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Institute of Management and Research

MBA (1Vth SEM)

Mar$eting %f Ser&ices
Time' ( )ours Ma*imum Mar$s' +"
Section A
Attempt all questions
All Questions carry equal marks.
Define the following (5X2)
1. er!ice failure an" #eco!ery.
2. er!ice $lueprints.
%. $enchmarking.
&. 'one of tolerance
5. er!ice tan"ar"i(ation
Section B
Attempt & out of 5 questions) All Questions carry equal marks. (&X1*)
Q+. Descri,e the process of ser!ice pro"uct "esign.
Q-. .hat are the main approaches a"opte" while pricing ser!ices/ Discuss the suita,le pricing
strategy for 0life 1nsurance 2olicy3 an" 04ospital3.
Q5. 67plain the importance of internal marketing in case of ser!ice organi(ations. 4ow "oes
internal marketing affect these organi(ations/
Q8. .hat are the components of er!ice pro"uct/ 67plain the importance of each one.
Q1*. .hat are the ma9or characteristics of er!ices/ 4ow "o they affect the ser!ice marketing/
Q11. 67plain the significance an" importance of 02hysical 6!i"ence3 along with its types in the
marketing of ser!ices.
ection : (:ase tu"y)
A!ishkar A"!ertising is a small a" Agency that ha" esta,lishe" itself ,y pro!i"ing a"!ertising
ser!ices to companies in the healthcare in"ustry. 4owe!er) things change" with the a" agencies
like 6uro;#:<) =AA;$o(ell that ,egan working with pharma companies like knoll) torrent on
the strengths of their international alliances. $igger agencies like >?=) @owe an" =c:ann also
set up separate "i!isions for health care communications.
Q12. .hat kin" of pricing strategy an" o,9ecti!es shoul" a!ishkar a"opt to ti"e o!erthis

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