Rebekah Hawkins Resume

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John J.

Residence IV
Room # 107
Augusta, Georgia 30909
'o o(tain a )art!time )osition #"i*e com)*eting m+ degree
Georgia Regents University Augusta, Georgia
Bachelor of Science August 201,
Eastern Neras!a Co""#nity Partnershi$ Augusta, Georgia
Volunteer -a+ 2011 . August 2011
/rgani0e1de*i2er commodities -a+ 2012! 3u*+ 2012
4ort, u)date, and code 5i*es
6*an c*ot"ing dri2es

Augusta, Georgia
Nanny/Babysitter -a+ 2077 . August 2077
6ro2ided in!"ome care 5or c"i*dren ages t"ree mont"s to 12 +ears o*d
-anaged time sc"edu*es o5 c"i*dren de)ending on )arenta* guide*ines
'utored and )ro2ided assistance #it" "ome#or$ in 2arious su(8ects
-aintained 5u** res)onsi(i*it+ o5 c"i*dren at neig"(or"ood and )ersona* 5ami*+ )oo*s
9oordinated sc"edu*e o5 acti2ities 5or c"i*dren #it" )arents
Cra%y Ti"&s '#nsvi((e :2ans, Georgia
Assistant Manager August 2077 . -a+ 2077
Assisted manager #it" sc"edu*ing and su)er2ising a 20 mem(er team
6re)ared c*u("ouse 5or s)ecia* e2ents and su)er2ised a** #ee$end e2ents
4o*d o2er 200 tic$ets )er da+ to 5ami*ies and communit+ grou)s
Increased sa*es (+ 20; during t"e )ast #inter season
Co"$#ter, 6ro5icient in -icroso5t <ord, :=ce*, 6o#er6oint, 4644
+ang#age, 9on2ersationa* 4)anis" s)ea$ing a(i*it+

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