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PleaseJoin us for a Luncheon Event Honoring
Congressman Keith Ellison
Minnesota's 5
Congressional District
Committees: Financial Services & Foreigll Affairs
Decelllber 9
, 2009
12:00- 1:30pm
The Offices of Honeywell
101 Constitution Ave., NW
IUWI ..........Suggested Contribution:
$5000 Host, $2500 Sponsor, $1000 PAC, $500 Individual
Please send contributions to:
Keith Ellison for Congress
499 South Capitol Street, SW Suite 404
Washington, DC 20003
R.S.V.P. to Rod Kassir or Dave Bloom at
(202) 488-1445 or email
Contn.outions or gifts to Keith Ellisonfor Congress are not tax dedoololefor federal income tax
purposes. Federal law requires political committees to report the name, mailing address, name of
employer & occupationfor each individual whose contributions exceed $200 in an election cycle.
The maximum contribution is $2,400 per election per individual. Corporate contributions and
contributionsfromforeign nationals are prohibited.
Fax Paid for by the DCCC and authorized by Keith Ellison for Congress

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