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SWOT analysis provides a structure for analyzing either company strengths and weaknesses, and
the opportunities and threats company will facing, or in a work context for analyzing the
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats a business or event faces. Ideally it is one step
in a process which helps JHR Ventures to:-
1. Appreciate the strengths of a situation, and company may then decide to build on these;
2. Define the weaknesses, which company might choose to minimize;
3. Make the most of the opportunities that present themselves, and
4. Recognize the possible threats and treat them in a planned and organized way.

The following SWOT analysis captures the key strengths and weaknesses within the JHR
Ventures, and describes the opportunities and threats facing by the company
Superior, specialized service offerings through website and latest apps.
Strong relationship with government agency such as MARA
Well verse working experienced among partnership in the company
Availability of experienced man power towards event activity
Strong networking with supplier base such as booth, tent and catering in Klang Valley
High motivation level among partner to involve in this business, as all member will put high
effort to make it reality in the target market.

JHR Ventures business model still not crystal clear base on series of presentation during Ideation
and Reflection session with Prof Abu Bakar Sade
The concentration of a small niche of the market that will limit the potential size of the market.
The difficulty of generating awareness and visibility of the company in its first few years of
The inability to rapidly scale to meet large, unexpected increases in demand.
Doesnt have an expertise in the development of information technology
Lack of media and corporate contact since the all the member in partnership are coming from
government agency (MARA)

A growing market of companies that are outsourcing event planning activities through IT based.
Being one of the first service providers concentrating on this specific niche (IT base).
Relatively low overhead for the time being (excluding IT overhead cost).
JHR Ventures got support from MARA Managing Director and also from Dean of MGSEB
University Malaysia Kelantan, even though JHR still green in this business industry

A slump in the economy that could have a ripple effect on service providers such as event
Future competition from existing service providers competing in different but complimentary
market spaces.
The inability to find qualified, high quality employees.
The competitor might imitate the business model of company.
The company IT base are not up to date as a competitor in market

Base on the above depth SWOT analysis regarding JHR Venture, this data will not end here but
it is a one step ahead before some decision making. I personally believe JHR Ventures will come
out with a solid business model, before the company launch their application in the market.

Besides that, JHR Ventures need to come out with a new event concept as suggested by Prof Abu
Bakar in the previous class. JHR need to create a new way of marketing concept in order to
penetrate in this type of business industry. What make JHR Ventures are different from
competitor in the market are through our business model which consist of IT application, on top
of that JHR is the first company that will embark their journey in this business idea concept

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