Saroj Mohan Institute of Technology Internal Assessment Visual Programming & Web Technology Dept: CSE Sem: 7 Year: 4th CODE:CS-703 Time: 45 Min

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Saroj Mohan Institute Of Technology

Internal Assessment
Visual Programming & Web Technology
Dept !S" Sem #
$ear %th
!OD" !S&#'( Time %) min
Answer All Questions:
*+ Write a program in VB that will show 1 to 10 in a
Combo box and whenever you select the particular
number rom Combo box it will display that particular
number in !ist box whenever you press "nsert button
and remove as well# $%&

,+ Write a program in VB which 'ave (hree )ption
button *+,- B!.+- /*++0 whenever user clic1s this
buttons appropriate color will be display# $%&
( +Why V#B is called )b2ect )riented 3rogramming
!anguage4 +xplain it4 What is the max si5e allowed
or 6sgbox 3rompt and "nput Box4 $789&

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