Joelle Carreon Resume

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Joelle Carreon

6000 Jaguar Way Apt.4303

Augusta, Georgia 30909
"o o#tain a part-ti$e position on ca$pus
Georgia Regents University Augusta, Georgia
Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene %ay 20&8
Lakeside Hig !"ool At'anta, Georgia
G(A 3.5 August 20&0 ) %ay 20&4

Las Colinas %e&i"an Resta'rant "uc*er, Georgia
Hostess August 20&3 ) +cto#er 20&3
greete! costu$ers an! seate! t,e$ as t,ey -a'*e! in
c'eane! $y area an! a'so t,e restroo$s o. t,e custo$ers
c'eane! up ta#'es a.ter custo$ers 'e.t
Cross (eys HO!A At'anta, Georgia
Treasurer August 20&3 ) %ay 20&4
p'anne! e/ents .or t,e -,o'e sc,oo' year
in c,arge o. t,e $oney .ro$ t,e e/ents
presente! presentations once a $ont, to t,e c'ass
Dental Assistant Certi)i"ate At'anta, Georgia

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