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Insurance Case Digest: Heirs Of Loreto C.

V Maramag (2009)
G.R. No. 181132 June 5, 2009
Lessons Applicable: To whom insurance proceeds payable (Insurance)
Lore#o $arama% desi%na#ed as bene&iciary his concubine '(a de )u*man $arama%
+icen#a $arama% and ,dessa, -arl .rian, and Trisha An%elie (heirs o& Lore#o $arama%) and
his concubine '(a de )u*man $arama%, also suspec#ed in #he /illin% o& Lore#o and his ille%i#ima#e
children are claimin% &or his insurance0
+icen#a alle%es #ha# '(a is dis1uali&ied &rom claimin%
2T!: )ran#ed 3 ci(il code does 4,T apply
!A: dismissed #he case &or lac/ o& 5urisdic#ion &or &ilin% beyond re%lemen#ary period
I""6': 784 '(a can claim e(en #hou%h prohibi#ed under #he ci(il code a%ains# dona#ion
9'L:: ;'"0 <e#i#ion is :'4I':0
Any person who is &orbidden &rom recei(in% any dona#ion under Ar#icle =>9 canno# be named
bene&iciary o& a li&e insurance policy o& #he person who canno# ma/e any dona#ion #o him
I& a concubine is made #he bene&iciary, i# is belie(ed #ha# #he insurance con#rac# will
s#ill remain (alid, bu# #he indemni#y mus# %o #o #he le%al heirs and no# #o #he concubine, &or
e(iden#ly, wha# is prohibi#ed under Ar#0 20?2 is #he namin% o& #he improper bene&iciary0
"'!TI,4 5>0 The insurance proceeds shall be applied e@clusi(ely #o #he proper in#eres# o& #he
person in whose name or &or whose bene&i# i# is made unless o#herwise speci&ied in #he policy0
)2: only persons en#i#led #o claim #he insurance proceeds are ei#her #he insured, i& s#ill
ali(eA or #he bene&iciary, i& #he insured is already deceased, upon #he ma#ura#ion o& #he policy0
'B: si#ua#ion where #he insurance con#rac# was in#ended #o bene&i# #hird persons who
are no# par#ies #o #he same in #he &orm o& &a(orable s#ipula#ions or indemni#y0 In such a case, #hird
par#ies may direc#ly sue and claim &rom #he insurer
I# is only in cases where #he insured has no# desi%na#ed any bene&iciary, or when #he
desi%na#ed bene&iciary is dis1uali&ied by law #o recei(e #he proceeds, #ha# #he insurance policy
proceeds shall redound #o #he bene&i# o& #he es#a#e o& #he insured

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