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STEM- Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics

Instructor Matthew Howell Phone 662-226-8844
Room 22B E-mail

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Applications is an innovative
instructional program that prepares students to engage in future academic and
vocational courses of study in high school, community college, and institutions of higher
learning. Students in STEM Applications complete study in technology literacy, the
design process, emerging technologies, computer-aided design, sustainable design and
technology, power and energy, robotics simulation, financial and economic literacy, and
workplace skills for the 21st century. The STEM Applications curriculum framework is
built upon 21st Century Skills Standards, ACT College Readiness Standards, and the
National Educational Technology Standards for Students.
1. Orientation and Ethics
2. Technology Literacy
3. The Design Process
4. Emerging Technologies
5. Computer Aided Design
6. Sustainable Design and Technology
7. Power and Energy
8. Robotics Simulation
9. Financial and Economic Literacy
10. Workplace Skills: School to Careers
Student must be enrolled as a ninth grader

STEM is a blend of technology and hands-on application. STEM is where abstract ideas
culminate in concrete activities. This class will utilize online learning using Canvas
through the RCU. Canvas technology helps you make learning more effective in and
beyond the traditional walls. Canvas breathes life into educational content, brings
efficiency to day-to-day tasks, empowers instructors with tools to engage every learner,
promotes collaboration and streamlines processes. The use of Canvas in this class will
prepare our future learners for the online educational experience that is increasing in
frequency. These online courses are currently used for early graduation, credit recovery,
distance learning, and many other applications.

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