A. Choose The Correct Option

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Choose the correct option

A. Where are you from?
B. What is your from?
C. What from are you?

Are you French?
A. Yes, I is
B. Yes he is
C. Yes I am

A. He live on London
B. He live in London
C. He lives in London

A. I don't like coffee
B. I doesn't like coffee
C. I does like coffee

A. He goes to work in us
B. He goes to work y us
C. He goes to work y the us

A. !eorge has very ig car
B. !eorge a very ig car has
C. !eorge has a very ig car

7. "o you s#eak $nglish?
A. Yes we do
B. Yes we don't
C. Yes they do

A. Look at that house over here
B. Look at that house over there
C. Look at that house under there

A. He Italian, he not %olish
B. He is Italian, he isn't %olish
C. &hey is Italian, they isn't %olish

A. What do you have reakfast?
B. When do you have reakfast?
C. Where reakfast you?

A. Where is the train station?
B. What is train 'tation?
C. Where the train station is?

A. !ive me the ook(
B. &he ook me give(
C. !ive the ook me(

B. Put negatives

I like coffee but I don't like tea
I drink whisky ut rum*

He s#eaks ,a#anese ut !erman*

&hey like %o# ut .ock*

'he eats 0hinese food ut 1ietnamese food*

You #lay drums ut guitar*
We live 3ew York, &he 4owery* We live a ig
the third floor* 5ur uilding is the lirary* our a##artment
a akery* We are very ha##y our neighourhood*
Choose the correct option
A. Where did you have dinner last night?
B. Where have you had dinner last night?
C. Where do you have dinner last night?

I was orn *****
A. 4efore -6 years
B. &hirty years ago
C. &he last thirty years

"o you mind if I o#en the window?
A. Yes, that's fantastic
B. "on't e silly
C. 3o, not at all

A. I should sto# smoking
B. I should to sto# smoking
C. I must to sto# smoking

You *****
A. 7ustn't to go
B. "on't have to go
C. 3eedn't to go *****
! "ou #on$t %ant to.

A. I really should to talk to her
B. I really need to talk to her
C. I really must to talk to her

I'm *****
A. !oing to take a long walk
B. !oing taking a long walk
C. !oing a long walk

A. Are you going #arty on Friday?
B. Are you going #artying on Friday?
C. Are you going to the #arty on Friday?

A. I'm not working tomorrow
B. I'm not to working tomorrow
C. I don't working tomorrow

A. "id you rather go to a different movie?
B. Would you rather go to a different movie?
C. Would you didn't go to a different movie?

A. It will e very hot this summer
B. It isn't willing very hot this summer
C. It will is very hot this summer

A. It was een very nice this evening
B. It has een very nice this evening
C. It will een very nice this evening

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