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What hapenned after September 11

Eight consequences of the attacks of

September 11.

Sign offensive against Afghanistan
for the purpose of preventing that
country remained based terrorists.

The warlike movement now moved
to Iraq, the U.S. attacked with
nuclear disarmament in order to
leave no room for threats to use
such weapons against the United

Later came more terrosistas
attacks like and March 11, 2004 in
the Madrid with authorship of the
terrorist group Al Qaeda , another
one in London on July 7, 2005
which exploded destroying
underground trains and a bus
bomb two floors .

Sadamm Hussein is executed
after EU it overthrew the
government of Iraq, because they
argued that the supports terrosita
group Al Qaeda and promote the
development of nuclear weapons ,
its execution was recorded to
avoid suspicion that he had died .
The May 1, 2011 , was announced
the death of Osama Bin Laden to
the attacks of September 11
adjudge , the operation that
culminated with the death of
Osama who makes sure his body
was thrown into the sea , was
commanded secretly by EU .

A 10-year attack, the DNA analysis
were not sufficient to identify more
than a thousand fatalities , of the
2752 people who died in the attack
have been identified only 1630,
thus leaving a great void and pain
families of these victims .
Whereas aircraft were used as
weapons to carry out attacks, the
security systems at airports around
the world had to be reinforced .
Every time we have decided to
travel to face sitemas of more rigid
and strict security before boarding.

We have implemented various
modern security systems among
which the system of lasers to detect
whether a person is carrying
weapons or systems analysis of
behavior of people in which you
can detect suspicious behavior of
people and so act in time.
In the place where the
towers were , two sources
will be located and beside
several emblematic
buildings and a tower 549
meters to take the name of
freedom Torree will be

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