2014 Basic Resume Sample

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Hannah L.

3587 Hancock Landing
Waynesboro, GA 30830
Augusta, GA 706-871-0988
'o obtain a (art-ti)e (osition *+i,e co)(,eting )y degree
Georgia Regents University Augusta, Georgia
Bachelor of Arts in Science -ay .018
"#eet$are Co%%er$ia# Tr&$'s Augusta, Georgia
Office work -ay .01/ 0 1resent
!rgani2e and sort o33ice )ateria,s
Assist in t+e 3i,ing o3 co)(any (a(ers
4reate and ,og co)(uter entries

(&#ti)#e "a%i#ies Augusta, Georgia
Nanny/Babysitter -ay .011- 1resent
1ro5ided in-+o)e care 3or c+i,dren ages t+ree )ont+s to 1. years o,d
-anaged ti)e sc+edu,es o3 c+i,dren de(ending on (arenta, guide,ines
'utored and (ro5ided assistance *it+ +o)e*ork in 5arious sub6ects
-aintained 3u,, res(onsibi,ity o3 c+i,dren at neig+bor+ood and (ersona, 3a)i,y (oo,s
4oordinated sc+edu,e o3 acti5ities 3or c+i,dren *it+ (arents
Co%)&ter, 1ro3icient in -icroso3t Word, #7ce,, 1o*er1oint, $1$$

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