !ast( )ill ne$er 'et to )ere tey )is to 'o. ,erefore( today it is
only ri't for #s to reflect on )at )e a$e 'one tro#'.
,is )as o#r sit#ation in te !ast* ,o dream )as an abs#rdity. 0e ad a senseless b#rea#cracy; !added contracts ad become te norm; and corr#!tion )as
endemic to te system. 0e )ere kno)n as te 1Sick Man of /sia.2 ,e economy )as )eak; ind#stry )as s!arse. 0e failed to 'ain te confidence of in$estors. ,e
res#lt* $ery fe) jobs )ere created. 0e fo#nd a !eo!le de!ri$ed of o!e. Many of #s ad already 'i$en #!( and )ere forced to take teir cances in oter co#ntries.
0it eads bo)ed( )e ad come to acce!t tat )e )o#ld ne$er be able to rely on o#r 'o$ernment or o#r society.
,e Pili!!ines sank dee! into des!air beca#se of dirty !olitics.-#r tr#st in eac oter disa!!eared; te confidence of te )orld in te Pili!!ines ebbed( and )orst
of all* )e lost fait in o#rsel$es.
3t )as at tis j#nct#re tat )e be'an o#r jo#rney on te strai't and ri'teo#s !at.
/s te fater of o#r nation( on my so#lders rest not only te !roblems tat )e inerited and te !roblems tat arise today4it is also my d#ty to !re!are for te
f#t#re. /t e$ery moment( 3 m#st be mindf#l of te concerns and !ers!ecti$es of all. ,ink abo#t it tis )ay* it is as if yo# are )atcin' t)o #ndred ,V cannels at te
same time. 5o# need to #nderstand not j#st )at is #nfoldin' before yo#4yo# also need to kno) )at a!!ened before( and )ere it co#ld all lead. %onf#sion is not
an o!tion( and yo# m#st a$e a res!onse for e$ery 6#estion( s#''estion( and criticism4and yo# m#st a$e all te ans)ers e$en before te 6#estions are asked.
,is is not an easy job( and 3 am only #man( one )o at times is also ca!able of feelin' a!!reension.
3n s!ite of tis( my resol$e is firm beca#se my !rimary 'oal is clear* ,o ret#rn 'o$ernment to its ri'tf#l mandate4to ser$e te Fili!ino !eo!le al)ays. 7/!!la#se]
3s it not tr#e tat )e a$e a sayin'* +i$e a man a fis and yo# feed im for a day. ,eac a man to fis and yo# feed im for a lifetime. /n e8am!le of tis is te
,ecnical 9d#cation and Skills De$elo!ment /#tority :,9SD/;. ,e Disb#rsement /cceleration Pro'ram contrib#ted <.= billion !esos to ,9SD/>s ,rainin' for 0ork
Scolarsi! Pro'ram. ,is amo#nt enabled te 'rad#ation of ??@(=<A beneficiaries. == !ercent of tese4or( <B=(C@< 'rad#ates4no) a$e jobs. /s for te
remainin' @B !ercent( ,9SD/ is el!in' tem find em!loyment. J#st take a look* /ll of tese scolars a$e teir names and oter !ertinent data listed do)n( so#ld
yo# )is to confirm tem. 7/!!la#se]
3f )e di$ide te allocated f#ndin' by te n#mber of 'rad#ates( )e )ill see tat 'o$ernment in$ested aro#nd C(<AA !esos in e$ery scolar. 3n te BP- sector( a
montly salary of <D(EEE is already considered at te lo) end. 9$ery year( e )ill earn ?@B(EEE !esos. 3f e is 'i$en te ma8im#m ta8 ded#ction( is ann#al income
ta8 )ill be* C(FEE !esos. ,is means tat in te first year alone te C(<AA !esos tat te 'o$ernment in$ested in im )o#ld a$e been !aid back4and tere )ill e$en
be a !rofit. ,is and all te ta8es e )ill be !ayin' te 'o$ernment #ntil e retires )ill( in t#rn( !ro$ide is co#ntrymen )it te same o!!ort#nities e )as 'i$en. ,is
is 'ood 'o$ernance* 7/!!la#se]
,e ri't intentions( !ractices( and res#lts. 9$eryone )ins.
&et #s listen to te stories of t)o ,9SD/ 'rad#ates*
,ranslated transcri!t of ,estimonial of Marc Jose! 9scora( ,9SD/ beneficiary
Even )hen "ou*ve reali!ed "our dreams, "ou should +no) that success, it*s still not stable, -ou still need to )or+ hard for it,
. am /arc #oseph Escora, . am a high school graduate, Through the help of the Technical Education and S+ills 0evelopment 1uthorit" [TES012, . have m" career in
the business process outsourcing 3BP45 industr" right no),
. )as based in the 6ibertad public mar+et for seven "ears, . )or+ed as a bar+er forpublic transportation vehicles, /" famil" couldn*t afford to put all of us through
school, so . needed to find a )a" to support m"self, so . could graduate,
The most important thing .*ve learned is to have the confidence to interact )ith other people, 7hen people see that "ou have a disabilit", the" usuall" )on*t be able to
see past it, to "our abilities, So "ou need to trust "ourself,
.f TES01 )asn*t there to help me, . probabl" )ouldn*t be )here . am no), 4ur )a" of living no) is much better than ho) )e lived bac+ then,
,ranslated transcri!t of ,estimonial of Jonnalyn .a$arossa( ,9SD/ beneficiary
TES01 helped me finish m" studies, find a 8ob, and support m" famil",
. am #onnal"n 9avarossa, Technical Trainer at To"ota /otor Philippines, . graduated top of Batch ' of automotive servicing training class at TES01 Region (:1, .
chose to stud" automotive servicing because .*ve al)a"s dreamed of being a mechanical engineer, .n order for me to both earn a living and save up, . enrolled at
7e*re used to thin+ing that being an auto mechanic is a man*s 8ob, But .*ve proven that as long "ou )or+ hard, as long as "ou*re determined, )e can ensure ;ualit"
products, TES01 taught me the value of good, clean, and ;ualit" )or+,
9o), .*m more confident in m"self, 1nd it*s much easier to dream bigger,
0e la#nced te 98!anded %onditional %as ,ransfer Pro'ram in J#ne of ?E<B( )it a b#d'et of <?.@ billion !esos. .o)( te 'o$ernment )ill also s#!!ort te
beneficiaries #ntil tey are <D years old. Some )ill ask( 10yH2 /ccordin' to a st#dy cond#cted by te Pili!!ine 3nstit#te for De$elo!ment St#dies( a i' scool
'rad#ate earns BE !ercent more tan someone )o )as only able to finis 'rade scool.
0e are in$estin' in o#r most $al#able reso#rce* ,e Fili!ino !eo!le. Data from te .ational 9conomic De$elo!ment /#tority attests to o#r s#ccess. /ccordin' to
tem( te ?C.F !ercent !o$erty rate d#rin' te first semester of ?E<? )ent do)n to ?B.F !ercent for te same !eriod in ?E<@. ,ese tree !ercenta'e !oints are
e6#i$alent to ?.A million Fili!inos )o a$e crossed te !o$erty line. 7/!!la#se]
-f co#rse( it is only ri't tat )e foc#s on te needs of te !oorest in o#r society. B#t )e )ill not sto! tere. .o) tat )e a$e 'reater reso#rces( )e are stri$in' to
ens#re tat all tose )o crossed te !o$erty line )ill ne$er 'o back belo) it. 7/!!la#se]
0en )e came into office( )e fo#nd a society tat )as like a derelict o#se in )ic )e ad no coice b#t to li$e. 0at )as e$en )orse* )e ad $irt#ally no tools
and materials )it )ic to re!air te dama'e. -$er te !ast fe) years( )it te el! of e$ery Fili!ino )o cared for te )ellIbein' of is fello)men( )e a$e been
ac6#irin' te tools and materials )e need. -ne of tese tools is a b#d'et foc#sed solely on te needs of te citizenry4a b#d'et )e a$e !assed onItime fo#r years
in a ro). ,ese tools incl#de te la)s tat a$e accelerated te brin'in' of benefits to o#r bosses.
,is is )ere4#nder a fair system4te res#r'ence of o#r economy be'an. 0e )ere able to sa$e beca#se of !r#dent fiscal mana'ement. 0e )ere able to e8!and
te co$era'e of essential ser$ices )ito#t raisin' ta8es( a!art from Sin ,a8 reform( )ose 'oal is to red#ce $ice in society. 7/!!la#se]
0e )orked to a$e te ability to f#nd te !rojects tat )e im!lemented( are im!lementin'( and )ill be im!lementin'. 0e stren'tened ta8 collections* from <.EFB
trillion !esos in collections in ?E<E( )e increased tis to <.A@= trillion !esos in ?E<@. 7/!!la#se]
0e im!ro$ed te mana'ement of o#r debt. ,e res#lt* a decrease in o#r debt to +DP ratio; money tat once )ent to !ayin' interest( )e )ere able to cannel into
social ser$ices. 0e )ere e$en able to f#lfill te obli'ations of 'o$ernment tat )e inerited from !ast administrations. For e8am!le* 3n <FF@( or d#rin' te
administration of President Ramos( te 'o$ernment )as re6#ired to reca!italize te %entral Bank of te Pili!!ines )it AE billion !esos( so tat it co#ld f#lfill its
mandate. President Ramos )as able to f#nd <E billion !esos and notin' )as added since ten. BE billion !esos )as te obli'ation left to #s( and )e a$e !aid tis
in f#ll. 7/!!la#se]
0e )orked ard to acc#m#late te f#nds 'o$ernment as today( )ic is )y )e )ill not tolerate )astin' it. 3f o#r Bosses coose te ri't leaders( s#cceedin'
administrations )ill be able to s#r!ass )at )e a$e done beca#se o#r administration as 'reatly red#ced te n#mber of !roblems remainin'( 'i$in' tem a stron'er
fo#ndation from )ic to be'in.
0y do )e say a stron'er fo#ndationH J#st tis !ast ?E<@( for te first time in istory( te Pili!!ines )as #!'raded to in$estment 'rade stat#s by Moody>s( Fitc(
and Standard and Poor>s4te tree major credit ratin's a'encies in te )orld. ,ro#' teir st#dy of o#r macroeconomic f#ndamentals and 'o$ernance( tey
determined tat tere )as less risk( )ic led to a $ast increase in confidence on te !art of in$estors. J#st tis May( tey #!'raded te Pili!!ines yet a'ain. 0at
tis means* Beca#se te Pili!!ines is no) in$estment 'rade( 'o$ernment )ill be able to borro) f#nds for !ro'rams and !rojects at lo)er interest rates( more
b#sinesses )ill be attracted to in$est in o#r co#ntry( and Fili!inos )ill be able to feel te benefits of o#r economic res#r'ence more 6#ickly. 7/!!la#se]
3f anyone )ere to add #! all te in$estmentstat came in tro#' te Pili!!ine 9conomic Jone /#tority :P9J/; since its ince!tion in <FFA( tey )o#ld see tat B?
!ercent of total in$estments in P9J/ came in d#rin' te fo#r years of o#r administration. ,e remainin' AD !ercent took <A years for !ast administrations to
acc#m#late.0e are confident tat( before )e ste! do)n from office( )e )ill be able to matc or e$en s#r!ass tis amo#nt. ,o Director +eneral &ilia de &ima* tank
yo# for all yo# a$e done and for all tat yo# )ill do to acie$e tis s#ccess.
-#r economy and o#r co#ntry are indeed takin' off( and )e are already realizin' e$en 'reater as!irations. For instance( )e inerited a seemin'ly 'ro#nded a$iation
ind#stry* si'nificant safety concerns ad been iss#ed on te Pili!!ines by te 3nternational %i$il /$iation -r'anization( or 3%/-; )e )ere do)n'raded by te Knited
States Federal /$iation /dministration; and te 9#ro!ean Knion im!lemented restrictions a'ainst o#r local carriers.
3n ?E<@( 3%/- lifted te si'nificant safety concerns it ad !re$io#sly iss#ed for te Pili!!ines. ,is )as follo)ed( in te same year( by te 9#ro!ean Knion liftin' te
ban on Pili!!ine /irlines( allo)in' it to fly once a'ain to 9#ro!e4)ic means tat Fili!inos )ill be
able to fly directly from Manila to &ondon.
.at#rally( %eb# Pacific )ill soon follo) s#it( since tey a$e also recei$ed te 'o si'nal from te 9K in ?E<B. 3n tis year( as )ell( te Knited States Federal /$iation
/dministration #!'raded te Pili!!ines back to %ate'ory <. Beca#se of tis #!'rade( it is likely tat tere )ill also be an increase in ro#tes 'oin' to te Knited
States. ,e increase in fli'ts of o#r local airlines to te Knited States and !artici!atin' co#ntries in te 9K is a bi' el! to bot to#rism and b#siness.
,oday( )e contin#e to recei$e ne)s tat( beca#se of all te to#rists and b#sinessmen )o )is to $isit te Pili!!ines( tere is act#ally a sorta'e of fli'ts to o#r
co#ntry. So( all of te #!'rades )e a$e recei$ed in a$iation are indeed 'ood ne)s* ,e n#mber of fli'ts )ill rise( t#s !ro$idin' a sol#tion to te !roblem. /nd(
tro#' te contin#ed coo!eration of te %//P and o#r local carriers( )e )ill certainly be able to attract more b#sinessmen and to#rists in te comin' years. ,is is
a )in for all tose in te to#rism sector; tis is a )in for te Fili!ino !eo!le. +ood 'o$ernance is te so#rce of tese #!'rades( and )e tank Director +eneral 0illiam
"otckiss( te %//P( and o#r local carriers for teir ard )ork. 7/!!la#se]
3ndeed( te Pili!!ines is in te limeli't on te 'lobal sta'e. J#st tis May( )en )e s#ccessf#lly osted te 0orld 9conomic For#m on 9ast /sia( )e so)ed te
)orld j#st )at )e )ere ca!able of. /nd )it te /P9% S#mmit te Pili!!ines )ill be ostin' ne8t year( )e )ill be able to inform e$en more !eo!le of o#r !ro'ress(
and te o!!ort#nities tat tis as o!ened #! for all. ,ere is no do#bt* te Pili!!ines is indeed more o!en for b#siness. 7/!!la#se]
/!art from fosterin' an im!ro$ed b#sines climate( )e are also !#rs#in' better relations bet)een labor and mana'ment.
%onsider tis* /ccordin' to te .ational %oncilation and Mediation Board( since ?E<E( te n#mber of strikes !er year as been limited to less tan ten. ,is is te
!ositi$e res#lt of te De!artment of &abor and 9m!loyment>s Sin'le entry /!!roac( or S9n/( tro#' )ic filed labor cases 'o tro#' a @EIday conciliationI
mediation !eriod. ,e 'ood ne)s* o#t of <<A notices of strike and locko#t in ?E<@( only one !#sed tro#'. ,is is te lo)est n#mber of strikes in te istory of
For tese acie$ements( 3 e8tend my 'ratit#de to Secretary Rosalinda Baldoz( te D-&9 family( and te labor and mana'ement sectors.
Secretary Baldoz and 3 )ere jokin' in aro#nd ?E<? tat tere )ere t)o strikes( and in ?E<@ tere )as j#st one. 3 said( 1&inda( in ?E<B( a alfIstrike )on>t do. Maybe
)e can stri$e for no strikesH2 7&a#'ter and a!!la#se]
0e are )ell a)are tat )e need infrastr#ct#re in order to s#stain te moment#m of o#r economy and to contin#e creatin' o!!ort#nities in te co#ntry. 3nfrastr#ct#re
)ill entice b#sinessmen4it )ill s!eed #! te trans!ort of 'oods and ser$ices( and )ill el! #s ens#re tat )e can 'o ead to ead )it o$erseas markets.
,is sector as seen massi$e can'es* -#r b#d'et for infrastr#ct#re as more tan do#bled from te ?EE.@ billion !esos of ?E<< to BEB.@ billion !esos tis ?E<B.
3 remind e$eryone* )e did tis )ito#t addin' any ne) ta8es( a!art from te Sin ,a8 Reform( )ic is foc#sed on ealt( )ile )e maintained o#r allo)able deficit(
and )it o#r debtItoI+DP ratio contin#ally declinin'. ,is as ad a !rofo#nd effect( beca#se )e a$e not only increased te infrastr#ct#re b#d'et( )e a$e also
!l#''ed leaks in te system( )ic as ens#red tat te citizenry is 'ettin' more $al#e for its money.
Knder te leadersi! of Secretary Babes Sin'son of te De!artment of P#blic 0orks and "i')ays :DP0";* .eiter kickbacks nor o$er!ricin' is condoned. ,e
loo!oles in te old system )ere !l#''ed( te a'ency>s !rocesses )ere streamlined. / sim!le e8am!le )o#ld be te remo$al of &etters of 3ntent from te biddin'
!rocess. 3n te !ast( tese bred a c#lt#re of coll#sion4kno)in' )o )as biddin' on te same !roject only created a s!ace for coll#sion. /noter e8am!le* ,e
re6#isite doc#ments from bidders )ere trimmed to fi$e( from ?E. Processes are faster( and tere are no) fe)er o!!ort#nities for te #nscr#!#lo#s to ask for bribes.
,is allo)ed te De!artment to sa$e ?D billion !esos and allo)ed tem to accelerate te im!lementation of te ne8t !rojects. 7/!!la#se]
,o Secretary Babes and te DP0"* /'ain( tank yo# $ery m#c. 7/!!la#se]
3t is tr#ly a)eIins!irin'* 3n addition to )at te DP0" as sa$ed( te roads tat tey a$e laid o#t( fi8ed( )idened( or constr#cted a$e amo#nted to a total of <?(<DB
kilometers. 7/!!la#se]
0en 3 sa) tese fi'#res( 3 to#'t* "o) can 3 $is#alize <?(EEE kilometersH
,ink of it tis )ay* ,is is e6#i$alent to fo#r roads tat connect &aoa' to Jamboan'a %ity. /nd tis j#st only acco#nts for te national roads; tat n#mber doesn>t
incl#de local farmItoImarket roads or to#rism roads. 7/!!la#se]
.o)( re'ardin' te P#blicIPri$ate Partnersi! !ro'ram* From December ?E<< to j#st tis J#ne( yo#r 'o$ernment as a)arded and si'ned off on se$en PPP !rojects(
)it a total $al#e of =?.= billion !esos. 3n j#st o#r fo#r years on te strai't !at( )e a$e s#r!assed te combined si8 a!!ro$ed solicited PPP !rojects of te !ast
tree administrations. 7/!!la#se]
,e difference bet)een ten and no) is massi$e. /s Secretary %esar P#risima said* 3n te !ast( te Pili!!ines co#ld not entice in$estors; ten( te 'o$ernment ad
to roll o#t incenti$es like commercial de$elo!ment ri'ts( s#bsidies( and oter '#arantees for !rofit j#st to attract bidders. .o)( te sit#ation as re$ersed.
%om!anies are no) in close com!etition( tryin' to o#tdo eac oter; tey are ready and )illin' to !ay for te !ri$ile'e to b#ild te infrastr#ct#re )e need. For
e8am!le( )it te MactanI%eb# 3nternational /ir!ort Passen'er ,erminal B#ildin'( te 'o$ernment as a !remi#m tat amo#nts to more tan <B billion !esos; )it
te ./3/ 98!ress)ay Project Pase ?( te 'o$ernment recei$ed a !remi#m of << billion !esos. /'ain* +ood economics is borne of 'ood 'o$ernance. 7/!!la#se]
&et #s take a look at te ,P&9L. Beca#se of tis road( te jo#rney from ,arlac to Rosales in Pan'asinan as become easier. /ccordin' to te !ro!onents of te
!roject( te se'ment of te road tat reaces Krdaneta )ill be com!leted before te year ends. /nd by ne8t year( te ,P&9L )ill a$e e8tended to te end of
Rosario( &a Knion. 7/!!la#se]
3nfrastr#ct#re !rojects tat lon' a'o ad been !romised by oter administrations( )e a$e been able to t#rn into concrete reality. ,e /l#lin' Brid'e( )ic )as
concei$ed in <FCD( is finally o!en to te !#blic. Metro Manila Sky)ay Sta'e @( !art of te Metro Manila 98!ress)ay !roject from te <FCEs( )as la#nced tis
Jan#ary. ,ose )o tra$erse -smeMa "i')ay can attest to o) s!eedily its col#mns are bein' constr#cted. ,e ,'b# Road( te !lans for )ic started
to be laid o#t in <FFB( is no) <EEN com!lete. 7/!!la#se]
,e Basilan %irc#mferential Road( )ic as been #nder constr#ction since ?EEE( )ill soon be com!leted. ,ese are b#t a fe) of te infrastr#ct#re !rojects tat )e
do not intend to !ass on as !roblems to s#cceedin' administrations; instead( o#r Bosses a$e already be'#n to make #se of tem.
/'ain( beca#se of 'ood 'o$ernance( )e no) a$e a 'reater ca!acity to find sol#tions to !roblems tat are on te orizon. For e8am!le* )ater. 0e all kno) tat as
o#r !o!#lation 'ro)s and as o#r economy contin#es on its #!)ard trajectory( te co#ntry )ill need a 'reater )ater s#!!ly in te comin' years. /ccordin' to some
st#dies( tere may be a sorta'e of )ater in Metro Manila by ?E?<. 0e )ill not )ait for a dro#'t* ,e sol#tions tat e8!erts a$e st#died assid#o#sly( )e a$e
already a!!ro$ed4te Oali)a Dam Project in P#ezon( and te re!air of te lines of /n'at Dam. ,ese sol#tions are si'nificantly better tan so#rcin' )ater from
#nder'ro#nd a6#ifers( )ic are more easily !enetrated by salt)ater. -n to! of tis( if )e )ere to rely solely on a6#ifers( ten )e )o#ld only asten te sinkin' of
land4)ic )o#ld contrib#te to floodin'.
,o'eter )it te dams for Metro Manila and its o#tlyin' cities( )e are !ro$idin' s#!!ort to tose in te !ro$inces. 0e a$e also a!!ro$ed te 0ater District
De$elo!ment Sector Project( #nder te &ocal 0ater Ktilities /dministration. 7/!!la#se]
5o# may a$e already eard of o#r lar'est PPP !roject4te &a'#na &akesore 98!ress)ay Dike. 7/!!la#se]
4for )ic biddin' )ill o!en before te end of ?E<B. ,is is a !roject tat )ill yield n#mero#s benefits. First* floodin' in nearby areas )ill lessen. ,oday( )en )ater
le$els of te &a'#na &ake reac <?.A meters( s#rro#ndin' comm#nities )ill be flooded. ,e sol#tion* a dike )it a ei't of more tan <A meters. Second* te )ater
of &a'#na &ake )ill be cleaner. ,ird* &ess traffic. /n e8!ress)ay )ill be b#ilt on to! of te dike( )ic )ill e8tend from &os BaMos to ,a'#i'. 0en te %I= road tat
)ill connect to San Jose Del Monte is com!leted( )e )ill a$e anoter ro#te tat )ill allo) #s to tra$el tro#' Metro Manila )ito#t !assin' tro#' 9DS/.
0it te coo!eration of te !ri$ate sector( te only obli'ations )e a$e in tis !roject are for te ri'tIofI)ay; and a !ortion of te reclaimed land )ill ser$e as
!ayment for te i'est bidder. Beca#se of tis()e )ill 'et )at )e need( )ile s!endin' less in te !rocess
,ese are only a fe) e8am!les of te !rojects tat are in te !i!eline( and tat )ill soon brin' benefits to o#r Bosses. Mi't 3 add4tere are many more* te .9D/
Board as like)ise a!!ro$ed te &aoa' %ity By!ass &ink Road Project; te %eb# B#s Ra!id ,ransit Project; and te &R, &ine < So#t 98tension and &ine ? 9ast
98tension. For tose of o#r co#ntrymen from Pala)an* /!art from te !rojects for te P#erto Princesa /ir!ort( tere is also te B#s#an'a /ir!ort to look for)ard to.
0e a$e like)ise 'i$en te 'o si'nal for te constr#ction of !ase one of te modern %lark +reen %ity in %a!as( ,arlac( tat )ill certainly ser$e as a center for
commerce and ind#stry( not only of %entral &#zon( b#t also of te entire co#ntry. /t te end of te day( o#r $ision for %lark +reen %ity is tat it becomes e$en bi''er
tan te Bonifacio +lobal %ity. Formerly isolated !laces )ill no) become areas teemin' )it o!!ort#nity.
,ro#' 'ood 'o$ernance( )e a$e been re'ainin' te tr#st of te market( of te )orld( and of o#r o)n !eo!le( in 'o$ernment. ,is is creatin' a $irt#o#s cycle*
Seein' te res#lts of o#r reform a'enda as s!#rred te acti$e !artici!ation of eac and e$ery one of o#r Bosses. 3ndeed* today te 'o$ernment is not alone in
!#sin' for )ides!read and meanin'f#l reform. 3t is tr#e tat yo# are o#r stren't. 7/!!la#se]
,is is )y( Boss* 0e tank yo# for yo#r tr#st and yo#r solidarity( bot of )ic a$e become e$en more si'nificant in te times )en )e )ere faced )it tra'edies
tat came to #s( one after te oter.
3n Se!tember of ?E<@( la)less elements attacked Jamboan'a; o#r co#ntrymen )o ad been li$in' !eacef#l li$es tere )ere #sed as #man sields( teir omes
)ere b#rned do)n. ,is crisis tested te caliber of o#r #niformed ser$ices. Krban combat is considered te most com!le8 kind of combat; in s!ite of tis( o#r troo!s
)ere able to sa$e <FA of te <FC Fili!inos ca#'t in te conflict. 0e sal#te o#r co#ntrymen in te #niformed ser$ices* 5o#r sacrifice !a$ed )ay for te $ictory of te
Fili!ino !eo!le. 7/!!la#se]
Follo)in' te incident( )e 'a$e Secretary Sin'son te res!onsibility of o$erseein' te reabilitation of dama'ed infrastr#ct#re in Jamboan'a. ,e first !riority* to
!ro$ide selter to o#r co#ntrymen )o lost teir omes to fire. ,is is e8actly )at )e are doin' #nder te Jamboan'a %ity Roadma! to Reco$ery and
Reconstr#ction. By tis comin' /#'#st( affected families can be'in to mo$e into !ermanent o#sin' #nits in Marta Dri$e S#bdi$ision. 0e also aim to com!lete te
constr#ction of C(<C= o#sin' #nits in oter areas by J#ne of ne8t year. 3 m#st ask for yo#r #nderstandin'. ,ere )ere many !roblems s#rro#ndin' te land for
resettlement4!roblems )e ad to address. -n to! of tis* 0e also ad to make s#re tat te o#ses tat )o#ld be b#ilt )o#ld be in accordance to te beliefs and
c#lt#re of te beneficiaries; tese )ill not be ordinary o#ses. -n te oter and( to te <(==< families tat )is to b#ild back or re!air teir o)n omes( @E(EEE
!esos )ort of "ome Materials /ssistance is no) bein' distrib#ted.
0e a$e set aside @.A billion !esos for te reabilitation of infrastr#ct#re( te !#rcasin' of lots( te constr#ction of !ermanent o#ses( and oter ty!es of assistance
for Jamboan'a. ?.AC billion !esos from tis f#nd as already been released to te ."/ and DP0".
/ fe) )eeks after te crisis in Jamboan'a( %entral Visayas )as rocked by an eart6#ake( )ic left Bool te most de$astated. 3n te midst of a calamity( )e
)itnessed j#st )at co#ld be acie$ed )en o#r !eo!le come to'eter to res!ond to te callen'es bro#'t by a disaster. For instance( j#st one )eek after te
eart6#ake( electricity )as restored in ,a'bilaran and in all te m#nici!alities of Bool. 7/!!la#se]
.o)( eac of te ?A critical roads and brid'es destroyed by te eart6#ake are !assable. @.AD@ billion !esos as already been released for te reabilitation of Bool
and %eb#. 7/!!la#se]
Part of tis is te ?.BF billion !esos tat te D3&+ !ro$ided to te local 'o$ernment for te reconstr#ction of markets( ci$ic centers( brid'es( )ater systems( m#nici!al
alls( and oter 'o$ernment facilities.
Before te end of ?E<@( 5olanda made landfall. 3t )as te stron'est ty!oon in istory( affectin' <.BCmillion families and BB o#t of o#r D< !ro$inces. 3n 9astern
Visayas( )ere te dama'e )as most se$ere( so many iss#es re6#ired immediate attention.
,e immense stren't of te storm !aralyzed many &+Ks tat )ere it directly. ,e relief 'oods )e !re!ositioned )ere s)e!t a)ay( )ic is )y relief ad to come
from areas farter a)ay. ,e deli$ery of aid )as made all te more diffic#lt by te destr#ction of infrastr#ct#re. ,ere )as no electricity( roads )ere im!assable( and
almost all of te tr#cks and ea$y e6#i!ment tat o#r first res!onders needed ad been destroyed in te areas most affected by 5olanda.,ere )as no 'asoline( and
tere )as no comm#nication.
3t re6#ired an enormo#s amo#nt of solidarity to assist affected families( take care of te )o#nded and of tose )o lost lo$ed ones( and make certain tat tere
)o#ld be no o#tbreak of disease( amon' many oter res!onsibilities. &et #s look at te deli$ery of food as an e8am!le* 3t )as not j#st a matter of b#yin' rice and
canned 'oods. 0e needed re!ackin' centers( se$eral tr#cks( and boats tat )o#ld brin' aid to affected !ro$inces. 0en te relief 'oods arri$ed( )e ad to be s#re
tat te roads to te affected areas )ere cleared( and tat te tr#cks ad eno#' 'as to ret#rn ome( and load e$en more of o#r food !acks.
5o#r 'o$ernment )asted no time in res!ondin'. 0e immediately cleared te air!ort( )ic is )y( )itin ?B o#rs after te storm( tree %<@Es )ere able to brin' in
aid. -n tat same day( )e )ere also able to set #! a comm#nications #b to asten te flo) of information. -n te second day( te De!artment of "ealt>s Ra!id
"ealt /ssessment teams arri$ed( as )ell as additional soldiers( !olicemen( and BFP !ersonnel from oter !ro$inces. &ike)ise( )orkers from DS0D lead relief
o!erations4in te distrib#tion centers in 9astern Visayas or in re!ackin' centers all aro#nd te co#ntry.
3n a s!an of t)o days( te &eyte )ater district res#med o!erations; on te tird day( te first 'as station o!ened. ,e main roads )ere immediately cleared. By te
??nd of .o$ember( )ic )as t)o )eeks after te storm( te one milliont food !ack )as distrib#ted to te $ictims; )e ad cleared @A(<=? c#bic meters of debris
from tese roads tro#' )ic te relief )ill be trans!orted; and @(B?= kilometers of .ational Roads ad already been cleared and )ere !assable. /t !resent( )e
are re!airin' te <ED.D kilometers of destroyed roads( brid'es( a!!roaces( and landslide !rone areas. By %ristmas Day of ?E<@( all m#nici!alities affected by te
calamity ad been electrified. 7/!!la#se]
0e took an emer'ency room mindset; te state #tilized its f#ll stren't to stabilize te !atient in te soonest !ossible time. 3 e8tend my 'ratit#de to te members of
te %abinet( )o led te 'o$ernment res!onse in te affected comm#nities. Secretary %esar P#risima( alon' )it Secretary Joel Villan#e$a of te ,ecnical
9d#cation and Skills De$elo!ment /#tority( or'anized te lo'istics in te re!ackin' center( takin' on te role of )areo#se o!erator. 7/!!la#se]
Secretary +re' Domin'o of te De!artment of ,rade and 3nd#stry became te co#ntry>s ead !#rcasin' a'ent( )ile Secretary &inda Baldoz of te De!artment of
&abor and 9m!loyment ser$ed as a call center o!erator for all tose )o )ised to el!. 7/!!la#se]
3 also tank Secretary J#n /baya of te De!artment of ,rans!ortation and %omm#nications( )o dis!atced o#r trans!ortation; Secretary Dinky Soliman( )o
!ro$ed tat se )as )orty of bein' te co#ntry>s cief relief )orker; and Secretaries Mar Ro8as of te De!artment of 3nterior and &ocal +o$ernment and Secretary
Volts +azmin of te De!artment of .ational Defense( )o )ere on te disaster frontline( 'i$in' marcin' orders to o#r #niformed ser$ices. 7/!!la#se]
,o te members of o#r %abinet( tank yo#.
,o o#r friends and nei'bors aro#nd te )orld* 5o#r o#t!o#rin' of solidarity )ill ne$er be for'otten by a 'ratef#l Fili!ino !eo!le. /'ain( on teir bealf( )e tank yo#.
Pera!s( 'i$en te Fili!ino !eo!le>s readiness to render assistance to te best of o#r abilities4a caracteristic embodied by o#r -F0s( !eacekee!ers( and all o#r
oter co#ntrymen abroad4)en te )orld sa) tat )e )ere in need( tey sa) fit to come to o#r aid. ,oday( )e e8!ress once more o#r 'ratit#de to all of yo#( and to
all te Fili!inos )o a$e offered teir !rayers and teir s#!!ort( )eter ere( or in oter !arts of te )orld. 7/!!la#se]
-#r )ork did not end tere. 0e im!lemented li$eliood inter$entions( to ens#re tat tose of o#r co#ntrymen )o s#r$i$ed te ty!oon co#ld reco$er at te soonest
!ossible time. ,is J#ly( ??<(DFC jobs )ere created after )e t#rned o$er boats( fisin' and farmin' e6#i!ment( seeds( and li$estock to o#r co#ntrymen. ,is incl#des
tose Fili!inos to )om )e !aid salaries for !artici!atin' in te cas for )ork !ro'ram.
Pera!s e$eryone can a'ree tat 5olanda left in its )ake a massi$e !roblem. /ccordin' to international standards( )ene$er a calamity of tis scale takes !lace( it
normally takes a co#ntry one year before it transitions from relief to reabilitation. "o)e$er( in j#st a s!an of ei't monts( te Knited .ations declared te
Pili!!ines to be in te reabilitation state. 3n fact( Mr. 5#ri /fanasie$ of te Knited .ations De$elo!ment Pro'ram said( 10e a$e ne$er seen a reco$ery a!!en so
6#ickly. /nd many of #s a$e been in many different disasters.2 7/!!la#se]
3t )ill indeed take a lon' time for any co#ntry to reco$er and rise from massi$e calamities. 3n "aiti( t)o years after te eart6#ake( tere are still many )o li$e in
e$ac#ation centers. For o#r broters and sisters in 3ndonesia( it took ei't years before tey reco$ered from te ts#nami in /ce. /nd e$en in /merica( it is said tat
it took ei't years for tin's to ret#rn to normal after te de$astation of "#rricane Oatrina.
-#r )ork is not done. ,ere are still many o#ses tat need to be constr#cted; many more of o#r co#ntrymen need to be assisted in 'ettin' back on teir o)n t)o
feet; te )ork to b#ild back better for all tose affected by 5olanda contin#es.
,is is )y tis J#ly( te &+K Reabilitation and Reco$ery Plan for %eb#( 3loilo( 9astern Samar( &eyte( and ,acloban %ity )as s#bmitted to me( and 3 a$e si'ned it.
3t !assed te scr#tiny of o#r cabinet cl#sters; accordin' to te olistic !ostIdisaster needs assessment tat )as cond#cted( te !lan enca!s#lates te needs of o#r
co#ntrymen. ,is !lan )as form#lated as a res#lt of te dedication of Secretary Pin' &acson( )om )e tasked )it foc#sin' on te callen'es left by 5olanda.
3 am o!in' for te coo!eration of %on'ress( beca#se a lar'e s#m is necessary in order to el! o#r co#ntrymen make a f#ll reco$ery.
&et #s remember* +od !ro!oses( b#t man dis!oses. ,is is like)ise te idea beind o#r efforts for disaster !re!aredness. 0e are stren'tenin' te ca!abilities of
o#r &+Ks( )o are te frontliners in times of disasters( tro#' a modern and com!reensi$e forecastin' system.
,ro#' te DR9/MI&iD/R !roject #nder Project .-/"( for instance( )e can more efficiently !in!oint areas tat are !rone to floodin'. <F o#t of o#r tar'eted ?E
ri$er systems a$e already been ma!!ed( to determine )ic areas immediately s#ffer from te effects of torrential rain.
Beca#se )e can more efficiently determine )en and )ere ty!oons )ill affect #s( today( )e are able to 'i$e o#r &+Ks s#fficient )arnin'4and t#s 'i$e tem
am!le time to !re!are( and to e$ac#ate teir constit#ents. 3f )e )ere to add te efficiency of &+Ks to o#r alreadyIefficient forecastin' system( ten( )ito#t a do#bt(
co#ntless li$es can be sa$ed. 3n /lbay( )ic recently ad to end#re te )rat of ,y!oon +lenda( tere )ere no recorded cas#alties attrib#ted to te storm( tanks
to te effecti$e leadersi! of +o$ernor Joey Salceda. 7/!!la#se]
/nd if a !ro$ince tat is considered a i')ay for storms can acie$e tis( is tere any do#bt tat any and all oter &+Ks can acie$e te sameH
&et #s no) talk abo#t sec#rity. 0e are a)are of te callen'es o#r co#ntry faces( and )e also kno) te i' cost of te e6#i!ment )e need. ,oday( 3 am 'lad to
re!ort to yo# te on'oin' modernization of te /FP. 0e a$e ac6#ired brand ne) assets( incl#din' D Sokol %ombat Ktility "elico!ters( @ /'#sta0estlandI<EF
elico!ters( and te first landin' craft #tility si! b#ilt ri't ere in te co#ntry* te BRP ,a'ban#a. B ref#rbised K"I< elico!ters and ? na$y c#tters a$e also
arri$ed.,is !ast May( )e also ina#'#rated te .a$al Forces 0est>s stateIofIteIart %ommand %enter in Pala)an.
.e8t year( ? o#t of te <? F/IAE leadIin fi'ter jets )e !roc#red )ill arri$e in te co#ntry. 7/!!la#se]
0e e8!ect te rest to be deli$ered in ?E<C. 0e are also tar'etin' te ac6#isition of an additional D Bell combat #tility elico!ters( ? antiIs#bmarine elico!ters( <E
more /'#sta0estlandI<EF elico!ters( ? li'tIlift aircraft( @ medi#mIlift aircrafts( radar systems( all of )ic are brand ne). ,ese( alon' )it oter ne) e6#i!ment(
)ill boost te ca!acity of o#r /rmed Forces.7/!!la#se]
Mean)ile( )e are e8!ectin' te deli$ery of <C additional ref#rbised K"I< elico!ters by Se!tember of tis year.
,e MB assa#lt rifles )e bo#'t for o#r soldiers a$e like)ise arri$ed. 3n te ne8t fe) monts( te total n#mber of rifles tat )ill be in te ands of o#r soldiers*
AE(=?F #nits. -n to! of tis( tro#' a correct and trans!arent !roc#rement !rocess and te onest mana'ement of f#nds( )e )ere able to sa$e more tan <.? billion
!esos. 7/!!la#se]
)ic )e )ill #se to !#rcase e$en more rifles.
3 m#st em!asize* all tese rifles are brand ne) and of 'ood 6#ality from a $eteran man#fact#rer. 0as it not tr#e tat( before( o#r f#nds )ere de!leted in te
!#rcase of Oe$lar "elmets tat )ere not e$en accordin' to s!ecificationH 3nstead of b#yin' tem from te K.S.( tese elmets )ere !#rcased from anoter
co#ntry. ,ere as already been a con$iction o$er tis matter. ,e in$esti'ation of a j#d'e )o )as alle'edly in$ol$ed( )ic )as ordered by te S#!reme %o#rt(
as been concl#ded as )ell( and )e are a)aitin' teir $erdict.
0e are contin#in' o#r !#rs#it of enemies of te state and la)less elements for te crimes tey a$e committed. For e8am!le* 0e a!!reended te %airman and
Secretary +eneral of te .P/ tis Marc. .ormality and order are no) ret#rnin' to te @< !ro$inces !re$io#sly tro#bled by te .P/.
,e ima'e of o#r !olice as can'ed. Proof of tis are te @E !olicemen( led by 3ns!ector %arity +al$ez( )o re!elled an estimated ?AE .P/ members )o
stormed teir !recinct in ?E<<. 7/!!la#se]
J#st last Marc( fo#r rookie !olice)omen bra$ely e8can'ed fire )it te Martilyo +an' in te Mall of /sia. 3t is indeed fort#nate tat )e a$e already reaced a <*<
!oliceItoI!istol ratio( )ic is )y tese rookie !olice)omen )ere iss#ed brand ne) '#ns. Before( te needs of o#r !olice force )ent i'nored; today( te state is
takin' care of tem( and indeed( tey are matcin' tis s#!!ort )it efficient and #!ri't ser$ice. 7/!!la#se]
&et #s listen to o#r bra$e !olice)omen*
Testimonials of #uliet /acababbad, /arcelina Banti"ag, /aricel Rueco, and 0elia 6angpa)en<police)omen )ho arrested members of the /artil"o =ang
P4' #uliet /acababbad> 7e heard glass brea+ing, and m" partner and . immediatel" )ent on alert,
P4' /arcelina Banti"ag> The first thing that came to m" mind )as to dra) m" gun, because . +ne) that the" )ould be read" to shoot at us<)e )ere in uniform,
P4' /aricel Rueco> /" partner, P4' Banti"ag said, ?.*ll cover "ou, Call our Police Communit" Precinct,@
P4' /arcelina Banti"ag> 7e caught one of the gang members,
P4' 0elia 6angpa)en> .t )as onl" our fourth da" on the 8ob, at that post, 1nd then that happened,
P4' #uliet /acababbad> Ever" police officer needs a gun, Than+full", the" issued us a =loc+ 'A =eneration (,
P4' /arcelina Banti"ag> =uns are essential to us, .f something bad happens )hen "ou*re on patrol, "ou*re confident that "ou can engage,
P4' #uliet /acababbad> .t feels good )hen "ou +no) "ou*re able to help "our fello) citi!ens, 7hatever a man can do, a )oman can do 8ust as )ell,
P4' 0elia 6angpa)en> Even if )e )ere nervous, because it )as our first encounter, )e )ere thin+ing of the safet" of all the people that )ere there,
,is !ast J#ne( )e ad a s#ccession of i'I!rofile killin's. 0e a$e already arrested some of tosein$ol$ed in te m#rders of Mayor 9rnesto Balolon' and
b#sinessman Ricard Oin'( and are c#rrently follo)in' a stron' lead in te m#rder case of race car dri$er Ferdinand Pastor. Rest ass#red* )e are seekin' j#stice for
all( and not j#st for a fe). ,is is )y( on to! of te arrests )e a$e already made( )e contin#e to 'ater e$idence a'ainst oter s#s!ects. 0e )ill old to acco#nt all
tose )o a$e committed )ron'doin'. 7/!!la#se]
0e are f#rter stren'tenin' )ays to ens#re te sec#rity of o#r citizens. Be'innin' J#ne <= of tis year( )e im!lemented -!eration &ambat in te .ational %a!ital
Re'ion. /fter tri!lin' te n#mber of ceck!oints and cond#ctin' $ario#s o!erations( )e )ere able to confiscate D=? $eicles and ?F firearms. 0e a$e ser$ed ADC
)arrants of arrest( )ic a$e res#lted in te arrest of B<E s#s!ects. 0e also reinstated -!lan Oatok( to ens#re tat te licensin' of '#ns is limited to res!onsible
o)ners. -#r !olicemen knocked on ?D(C<B doors for tis o!eration.
Before )e im!lemented -!eration &ambat( from Jan#ary to te second )eek of J#ne( te rate of m#rder and omicide cases in Metro Manila reaced #! to @< cases
a )eek. D#rin' te fi$e )eeks of -!eration &ambat( m#rder and omicide cases decreased to only ?? cases !er )eek. ,is is a ?F !ercent decrease( e6#i$alent to
nine m#rders !re$ented !er )eek. /nd tis is only in Metro Manila. 3f )e are able to !ass !ension reform( )ic )o#ld enable #s to 'ater e$en more f#nds to
contin#e o#r !lanned !#rcases of e6#i!ment( ten Secretary Mar Ro8as )ill certainly be able to e8!and -!eration &ambat( and t#s make te )ole co#ntry more
sec#re. 7/!!la#se]
,ese e6#i!ment !#rcases )ere s#!!osed to be f#nded by D/P( b#t since tey )ere not obli'ated before te S#!reme %o#rt made its decision( )e no) a$e to
look for oter so#rces of f#nds.
3ndeed( tr#st is te fo#ndation of 'ood 'o$ernance* te tr#st tat all tose )o )ere affected4or )o )ill be affected4by ty!oons )ill be cared for; te tr#st tat(
after eac day of )ork( yo# )ill be able to ret#rn ome safely to yo#r families; te tr#st tat yo#r leaders )ill not take ad$anta'e of yo#; te tr#st tat 'o$ernment )ill
al)ays be by yo#r side( es!ecially )en yo# find yo#rsel$es at a disad$anta'e. ,e tr#st tat tose )o ab#se teir !o)er )ill be eld acco#ntable( and te tr#st
tat te instit#tions and !rocesses tat )ere once ab#sed and #sed to steal from te nation>s coffers )ill be reformed. ,e tr#st tat( if yo# do )at is ri't( yo#( in
t#rn( )ill recei$e )at yo# deser$e. ,e restoration of yo#r tr#st in 'o$ernment* tis is te meanin' of reform. 7/!!la#se]
&et me 'i$e yo# an e8am!le* %#stoms( )ic ad been sorely testin' o#r !atience tese !ast years. 3t became clear to #s tat te sol#tion to te !roblem tis
a'ency re!resented )as a reset b#tton. ,#s( )e created a ne) a'ency to look into te !rocesses at %#stoms( )it an eye to)ards makin' tem more efficient. 0e
a!!ointed a ne) commissioner( fi$e ne) de!#ty commissioners( as )ell as BE tr#st)orty indi$id#als to im!lement o#r reforms. 0e ens#red tat em!loyees )ere
recalled to teir ori'inal !ositions4)e !#t a sto! to '#ards )o acted like casiers( or )areo#semen )o acted as e8aminers.
Many a$e made sacrifices j#st so )e can fi8 %#stoms. /mon' tem are officials from oter de!artments and 'o$ernment a'encies( )o )e asked to transfer to
%#stoms beca#se )e )ere certain of teir inte'rity. 0o )o#ld a$e said yes to takin' on tese seemin'ly ins#rmo#ntable callen'es( and )ito#t te '#arantee of
s#ccessH Some !assed on !romotions. Some e8!ressed fears of bein' tar'eted by syndicates( in retaliation for te reforms. B#t( #ltimately( tey eeded o#r call to
ser$e. 3t is only ri't tat 3 take tis o!!ort#nity to !ersonally tank tese officials( #nder te leadersi! of %ommissioner S#nny Se$illa. 7/!!la#se]
0e are !ro$in' tat( )it ri'teo#sness and )it solidarity( )e can clean #! an instit#tion tat as( for te lon'est time( been besmirced by corr#!tion. Recent 'ood
ne)s is testament to tis4from Jan#ary to /!ril of ?E<B( %#stoms> cas collections increased by ?? !ercent( com!ared to te same !eriod last year. ,eir collections
total in te first fo#r monts of te year* <<C billion !esos.
/ll 3 can say to tose )o contin#e )it teir selfis( ille'al !ractices* 3 already kno) tat yo# are im!er$io#s to bot fear and same. 3 )ill lea$e yo# to yo#r
conscience4if yo# feel any remorse for yo#r fello)men )o a$e become addicted to te ille'al dr#'s yo# a$e el!ed to sm#''le in( or for te farmers )o are
bein' de!ri$ed of fair !rofit from doin' onest )ork. /s far as 3 am concerned* /fter )e a$e 'atered eno#' e$idence a'ainst yo#( te Bilibid Prison is yo#r ne8t
destination. 7/!!la#se]
3f )e are talkin' abo#t reforms tat a$e already be'#n to 'i$e rise to s)ee!in' !ro'ress( )e a$e to to#c on recent de$elo!ments in a'rarian reform.
0e kno)4and te la) is $ery clear abo#t tis4tat )e m#st first determine )ic tracts of land can be distrib#ted and )ic cannot. ,e tro#ble is( )e )ere
!ro$ided )it data too ins#fficient to be of any el! in tis re'ard. ,e %adastral S#r$ey4)ic )as s#!!osed to acc#rately delineate te territory( and( t#s( te
land oldin's( of e$ery to)n( city( and !ro$ince of te Pili!!ines4)as la#nced )ay back in <F<@.
/noter !roblem is tat te !re$io#s administration ad distrib#ted land tat )as easy eno#' to distrib#te4like 'o$ernmentIo)ned land( or land already settled
bet)een te farmers and te deedIolders. 0e )ere left )it land tat came )it too many com!lications4tat only s!a)ned endless debates and le'al dis!#tes.
,e com!licated sit#ation in /RMM !ro$ed to be anoter callen'e. ,e land in /RMM is estimated to be at <.A million ectares( b#t te recorded n#mber of
ectares )e fo#nd )en )e came into office )as at ?.F million( tanks to o$erla!!in' claims. /RMM +o$ernor M#ji$ "ataman m#st be )onderin'4as e as
sometimes asked me* "o) does land m#lti!ly like tatH
3 a$e no intention of !assin' on tese !roblems to my s#ccessor( )ic )ill ca#se e$en 'reater com!lications and a standstill in a'rarian reform.
3n ?E<A( after <E? years( te %adastral S#r$ey )ill finally be com!leted. 7/!!la#se]
,is year( )e )ill once a'ain s#bmit to %on'ress a bill e8tendin' te filin' of .otices of %o$era'e( )ic co#ld not be com!leted !recisely beca#se of tese
!roblems tat )e first needed to sol$e. 7/!!la#se]
0e are o!ef#l tat( te moment )e file tat bill( %on'ress )ill !ass it in te soonest !ossible time.
3f )e are to s!eak of tr#st( ten )e cannot for'et abo#t te Ban'samoro. /fter a len'ty !eriod of conflict and derailed ne'otiations( )e )ere able to !#t tr#st back to
te table. Proof of tis* ,is !ast Marc( te %om!reensi$e /'reement on te Ban'samoro )as si'ned. 7/!!la#se]
B#t tis is only te be'innin' of te !at to)ard )ides!read !ro'ress in Mindanao. .obody can deny tat te /RMM as been left beind in terms of de$elo!ment.
0e )ant to 'i$e e6#al o!!ort#nities to all Fili!inos; tis is )y tere is a need for a boostI#!( so tat o#r co#ntrymen in te mar'ins can catc #!. For e8am!le( in te
b#d'et )e are s#bmittin' for ?E<A( A.<C billion !esos of te o$erall b#d'et for DP0" as been allocated for infrastr#ct#re in /RMM. 7/!!la#se]
0e are c#rrently for'in' te !ro!osal for te Ban'samoro Basic &a). 0e ask for te %on'ress> #nderstandin' re'ardin' tis. 3t is im!ortant to scr#tinize eac
!ro$ision )e lay do)n. ,o te best of o#r ability( )e aim to ad$ance a bill tat is fair( j#st( and acce!table to all. 7/!!la#se]
3f )e are able to le'islate te Ban'samoro Basic &a) before te end of te year and cond#ct te necessary !lebiscite( )e )ill be able to 'i$e te Ban'samoro
,ransition /#tority one and a alf years to so) !ositi$e can'e. So#ld tis be delayed( o)e$er( te !eriod for !ro$in' tat it )as ri't to coose te !at of
!eace )ill nat#rally be sortened.
0e a$e acie$ed a lot tro#' tr#st4and )e a$e no intention of breakin' tis tr#st. 5o#r c#rrent 'o$ernment kee!s its )ord. 3 )ill no lon'er list eac of te
!romises )e a$e f#lfilled by treadin' te strai't !at; if 3 do tat( )e mi't be acc#sed of bra''in'. B#t of co#rse( it )o#ld not be ri't for #s to a$oid mentionin'
anytin'( beca#se o#r critics are al)ays )aitin' for an o!!ort#nity to say tat )e a$e done notin'. Join me( ten( in reco#ntin' some of te e8am!les of tese
!romises )e a$e f#lfilled* Jobs and o!!ort#nities tat contin#e to be created for so many Fili!inos. 3n tr#t( from /!ril ?E<@ to /!ril ?E<B( aro#nd <.=A million jobs
)ere created. 7/!!la#se]
,e inerited backlo' in books( cairs( and classrooms* erased; )ile )e are )orkin' to f#lfill te ne) needs bro#'t abo#t by te im!lementation of O to <?. ,e <*<
!oliceItoI!istol ratio as already reaced. ,e modernization of te /rmed Forces( c#rrently on'oin'. / j#st and lastin' !eace in Mindanao( already ad$ancin'.
+ro)t of te economy( !ro'ressin' contin#o#sly. 7/!!la#se]
,r#ly( o#r ambitions are no) bein' f#lfilled one by one* #ni$ersal ealtcare( classrooms( jobs( arbors( roads( air!orts( sec#rity( !eace. 3n addition to te national
inte'rity )e a$e restored is te )orld>s reco'nition of a ne) Pili!!ines. ,e nation>s coffers( )ic come from te s)eat of o#r citizens( are bein' s!ent only for
teir benefit.
&et #s a'ain listen to one of o#r Bosses*
,estimonial of +ina &astrado( relocated member of an informalIsettler family
. am =ina 6astrado, (A "ears old, . used to live at .sla ' Baranga" '%&, in /aricaban, Pasa" Cit", . )as a business)oman bac+ in Pasa", Currentl", . still ma+e a
living selling goodsB it*s a 8ob that demands hard )or+,
7e )ere relocated here because the place )e used to live )as tagged a ?danger !one@<most of the houses )ere right beside a river,
7hen t"phoon 4ndo" [international name, Cetsana2 hit, it )as terrible, -ou )ouldn*t have believed that )e )ould survive,
.f "ou compare our lives bac+ in Pasa" to our lives no)<here, it rains, it storms, but "ou can sleep through a night, There*s no l"ing a)a+e, )orr"ing about the
coming flood<not li+e )here )e used to live, 7hich is )h" . told m" friends, those )ho sta"ed behind, to relocate, too, Here> There*s no fear, there*s no flood,
7hen )e got here, the" gave us groceries, the" gave us the +e" to the house, then the" brought us to our house, 1nd the eighteen thousand pesos the" gave us,
that helped us start a ne) life, This gave us bac+ our dignit", all of us )ho )ere living in the s;uatters* area bac+ in Pasa", 4ur lives are much better here, -ou can
sa" that this is reall" our home no),
.o)* te !roblems )e inerited( )e a$e sol$ed. ,e !roblems tat are ere today( )e are sol$in'. /nd te !roblems tat are still on te orizon( )e are !re!arin'
for. 3 belie$e; )it yo#r contin#ed tr#st( )e can sol$e all of tese.
&et #s t#rn to te ener'y sit#ation. 0e are doin' e$erytin' in o#r !o)er to ens#re tat te 'ro)in' ener'y demand in o#r co#ntry is met. 3n s!ite of tis( tere a$e
been some #nforeseen e$ents( tat may lead to !roblems in te ne8t year. For instance( )e need to make #! for te sorta'es ca#sed by te sced#led
maintenance o#ta'es of old !lants( te s#dden altin' of !lant o!erations d#e to breakdo)ns( and delays in te !ro'ress of ne) !lants.
&et #s not for'et tat te comin' 9l .iMo season also treatens to affect te ca!acities of o#r ydro !o)er !lants( and to raise ener'y demand e$en f#rter. 3f o#r #se
of electric fans and air conditioners in o#r o)n omes )ill increase d#e to te )arm tem!erat#re( ten ima'ine te s!ike in te #sa'e of b#sinesses and )ole
ind#stries. /nd it is not as if )e can j#st 'o to te store and ask to b#y a =EE me'a)att 'enerator( to be installed te follo)in' day.
0e )ant to be com!letely ready so tat )e can a$oid !aralysis if te )orstIcase scenario arises. ,e 'oal* to a$e !lanned sol#tions for !roblems tat )ill not arise
#ntil ne8t year. ,is is !recisely )y 3 a$e tasked Secretary 3cot Petilla of te D-9 to coordinate )it te Joint %on'ressional Po)er %ommission( te 9ner'y
Re'#latory %ommission( members of ind#stry( and( most im!ortantly( te cons#mers( in order to increase o#r ca!acity to res!ond to tis !roblem.
3 am also a)are tat many of o#r Bosses are affected by te sta''erin' increase in rice !rices. 3t seems tat te re!orts are tr#e* tat some 'reedy rice oarders are
stock!ilin' teir s#!!lies in order to sell tem )en !rices e$ent#ally rise( makin' an #nj#st !rofit in te !rocess.
0e )ill not let tis !ass. Pera!s tey tink tey are bein' cle$er( b#t te 'o$ernment>s !lan of action )ill !ro$e te o!!osite. -#r immediate sol#tion* im!ort more
rice( s#!!ly it to te markets( red#ce te !rices and kee! tem at a reasonable le$el( and #ltimately dri$e tose )o took ad$anta'e of te Fili!ino !eo!le into
financial r#in. 7/!!la#se]
&ast .o$ember( )e im!orted AEE(EEE metric tons of rice to s#!!lement decreased s#!!ly d#e to te ty!oons tat battered o#r co#ntry( and all of tis ad arri$ed by
Marc of tis year. ,is Febr#ary( te .F/ %o#ncil a!!ro$ed te im!ortation of an additional DEE(EEE metric tons( in f#lfillment of o#r b#ffer stockin' re6#irement( and
as of tis J#ly( @=E(CAE of tis amo#nt ad arri$ed. ,is J#ly as )ell( )e a!!ro$ed te immediate im!ortation of AEE(EEE metric tons of rice tro#' o!en biddin'. ,e
.F/ also as te standby a#tority to im!ort an additional AEE(EEE metric tons to !re!are for te effects of calamities on ar$ests and rice !rices.
0en te additional rice )e a$e im!orted arri$es in te co#ntry( oarders )ill be forced to sell te rice tat tey a$e stock!iled in teir )areo#ses. ,o tese
oarders* 3f a so)do)n is )at yo# )ant( by all means( take on te 'o$ernment. J#st remember* it only takes si8 monts before te stock yo# a$e oarded in yo#r
)areo#ses be'ins to rot. 0en )e flood te market )it tis im!orted rice( yo# )ill s#rely 'o b#st. 5o# are actin' a'ainst te Fili!ino !eo!le( )ile )e are actin' for
te interest of eac Fili!ino. &et #s see )o )ill !re$ail. 7/!!la#se]
/!art from in$esti'atin' tose )o a$e alle'edly oarded .F/ rice( )e are also !robin' all tose in concerned a'encies )o may a$e cons!ired )it tese
oarders. 9m!loyees s#s!ected of )ron'doin' are already #nder scr#tiny( so tat )e may file car'es( and e$ent#ally( im!rison tose )o m#st be eld to acco#nt.
0ile )e are in !#rs#it of tose ab#si$e fe)( )e a$e also contin#ed to im!lement !rojects to #!lift Fili!inos in te sector of a'ric#lt#re. 0e are ens#rin' tat rice
farmin' remains a $iable and attracti$e li$eliood. /fter all( )e kno) tat o#r farmers are ad$ancin' in a'e( )ic is )y it )ill el! o#r !#rs#it of food sec#rity to
enco#ra'e te yo#t to enter tis kind of )ork.
0e are !ro$idin' o#r farmers )it modern e6#i!ment to ens#re te efficiency of !lantin' and ar$est. From ?E<< to May ?E<B( )e a$e already t#rned o$er B(=?D
#nits of !rod#ction macinery( <<(@=? #nits of !ostI!rod#ction macinery( and <EA rice mills to a n#mber of farmers> associations. ,is as allo)ed #s to lessen
)aste in )at o#r farmers are able to ar$est. -n to! of tis* )e are also enancin' irri'ation systems( constr#ctin' farmItoImarket roads( and im!lementin' trainin'
!ro'rams to ens#re tat tey make te ma8im#m !rofit.
.o)( let #s t#rn to te b#d'et. ,e 98ec#ti$e Branc !ro!oses !rojects( )ic are a!!ro$ed by %on'ress. "o)e$er( )e a$e ad to s#s!end a n#mber of !rojects to
make certain tat )e remain in accordance )it te S#!reme %o#rt>s decision on te Disb#rsement /cceleration Pro'ram( or D/P. 3 kno) tat tose of yo# in tis
all are one )it me in belie$in' tat )e m#st not de!ri$e o#r co#ntrymen of benefits( and tat tese so#ld reac tem in te soonest !ossible time.
,is is )y* 0e are !ro!osin' te !assa'e of a s#!!lemental b#d'et for ?E<B( so tat te im!lementation of o#r !ro'rams and !rojects need not be com!romised.
,o'eter )it tis( )e are callin' on te coo!eration of %on'ress for te !assa'e of a Joint Resol#tion tat )ill brin' clarity to te definitions and ideas still bein'
debated #!on( and to te oter iss#es tat only yo# in te le'islat#re4as te a#tors of o#r la)s4can sed li't on. 7/!!la#se]
-n te first )orkin' day after te S-./( )e )ill s#bmit to %on'ress te !ro!osed ?.=E= trillion !eso .ational B#d'et of ?E<A. /s al)ays( tis b#d'et )as created
to'eter )it o#r co#ntrymen( #sin' strate'ies tat )ill ens#re tat f#nds are only allocated to !rojects and !ro'rams tat )ill tr#ly benefit te !#blic. 0e are co#ntin'
on te coo!eration of o#r la)makers to stren'ten o#r B#d'et( as te !rimary instr#ment in creatin' o!!ort#nities for te Fili!ino !eo!le.
&et #s no) listen to one of te beneficiaries of o#r /lternati$e &earnin' System( / !ro'ram of te De!artment of 9d#cation.
Testimonial of Maria Cecilla FrueldaAeta tribal leader, Alternative Learning System learner, and college student
. am /aria Cecilla Druelda, . heard from m" friends )ho also came from Eambales, and )ho are no) living here in Rosario, that there are good 8obs to be found in
Puting Caho", That*s )h" )e moved here,
4ur first priorit" as tribespeople has al)a"s been to loo+ for food, rather than to invest time in our education, But education is ver" important to me, Passing the
1lternative 6earning S"stem 316S5 )as the first step in reali!ing m" dream of becoming a teacher,
. thin+ that "oung 1etas in m" communit" )ould have much better lives if onl" the" could stud",
.f . hadn*t gotten into 16S, . )ouldn*t have learned about our rights as indigenous peoples, 7e )ouldn*t be able to fight for our ancestral land, Right no), than+ =od,
the 9ational Commission on .ndigenous Peoples is processing land titles to be a)arded to us,
4nce . graduate )ith a degree in Education, . )ant to teach in our communit", . )ant to share )ith the 1eta communit" ever"thing .*ve learned and more,
The 16S has been such a great help, /" being a student of Teodoro /, 6uansing College of Rosario has helped bring more attention to our communit", 1 lot of
people have offered to help, . see our communit"*s children follo)ing in m" footsteps, 1 lot of them are in school no),
Fello) citizens( 3t is er story4and te stories of many oter beneficiaries like er4tat is dro)ned o#t by te din of te orcestra of ne'ati$ism in te ne)s. ,ese
noisy indi$id#als )illf#lly close off teir minds and coose to li$e in teir o)n )orld and reality. /s te transformation of society becomes e$en more a!!arent( tese
!eo!le are actin' j#st o) )e e8!ect tem to* teir attacks on #s are becomin' more fre6#ent( more $enomo#s( and more intense. /s te benefits of reform become
clearer( it becomes more and more diffic#lt for tem to s#cceed in foolin' te !eo!le( )ic is )y tey are so)in' do#bt and #ncertainty. ,ey a$e become
0y are tey so an'ryH &et #s e8amine teir moti$ations. For tose )o t#rned !#blic ser$ice into a b#siness* if )e are able to fi8 o#r systems( tey lose te
o!!ort#nity to s#b$ert tese systems for teir o)n 'ain. 3t is only nat#ral tat tey o!!ose #s. -n te oter and( for tose )o a$e no oter 'oal tan to o$ertro)
'o$ernment* ,ey can only recr#it members )en a'reat n#mber of !eo!le are s#fferin' and losin' fait in te system. ,is is )y( )it a reformed system tat as
ended te !eo!le>s s#fferin'( te n#mber of !otential recr#its as d)indled( )ic e8!lains )y teir 'ro#! is 'ettin' smaller and smaller. 3t is only nat#ral tat tey
o!!ose #s. ,e noisiest and lo#dest of tose )o o!!ose #s are not in fa$or of te transformation of o#r co#ntry( !recisely beca#se tey mani!#lated and benefited
from te old and broken systems.
3t )as as if )e )ere citizens )o ad been lon' tra!!ed in an island )it only one store. Since tere )ere no oter coices( te store o)ners ab#sed teir
ad$anta'e( raisin' !rices )ene$er tey )anted. ,e task yo# 'a$e me )as to steer o#r si! of state to anoter island( )ere tere )ere more stores( more coices(
better li$es( and more o!!ort#nities. -f co#rse( tose r#nnin' te solitary store in te island did not )ant #s to set sail( beca#se tey )ill r#n o#t of !eo!le to ab#se.
,ey )o#ld do e$erytin' in teir !o)er to !re$ent #s from reacin' oter sores. ,ey )o#ld say tat it is no different tere( and tat notin' )o#ld can'e. ,ey
)o#ld detain #s at te !ort( !#nc oles in o#r si!( and cons!ire to steer #s astray.
,e tr#t is tat 3 am not te one tese !eo!le o!!ose( b#t te entire Fili!ino !eo!le )o are no) rea!in' te benefits of te strai't !at. ,ey o!!ose te farmers
in 3loilo( )o a$e o!ed for efficient irri'ation systems for more tan fifty years( and today are )itnessin' te constr#ction of te Jala#r M#ltiI!#r!ose Ri$er Project.
,ey o!!ose te co#ntless st#dents )o no lon'er a$e to st#dy in o$ercro)ded classrooms. ,ey o!!ose te Fili!inos )o a$e fo#nd jobs beca#se of trainin'
recei$ed from ,9SD/; te Fili!inos )o a$e been safely e$ac#ated before ty!oons strike beca#se P/+/S/ is no) more efficient; tey o!!ose te informal
settlers )o a$e been remo$ed from dan'er beca#se of o#sin' resettlement !ro'rams; tey o!!ose te !oor )o can recei$e treatment from !#blic os!itals free
of car'e; tey o!!ose te soldiers )o( beca#se teir e6#i!ment as been modernized( can no) !rotect o#r nation )it 'reater confidence; tey o!!ose te Moros
and indi'eno#s !eo!les )o( today( see a j#st and lastin' !eace on te orizon. My Bosses( tey are a'ainst yo#. 7/!!la#se]
3n fact( teir attacks be'an e$en before )e came into office. 0e a$e 'ro)n #sed to bein' 'reeted by ne'ati$e commentators for breakfast( !ersonal attacks for
l#nc( ins#lts for dinner( and intri'#e for a midni't snack. 7&a#'ter]
/nd e$en no) tat 3 am President( tose o!!osed to can'e a$e not can'ed teir )ays. ,o be frank( 3 do not tink tat tey )ill sto! e$en )en 3 a$e ste!!ed
do)n from !#blic office.
3 recall an old )oman )o 3 s!oke to d#rin' te cam!ai'n. Se told me* 1.oy( yo# m#st take care of yo#rself. 5o# )ill be #! a'ainst many !eo!le.2 "er )arnin'
!ro$ed to be tr#e. B#t my resol$e is #nsakeable )en it comes to facin' tem do)n( beca#se 3 kno)* tey are b#t a fe)( and tere are so many of #s. 7/!!la#se]
,ose of #s )o are ready to f#lfill o#r !art in acie$in' !ositi$e transformation are( )ito#t do#bt( stron'er. 0e )ill tri#m! beca#se )e are in te ri't.
0e dared to dream( )e be'an !#rs#in' tose dreams( )e )orked ard( )e 'ained te moment#m( and today( te Fili!ino !eo!le are mo$in' e$en faster alon' te
strai't !at to lastin' and incl#si$e 'ro)t. 7/!!la#se]
-#r fati'#e and sacrifices )ill be all te more )ort)ile if yo# are able to contin#e )at )e started to'eter.
3t is yo# )o )ill face a fork in te road; it is yo# )o )ill decide if can'e )ill contin#e. &et #s remember* ,is my fift S-./; only one remains. 3n ?E<=( yo# )ill be
coosin' ne) leaders of o#r co#ntry. 0at 3 can tell yo# is tis* if yo# )is contin#e and e$en accelerate te transformation of society( tere can only be one basis
for coosin' my s#ccessor* 0o )ill( )ito#t a sred of do#bt( contin#e te transformation )e are acie$in'H 7/!!la#se]
5o# are o#r bosses( yo# are o#r stren't( yo# are brin'in' abo#t can'e Qand so it is yo#( too( )o )ill contin#e te task. 3t is entirely #! to yo# o) istory )ill
remember tis era. ,ey may recall it as te $ery !eak of o#r tri#m!s( as a !romisin' start tat )ent to )aste. B#t it )o#ld be infinitely better if tey remember o#r
acie$ements as te be'innin' of a lon' jo#rney to)ards te f#lfillment of e$en more ambitio#s o!es.
0en some 'ro#!s a!!ealed to me to r#n for President( tey told me tat tey did not e8!ect to sol$e all te co#ntry>s !roblems in a s!an of si8 years. ,ey sim!ly
asked me to be'in te can'e. 5o# sa) )ere )e came from( and yo# are seein' o) )e a$e far s#r!assed te as!irations )it )ic )e be'an.
0e are for'in' a system of fairness; )ere( as lon' as yo# follo) te r#les( yo# can 'et to )ere yo# )ant to 'o; )ere tr#e com!etition leads to o!!ort#nity and
)ides!read !ro'ress; )ere eac and e$ery !erson can take control of teir o)n destinies. 7/!!la#se]
/ society )ere te least fort#nate are cared for is )itin reac; )ere eac !erson reco'nizes is res!onsibilities to is fello)men; )ere tere is an #nceasin'(
#ntirin'( e$erIacti$e !artici!ation in collecti$ely increasin' te !ros!erity of society.
,e f#t#re )e desire is on te orizon* one )ere j#stice rei'ns s#!reme( and )ere no one )ill be left beind.
,ese are te res#lts of reform. ,is is )at )e a$e fo#'t for( and tis is )at )e )ill contin#e fi'tin' for* not te !re$alence of te old )ays( b#t a ne) system
tat )ill benefit all. 7/!!la#se]
,o my Bosses* 5o# 'a$e me an o!!ort#nity to lead o#r efforts to transform society. 3f 3 ad said 1no2 )en yo# asked me to take on tis callen'e( ten 3 co#ld j#st as
)ell a$e said tat 3 )o#ld el! !rolon' yo#r s#fferin'. 3 cannot do tat in 'ood conscience. 3f 3 ad t#rned my back on te o!!ort#nity( ten 3 mi't as )ell a$e
t#rned my back on my fater and moter( and all te sacrifices tey made for all of #s; tat )ill not a!!en. -n o#r jo#rney alon' te strai't !at( yo# a$e al)ays
cosen )at is ri't and j#st; yo# a$e been tr#e to yo#r !romise( and 3 a$e been tr#e to all of yo#. 7/!!la#se]
,e transformation )e are e8!eriencin' no)( )e can make !ermanent )it te '#idance of +od. /s lon' as yo#r fait remains stron'4as lon' as )e contin#e
ser$in' as eac oter>s stren't4)e )ill contin#e !ro$in' tat 1te Fili!ino is )ort dyin' for(2 1te Fili!ino is )ort li$in' for(2 and if 3 mi't add* 1,e Fili!ino is )ort
fi'tin' for.2
,e Vice President kno)s tis4)e )ere to'eter in <FDC. ,ere )as a co#! de etat( and 3 )as amb#sed. 9$erytin' after tat 3 consider my second life.
3t>s ard not to tink abo#t tese tin's( considerin' te !eo!le )e>$e been 'oin' #! a'ainst. 0ill tere be a day )en 3 'o onsta'e( for )ork( and4)ill someone
mana'e to !lant a bombH 0ill te dark scemes of tose )o )ant to brin' #s back to te )ron' )ay of doin' tin's finally s#cceedH
0en tat day comes( and my second life comes to an end( )ill 3 be able to say tin's )ill be okH 3 )ill tell yo# tis( strai't in eye* after e$erytin' )e>$e acie$ed( 3
can say tat 3 am content.
3 am content beca#se 3 am s#re tat )en 3>m 'one( many )ill take my !lace and contin#e )at )e a$e started.
Maybe tis is )at 3>m meant to do* to start tis.
,ere are !eo!le like %ardinal %ito ,a'le( Oa 9d#ardo Manalo( Broter 9ddie Villan#e$a( Fater %atalino /re$alo( and Fater Jett Villarin( Biso! Jonel Milan(
Sister /'nes +#illen( and Mae Sal$atierra. ,ese are indi$id#als from te reli'io#s sector( )o )ill contin#e )at )e>$e started. 7/!!la#se]
,ere is /ris /li! of %/RD( )o )ill do is !art tro#' microfinance. ,ere is an /lice M#r!y and er #rban !oor associates )o )ill tr#ly contin#e to take care of
o#r informal settlers. 7/!!la#se]
,ere are o#r soldiers and !olice officers( )o try e$ery day to do )at is ri't4j#st like o#r ne) %ief of Staff( o#r Ser$ice %ommanders( o#r soldiers in te &i't
Reaction Battalion( and te JS-+.
,ere are( of co#rse( my fello) !oliticians. 3s tere any do#bt tat Senate President Franklin Drilon and S!eaker Belmonte )ill lead #s alon' te ri't !atH
3t as also been my !ri$ile'e to )ork )it and interact )it a certain 'o$ernor( /lfredo Maranon of .e'ros -ccidental* 7/!!la#se]
"e is not a !arty mate( b#t 3 tink 3 am !art of is fan cl#b beca#se of is 'ood 'o$ernance in .e'ros.
,ere are #! and comin' yo#n' !oliticians. -r at least tey>re yo#n'er tan 3 am43 don>t )ant to seem too m#c like an old !olitico by referrin' to my collea'#es as
,ese are te likes of Mayor Jed Mabilo' and Mayor &en /lonte 7/!!la#se].
,ere is also tose in te c#lt#ral sector4s#c as .oel %aban'on and -'ie /lcasidI4)o are not selfIcentered. 7/!!la#se]
9$ery ni't( before 3 'o to bed( 3 am tankf#l tat 3 )as able to 'et tro#' anoter day. J#st as it )as said )en )e )ere kids( 1finised or not finised( !ass yo#r
!a!er.2 3t seems to me( yo# a$e felt te tr#e e8tent of te can'e tat is e$ery Fili!ino>s ri't to as!ire to. 3t )ill be #! to yo# to carry tis for)ard. 7/!!la#se]
,o my Bosses* 5o# are beind te transformation )e are enjoyin'. 5o# are te key to contin#in' all te !ositi$e can'es )e a$e acie$ed. 3 f#lly belie$e tat(
)eter 3 am ere or not( te Fili!ino is eaded to)ards te ri'tf#l destination.
/nd so( 3 )ill lea$e it ere. +ood afternoon to all of yo#. ,ank yo# $ery m#c. 7/!!la#se]
Benigno S. Aquino III, fifth State of the Nation Address, July 28, 20!
State of the Nation Address
"is E#$ellen$y Benigno S. Aquino III
%resident of the %hili&&ines
'o the (ongress of the %hili&&ines
70elivered at the Session Hall of the House of Representatives, Batasang Pambansa Complex, ue!on Cit", on #ul" $%, $&'(]
Bise Presidente Jejomar Binay; datin' Pan'#lon' Fidel Valdez Ramos; Senate President Franklin M. Drilon at m'a miyembro n' Senado; S!eaker Feliciano
Belmonte Jr. at m'a miyembro n' Oamara de Re!resentante; %ief J#stice Maria &o#rdes Sereno at an' atin' m'a maistrado n' Oorte S#!rema; m'a ka'alan'I
'alan' na ka'a)ad n' kali!#nan' di!lomatiko; m'a miyembro n' +abinete; m'a o!isyal n' lokal na !amaalaan; m'a kasa!i n' militar( !#lis( at iba !an' ka)ani
m#la sa atin' #ni!ormadon' anay; m'a ka!)a ko na'seserbisyo sa ta#mbayan; at sa akin' m'a Boss( an' m'a minamaal kon' kababayan*
Ma'andan' a!on !o sa inyon' laat.
3to !o an' akin' ikaliman' S-./( isa na laman' an' natitira. May kasabian !o tayo* /n' indi l#min'on sa !inan''alin'an( indi makararatin' sa !aroroonan.
Oaya mara!at lan' !o si'#ro tayon' ma'balikItana)*
.oon( sa sit)asyon natin* Para ban' kaiban'an an' man'ara!. May b#r#krasyan' )alan' saysay( !aton'I!aton' an' ton'!ats( at b#m#b#kol an' kor#!syon sa
sistema. .at#rin'an tayon' 1Sick Man of /sia.2 /n' ekonomiya natin( matamlay; an' ind#striya( mani!is. 0alan' k#m!iyansan' mam##nan sa atin !on' bansa.
/n' res#lta* kakaram!ot an' trabaon' nalilika. Dinatnan natin' ti'an' sa !a'Iasa an' mamamayan' Pili!ino. Marami sa atin an' s#m#ko at na!ilitan'
maki!a'sa!alaran sa iban' bansa. .akay#ko na laman' natin' tinan''a!* ,ala'an' )ala tayon' maaasaan sa atin' !amaalaan at li!#nan.
.al#'mok n'a !o an' Pili!inas dail sa labis na !am#m#litika. .a'lao an' !ananali' natin sa isa>t isa( #mina an' k#m!iyansa sa atin n' m#ndo( at an'
!inakamasakit* .a)alan tayo n' ti)ala sa atin' m'a sarili.
Sa !#nton' ito natin sinim#lan an' !a'taak sa t#)id na daan.
Bilan' ama n' bayan( nakaatan' sa akin' balikat( indi lan' an' m'a s#liranin' atin' dinatnan at m'a l#milita) sa kasal#k#yan4obli'asyon ko rin' !a'andaan
an' kinab#kasan. Sa ba)at sandali( kailan'an kon' isaalan'Ialan' an' interes at !#ntoIdeIbista n' laat. 3si!in na lan' !o ninyo* Para kan' nanonood n' ?EE
cannel sa telebisyon nan' sabayIsabay. Oailan'an( alam mo( indi lan' an' kasal#k#yan' na'a'ana!( k#ndi an' !inan''alin'an at !aroroonan n' nilalaman n'
ba)at cannel. Ba)al malito( at kailan'an( may t#'on ka sa an#man' tanon'( s#estiyon( at kritisismo4at da!at sa'#tin mo ito( ba'o !a iara! sa iyo."indi !o
madali an' trabaon' ito( at tao lan' !o ako( na k#n' minsan( na'kakaroon din n' a'amIa'am.
.'#nit b#o an' akin' loob dail malina) an' akin' !an'#nain' lay#nin* /n' ibalik an' 'obyerno sa da!at niton' t#on4an' !a'lin'k#ran an' ta#mbayan sa laat
n' !anaon. 7Palak!akan]
RDi !o ba>t may kasabian tayo* Bi'yan mo n' isda an' tao( at ma!a!akain mo siya n' isan' ara). ,#r#an mo siyan' man'isda( at abamb#ay niyan' ma!a!akain
an' sarili niya. "alimba)a nito ay an' ,9SD/. Sa ,rainin'IforI0ork Scolarsi! Pro'ram( na'Iamba' an' D/P n' <.= billion !esos. .aka!a'!ata!os !o ito n'
??@(=<A bene!isyaryo. == !ercent !o nito4o kat#mbas n' <B=(C@< 'rad#ates4an' na'tatrabao na n'ayon. 3yon naman !on' @B !ercent na natitira( tin#t#l#n'an
na rin n' ,9SD/ na makaana! n' trabao. ,in'nan !o ninyo* &aat !o n' m'a ,9SD/ scolar( nakalista an' !an'alan at iba !an' datos( na !#)ede ninyon'
k#m!irmain. 7Palak!akan]
O#n' aatiin natin sa bilan' n' 'rad#ates an' nai!a'kaloob na !ondo( !#ma!atak n' C(<AA !esos an' nai!##nan n' !amaalaan !ara sa trainin' n' ba)at
scolar. Sa BP- sector( mababa na an' kitan' <D(EEE !iso kada b#)an. Oada taon( kikita siya n' ?@B(EEE !esos. 3bi'ay man an' ma8im#m ta8 ded#ction( an'
ma'i'in' income ta8 niya kada taon* C(FEE !esos. 3bi'Isabiin( an' !in##nan n' estadon' C(<AA !esos( sa #nan' taon !a lan'( naba)i na( may sobra !a. 3to( at
an' laat n' ib#b#)is n' atin' scolar an''an' ma'retiro siya( ay ma'bibi'ay naman sa kanyan' kababayan n' !areon' !a'kakataon. 3to !o an' mab#tin'
!amamaala 7Palak!akan]* May tama !on' intensyon( !amamaraan( at res#lta. &aat !analo.
Pakin''an !o natin an' k#)ento n' dala)an' ,9SD/ 'rad#ate*
)RPa' naabot mo na Ryon' !an'ara! mo4s#ccess( indi naman stable Ryon e. 5o# need to )ork ard for it.
1/ko !o si Marc Jose! 9scora. /ko !o ay isan' i' scool 'rad#ate. /nd tro#' ,9SD/>s el!( 3 a$e my career in te BP- 7b#siness !rocess o#tso#rcin']
ind#stry ri't no).
13 stayed in &ibertad !#blic market for se$en years. .a'baIbarker !o ako. "indi kaya n' !amilya ko na !a'Iaralin kami nan' sabay( so 3 need to find anoter )ay
!ara maka!a'ta!os ako.
1Most im!ortant tin' na nat#t#nan ko is Ry#n' confidence to interact )it oter !eo!le. RPa' nakita ka n' tao na may ka!ansanan ka( indi na nila niIlook for)ard
Ry#n' ability mo ba. Oailan'an lan' natin n' ti)ala sa sarili.
13f ,9SD/ is not tere to el! o#t( si'#ro )ala rin ako n'ayon k#n' nasaan man ako n'ayon. R5#n' )ay of li$in' namin( masasabi kon' mas okay siya com!ared
noon' dati.2
I Marc Jose! 9scora( ,9SD/ beneficiary
1Dail sa ,9SD/( na!abilis Ry#n' !a'Iaaral ko( !a'aana! ko n' trabao( at an' !a't#lon' ko sa !amilya ko.
1/ko !o si Jonnalyn .a$arossa( ,ecnical ,rainer n' ,oyota Motor Pili!!ines. /ko !o Ry#n' na'in' o$erall to!notcer n' batc < sa a#tomoti$e ser$icin' sa ,9SD/
Re'ion BI/. .a!ili ko !o Ry#n' a#tomoti$e ser$icin' kasi !o !an'ara! kon' ma'in' isan' mecanical en'ineer. So !ara maka!a'trabao>t ma'ka!a'Ii!on( na'I
,9SD/ !o ako.
1.akasanayan na !o natin na an' a#to mecanic ay trabaon' !anlalaki lan'. Pero na!at#nayan ko na basta masi!a' at determinado( ma'kakaroon tayo n'
dekalidad na !rod#kto. Dail sa ,9SD/( t#matak !o sa akin an' kaala'aan n' dekalidad at ma#say na !a'tatrabao. Mas t#maas Ry#n' ti)ala ko sa akin' sarili(
at mas masara! nan' man'ara! nan' malaki.2
I Jonnalyn .a$arossa( ,9SD/ beneficiary
.asim#lan na rin !o natin an' 98!anded %onditional %as ,ransfer Pro'ram niton' "#nyo ?E<B( na may !ondon' <?.@ billion !esos. .'ayon( s#!ortado na rin n'
estado an''an' #mabot n' <D taon' '#lan' an' bene!isyaryo. May ma'tatanon'( 1BakitH2 Batay !o kasi sa !a'Iaaral n' Pili!!ine 3nstit#te for De$elo!ment
St#dies( BE !ercent an' da'da' na sinasaod n' i' scool 'rad#ate( k#m!ara sa 'rade scool lan' an' nata!os.
.am#m##nan !o tayo sa !inakamaala'an' yaman n' bansa* an' ta#mbayan. Pina!at#nayan ito n' datos n' .9D/. /yon sa kanila( an' ?C.F !ercent na !o$erty
incidence natin sa #nan' semester n' ?E<?( b#maba !at#n'on' ?B.F !ercent sa ka!areon' !anaon noon' ?E<@. /n' tree !ercenta'e !oints !on' ito ay
kat#mbas n' alos ?.A milyon na Pili!inon' nakaal!as na sa !o$erty line. 7Palak!akan] ,otoo naman' da!at !a't##nan n' mas#sin' !ansin an' !inakamaiira! sa
li!#nan. Pero indi tayo titi'il diyan* .'ayon' nada'da'an an' kakayaan natin( sinisika! natin' indi na man#mbalik sa ilalim n' !o$erty line an' laat n'
nakaal!as na. 7Palak!akan]
D#matin' !o tayo sa li!#nan' !aran' isan' siran' baay na indi natin malisan. /n' malala !a dito( alos )ala tayon' ka'amitan at materyales !ara ay#sin an'
sira. .iton' m'a nakaraan' taon( sa !akikiamba' n' ba)at ma!a'ka!)an' Pili!ino( nab#b#o na natin an' m'a ka'amitan at materyales na ito4t#lad !o n' b#d'et
na tan'in' nakat#on sa !an'an'ailan'an n' mamamayan( at a!at na s#n#dIs#nod na taon na natin' nai!a!asa sa taman' oras. Oasama nito an' m'a batas na
na'!a!abilis n' !a'datin' n' !akinaban' sa atin !on' m'a Boss.
Dito !o4sa isan' !atas na sistema4na'sim#la an' !an#n#mbalik n' si'la n' atin' ekonomiya. .akati!id tayo dail sa maayos na !an'an'asi)a n' !ondo.
.a!a!ala)ak natin an' sakla) n' m'a serbisyo nan' indi na'tataas n' b#)is( maliban sa Sin ,a8 Reform na lay#nin' ibsan an' bisyo sa li!#nan. 7Palak!akan]
.a'trabao tayo !ara ma'karoon n' kakayaan' t#st#san an' m'a !royekton' i!inat#!ad( i!inat#t#!ad( at i!at#t#!ad !a natin. Pinai'tin' natin an' !an'on'olekta
n' b#)is* m#la sa koleksyon' <.EFB trillion !esos noon' ?E<E( naitaas na natin ito sa <.A@= trillion noon' ?E<@. 7Palak!akan] 3nayos natin an' !amamaala n' atin'
m'a #tan'. /n' res#lta* B#maba an' atin' debt to +DP ratio; an' !eran' datin' da!at ibabayad sa interes( na!#!#nta na sa social ser$ices. Pati an' m'a
obli'asyon' karamian ay minana lan'( nat#'#nan din natin. "alimba)a !o nito* <FF@ !a !o o !anaon !a ni Pan'#lon' Ramos nan' itinakda an' obli'asyon' iI
reca!italize an' Ban'ko Sentral n' Pili!inas sa ala'an' AE bilyon' !iso !ara ma'a)a niya an' kanyan' t#n'k#lin. /n' na!ondoan ni Presidente Ramos( <E
bilyon' !iso( at indi na nada'da'an !a'kata!os noon. BE bilyon an' kak#lan'an' ini)an sa atin; nabayaran na !o natin ito. 7Palak!akan]
Pina'ira!an natin an' !ondon' mayrooon tayo n'ayon( kaya>t indi !o natin maaatim na )aldasin lan' ito. O#n' !i!ili n'a n' taman' !in#no an' atin' m'a Boss(
malala'!asan !a n' s#s#nod an' atin' m'a na'a)a( dail malaki na an' naiba)as natin sa !roblema( at mas matayo' na an' kanilan' !a'm#m#lan.
Bakit !o mas matayo'H .iton' ?E<@( sa #nan' !a'kakataon( na'kamit tayo n' in$estment 'rade stat#s m#la sa Moody>s( sa Fitc( at Standard and Poor>s4an'
tatlon' !inakatanya' na credit ratin's a'ency sa m#ndo. Sa !a's#s#ri nila n' atin' macroenomic f#ndamentals at 'o$ernance( naba)asan an' riskon' itinatala(
kaya t#min'kad an' k#m!iyansa n' m'a nam#m##nan. "indi !a n'a !o nak#ntento an' Standard and Poor>s* .iton' Mayo lan'( !aniba'on' #!'rade na naman
an' ibini'ay nila sa atin. /n' atid !o nito* Dail n'a in$estment 'rade na tayo( mas m#ran' maiiram n' 'obyerno an' !ondo !ara sa m'a !ro'rama at !royekto(
mas maramin' naaakit na mam#m##nan sa atin' bansa( at mas mabilis na natatamasa n' Pili!ino an' bene!isyo. 7Palak!akan]
O#n' s#s#main naman !o an' laat n' !##nan' !#masok sa Pili!!ine 9conomic Jone /#tority sim#la nan' itata' ito noon' <FFA( makikitan' B? !orsyento an'
!#masok sa a!at na taon n' atin' !an#n#n'k#lan. /n' natitiran' AD !ercent( inabot n' <A taon an' iban' m'a administrasyon !ara b#n#in. O#m!iyansa !o tayo*
ba'o tayo b#maba sa !#)esto( !a!antayan o ii'itan !a natin an' ala'an' ito. Oay Director +eneral &ilia de &ima* Salamat sa na'a)a mo na( at 'a'a)in !a( sa
!a'kamit n' ta'#m!ay na ito. 7Palak!akan]
,ala'an' !aItakeIoff na an' atin' ekonomiya at bansa( at inaabot na natin an' mas matatayo' !an' mitiin. Minana natin an' tila 'ro#nded na a$iation ind#stry*
na!ata)an tayo n' si'nificant safety concerns n' 3nternational %i$il /$iation -r'anization( o 3%/-( nabi'yan n' do)n'rade n' Knited States Federal /$iation
/dministration( at nila'yan n' restriction n' 9#ro!ean Knion an' atin' m'a local carriers.
.iton' ?E<@( inalis na n'a !o n' 3%/- an' si'nificant safety concerns sa Pili!inas. Sa !areon' taon( sin#ndan ito n' !a'!aya' n' 9#ro!ean Knion na m#lin'
l#mi!ad an' Pili!!ine /irlines !at#n'on' 9#ro!a( kaya direkta nan' makakabiyae an' Pili!ino 7Palak!akan] m#la Maynila !o an''an' &ondon. Malaman' n'a
!o( !as#nod na an' %eb# Pacific dail nabi'yan na rin sila n' !aint#lot n' 9K n'ayon' ?E<B. .'ayon' taon din( inI#!'rade n' Knited States Federal /$iation
/dministration an' Pili!inas balik sa %ate'ory <. Dail dito( maaari nan' d#ma'da' an' m'a r#ta !a!#nta sa 9stados Knidos. Sa laran'an n' t#rismo at
!an'an'alakal( malaki an' itin#lon' n' !a'dami n' fli'ts n' atin' airlines t#n'o sa m'a bansa kasa!i n' 9K at 9stados Knidos .
D#maratin' sa atin an' m'a #lat na sa dami n' '#ston' b#misitan' ne'osyante at t#rista sa atin' bansa( d#maratin' an' m'a !anaon' k#lan' na an' m'a biyae
!a!#nta rito. Ma'andan' balita n'a !o an' m'a #!'rade* Dadami an' biyae( kaya>t mat#t#'#nan an' s#liranin' ito. /t sa !at#loy na !a't#t#l#n'an n' %//P at n'
atin' m'a local carrier( !iadon' mas marami !a tayon' maaakit na t#rista at ne'osyante sa m'a s#s#nod na taon. Panalo an' m'a #maasa sa sektor n' t#rismo(
!analo an' sambayanan' Pili!ino. Mab#tin' !amamaala !o an' #'at n' m'a ta'#m!ay na ito. .a'!a!asalamat n'a tayo kina Director +eneral 0illiam "otckiss(
sa %//P( at sa atin' m'a local carriers !ara sa inyon' !a's#s#mika!. 7Palak!akan]
,ala'an' nasa sentro n' !andai'di'an' entablado an' Pili!inas. .ito lan' !on' nakaraan' Mayo( na'!akitan'I'ilas tayo sa ta'#m!ay n' !a'daraos n' 0orld
9conomic For#m on 9ast /sia sa atin' bansa. 3aaya' natin sa 'a'ana!in' /P9% S#mmit dito sa s#s#nod na taon an' ka#nlaran' nakakamit natin at an'
!a'kakataon' atid nito !ara sa laat. 0ala !on' d#da* More o!en for b#siness na n'a !o an' Pili!inas. 7Palak!akan]
B#kod !o sa maali)alas na !a'nene'osyo( isin#s#lon' din natin an' maayos na relasyon n' atin' m'a man''a'a)a at m'a kom!anya.
3si!in !o ninyo* M#la ?E<E( nananatilin' mababa sa sam!# an' bilan' n' m'a strike kada taon ayon sa .ational %onciliation and Mediation Board. 3sa !o iton'
!ositibon' b#n'a n' itinata'#yod natin' Sin'le 9ntry /!!roac( o S9n/( n' D-&9( k#n' saan d#madaan sa @EIday conciliationImediation an' m'a nakaain' labor
cases. /n' ma'anda n'a !o* sa <<A notices of strike and locko#t noon' ?E<@( isa lan' an' nat#loy na )el'a. 3to an' !inakamababa sa kasaysayan n' D-&9.
Maramin' salamat !o kay Secretary &inda Baldoz( sa !amilya n' D-&9 7!alak!akan] at siyem!re !o sa labor at mana'ement sectors. Minsan !o ay na'kabir#an
kami ni Secretary Baldoz( noon' ?E<? o yata>y may dala)an' strike( noon' ?E<@( isa na lan'( so nan'an'alaati nan' nan'an'alaati. Sabi ko* &inda( sa ?E<B(
indi ta'#m!ay Ry#n' may kalaatin' strike. Baka !#)ede( )ala nan' strikeH 7,a)anan at !alak!akan]
Batid rin natin* Para ma'!at#loy an' !a'Ian'at n' ekonomiya at !a'b#kas n' !a'kakataon( kailan'an n' im!rastr#kt#ra. 3to an' aakit sa m'a ne'osyante(
ma'!a!abilis sa daloy n' !rod#kto at serbisyo( at sisi'#ron' kaya natin' maki!a'sabayan sa iba !an' merkado sa dai'di'.
.a!akalaki !o tala'a n' !a'baba'o* &am!as doble na an' b#d'et !ara sa im!rastr#kt#ra( m#la ?EE.@ billion !esos noon' ?E<<( na'in' BEB.@ billion !esos n'ayon'
?E<B. 7Palak!akan] Paalala ko lan' !o* "indi tayo na'da'da' n' b#)is maliban sa Sin ,a8 Reform na nakat#'on sa kal#s#'an( aban' na!anatili din an' atin'
allo)able deficit( at !at#loy na b#mababa an' atin' debtItoI+DP ratio. Malaki !o an' e!ekto nito( dail indi lan' l#maki an' !ondo* bina)asan !a natin an' m'a
ta'as sa sistema( kaya natitiyak natin' mas s#lit an' ba)at !ison' 'ina'astos n' estado.
Sa !am#m#no ni Secretary Babes Sin'son n' DP0"* Ba)al an' ton'!ats( ba)al an' b#kol. ,ina!alan na an' m'a b#tas sa l#man' sistema( at !inata' an'
!roseso sa aensya. 3san' sim!len' alimba)a !o nito an' !a'tatan''al n' &etter of 3ntent sa biddin' !rocess. .oon !o kasi( 'ina'amit ito bilan' kasan'ka!an sa
k#ntsabaan4ka!a' nalaman k#n' sinoIsino an' bidders n' !royekto( binibi'yan n' !#)an' an' sab)atan. 3sa !a !o* /n' m'a dok#menton' iniilin' m#la sa
bidders* lima na lan'( m#la sa datin' ?E. Mas mabilis an' !roseso( at mas ka#nti an' !a'kakataon' man'in'i n' !am!ad#las o s#ol. /n' res#lta* "alos ?D
bilyon' !iso an' naisalban' !ondo( at na!a!aa'a an' !a'!a!at#!ad n' m'a s#s#nod na !royekto. 7Palak!akan] Oaya naman kay Sec. Babes at sa b#m#b#o n'
DP0"* m#li( maramin' salamat !o sa inyon' laat. 7Palak!akan]
"ane! !o tala'a* Oasabay n' m'a nati!id n' DP0"( an' nailata'( na!a!aayos( na!ala)ak( o nai!a'a)a nilan' kalsada m#la nan' ma#!o tayo( #mabot na sa
<?(<DB kilometro. 7Palak!akan] .#n' nakita ko !o iton' n#meron' Rto( na!a'Iisi! rin ako* Paano ko ba mai!a!ali)ana' Ry#n' labindala)an' liboH Sabi !o sa atin*
kat#mbas ito n' a!at na kalsadan' na'I##'nay sa &aoa' an''an' Jamboan'a %ity. .ational roads lan' !o ito; )ala !a rito an' m'a local farmItoImarket roads o
to#rism roads. 7Palak!akan]
Sa P#blicIPri$ate Partnersi! !ro'ram naman !o* M#la Disyembre ?E<< an''an' niton' "#nyo( naka!a'Ia)ard at nakala'da na n' !iton' PPP !rojects an'
inyon' !amaalaan; an' ala'a nito* tinatayan' =?.= billion !esos. Sa a!at na taon natin sa t#)id na daan( nalam!asan na natin an' !ina'saman' anim laman' na
a!r#badon' solicited PPP !rojects m#la sa nakaraan' tatlon' administrasyon. 7Palak!akan]
/n' laki na !o tala'a n' !ina'kaiba n' noon sa n'ayon. Sabi n'a ni Secretary %esar P#risima* Dati( indi makaakit an' Pili!inas n' m'a mam#m##nan. .oon(
'obyerno !a mismo an' na'Iaalay n' kali)a>t kanan' insentibo( t#lad n' !a'bibi'ay n' commercial de$elo!ment ri'ts( s#bsidy( at iba !an' 'arantiya. .'ayon(
baliktad na an' sit)asyon. Matindi an' kom!etisyon n' m'a na'I##naan' kom!anya; anda silan' ma'bayad !ara mak#a an' !ribileiyon' itayo an'
im!rastr#kt#ran' kailan'an natin. "alimba)a !o* Sa MactanI%eb# 3nternational /ir!ort Passen'er ,erminal B#ildin'( may !remi#m an' 'obyerno na #maabot sa
mai'it <B bilyon' !iso; sa ./3/ 98!ress)ay Project Pase ?( nakak#a an' 'obyerno n' !rima na << bilyon' !iso. M#li* Mab#tin' !amamaala an' #'at n' laat
n' ito. 7Palak!akan]
,in'nan naman natin an' ,P&9L. Dail sa kalsadan' ito( ma'ina)a na an' biyaen' ,arlac an''an' Rosales sa Pan'asinan. /yon !o sa kanila( an' baa'i
an''an' Krdaneta( mak#k#m!leto na ba'o mata!os an' ?E<B. Sa s#s#nod na taon( aabot na ra) an' daan' ito an''an' sa d#lo sa Rosario( &a Knion.
/n' m'a im!rastr#kt#ran' mata'al nan' i!inako sa !an'ako( atin na rin !on' isinasakon'kreto. /n' /l#lin' Brid'e( na <FCD !a !o bin#o an' konse!to( b#kas na sa
!#bliko. /n' Metro Manila Sky)ay Sta'e @( na baa'i n' Metro Manila 98!ress)ay na !royekto !a noon' dekada sitenta( inil#nsad na natin noon' 9nero. Sa m'a
d#madaan n' -smeMa "i')ay( nakikita naman !o ninyo k#n' 'aano kabilis itayo an' m'a ali'i !ara dito. /n' ,'b# Road( na noon !an' <FFB
sinim#lan' ilata' an' !lano4<EE !ercent com!lete na rin n'ayon. 7Palak!akan] /n' Basilan %irc#mferential Road( na year ?EEE !an' #nder constr#ction( mala!it
na rin !on' mata!os. "indi ko na o sasabiin Ry#n' eksakton' !etsa baka ma#so' !a. Pero R!a' indi o nat#!ad( Ry#n' i!inan'ako sa atin ni +o$ernor "ataman(
sasamaan ko siya ara)Iara) an''an' mata!os ito.
3lan lan' !o ito sa m'a im!rastr#kt#ran' )ala tayon' !lanon' i!amana bilan' !roblema; sa ali!( n'ayon( na'sisim#la na iton' ma!akinaban'an n' atin' m'a Boss.
M#li( dail sa mab#tin' !amamaala( mas may kakayaan na tayon' t#'#nan( ma'in' an' m'a !robleman' !a!aratin' !a lan'. "alimba)a* sa t#bi'. /lam natin'
aban' l#mala'o an' !o!#lasyon at #maan'at an' ekonomiya( mas maramin' t#bi' an' kakailan'anin sa m'a s#s#nod na taon. /yon n'a !o sa !a'Iaaral(
maaarin' ma'karoon n' kak#lan'an n' t#bi' sa Metro Manila !a'datin' n' ?E?<. "indi na !o natin iintayin an' ta't#yot* /n' m'a sol#syon' tala'an' !ina'I
aralan n' m'a dal#basa( ina!r#baan na !o natin4an' Oali)a Dam Project sa P#ezon( at an' !a'Iaayos n' m'a linya n' /n'at Dam. Ma'andan' sol#syon !o ito
kaysa k#m#a n' t#bi' m#la sa m'a a6#ifer sa ilalim n' l#!a( na mas madalin' !as#kin o ma'bibi'ayIdaan !ara mas madalin' !as#kan n' t#bi'Ialat. 3sa !a( k#n'
sa m'a a6#ifer lan' tayo nakasalalay( mas ma!a!abilis an' !a'l#bo' n' l#!a4na siya naman' na'i'in' dailan n' !a'baa.
Oasabay !o n' m'a dam !ara sa Metro Manila at m'a karati'Ibayan an' s#!orta natin sa m'a ta'alala)i'an. /!r#bado na rin an' 0ater District De$elo!ment
Sector Project( sa ilalim n' &0K/ o &ocal 0ater Ktilities /dministration. 7Palak!akan]
Si'#ro !o( narini' na rin ninyo an' !inakamalaki natin' PPP !roject4an' &a'#na &akesore 98!ress)ay Dike4b#b#ksan na rin an' biddin' ba'o mata!os an'
?E<B. 7Palak!akan] .a!akaramin' bene!isyon' maid#d#lot nito. Kna( mababa)asan an' !a'baa. .'ayon !o( R!a' !#malo n' <?.A meters an' taas n' t#bi' sa
la)a( tiyak( babaain na an' m'a kom#nidad sa !ali'id nito. /n' sol#syon* diken' may taas na i'it sa <A metro. 3kala)a !on' !akinaban'* Malilinis an' t#bi' sa
&a'#na &ake. /n' ikatlo !o* Ba)as an' tra!iko. Sa ibaba) n' dike( ma'kakaroon n' e8!ress)ay( na baba'tas sa &os BaMos an''an' ,a'#i'. RPa' nata!os an' %I
= road na kokonekta sa San Jose del Monte( may isa na naman tayon' !araan #!an' makata)id n' Oamaynilaan nan' indi na kakailan'anin' d#maan sa 9DS/.
7Palak!akan] Sa !akikit#)an' n'!ribadon' sektor( an' obli'asyon natin dito ay ri't of )ay lan'; !orsyento n' l#!an' mareIreclaim an' i!a!ambayad sa
mananalon' bidder. Dail dito( mak#k#a natin an' atin' m'a !an'an'ailan'an( aban' mababa)asan din an' atin' 'ast#sin.
3lan' alimba)a lan' !o iyan n' m'a !royekton' naka!ila na !ara ma'dala n' bene!isyo sa atin' m'a Boss. Marami !an' iba* /!r#bado na rin n' .9D/ Board
an' &aoa' %ity By!ass &ink Road Project; an' %eb# B#s Ra!id ,ransit Project; at an' &R, &ine < So#t 98tension and &ine ? 9ast 98tension. Sa m'a ta'aI
Pala)an naman* Maliban sa m'a !royekto sa P#erto Princesa /ir!ort( aban'an na rin ninyo an' B#s#an'a /ir!ort. .akaI'o si'nal na rin !o an' !a'!a!atayo n'
!ase one n' modernon' %lark +reen %ity sa %a!as( ,arlac( !iado !on' ma'sisilbin' sentro n' komersyo at ind#striya( indi lan' sa +itnan' &#zon( k#ndi sa
kalakan' bansa. 7Palak!akan] Sa d#lo !o( an' ambisyon natin sa %lark +reen %ity4ma'in' diIamak iton' mas mala)ak na Bonifacio +lobal %ity. /n' datin'
liblib( ma'i'in' itik sa o!ort#nidad.
Sa mab#tin' !amamaala( nan#n#mbalik an' ti)ala n' merkado( n' m#ndo( at n' ta#mbayan sa atin' 'obyerno. .a'b#b#nsod ito n' isan' siklo* Dail nakikita an'
res#lta n' a'enda n' re!orma( nakikiamba' an' ba)at isa sa atin' m'a Boss. ,ala'an' indi na'Iiisa an' 'obyerno sa !a's#s#lon' n' mala)akan at
makab#l#an' re!orma. ,otoo n'a !o* Oayo an' amin' lakas. 7Palak!akan]
Oaya n'a !o( m'a Boss* Salamat sa inyon' ti)ala at !akikiisa( na lalon' na'i'in' maala'a sa m'a !anaon' sinal#bon' tayo n' s#n#dIs#nod na traedya.
.oon' Setyembre ?E<@( sin#'od n' masasaman' elemento an' Jamboan'a* +ina)an' #man sield an' m'a kababayan natin' nam#m#ay nan' ma!aya!a( at
sin#no' !a an' kanilan' m'a taanan. .as#b#kan an' 'alin' n' atin' #ni!ormadon' anay. Pinakamasalim#ot sa laran'an n' bakbakan an' tinata)a' na #rban
combat4n'#nit <FA an' naili'tas natin( sa <FC kataon' nai!it sa !#t#kan. Sal#do tayo sa atin' m'a ka!atid sa #ni!ormadon' anay* .a'ta'#m!ay an'
sambayanan dail sa inyon' sakri!isyo. 7Palak!akan]
3natasan !o natin si Secretary Sin'son na !an'asi)aan an' reabilitasyon n' im!rastr#kt#ran' nasira sa Jamboan'a. Pan'#nain sa m'a !an'an'ailan'an*
mabi'yan n' taanan an' m'a kababayan natin' nas#n#'an. 3to !o mismo an' isinasa'a)a natin sa ilalim n' Jamboan'a %ity Roadma! to Reco$ery and
Reconstr#ction. Pa'!asok n'a !o n' /'osto( ma'sisim#la nan' l#mi!at an' m'a a!ektadon' !amilya sa m'a !ermanenten' baay sa Marta Dri$e S#bdi$ision.
Oab##an' C(<C= na kabaayan sa iba>t iban' l#'ar an' tar'et natin' mak#m!leto sa "#nyo n' s#s#nod na taon. "#miin'i !o kami n' !an'I#na)a. Maramin'
!robleman' kinailan'an m#nan' l#tasin #kol sa !a'k#a n' l#!an' lili!atan. ,initiyak din natin' an' m'a taanan' ito ay s#masan'Iayon sa !an'an'ailan'an n'
kanilan' reliiyon at k#lt#ra( kaya>t indi !an'karani)an an' m'a ito. Sa <(==< !amilya naman' '#ston' sila mismo an' ma'k#m!#ni n' sarilin' taanan( @E(EEE
!ison' ala'a n' "ome Materials /ssistance an' i!ina!amaa'i na.
@.A billion !esos !o an' nakaanda !ara sa !a'!a!aayos n' im!rastr#kt#ra( !a'bili n' m'a lote( !a'!a!atayo n' m'a !ermanenten' taanan( at iba !an' s#!orta
sa Jamboan'a. ?.AC billion !esos dito( naiIrelease na sa ."/ at DP0".
3lan' lin''o naman !o mata!os an' krisis sa Jamboan'a( niyani' n' lindol an' %entral Visayas; !inakamalaki an' !insala sa Bool. Dito natin nakita an' maaarin'
maabot n' sambayanan' na'kakaisa sa !a'res!onde sa sak#na. 3san' lin''o mata!os an' lindol( may k#ryente na sa ,a'bilaran at sa laat n' m#nisi!alidad n'
Bool. 7Palak!akan]
.'ayon n'a !o( ba)at isa sa ?A na kritikal na t#lay at kalsadan' nasira n' lindol( nadadaanan na. May kab##an' @.AD@ billion !esos nan' naiIrelease !ara sa
reabilitasyon n' Bool at %eb#. 7Palak!akan] Oasama na rito an' ?.BF billion !esos na i!ina'kaloob n' D3&+ sa lokal na 'obyerno( !ara sa !a'!a!a'a)a n' m'a
!alen'ke( ci$ic center( t#lay( )ater systems( m#nisi!yo at iban' !an' istr#kt#ran' !am!amaalaan.
Ba'o naman !o mata!os an' ?E<@( d#matin' naman si 5olanda4 an' !inakamalakas na ba'yo sa kasaysayan. <.BCmilyon'!amilya an' tala'an' naa!ekt#an( at
BB sa atin' D< !robinsya an' tinamaan. Sa 9astern Visayas( k#n' saan !inakamalakas an' !insalan' nad#lot( na!akaramin' kinailan'an na a'aran' lin'a!.
Sa sobran' lakas n' ba'yo( na!aralisa an' maramin' &+K dail sila mismo an' tinamaan..atan'ay !o !ati an' atin' !re!ositioned relief 'oods( kaya>t tala'an'
kinailan'an' man''alin' sa iban' l#'ar an' t#lon'. &alo !an' na'in' mabi'at an' !a'dadala n' ay#da( dail ba'sak an' im!rastr#kt#ra* 0alan' k#ryente( indi
madaanan an' kalsada( at alos laat n' tr#ck at ea$y e6#i!ment na kailan'an n' atin' first res!onders ay nasira sa !inakaa!ektadon' m'a l#'ar . 0ala rin'
'asolina( at )alan' kom#nikasyon.
Oinailan'an !o tala'a n' !ambiiran' !a'kakaisa !ara i!aabot an' t#lon' sa m'a a!ektadon' !amilya( kalin'ain an' m'a na#lila>t s#'atan( si'#r#in' )alan'
man'yayarin' o#tbreak n' sakit( at marami !an' iban' t#n'k#lin. "alimba)a lan' !o* Sa !a'kain( indi lan' bi'as at delata an' kinailan'an' intindiin. Oailan'an
din n' m'a re!ackin' center( n' maramin' tr#ck( !ati na an' m'a barkon' ma'tata)id n' ay#da sa m'a a!ektadon' !robinsya. Pa'datin' doon n' relief 'oods(
kailan'an' malinis na an' kalsadan' dadaanan( at ma!a'asolinaan an' m'a tr#ck nan' makabalik sila sa !inan''alin'an( #!an' m#lin' maka!a'kar'a n' atin'
m'a food !ack.
"indi na'!at#m!ikIt#m!ik sa !a'res!onde an' inyon' 'obyerno. .a'madali tayon' linisin( #nan'I#na( an' air!ort( kaya sa loob n' ?B oras !a'kata!os n' ba'yo(
naka!asok na an' tatlo natin' %<@E na may dalan' ay#da. Sa mismon' ara) din' iyon( naka!a'tayo tayo n' comm#nications #b !ara ma'in' mas mabilis an'
daloy n' im!ormasyon. Sa ikala)an' ara)( d#matin' na an' Ra!id "ealt /ssessment teams n' D-"; an' da'da' na s#ndalo( !#lis( at BFP !ersonnel m#la sa
iban' !robinsya; !ati na m'a ka)ani n' DS0D na nan'#na sa relief o!erations4 sa distrib#tion centers man sa 9astern Visayas( o sa maramin' re!ackin' centers
na a'ad na na'b#kas sa b#on' bansa.
Sa loob lan' n' dala)an' ara)( na!a'ana na an' &eyte )ater district; sa ikatlon' ara) naman( b#m#kas an' #nan' 'asolinaan. /'ad na nilinis an' !an'#nain'
m'a kalsada. Pa'sa!it n' ikaI?? n' .obyembre o dala)an' lin''o mata!os an' ba'yo( nai!amaa'i na an' ikaisan' milyon' food !ack sa m'a nasalanta; naIclear
na an' @A(<=? c#bic meters n' debris sa m'a kalsadan' !a'dadaanan niton' m'a relief; at nalinis at nadaanan na rin' m#li an' @(B?= kilometers n' .ational Roads
4kasal#k#yan naman !o natin' kin#k#m!#ni an' <ED.D kilometron' na!insalan' daanan( t#lay( a!!roaces( at landslideI!rone areas. Pa'sa!it n'a !o n' Pasko
noon' l#mi!as an' ?E<@( may k#ryente na sa laat n' m#nisi!alidad na tinamaan n' sak#na. 7Palak!akan]
O#mba'a n'a !o sa 9mer'ency Room( ibin#os n' estado an' laat n' kanyan' ka!an'yarian #!an' a'ad na maiIstabilize an' !asyente. .a'!a!asalamat tayo
sa m'a kasa!i sa atin' +abinete( na tala'a naman !on' nan'#na sa !a'res!onde sa m'a a!ektadon' kom#nidad. Sina Sec. %esar P#risima at Sec. Joel
Villan#e$a n' ,9SD/( na nam#no sa lo'istics at na'Ior'anisa sa m'a re!ackin' center( na'mist#lan !o silan' dala)an' )areo#se o!erator. 7Palak!akan] Si Sec.
+re' Domin'o n' D,3( na'in' ead !#rcasin' a'ent n' bansa( aban' si Sec. &inda Baldoz naman n' D-&9 ay minab#tin' ma'in' call center o!erator !ara sa
laat n' '#sto o na'Iaalok n' t#lon'. 7Palak!akan] Salamat din kina Sec. J#n /baya n' D-,%( na na'in' dis!atcer n' atin' trans!ortasyon; kay Sec. Dinky
Soliman na tala'an' !inat#nayan an' !a'i'in' !#non' relief )orker n' bansa; at kina Sec. Mar Ro8as n' D3&+ at Sec. Volts +azmin n' D.D( na na'bi'ay n'
marcin' orders sa atin' #ni!ormadon' anay m#la sa frontline n' sak#na. 7Palak!akan] M#li !o( salamat sa atin' +abinete.
,o o#r friends and nei'bors aro#nd te )orld* 5o#r o#t!o#rin' of solidarity )ill ne$er be for'otten by a 'ratef#l Fili!ino !eo!le. /'ain( on teir bealf( )e tank yo#.
Marail n'a !o( sa kaandaan natin' makiamba' sa abot n' atin' makakaya( na siyan' i!ina!amalas n' atin' -F0s( !eacekee!ers( at iba !an' Pili!ino sa labas
n' bansa( nan' tayo naman an' nan'ailan'an( nakita n' m#ndon' kara!atIda!at din tayon' t#l#n'an. Salamat sa inyo( at sa laat n' Pili!inon' na'Ialay n'
dalan'in at s#!orta( dito man o sa iban' !ani' n' m#ndo. 7Palak!akan]
"indi !o nati'il an' trabao natin. .a'sa'a)a tayo n' li$eliood inter$entions( #!an' ma'in' mas mabilis an' !a'ban'on n' m'a nasalanta natin' kababayan.
.'ayon' "#lyo n'a !o( ??<(DFC trabao na an' nalika mata!os tayon' ma'kaloob n' ban'ka( ka'amitan sa !an'in'isda at !a'tatanim( m'a bini( at li$estock.
Oasama na rin !o dito an' m'a sin#)eld#an natin' na'in' kabaa'i n' cas for )ork !ro'ram.
,an''a! naman !o si'#ro n' laat na malaki an' !robleman' dala ni 5olanda. Pero ayon n'a !o sa international standards( ka!a' nan'yari an' 'aniton' klasen'
sak#na( isan' taon an' inaabot ba'o mata!os an' relief at ma'I#m!isa an' reabilitasyon n' isan' bansa. Pero sa loob lan' n' )alon' b#)an( idineklara na n'
Knited .ations mismo na nasa y#'to na tayo n' reabilitation. Si +inoon' 5#ri /fanasie$ n' Knited .ations De$elo!ment Pro'ramme na n'a !o an' na'sabi* 10e
a$e ne$er seen a reco$ery a!!en so 6#ickly. /nd many of #s a$e been in many different disasters.2 7Palak!akan]
Maaban' !anaon an' b#b#n#in !ara t#l#yan' makaban'on sa mabibi'at na sak#na. Sa "aiti( dala)an' taon an' nakali!as m#la n' lindol( marami !a rin an'
nasa e$ac#ation centers. /n' m'a ka!atid natin sa 3ndonesia( inabot n' )alon' taon !ara makaIreco$er sa ts#nami sa /ce. Mismon' sa /merika n'a !o(
sinasabin' )alon' taon an' inabot !ara makabalik sa dati mata!os #ma'#!it si "#rricane Oatrina.
"indi !a !o ta!os an' atin' trabao. Marami !an' baay na kailan'an' i!atayo; marami !an' m'a kababayan natin an' kailan'an' iban'on' m#li; !at#loy !a rin
an' !a'Ib#ild back better !ara sa m'a ina'#!it ni 5olanda.
Oaya n'a !o* .'ayon' "#lyo( isin#mite na sa atin( at nila'daan na rin natin( an' &+K Reabilitation and Reco$ery Plan !ara sa %eb#( 3loilo( Samar( 9astern Samar(
&eyte( at ,acloban %ity. 7Palak!akan] P#masa !o ito sa mas#sin' !a's#s#ri n' m'a cl#ster n' +abinete; laman nito an' m'a !an'an'ailan'an n' atin' m'a
kababayan( ayon na rin sa isinasa'a)an' mala)akan' !ostIdisaster needs assessment. .ab#o !o an' !lanon' ito sa mai'tin' na !a'sisika! ni Secretary Pin'
&acson( na inatasan n'a natin' t#m#tok sa m'a amon' ini)an ni 5olanda. 7Palak!akan] Kmaasa !o ako sa !akikiisa n' Oon'reso( dail malakin' ala'a an'
kailan'an( #!an' t#l#yan nan' maiban'on an' atin' m'a kababayan.
/lalaanin !o natin* .asa Diyos an' a)a; nasa tao an' 'a)a. 3to rin an' !areon' ideya sa likod n' atin' m'a akban' !ara sa disaster !re!aredness. Bini'yan'I
lakas natin an' m'a &+K na siyan' m'a frontliner t#)in' ba'yo at iba !an' sak#na( 'amit an' moderno at mala)akan' forecastin' system.
Sa DR9/MI&iD/R !roject sa ilalim n' Project .-/"( alimba)a( na!a!adali an' !a't#koy k#n' saan an' m'a l#'ar na !inakababaain. .akama!a na !o an' <F
sa tar'et natin' ?E ri$er systems !ara mat#koy k#n' ano an' m'a l#'ar na a'ad naaa!ekt#an t#)in' b#m#b#os an' #lan.
Dail mas eksakto na an' !a't#koy natin k#n' kailan at saan tatama an' e!ekto n' ba'yo( n'ayon !o( na!a!aa'a an' !a'aanda at !a'bibi'ayIbabala n' atin'
m'a &+Ks. Maa'a na rin' naililikas an' kanilan' mamamayan. O#n' an' maayos na forecastin'( tatambalan !a natin n' ma#say na &+K( tala'a naman !on'
maramin' b#ay an' mailili'tas. Sa /lbay na ina'#!it kamakailan lan' n' ba'yon' +lenda( )alan' naitalan' !#mana) dail sa ba'yo( salamat sa mab#tin'
!amamaala ni +o$ernor Joey Salceda. 7Palak!akan] /t k#n' kaya iton' 'a)in n' isan' !robinsya na siya n'an' !aran' nata)a' na n'a !on' i')ay n' m'a
ba'yo( bakit naman tayo ma'd#d#da na kakayanin n' iba !an' indi i')ay n' ba'yoH
Pa'I#sa!an naman natin an' se'#ridad. M#lat !o tayo sa m'a amon sa bansa( at alam din natin' maal an' kailan'an natin' m'a ka'amitan. .'ayon !o(
ikinal#l#'od kon' i#lat sa inyo* ,#loyIt#loy an' modernisasyon n' /FP. .ak#a na natin an' brand ne) na D Sokol %ombat Ktility "elico!ters( tatlon'
/'#sta0estlandI<EF elico!ters( at an' ka#naI#naan' landin' craft #tility si! na 'ina)a dito mismo sa atin' bansa( an' BRP Tagbanua. D#matin' na rin !o an'
a!at na ref#rbised K"I< elico!ters at ? na$y c#tters. .ito naman' nakaraan' Mayo( !inasinayaan na rin natin an' stateIofIteIart %ommand %enter n' .a$al
Forces 0est sa Pala)an.
Sa s#s#nod na taon( lala!a' na an' ? sa <? na F/IAE leadIin fi'ter trainer jets na binili natin. 7Palak!akan] /n' natitira naman !o( inaasaan natin' maideIdeli$er
ba'o mata!os an' ?E<C. ,ar'et din natin' mak#a an' kara'da'an' brand ne) na D Bell combat #tility elico!ters( ? antiIs#bmarine elico!ters( <E !an'
/'#sta0estlandI<EF elico!ters( ? li'tIlift aircraft( @ medi#mIlift aircraft( m'a radar system at iba !an' ka'amitan' ma'!a!a#nlad sa kakayaan n' atin'
Sandataan' &akas. 7Palak!akan] Samantala !o( sa Setyembre n' taon' ito( inaasaan an' !a'datin' n' kara'da'an' <C ref#rbised K"I< elico!ters.
D#matin' na rin an' !a#nan' m'a MB assa#lt rifles na binili natin !ara sa kas#ndal#an. Sa m'a s#s#nod na b#)an( an' kab##an' bilan' n' baril na
ma!a!asakamay n' atin' m'a ka)al* AE(=?F #nits n' MB. /n' bon#s !a* dail sa maayos na !roseso n' !roc#rement at ta!at na !an'an'asi)a sa !ondo( may
sa$in's tayo na mai'it <.? billion !esos; iton' sa$in's ay i!inambibili na natin n' mas marami !an' baril. 7Palak!akan]
3didiin ko lan' !o* Brand ne) at dekalidad an' laat n' ri!len' ito na na'm#m#la sa man#fact#rer na daan' taon na !on' '#ma'a)a n' sandata. RDi !o ba noon'
ara)* na#bos na n'a an' !ondo( indi !a alins#nod sa is!esi!ikasyon' kailan'an natin( t#lad !o n' binilin' Oe$lar "elmets. Sabi !o n' is!esi!ikasyon( da!at sa
K.S. Pero noon' ibinili( sa iban' bansa. May naIcon$ict na !o dail dito. Pati an' isan' #kom na di#mano>y san'kot dito( nata!os na an' imbesti'asyon' in#tos n'
Oorte S#!rema( at iniintay natin an' kanilan' !asya.
,#loy an' !a't#'is natin sa kalaban n' estado at masasaman' elemento !ara sa m'a krimen' 'ina)a nila. "alimba)a n'a !o* .a#li na an' %airman at
Secretary +eneral n' .P/ niton' Marso. .an#n#mbalik na rin !o an' normalidad at kaay#san sa @< !robinsyan' datin' 'inambala n' .P/.
.a'baba'o na rin n'a !o an' m#ka n' atin' ka!#lisan. Pat#nay !o rito an' @E !#lis( sa !an'#n'#na ni 3ns!ector %arity +al$ez( na t#malo sa tinatayan' ?AE .P/
na s#m#'od sa kanilan' !resinto noon' ?E<<. 7Palak!akan] .iton' Marso naman !o( B na ba'iton' !#lis an' b#on'Ita!an' na s#ma'#!a laban sa Martilyo +an' sa
Mall of /sia. Mab#ti n'a !o>t naabot na an' <*< !olice to !istol ratio( kaya>t naisy#an na rin n' ba'on' baril an' atin' m'a rookie !olice)omen. Dati( nakakali'taan
an' ka!#lisan; n'ayon( kinakalin'a na sila n' estado( at tala'a naman' tin#t#mbasan nila ito n' )a'as at masi'asi' na serbisyo. 7Palak!akan]
Pakin''an !o natin an' tini' ma'i'itin' natin' !#lis*
)P-< J#liet Macababbad* May narini' !o kamin'( ano( na'basa' n' salamin. .a'in' alerto kami n' b#ddy ko.
P-< Marcelina Bantiya'* / Ryon' #nan' !#masok !o n' isi! ko Ry#n' b#m#not na !o ako n' baril kasi alam ko na ano !o sila4na ready !o silan' ma'!a!#tok sa
amin; naka#ni!orme !o kami.
P-< Maricel R#eco* Sinabi !o n' akin' kaIb#ddy na si P-< Bantiya' na 1OoIco$erIan kita( ika) an' t#ma)a' sa atin' P%P 7Police %omm#nity Precinct]S2
P-< Marcelina Bantiya'* Meron !o kamin' na#li na isan' miyembro !o nila.
P-< Delia &an'!a)en* Pan'Ia!at na ara) namin diton' d#ty4doon mismo sa !ost na Ryon. ,a!os( bi'lan' 'anoon !o an' nan'yari.
P-< J#liet Macababbad* Oailan'an !o tala'a may baril Ry#n' ba)at !#lis. Mab#ti na lan' !o( may inIiss#e !o sa amin na +lock <C +eneration B !o.
P-< Marcelina Bantiya'* Malakin' t#lon' !o Ry#n' baril sa amin kasi ka!a' na'!a!atrolya ka may confidence ka na kait may man'yari !#)ede kan' makiIen'a'e.
P-< J#liet Macababbad* Masara! !o sa !akiramdam Ry#n' ika) ay makat#lon' sa iyon' m'a kababayan. O#n' ano !o Ry#n' na'a'a)a n' m'a lalaki( na'a'a)a
din !o namin' m'a babae. 7Palak!akan]
P-< Delia &an'!a)en* Oait kinabaan !o kami dail first enco#nter !o namin( an' inisi! !o namin ay an' ka!akanan n' m'a tao na nandoon.2
I P-< J#liet Macababbad( P-< Marcelina Bantiya'( P-< Maricel R#eco( and P-< Delia &an'!a)en4!olice)omen )o arrested members of te Martilyo +an'
.ito naman !on' "#nyo( na'in' s#nodIs#nod an' i'I!rofile na !amamaslan'. /restado na an' ilan'm'a san'kot sa !a'!atay kina Mayor 9rnesto Balolon'( sa
ne'osyanten' si Ricard Oin'( at may sin#s#ndan na rin' ma'andan' lead an' atin' ka!#lisan sa !a'!atay sa race car dri$er na si Ferdinand Pastor. "#)a' !o
kayon' ma'Ialala* aab#lin natin an' #stisya sa kab##an( indi an' baa'i laman'. Oaya b#kod sa m'a 'ina)a natin' !a'Iaresto( !at#loy tayo sa !a'likom n'
ebidensya laban sa iba !an' s#s!ect. Panana'#tin natin an' laat n' mayIsala. 7Palak!akan]
Pina!ai'tin' !a natin an' !an'an'ala'a sa se'#ridad n' ta#mbayan. Sim#la n' ikaI<= n' "#nyo n'ayon' taon( i!ina!at#!ad natin sa .ational %a!ital Re'ion an'
-!eration &ambat. Mata!os natin' 'a)in' tri!le an' dami n' ceck!oints at ma'sa'a)a n' iba>t iban' o!erasyon( an' res#lta* D=? sasakyan at ?F m'a baril an'
nak#m!iska natin. .aka!a'Iser$e tayo n' ADC )arrants of arrest( na na'res#lta sa !a'kakaaresto n' B<E s#s!ect. 3binalik din natin an' -!lan Oatok !ara matiyak
na an' may tan'an n' lisensyadon' baril ay an' kara!atIda!at laman'. ?D(C<B na baay sa .%R an' kinatok n' m'a !#lis !ara sa o!erasyon' ito.
Ba'o natin i!at#!ad an' -!lan &ambat( m#la 9nero an''an' ikala)an' lin''o n' "#nyo( an' m#rder at omicide sa .ational %a!ital Re'ion( #maabot sa @< kaso
kada lin''o. Sa liman' lin''o !a lan' n' o!erasyon( an' m#rder at omicide rate* B#maba sa ?? kaso na laman' kada lin''o. ?F !orsyenton' !a'baba an' naitala
4kat#mbas n' F na !a'!atay an' na!i'ilan natin kada lin''o. /t sa .%R !a lan' !o ito. O#n' maisasabatas natin an' !ension reform( at makakakala! n'a tayo n'
sa!at na !ondo !ara sa da'da' na !#lis at !ara mat#loy an' !lanon' !a'bili n' ka'amitan( lalon' ma!a!ala)ak ni Sec. Mar Ro8as an' -!eration &ambat( #!an'
'a)in' mas li'tas an' b#on' bansa. 7Palak!akan] .asa ilalim n'a !o sana n' D/P an' !ondon' !an'ka'amitan( !ero dail indi ito naIobli'ate ba'o b#maba an'
desisyon n' Oorte S#!rema( kailan'an !o natin' ma'ana! n' !a'k#k#nan n' kara'da'an' !ondo.
,#nay n'a !o* ,i)ala an' !#ndasyon n' mab#tin' !amamaala. ,i)alan' maaasikaso an' laat n' tinamaan o tatamaan n' ba'yo; ti)alan' sa ba)at ara) n'
trabao( li'tas mon' ma##)ian an' !amilya mo. ,i)ala na indi kayo lalaman'an n' inyon' m'a !in#no; ti)alan' nariyan an' inyon' 'obyerno( kakam!i ninyo( lalo
na k#n' kayo an' nadedeado. ,i)ala na manana'ot an' m'a nan'Iab#so( at maitatama an' m'a !roseso at instit#syon' 'ina'amit !ara naka)an kayo. ,i)ala na
k#n' s#m#nod ka sa tama( mak#k#a mo k#n' ano an' da!at sa iyo. /n' !a'babalik n' ti)ala ninyo* 3yan !o an' ibi'Isabiin n' re!orma. 7Palak!akan]
"alimba)a !o* Sa %#stoms( na tala'a naman !on' sin#bok an' atin' !asensya noon' nakaraan' m'a taon. .a'in' malina) sa atin* Reset b#tton an' sol#syon.
B#m#o !o tayo n' m'a ba'on' tan''a!an !ara s#riin at 'a)in' e!ektibo an' m'a !atakaran sa %#stoms. .a'tala'a tayo n' ba'on' commissioner( anim na
ba'on' de!#ty commissioner( kasabay na rin an' BE iba !an' maaasaan' indibid)al !ara i!at#!ad an' atin' m'a re!orma sa %#stoms. 3binalik din natin sa
taman' !osisyon an' m'a em!leyado. ,otoanan' i!ina'ba)al an' m'a '#)ardiyan' #maastan' kaera( o )areo#seman na 'ina'a)an' e8aminer.
Marami n'a !o an' na'sasakri!isyo !ara ay#sin an' %#stoms. Oabilan' dito an' m'a ka)ani m#la sa iban' de!artamento at aensya n' 'obyerno( na inilin'
natin' l#mi!at sa %#stoms dail ti)ala tayo sa kanilan' inte'ridad. 3si!in !o ninyo* Sino n'a ba naman an' na'aana! n' sakit n' #lo( lalo !a>t )alan' 'arantiya n'
ta'#m!ayH May m'a i!ina'!aliban an' kanilan' !romotion. May m'a na'!ai)ati' din n' a'amIa'am dail sa takot na balikan sila n' m'a sindikato. Pero sa #li(
t#m#'on sila sa atin' !ana)a'an' ma'lin'kod. Mara!at lan' na !ersonal kon' !asalamatan an' laat n' ka)anin' ito( sa !an'#n'#na na n'a ni %ommissioner
S#nny Se$illa. 7Palak!akan]
Pina!at#nayan !o natin* Sa !aninindi'an at !a'kakaisa( kayan' linisin kait !a an' isan' instit#syon' na!akaaban' !anaon nan' din#n'isan n' kati)alian.
Pat#nay !o rito an' 'ood ne)s na natan''a! natin* M#la 9nero an''an' /bril ?E<B( #man'at n' ?? !orsyento an' cas collections n' %#stoms k#m!ara sa
!areon' !anaon noon' nakali!as na taon. /n' kab##an nilan' koleksyon sa #nan' a!at na b#)an n' taon* <<C billion !esos. 7Palak!akan]
/n' masasabi ko naman sa m'a !at#loy na r#maraket* /lam kon' indi na kayo tinatablan n' takot at kaiiyan. .asa inyo k#n' mak#k#nsensya kayo4o maaa)a
kayo sa m'a nal#l#lon' sa dro'an' !ina!a!asok o !inaiint#l#tan ninyon' !#masok( o sa m'a ma'sasakan' na!a'kakaitan n' taman' kita. /n' sa akin lan'*
Oa!a' s#ma!at na an' nililikom na ebidensya laban sa inyo( sa Bilibid an' s#s#nod ninyon' destino. 7Palak!akan]
O#n' !a'I##sa!an natin an' m'a re!orman' na'sisim#la nan' ma'b#nsod n' mala)akan' ka#nlaran( mara!at din !on' ibalita ko sa inyo an' m'a !an'yayari
#kol sa re!orman' a'raryo.
/lam naman !o natin( at malina) sa batas* kailan'an m#nan' t#k#yin an' maaari at indi maaarin' i!amaa'in' l#!ain. Pero an' masakla!( i!inamana sa atin an'
b#n'iIb#n'in' datos. Bakit Rka niyoH ,aon' <F<@ !a sinim#lan an' %adastral S#r$ey n' atin' bansa( na t#t#koy n' an''anan n' m'a l#!ain' sakla) n' ba)at
l#n'sod( bayan( at lala)i'an sa Pili!inas.
3sa !an' !roblema* 3n#na n' m'a nakaraan' administrasyon an' distrib#syon n' m'a l#!ain' madalin' i!amaa'i t#lad n' m'a 'o$ernmentIo)ned land( at l#!ain'
na!a'kas#nd#an na n' mayIari at ma'sasaka. /n' nai)an sa atin ay m'a l#!ain' maramin' k#m!likasyon( at #'at !a n' maaban' debate at demandaan.
Da'da' din n'a !on' s#liranin an' masalim#ot na sit)asyon sa /RMM. /n' l#!a n' /RMM ay tinatayan' <.A milyon' ektarya. Pero an' l#!an' nakatala na
dinatnan natin( n'ayon ay nasa ?.F million ectares na dail sa !at#n'I!aton' na !a'Ian'kin n' l#!a. .a'tataka n'a !o si +o$ernor M#ji$ "ataman n' /RMM at
tinanon' niya sa akin minsan( 1Boss( !aano kaya nan'an'anak an' l#!aH2
0ala !o tayon' balak na i!asa an' m'a s#liranin' ito sa s#s#nod sa atin( !ara !a'I#'atan lan' n' !aniba'on' m'a !roblema at n' lalon' !a'ka#dlot n' re!orman'
Sa ?E<A( makali!as n' <E? taon( matata!os na rin an' %adastral S#r$ey.7Palak!akan] .'ayon' taon(iaain din natin' m#li sa Oon'reso an' !an#kalan' batas
!ara iIe8tend an' !a'aain n' .otice of %o$era'e( na indi a'ad nata!os nan' #sto dail n'a sa m'a !robleman' kinailan'an m#na natin' sol#syonan.
7Palak!akan] -ras na maiain an' !an#kalan' batas( #maasa tayon' mai!a!asa ito sa lalon' madalin' !anaon.
O#n' ti)ala n'a !o an' !a'I##sa!an( da!at din' isama an' Ban'samoro. Mata!os an' maaban' !anaon n' id)aan at na!#!#rnadan' ne'osasyon( naibalik na
natin an' ti)ala. Pr#)eba !onito* .oon' nakaraan' Marso( nila'daan na an' %om!reensi$e /'reement on te Ban'samoro. 7Palak!akan]
Pero sim#la !a lan' ito n' atin' !a'I#sad sa landas n' mala)akan' !a'I#nlad sa Mindanao. 0ala !on' nakakatan''in' na!a'Ii)anan an' /RMM. +#sto !o natin'
bi'yan n' !antay na !a'kakataon an' laat n' Pili!ino( kaya n'a da!at may boost #!( !ara naman makaIcatc #! an' atin' m'a kababayan' nasa laylayan.
"alimba)a( sa b#d'et na imin#m#n'kai natin !ara sa ?E<A( A.<C billion !esos m#la sa b#d'et n' DP0" ay nakalaan !ara sa im!rastrakt#ra n' /RMM.
Oasal#k#yan na !o natin' !ina!anday an' !an#kalan' Ban'samoro Basic &a). "#miin'i !o tayo n' !an'I#na)a sa atin' Oon'reso #kol rito. Maala'a !on'
ma'in' mas#si an' !a'imay natin n' ba)at !robisyon' ilalata'. Sa abot n' atin' makakaya( is#s#lon' natin an' isan' !an#kalan' batas na makat)iran(
makatar#n'an( at katan''a!Itan''a! sa laat. 7Palak!akan]
O#n' maisasabatas n'a !o an' Ban'samoro Basic &a) ba'o mata!os an' taon at maisasa'a)a an' kinakailan'an' !lebesito( mabibi'yan n' isa>t kalaatin' taon
an' Ban'samoro ,ransition /#tority !ara i!akita an' !ositibon' !a'baba'o. O#n' maaantala naman ito( nat#ral !on' iikli rin an' !anaon !ara ma!at#nayan na
tama n'a an' landas n' ka!aya!aan' tinataak natin.
.a!akarami na n'a !o natin' nararatin' dail sa ti)ala4at )ala tayon' balak basa'in an' ti)alan' ito. /n' 'obyerno ninyo n'ayon* mayroon' isan' salita. "indi ko
na !o iisaIisain an' m'a nat#!ad natin' !anata sa t#)id na daan; baka masabian lan' tayon' na'b#b#at n' sarilin' ban'ko. Pero maira! din naman' indi
tayo ma'ban''it( dail malaman' na'Iaaban' na an' m'a ma'sasabin' )ala tayon' 'ina)a. Oaya samaan niyo na lan' akon' ma'bi'ay n' ilan' alimba)a*
,rabao>t !a'kakataon !ara sa na!akaramin' Pili!ino( nalika at !at#loy !an' nililika. Sa kat#nayan( m#la /bril ?E<@ an''an' /bril ?E<B* nasa <.=A million an'
nada'da' sa bilan' n' m'a Pili!inon' na'tatrabao. 7Palak!akan] Minanan' kak#lan'an sa aklat( #!#an( at silidIaralan( na!#no na; aban' an' m'a !aniba'on'
!an'an'ailan'an dail sa O to <?( !in#!#n#an na rin. <*< !oliceItoI!istol ratio( meron na rin !o. Modernisasyon n' Sandataan' &akas( nan'yayari na.
Pan'mata'alan' ka!aya!aan sa Mindanao( s#m#s#lon' na. Pa'Ian'at n' atin' ekonomiya( t#loyIt#loy !a rin. 7Palak!akan]
SabayIsabay natin' nat#t#!ad an' atin' m'a !an'ara!* kal#s#'an' !an'kalaatan( silidIaralan( trabao( da#n'an( kalsada( !ali!aran( kali'tasan( ka!aya!aan. /n'
naba)i natin' !ambansan' dan'al( sinamaan !a n' !a'kilala n' m#ndo sa ba'on' anyo n' Pili!inas. /n' kaban n' bayan' m#la sa !a)is n' mamamayan(
'in#'#'ol !ara laman' sa kanilan' ka!akanan.
Pakin''an !o natin' m#li an' isa !a sa atin' m'a Boss*
)/ko !o si +ina &astrado( BC years old. +alin' !o ako sa 3sla < Baran'ay <DE( Maricaban( Pasay %ity.
/n' trabao ko !o doon sa may !inan''alin'an namin sa Pasay( ako !o Ryon' b#siness)oman. .'ayon !o( !ina'!at#loy ko !a rin( ma>am( Ryon' !a'titinda ko.
Oailan'an !o dito tiya'a. .iIrelocate !o kami dail sa amin' l#'ar !o ay nasasabin' 1dan'er zone.2 Oaramian !o kasi nasa tabi n' ilo'.
R5#n' -ndoy( 'rabe !o tala'a. Sabi ko n'a indi mo aakalain na masasabi mon' mab#b#ay !a kami.
1O#n' ik#k#m!ara Ry#n' b#ay namin doon sa Pasay saka dito( #m#lan man( b#ma'yo k#mba'a nakakat#lo' ka nan' maimbin'. 0ala kan' !an'amba na ayan
na an' baa( indi ka nakakat#lo'( Rdi t#lad doon sa !inan''alin'an namin. Oaya n'a sabi ko doon sa m'a kasama ko( sa m'a natira !a doon( l#mi!at na kayo kasi
)ala na kayon' !an'amba( )ala na tayon' baa.2
1Pa'datin' namin dito bini'yan !o kami n' 'rocery( saka bini'ay sa amin Ry#n' s#si. "inatid !o kami dito sa baay namin( at iyon !on' ei'teen to#sand( Ry#n an'
!anim#la n' b#ay namin dito. Bini'yan niya kami n' di'nidad an' laat n' m'a ta'aIs6#atter area doon sa l#'ar namin. .a!aka'anda n' b#ay namin dito rin(
ma>am. Masasabi mon' amin na tala'a Rton' l#'ar na>to.2 7Palak!akan]
I +ina &astrado( relocated member of an informalIsettler family :3SF;
.'ayon n'a !o* /n' !robleman' dinatnan( nasol#syonan. /n' nandiyan( tin#t#'#nan. /t an' !robleman' !aratin' !a lan'( !ina'aandaan na rin. .anini)ala ako*
O#n' mananatili an' inyon' ti)ala( masosol#syonan natin an' m'a ito.
,in'nan !o natin an' sit)asyon sa eneriya. +ina'a)a na !o natin an' laat !ara si'#r#in' nat#t#'#nan an' l#mala'on' !an'an'ailan'an n' bansa. Sa kabila
nito( meron !on' m'a !an'yayarin' tala'an' indi natin inaasaan( na maaarin' ma'b#nsod n' !roblema sa s#s#nod na taon. "alimba)a !o* Oailan'an natin'
b#n#in an' m'a kak#lan'an dail sa o#ta'es !ara sa maintenance n' m'a l#man' !lanta( n' m'a bi'laan' !a'into n' o!erasyon dail sa !a'kasira( at n' delay
sa im!lementation o sa !a'sasatayo n' m'a ba'on' !lanta.
"#)a' !o natin' kalim#tan( may banta din n' 9l .iMo na makakaa!ekto sa ka!asidad n' m'a ydro !o)er!lants( at ma'!a!ataas !a n' demand sa k#ryente. O#n'
sa atin' m'a kabaayan n'a( lalakas an' 'amit natin n' electric fan o aircon dail sa init n' !anaon( lalo naman !o sa m'a ind#striya at ne'osyo. "indi ito
kasin'sim!le n' !a'!#nta sa tindaan at !a'sabin'( 1Pabili n'a !o n' =EE me'a)att 'enerator( at !akiIinstall na rin b#kas.2
/n' abol natin* k#m!leton' !a'aanda !ara indi tayo ma!aralisa sakalin' man'yari an' )orstIcase scenario. Da!at( kait sa s#s#nod na taon !a ##sbon' an'
!roblema( meron na tayon' !ina!lanon' sol#syon !ara dito. Oaya n'a !o inatasan ko si Secretary 3cot Petilla n' D-9* Maki!a'I#'nayan ka na sa Joint
%on'ressional Po)er %ommission( sa 9ner'y Re'#latory %ommission( sa ind#striya( at an' !inakaim!ortante( sa m'a cons#mer( #!an' mada'da'an an'
kakayaan natin' t#'#nan an' !roblema sa eneriya.
Batid ko rin !o na a!ektado an' m'a Boss natin sa !ab#'soIb#'son' !a'taas n' !resyo n' bi'as. M#kan' totoo n'a !o an' m'a #lat* May ilan' m'a alan' an'
bit#kan' oarder na itinata'o lan' an' bi'as( !ara ka!a' t#maas an' !resyo( ibebenta nila an' stock !ara k#mita nan' diImakat)iran.
"indi !#)ede ito. O#n' sa tin'in nila )ais sila( mas ma#say an' 'ina'a)an' diskarte n' inyon' 'obyerno. /n' a'aran' sol#syon* ma'Iim!ort !a n' bi'as( iIs#!!ly
sa merkado( !ababain an' !resyo( at !anatiliin ito sa risonablen' antas( !ara mal#'i an' m'a na'sasamantala sa Pili!ino. 7Palak!akan]
.oon' .obyembre n' nakaraan' taon( na'sim#la na tayon' ma'Iim!ort n' AEE(EEE metriko tonelada !ara ma'silbin' ay#da sa s#!!ly na !inani!is n' na'daan'
m'a ba'yo. D#matin' na laat ito niton' Marso. .ito din' Pebrero( ina!r#baan n' .F/ %o#ncil an' !a'Ian'kat natin n' kara'da'an' DEE(EEE metriko tonelada
bilan' !a'!#no sa atin' b#ffer stock re6#irement( at @=E(CAE metric tons na nito an' d#matin' n'ayon' "#lyo; !a'datin' n' Setyembre( makakaratin' na an'
kab##an. .aa!r#baan na rin n'ayon' "#lyo an' a'aran' im!ortasyon n' AEE(EEE metriko tonelada n' bi'as sa !amama'itan n' o!en biddin'. May standby
a#tority rin an' .F/ na ma'Ian'kat n' kara'da'an !an' AEE(EEE metriko tonelada( bilan' !a'aanda sa ma'i'in' e!ekto n' kalamidad sa ani at sa !resyo n'
Oa!a' d#matin' an' kara'da'an natin' inaan'kat( ma!#!#)ersa na n'ayon' ma'benta an' m'a oarder n' bi'as na nakata'o sa kanilan' m'a kamali'. Sa m'a
oarder na ito* O#n' '#sto ninyon' maki!a'mati'asan( okay lan'( s#b#kan ninyo an' estado. ,andaan lan' ninyo* /nim na b#)an lan' an' itata'al ba'o mab#lok
an' stock sa m'a )areo#se ninyo. Si'#radon' mal#l#'i kayo ka!a' nal#nod na an' merkado sa da'da' na bi'as. O#mikilos kayo kontra sa m'a Pili!ino; kami
naman( isin#s#lon' an' interes n' ba)at Pili!ino. ,in'nan natin k#n' sino an' mananalo. 7Palak!akan]
B#kod !o sa !a'Iiimbesti'a sa m'a di#mano>y na'ta'o n' .F/ rice( sinisiyasat na rin natin an' laat n' m'a !#)eden' na'k#ntsabaan sa m'a aensya.
3niimbesti'aan na an' m'a em!leyadon' !ina'd#d#daan #!an' makas#an at ma!ak#lon' an' m'a mayIsala sa lalon' madalin' !anaon.
Sabay n' !a't#'is sa m'a ma!an'Iab#so( !at#loy rin an' m'a !royekto natin !ara ala'aan an' m'a nasa sektor n' a'rik#lt#ra. +ina'a)a natin' kaakitIakit na
kab#ayan an' !a'tatanim n' !alay. /lam naman !o natin na t#matanda na an' atin' m'a ma'sasaka( kaya malaki an' mait#t#lon' sa food sec#rity k#n'
maiikayat natin an' m'a kabataan na !as#kin an' 'aniton' ana!b#ay.
.a'kakaloob !o tayo n' m'a makaba'on' ka'amitan sa !a'sasaka !ara sa e!isyenten' !a'tatanim at !a'Iaani. M#la ?E<< an''an' Mayo n' ?E<B( nai!amaa'i
na natin an' kab##an' B(=?D !rod#ction macineries( <<(@=? !ostI!rod#ction macineries( at <EA rice mills sa iba>t iban' farmer>s associations. Sa t#lon' !o nito(
naba)asan an' nasasayan' sa ani n' atin' m'a ma'sasaka. B#kod rito( !ina!a#nlad natin an' m'a !at#bi'( na'!a!a'a)a tayo n' farmItoImarket roads( at
na's#s#lon' n' trainin' !ro'rams #!an' masa'ad an' kanilan' kita.
Pa'I#sa!an naman !o natin an' b#d'et. /n' 9ek#tibo( na'm#m#n'kai n' m'a !royekto at !ro'rama; inaa!r#baan naman ito n' Oon'reso. Oailan'an n'a lan'
!o natin' iti'il an' ilan( !ara makasi'#radon' s#m#s#nod tayo sa na'in' desisyon n' Oorte S#!rema #kol sa Disb#rsement /cceleration Pro'ram o D/P. /lam ko
!on' kaisa kayon' m'a nasa b#l)a'an' ito sa !anini)alan' indi da!at i!a'kait an' bene!isyo sa atin' mamamayan( at da!at n'a iton' makaratin' sa kanila sa
lalon' madalin' !anaon.
Oaya n'a !o* 3!ina!an#kala namin an' !a'!asa n' s#!!lemental b#d'et !ara sa ?E<B( #!an' indi naman maantala an' atin' m'a !ro'rama at !royekto.
7Palak!akan] Oasabay !o nito( nanana)a'an din tayo sa !akikiisa n' Oon'reso( #!an' mai!asa an' isan' Joint Resol#tion na ma'lilina) sa m'a de!inisyon at
kaisi!an' tila !ina'tatal#nan !a4at iba !an' m'a #sa!in' kayo lan' sa leislat#ra( bilan' m'a na's#lat n' batas( an' makaka!a'lina). 7Palak!akan]
Sa #nan' ara) !o n' trabao mata!os an' S-./( iaain natin sa Oon'reso an' !an#kalan' ?.=E= trillion !esos na ?E<A .ational B#d'et. +aya n' la'i( bin#o ito
kasama an' mamamayan( 'amit an' istrateiyan' na'lalaan n' !ondo k#n' saan laman' ito t#nay na ma'aatid n' bene!isyo. Kmaasa !o tayo sa !akikiisa n'
atin' m'a mambabatas na !a'tibayin ito( bilan' !an'#nain' instr#mento sa !a'lika n' !a'kakataon !ara sa sambayanan' Pili!ino.
Pakin''an naman !o natin n'ayon an' isan' bene!isyaryo n' /lternati$e &earnin' System !ro'ram !o n' De!9d.
)/ko !o si Maria %ecilla Fr#elda.2
1Bale nabalitaan ko !o sa m'a kasamaan kon' ta'aIJambales din !o( na naririto na sa Rosario( na ma'anda da) !o an' ana!b#ay dito sa P#tin' Oaoy kaya
kami !o ay na!ali!at dito.2
1Prayoridad n'a !o namin' m'a tribo an' ma'ana! n' !a'kain kaysa !on' !a't##nan n' !ansin an' !a'Iaaral. Sobra !on' maala'a sa akin an' !a'Iaaral lalo
na !o>t noon' naka!asa ako n' /&S 7/lternati$e &earnin' System] dail k#n' saan ito na !o an' na'in' sim#la na mat#!ad ko iyon' akin' !an'ara! na ma'in'
isan' titser.2
1Sa tin'in ko !o( 'a'anda an' b#ay n' m'a kabataan' /eta sa amin ka!a' naka!a'Iaral. "indi !o ako naka!asok sa /&S k#n' saan ay Rdi ko !o malalaman iyon'
m'a kara!atan namin bilan' kat#t#bo at indi rin !o namin mai!a!a'laban an' amin' tinata)a' na l#!ain'Inin#no na n'ayon !o sa a)a n' Diyos ay nilalakad na
!o n' .%3P !ara matit#l#an an' l#!a at maiIa)ard na sa amin.2
1RPa' ako !o ay nakata!os n' k#rson' 9d#kasyon( '#sto ko !o maka!a't#ro sa amin' kom#nidad at '#sto ko rin !on' mai!amaa'i k#n' ano man iyon' m'a
nalalaman ko at i'it na kaalaman na da!at ibi'ay sa m'a kat#t#bon' /eta.2
1.a!akalaki !o n' nait#lon' n' /&S dail b#kod !o n'a sa n'ayon !o ako !o>y est#dyante n' &#ansin'( k#n' saan !o>y mas lalo !an' nakilala iyon' amin'
kom#nidad. Marami !a !o an' t#m#lon' lalo na !o iyon' m'a kabataan namin( k#n' saan !aran' sin#ndan nila an' ya!ak ko( mas i'it na !on' marami an' na'I
aaral n'ayon kaysa dati.2 7Palak!akan]
I Maria %ecilla Fr#elda( /eta tribal leader( /&S learner( and colle'e st#dent
M'a kababayan( siya !o( at an' marami !an' bene!isyaryon' t#lad niya( an' natatab#nan sa t#)in' #miin'ay an' orkestra n' ne'atibismo sa balita. 3ton' maiin'ay
na ito( sadyan' isinasara an' isi! at nam#m#ay sa sarilin' m#ndo at realidad. "aban' nakikita an' !a'baba'o sa li!#nan( nan'yayari na n'a an' atin' inasaan*
lalon' d#madalas( lalon' #miinit( at lalon' t#mitindi an' !a'Iatake nila sa atin. "aban' l#milina) an' bene!isyo n' re!orma( !aira! nan' !aira! an' !a'Iasan'
ma'ta'#m!ay an' !anlilinlan' nila( kaya>t na'tatanim sila n' d#da. Des!erado na !o sila.
Bakit n'a !o ba sila 'alit na 'alitH ,in'nan !o natin an' kanilan' motibasyon. Para sa m'a 'ina)a nan' ne'osyo an' kanilan' !osisyon* k#n' maayos natin an'
m'a sistema( na)a)alan sila n' !a'kakataon' mansamantala. .at#ral lan' na kontrain nila tayo. 3to naman' m'a )alan' iban' lay#nin k#ndi iba'sak an'
'obyerno* P#)ede lan' mada'da'an an' kanilan' anay k#n' maramin' na'd#r#sa( at na)alan n' ti)ala sa sistema. .'ayon' nak#k#m!#ni na an' sistema at
nat#t#'#nan an' !a'd#r#sa( nababa)asan na an' !#)ede nilan' iIrecr#it( kaya !aka#nti nan' !aka#nti an' kanilan' bilan'. .at#ral lan' din na kontrain nila tayo.
/n' !inakamain'ay na k#mokontra sa atin ay an' aya) n' trans!ormasyon( dail na'samantala at nakinaban' sila sa l#man' kalakaran.
+anito ko n'a !o naiisi! an' atin' sit)asyon* Para tayon' m'a mamamayan' mata'al na nai!it sa isan' isla k#n' saan may na'Iiisan' tindaan. Dail )alan'
!a'!i!ilian( na'!a!ataas sila n' !resyo k#n' kailan nila '#sto( at tala'a n'a naman !on' inaab#so tayo. 3natasan !o ninyo akon' itimon an' ban'ka n' estado
t#n'o sa kabilan' isla( k#n' saan mas maramin' tindaan( mas maramin' !a'!i!ilian( mas maayos an' b#ay( at mas mala)ak an' !a'kakataon. Siyem!re !o(
an' na'!a!atakbo n' tindaan sa atin' islan' nilisan( aya) tayon' !#malaot( dail ma)a)alan sila n' inaab#so. &aat( 'a'a)in nila !ara !i'ilan an' atin'
!a'ta)id sa kabilan' !am!an'. Sasabiin nilan'* Pareo lan' naman doon; )ala naman tala'an' !a'baba'o doon. 3tatali nila tayo sa da#n'an( b#b#tasan an'
atin' ban'ka( makiki!a'k#ntsabaan !ara ili'a) an' atin' biyae.
/n' totoo !o( indi naman ako an' kinokontra n' m'a ito( k#ndi an' ta#mbayan' nakikinaban' sa t#)id na daan. Oontra sila sa ma'sasaka sa 3loilo( na mai'it
limam!#n' taon' nan'ara! n' maayos na iri'asyon( at n'ayon ay nakikita nan' 'ina'a)a an' Jala#r M#ltiI!#r!ose Ri$er Project. 7Palak!akan] Oontra sila sa
na!akaramin' est#dyanten' indi na kailan'an' ma'siksikan sa m'a classroom. Oontra sila sa na'katrabao dail nasanay n' ,9SD/; kontra sa m'a maa'an'
naililikas sa !anaon n' ba'yo dail sa !ina#say na P/+/S/; kontra sa m'a informal settler na nailayo sa !an'anib dail sa !ro'raman' !abaay; kontra sa m'a
maralitan' libre nan' nakaka!a'!a'amot sa !am!#blikon' os!ital; kontra sa m'a s#ndalon' may modernon' ka'amitan kaya mas may k#m!iyansa nan'
i!a'tan''ol an' bansa; kontra sa m'a Moro at kat#t#bon' abotItana) na an' ka!aya!aan. M'a Boss( kontra !o sila sa inyo. 7Palak!akan]
/n' totoo !o niyan( )ala !a tayo sa !#)esto( inaatake na tayo. Sanay na tayon' sinasal#bon' n' ne'atibon' komentarista sa alm#sal( !an'Iaali!#sta sa
tan'alian( ins#lto sa a!#nan( at may intri'a !a bilan' midni't snack. 7,a)anan] .'ayon n'a !on' Pan'#lo ako( t#loy !a rin an' m'a kontra sa !a'baba'o. Sa
tin'in ko( maski sa !a'baba ko sa !#)esto( indi !a rin sila titi'il.
.aalala ko !o an' isan' matandan' babaen' naka#sa! ko dati sa kam!anya. /n' sabi niya sa akin( 1.oy( ma'Iiin'at ka. Marami kan' makakaban''a.2 ,otoo an'
kanyan' babala. Pero b#o an' loob kon' kaara!in an' m'a nakakaban''an' ito( dail alam ko* iilan laman' sila( at diIamak na na!akarami natin. 7Palak!akan]
Mas malakas !o tayon' m'a andan' makisa')an t#n'o sa !a'baba'o. Ma'tata'#m!ay tayo sa laban' ito( dail tayo an' nasa'ara! tayo( na'sim#la
tayo( na'sika! tayo( nakab#)elo tayo( at n'ayon( #maaran'kada na n'a !o an' Pili!ino. 7Palak!akan] &alon' ma'i'in' s#lit an' !a'od at sakri!isyo natin k#n'
iton' nasim#lan natin ay it#t#loy !o ninyo.
Oayo an' aara! sa san'andaan; kayo an' ma'!a!asya k#n' ma't#t#loy an' !a'baba'o. ,andaan lan' !o natin( ito an' akin' ikaliman' S-./; isa na laman'
an' natitira. Sa ?E<=( !i!ili kayo n' ba'on' !in#no n' atin' bayan. /n' sa akin lan' !o* Para i!a'!at#loy at mas ma!abilis !a an' !a'baba'on' tinatamasa na n'
atin' li!#nan( iisa lan' an' batayan sa !a'!ili n' !a!alit sa akin* Sino an' )ala ni katitin' na d#dan' ma'!a!at#loy sa trans!ormasyon' atin' isinakat#!aranH
Oayo !o an' Boss( kayo an' lakas( kayo an' '#ma'a)a n' !a'baba'o4kaya kayo rin an' ma'!a!at#loy nito. .asasainyo k#n' !aanon' is#s#lat sa kasaysayan
an' m'a !anaon' ito. Maaari iton' maalala bilan' t#ktok n' atin' ta'#m!ay( bilan' ma'andan' sim#lain' nasayan' lan'. Pero mas ma'anda !on' diIamak k#n'
maalala an' m'a na'a)a natin bilan' sim#la !a lan' n' atin' maaban' !a'lalakbay t#n'o sa kat#!aran n' mas matatayo' !an' !an'ara!.
.oon' min#n'kai !o n' ilan' m'a 'r#!o na ako>y t#makbo( an' sabi nila sa akin( indi namin inaasaan na l#tasin mo laat n' !roblema n' atin' bansa sa loob n'
anim na taon. Pero sim#lan mo na sana..akita naman ninyo k#n' saan tayo nan''alin'( at nakita naman ninyon' lam!asIlam!as !a sa atin' m'a !inan'ara!
noon' sim#la an' tinatamasa natin n'ayon.
Pina!anday na natin an' sistema k#n' saan tala'an' !atas an' laban; k#n' saan an' s#m#s#nod sa !atakaran ay nakakaratin' sa nais niyan' !aroonan; k#n'
saan may t#nay na k#m!etisyon' na'b#b#kal n' !a'kakataon at mala)akan' ka#nlaran; k#n' saan an' laat ay may kakaayan' !an'a)akan an' sarilin'
ka!alaran. 7Palak!akan]
/botIkamay na an' isan' li!#nan' kayan' s#malo( #mar#'a sa m'a nasa laylayan; k#n' saan an' ba)at isa ay k#mikilala sa kanyan' t#n'k#lin sa ka!)a at sa
bayan; k#n' saan t#loyIt#loy at )alan' an''an an' !akikiamba' at samaIsaman' !a'Ian'at n' sambayanan.
Pa!ala!it na !o tala'a tayo sa minimiti natin' kinab#kasan( k#n' saan na'aari an' katar#n'an( at t#nay !on' )alan' maii)an.
3to an' res#lta n' re!orma( at ito an' i!ina'lalaban natin( at !at#loy !an' i!ina'lalaban* "indi an' !a'!a!anatili n' nakasanayan( k#ndi an' !a'baba'o n' sistema
!ara makinaban' an' laat. 7Palak!akan]
M'a Boss* Bini'yan ninyo ako n' !a'kakataon' !am#n#an an' trans!ormasyon. O#n' inindian ko an' amon na iniara! niyo sa akin( !ara ko na rin' sinabi na
t#t#lon' akon' !aabain an' inyon' !a'd#r#sa( at indi maaatim n' konsensya ko iyon. O#n' tinalik#ran ko an' !a'kakataon( !aran' tinalik#ran ko na rin an'
akin' ama>t ina( at an' laat n' inialay nila !ara sa atin; indi !o !o man'yayari iyon. Sa !a'akban' sa t#)id na daan( !inili ninyo an' mab#ti at an' tama; t#motoo
kayo sa akin4at ako naman !o ay t#mototoo sa inyo. 7Palak!akan]
/n' trans!ormasyon' tinatamasa natin n'ayon( ay ma'a'a)a natin' !ermanente sa 'abay n' Pan'inoon. "an''a>t b#o an' atin' !ananali' at ti)ala( at an''a>t
na'sisilbi tayon' lakas n' isa>t isa( !at#loy natin' ma!a!at#nayan na( 1te Fili!ino is )ort dyin' for2 7Palak!akan]( 1te Fili!ino is )ort li$in' for(2 at idada'da' ko
naman !o* 1,e Fili!ino is definitely )ort fi'tin' for.2 7Palak!akan]
/lam !o ni Vice President na noon' <FDC ma'kasama kami. May k#deta( naIamb#s !o tayo doon( at ta!os noon e !an'ala)an' b#ay ko na !o ito. "indi natin
maii)asan ma'Iisi! sa m'a bin#b#n''o natin( may ara) kayan' R!a' sasam!a ka sa entablado( may trabao rin' ara)Qmay ma'tata'#m!ay ban' ma'la'ay n'
bombaH Ma'tata'#m!ay ba Ry#n' m'a maiitim na balak n' atin !on' m'a kat#n''alin' '#sto tayon' ibalik sa malin' kalakaranH /t k#n' d#matin' n'a an'
!anaon' !on' iyon( at nata!os na !o an' atin' !an'ala)an' b#ay( masasabi ko o ban'( okay na rinH /t sasabiin ko !o sa inyo( mata sa mata( sa laat !o n'
inabot natin( ako !o>y masasabin' kontento na ako. 7Palak!akan]
Oontento na !o ako dail !anata' an' kalooban ko( na k#n' ako !o>y ma)ala na dito( marami !o an' ma'!a!at#loy n' atin' tinaak na. Baka iyon lan' !o tala'a
an' !a!el koQ#m!isaan ito.
.andiyan !o an' m'a taon' t#lad ni %ardinal %ito ,a'le( at Oa 9d#ardo Manalo( at t#lad ni Broter 9ddie Villan#e$a( Fater %atalino /re$alo( at Fater Jett Villarin(
at ni Biso! Jonel Milan( at si Sister /'nes +#illen( and Mae Sal$atierra. Sila !o sa sektor reliiyoso( t#loy( it#t#loy nila an' atin' !on' sinim#lan. 7Palak!akan]
Meron !on' /ris /li! n' %/RD na ma't#t#loy sa kanyan' amba' sa !amama'itan n' microfinance. .andiyan !o an' isan' /lice M#r!y at an' kanyan' m'a
kasamaan sa #rban !oor associates na tala'an' t#t#l#yan an' !an'an'ala'a sa atin !on' informal settlers. 7Palak!akan]
.andiyan !o an' atin' m'a s#ndalo at ka!#lisanQtala'an' ara)Iara) naman !on' !ini!ililt 'a)in an' tama( t#lad n' atin' ba'on' %ief of Staff( atin' m'a Ser$ice
%ommanders( m'a s#ndalo n' &i't Reaction Battalion( at n' JS-+.
.andiyan rin !o( siyem!re( anay niyon' !inan''alin'an kon' m'a !#litiko. May d#da ba na dadalin tayo ni Senate President Franklin Drilon at S!eaker Belmonte
sa taman' landasH 7Palak!akan]
.a'in' !ribileiyo ko rin o maki!a'trabao at maki!a'I#'nayan sa isan' 'o$ernor( /lfredo MaraMon n' .e'ros -ccidental 7!alak!akan]. "indi ko ka!artido( !ero
!ala'ay ko naman !o kasama na niya ako sa fans cl#b sa tama niyan' !amamalakad sa .e'ros.
Mayroon rin tayon' m'a #maan'at na ba'on' o mas bata sa akin' !#litiko. /yoko naman o sabiin na na!akal#ma ko nan' !#litiko sa !a't#koy sa m'a mas bata.
M'a taon' t#lad ni Mayor Jed Mabilo' at ni Mayor &en /lonte 7!alak!akan].
Meron naman sa sektor( sabiin na natin' m'a c#lt#re t#lad nina .oel %aban'on at ni -'ie /lcasid na indi !ansarili lan' an' iniintindi. 7Palak!akan]
+abiI'abi !o( ba'o ako mat#lo'( tank yo# at nakalam!as !a ako n' isan' ara). O#n'( sabi n'a noon' bata kami( 1finis or not finis( !ass yo#r !a!er2 e d#matin'
na sa akin( !ala'ay ko naman( naramdaman na ninyo k#n' anon' !a'baba'on' kara!atan n' ba)at Pili!inon' man'yari. /t baala na kayon' it#loy ito.
M'a Boss( kayo an' '#ma)a n' trans!ormasyon' atin' tinatamasa. Oayo an' s#si n' !a'!a!at#loy n' laat n' !ositibon' !a'baba'on' naabot natin. B#on'Ib#o
an' ti)ala ko( nasa eksena man ako o )ala( t#t#n'o an' Pili!ino sa tama niyan' kalala'yan.
Oaya( an''an' dito na lan' !o ako. Ma'andan' a!on !o sa laat. Maramin' salamat sa inyo. 7Palak!akan]

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