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Does Having

Gum for
Often we hear from doctors and people around that
chewing gum helps remove bad breadth and in some
cases even helps preventing cavities, but it also has other
side efects. Constant consumption of chewing gum is
found to causes severe Headaches.
Headaches are common in childhood and become more
freuent during adolescence, particularl! among girls.
"rigger factors include stress, tiredness, lac# of sleep,
heat, video games, noise, sunlight, smo#ing, missed
meals, menstruation. But now studies suggest correlation
between gum chewing and headaches.
Out of $% patients, &' reported who stopped chewing
gum had signi(cant improvement, and )* had complete
headache resolution. &% of the improved patients began
chewing gum again, and all of them reported an
immediate relapse of s!mptoms.
Gum chewing teenagers and !ounger children are giving
themselves headaches with this habit. +eople chew gum
for one hour to si, hours per da!. "he! chew gum even
when the -avor and taste of the gum is lost. "his causes
signi(cant burden to the temporomandibular
.oint/"012,which is alread! a most used .oint in the bod!,
resulting in headache or migraine. Chewing gum causes
stress to the "01 the place where the .aw meets the s#ull.
B! advising teenagers with chronic headaches to simpl!
stop chewing gum, doctors can provide man! of them
with uic# and efective treatment without the need for
e,pensive diagnostic tests or medications.
CO3"4C" 56
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