Lusher Team 7 Handbook Presentation

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Student / Parent

Lusher Charter Middle School
Who We Are
Mrs. Riedlinger - CEO
Mr. Israel - Director of Operations and Development
Ms. Hebert - Middle School Principal
Ms. Bourne - Middle School Administrative Support
Mrs. DeJean - Arts Director K-12
Coach Landrum - Athletic Director
Mr. Byers & Ms. Ory - Deans of Students
Ms. Andrews - Office Manager
Cynthia LeJeune - Data Manager
Mrs. Eckert - Attendance Clerk
Mrs. Gruenig & Ms. Wogan - Student Support Services
Mr. Binder - Social Worker
Mrs. Salter - School Nurse
Mrs. Francois - Cafeteria Manager
Mrs. Held - Librarian

Project Pride
Whats the Number
One Rule?

Academic Course Offerings

English Language Arts English Language Arts English Language Arts
*English 1 Honors

Pre-Algebra Intro to Algebra
*Algebra 1 Honors
Physical Science

Life Science Earth Science
World Civilizations

American History Louisiana History
*Foreign language, all arts disciplines, physical education, health, creative writing, and computer are also offered in
the middle school during an exploratory/elective block each day.
*Certificate of Artistry Preparatory classes are offered during the exploratory/elective block to all 8
grade students.
*Class scheduling may be adjusted or accelerated based on individual needs of students.
*Students must meet qualifying requirements for these classes and any other high school Carnegie Unit course
At Lusher, we believe that regular and punctual attendance is a key factor in the achievement of academic
success. Absences cause a loss of continuity in the daily learning process.

233 Cases of habitual absence and/or tardiness will be referred to juvenile or family court. Any student
who is a juvenile and who is habitually absent from school or is habitually tardy shall be reported by the
Supervisors of Child Welfare and Attendance to the family or juvenile court of the parish or city as a
truant. A student shall be considered habitually absent or habitually tardy when either condition
continues to exist after all reasonable efforts by the principal and the teacher have failed to correct the
condition after the fifth unexcused absence (third on the block system) or fifth unexcused occurrence of
being tardy within any month or a pattern of five absences a month is established.

Repeated tardiness will result in school disciplinary action.

Before and After Care Information
Students are not allowed on school property prior to 7:30 a.m. (unless the student is participating in the breakfast
program). Morning care is not provided. Any student on school grounds after 15 minutes from dismissal
must be in a scheduled meeting, sports event, academic support class, Arts After Hours class, or in aftercare.
There is aftercare until 6:00 p.m. Applications can be procured from the office. There is a fee.

Middle school students should
report directly to the gym each
morning - supervision is provided
beginning at 7:30.
The four primary communication pathways used by Lusher
Charter School include:
The Lusher website
The Middle School Matters blog.
General Procedures
Class I behaviors will be handled at the classroom and team levels, with
support from the office. These offenses may result in a
teacher-student conference,
time-out from class,
a lunch detention and/or an after-school detention.
Repeated Class I behaviors may result in a suspension.

Class II & III behaviors will be handled by the office. These serious
offenses may result in
suspension or
Severe and/or repeated behavioral issues may result in a referral to the
school social worker and/or to the Student Assistance Team.
Class 1 Behaviors
Distraction of other students in class
Minor disruptions in class
Unexcused absences/tardiness
Inappropriate public display of affection
Repeated failure to bring classroom materials or other required materials to class
Violating the dress code
Teasing/being unkind
Consuming food or drink without teacher approval
Gum chewing
Disrespect/disobedience (Extreme cases are referred to the office)
Misuse of locker privilege
Inappropriate behavior in the cafeteria, at morning meeting, special performances/assemblies, or fire drills and
any emergencies
Not following cell phone policy

Class 2 Behaviors
Repeated violations of Class I behaviors
Skipping class.
Harassment, intimidation and bullying (including cyberbullying)
Leaving the school campus without permission
Intentional disrespect for authority/willful disobedience/persistent disobedience
Use of profane/obscene language
Inappropriate touching or advances with sexual overtones
Theft (stealing) or extortion of an amount of money less than $100, or an object valued at less than $100.00
Possession of stolen property
Using or possessing tobacco products, matches or lighters
Battery (without bodily injury) on another student
Assault (verbal threats) to any employee
Any other offenses which are similar to Class II behaviors

Class 3 Behaviors
Fourth suspension
Third fight
Battery with bodily injury
Possession, use, concealment, or transmittal of illegal drugs or alcohol or drug/alcohol paraphernalia at school
or school related activities
Theft (stealing) or extortion of property valued at $100.00 or more
Burglary of school property (unauthorized entering of any building with the intent to commit theft or damages)
Possession, use, transmittal, or concealment of firearms/guns (whether operable or inoperable, loaded or
Possession, use, transmittal, or concealment of a knife (or similar object) or the use of any object or substance
to harm, frighten or intimidate others
Bomb threats/setting off fire alarm
Sexual harassment, rape or sexual intercourse on school grounds or at school related activities
Any other offenses which are similar to Class III behaviors.

Discipline - At the Team Level
In the event that a student creates a classroom disruption, does not follow
directions, is rude or disrespectful, breaks a school rule, etc., he/she will be
given a lunch detention.

A form will be sent home notifying the parent of the detention. This needs to be
signed and returned no later than the day of the detention. Failure to report to a
lunch detention, and/or failure to return the slip with a parent signature, will
result in an additional consequence. Once a student has received three lunch
detentions in the same semester, each additional infraction will be referred to
the Deans of Students for disciplinary action.
Dress Code
Parents will be contacted for dress code violations that cannot be corrected immediately. Parents will be asked to bring a change
of clothing. Students will remain in the office until appropriate clothing is brought to school. It is the students responsibility to
make up any missed work/assignments.
1. Hair must be styled in such a way as to remain out of the face and away from the eyes (bangs should be trimmed to
eyebrow-length or above the eyebrows). Long hair for boys (past the shirt collar) must be pulled into a ponytail. The
students face must be clean shaven. Students are prohibited from wearing hair curlers or other grooming aids or implements.
Extremes in hair color and style are prohibited (no 2-toned hair or streaks).
2. Students shall not wear suggestive or revealing attire.
3. All students must wear Lusher gym shorts and Lusher gym shirts for physical education class (and ONLY for physical
education class.)
4. Skirts and shorts must be worn near knee length (even if worn over leggings/tights). Knee length is defined as no more than
2 inches above the knee. Athletic shorts are allowed for middle school students ONLY.
5. Oversized clothing that does not fit appropriately will NOT be allowed. Pants must be worn at the waist. Undergarments
must NOT be visible. Shirts may be untucked ONLY if they fall at the hipline (at the top of the leg where the leg meets the
hip); otherwise shirts must be tucked in.
6. Caps, hats, hoods from sweatshirts, bandanas, athletic/sweat headbands, and sunglasses are not to be worn in the school

Dress Code - Part 2
8. Shoes without backs are not permissible. This includes slippers, flip-flops, shower thongs, and footwear judged by the
principal to be inappropriate for school.
9. Undershirts worn as outer garments and low-cut blouses ARE NOT ALLOWED. Tank tops, camisoles, and spaghetti strap
blouses as undergarments should NOT be visible. Shirts must be long enough to cover the body at all times, through various
activities through the course of the day (ex: raising hand, bending over, etc.).
10. Clothing with holes is prohibited (designed that way or not). Pants that are frayed anywhere are NOT allowed. Pajamas (and
pajama-like attire) are not allowed.
11. Clothing, jewelry, buttons, patches or any other items with words, phrases, symbols, or signs which use indecent, profane,
gang-related or suggestive words, or are drug or alcohol related, are not to be worn.
12. For the safety of all students, ornate and/or expensive jewelry, such as medallions and chains, are not to be worn by students
while on school board property or at school-sponsored activities. Large, dangling earrings are not permitted due to safety
concerns. Posts only are allowed.
13. Body piercing ornamentation/jewelry may only be worn in the ear lobes (only one per ear lobe). Boys are not allowed to
wear body piercing ornamentation/jewelry at all. Tattoos may not be visible.
14. Cell phones and other electronic devices must be turned off and remain out-of-sight within the school building at all times
and on school grounds during the school day (see cell phone policy-p.14).
15. As a means of showing school spirit and community building, other high schools outerwear (shirts, sweatshirts, shorts, etc.)
may not be worn on school grounds..

Extra-Curricular Activities
Lusher offers a variety of opportunities for academic enrichment, sports, and arts
Lusher offers Dance Troupe, Drama Troupe, soccer, baseball, softball, football,
basketball, tennis, track, cross country, volleyball and swimming.
There is a variety of clubs as well, such as Student Council, Chess, Debate, 4-H, etc.
Food Service
Lusher has a breakfast and lunch program.
Breakfast is served daily in the cafeteria from
7:35 to 7:50. Applications for free or reduced
cost lunches are distributed to all parents at the
beginning of the school year or may be
obtained from the school office. Students may
bring a sack lunch and purchase milk. No
carbonated beverages or commercial fast foods
are allowed in the cafeteria. Meal Payments
should be made directly to the Cafeteria.
Checks for meals should be made payable to
OPSB Child Nutrition. Online payments can
be made at For further
information, contact the Cafeteria Manager.
Forgotten Items
Items for students are accepted in the
office and for student to pick up at the end
of the day. Students are not called to get
items until 3:25 (end of day
announcements). The office assumes NO
RESPONSIBILITY for items. Do not
bring any item of monetary value (ex:
musical instruments, laptops, etc.) Parents
are NOT allowed to bring items to a
classroom or homeroom. No exceptions!
Students who forget lunch can eat lunch in
the cafeteria that day and should pay the
cafeteria the following day.

Grading Scale
Letter Grade Percentage
Quality Points Quality Point
A (Outstanding) 93-100 4 3.5 4.0
B (Good) 85-92 3 2.5 3.49
C (Satisfactory) 75-84 2 1.5 2.49
D (Below average) 67-74 1 1.0 1.49
F (Failure) 66 or below 0 0 - 0.99
I (Incomplete)
Individual grades and averages are
expressed as letter grades. The final
grade at the end of the year in each
subject is the average of the four quarter
grades for the entire year. Note: For
middle school students taking high
school courses, if the fourth quarter is
failed in a high school course for a
Carnegie unit, the course is failed. In
the event a student fails a course due to
failing the fourth quarter he/she will be
allowed to present their case to the SAT
team through due process hearing.

Lushers Honor Code
1. On my honor, I have neither given nor
received any unauthorized aid on this
2. I will not lie, cheat, plagiarize, or steal
in my academic endeavors, nor will I
accept the actions of those who do.
3. I will conduct myself responsibly and
honorably in all my activities as a member
of the Lusher Charter School community.
ID Badges
Lusher ID badges must be worn around the neck using only the
Lusher Charter School lanyards. They are to be worn upon entering
the building and throughout the school day. Only the Lusher ID badge
is to be worn on the lanyard. Defacing the ID badge (front or back) is
not acceptable or allowed. This includes marking or placing stickers
on the front or back of the ID badge. Temporary ID badges can be
purchased until 8:00 at the cost of $1.00. The temporary ID badge
must be worn on the left, upper chest area only. If you lose your ID
Badge, you must purchase a new badge at the price of $5.00.

Failure to follow ID policies and procedures may result in disciplinary

The ONLY lockers that are provided for
student use are gym lockers, and Dance and
Theater Department lockers. Each student is
responsible for the contents, orderliness and
care of this assigned locker. The school will
NOT be liable for any losses that the student
may incur. Students may use their lockers
during gym/dance/theater class periods or
practice ONLY. The school reserves the right
to enter by any means and to inspect any or all
lockers at any time.
Students may ONLY use locks purchased
through Lusher Charter School.
Lost and Found
Lost and Found items will be placed in the Lost and Found box in the cafeteria. Students are required to have
their names in all of their clothing, books, and personal items. Items not claimed will, periodically throughout
the school year and at the end of the school year, be donated to charity. Due to large amounts of unclaimed
property in the gym/PE area, items not claimed within 2 weeks will be donated to charity.
The guidelines regarding students taking medications at school are as follows: All medication in the school
setting must be ordered by a MD or dentist licensed in Louisiana. Medication must be in a container
acceptable by pharmacy standards. Clear instructions for the administration of medication must be provided.
All medication which is to be administered routinely at school must be brought to the school office by a parent.
Forms must be filled out by both the parent and the doctor each year and a medication plan must be developed
with the school nurse. Students may not carry their own medication unless the doctors orders specify that
the student has been instructed in self-administration. Any questions on these policies should be directed to
the school nurse. Antibiotics, cough medicines, aspirin, etc., are not permitted. However, parents or designees
may come to administer such medicines. Students will be called out of class to the office for a parent to
administer the medicine.

Morning Meeting
The purpose of Morning Meeting is to create a sense of community.
Morning meetings are held each morning except Wednesday, at 8:00 in the gym.
On Wednesdays, the Middle School meeting is held in the gym (12:50-1:15).
Parents are invited to attend any and all morning meetings.
These meetings include announcements and occasional short student presentations.

Behavior at Morning Meeting
1. Enter the gym in a quiet and orderly manner.
2. Report to your assigned seating in the gym.
3. Students face the front of the gym/the speaker and listen to
announcements and presentations. .
4. Keep hands and feet to yourself.
5. Show appropriate respect. Give polite attention to the speaker or
6. Talking during an assembly, unless asked to do so, is not allowed.
7. No eating or drinking in the gym during assembly.
8. Leave your area clean and free of trash, items, and/or debris.
Requirements for Retention
The behavior requirements for retention at Lusher, as agreed to in the Student-Parent Contract, are an overall
average of Satisfactory in behavior, limited office referrals, and no more than 3 suspensions in a full school

The academic requirement for retention at Lusher, as agreed to in the Student-Parent Contract, is an overall
academic core GPA of 2.0. Academic GPA is computed by the following core subjects: Language Arts, Math,
Social Studies, Science, and foreign language. Note: For retention purposes, core academic subject grades
will not be weighted.

Failure to satisfy the terms of retention may result in the removal of your child from the school rolls for the
next school year.

School Hours
Lushers hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 3:35 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. On Wednesday,
school hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 2:35 p.m. Students are dismissed early on Wednesday so that staff meetings
can be held. Middle School students are admitted on campus at 7:30 a.m. Middle school students enter and
exit campus on Joseph Street. High school students enter campus on Nashville Street and exit on Freret
Street.. Students must cross the street at the corner (either Nashville Street or Joseph Street). Parents and others
who pick up students are urged to do so on the school side of Freret. Drop off and Pick-up of middle school
students are on Joseph St. Please avoid stopping or blocking an intersection, driveway or parking lot.

Technology - Electronic Devices
All use of electronic resources must be in support of education and research. Students will be held
accountable for the responsible use of all electronic equipment in accordance with school rules and expectations.
The full Internet Acceptable Use Policy is posted on the Lusher Schools website. The use of the Internet and
electronic resources is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in disciplinary action including
possible cancellation of those privileges and other disciplinary consequences (one example of inappropriate use
- cyberbullying).
Cell phones and other electronic devices (Ipods, MP3 players, etc.) must be turned off and kept out of sight
when a student enters campus and throughout the school day. Cell phones may only be turned on and used after
the dismissal bell has rung and after the student has exited the building. Gaming devices are NOT allowed. The
exception to this policy is with teacher authorization and teacher supervision.
Failure to comply will result in confiscation and possible disciplinary action. Students who use their cell
phones, IPODS, MP3 players, gaming devices, etc. will have their electronics confiscated for 9 weeks.
Confiscated items will be released to the parent ONLY. Confiscated items can be retrieved daily from the
Deans office. Confiscated items may be released to the parent before 9 weeks with a $50.00 payment
(check, money order or credit card ONLY).
Students are responsible for taking care of their

Students are required to cover the cost for replacing
lost or damaged textbooks. The replacement cost
of damaged and unreturned textbooks will be added
to the students fee bill.

Daily Schedule - M, T, Th & F
Team 8

Team 7

Block 1 Block 2 Block
3 A
Lunch Block
3 B
Block 4
8:00-8:10 8:10-9:50
Period 3
Period 4

Period 5

Period 6

Period 7
Period 8
Block 1 Block 2 Lunch Block 3 Block 4
8:00-8:10 8:10-9:50
Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Period 4
11:30-12:15 12:15-1:55
Period 5
Period 6
Period 7
Period 8
Daily Schedule - M, T, Th & F

Team 6
Block 1 Block
2 A
Lunch Block
2 B
Block 3 Block 4
8:00-8:10 8:10-9:50
Period 1
Period 2

Period 3
Period 4
Period 5
Period 6
Period 7
Period 8
Daily Schedule - Wednesdays
Teams 6, 7 & 8
Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Lunch Middle
Block 4

for 8
Period 1
Period 2
for 8

Period 3
Period 4
Period 5
Period 6


In the gym
Period 7
Period 8
Mark Your Calendars
September 1 - Labor Day Holiday
September 17 - Back to School Night
September 20 - City Park Fun Night
September 30 - Quarterly Exams begin
October 1-3 - Quarterly Exams
October 6 - Records Day. No Students
October 7-10 - Spirit Week
October 15 - Report Card Conferences
October 20-21 - Fall Break
November 24-28 - Thanksgiving Break
December 15-18 - Quarterly Exams. 12:30
December 19 - Records Day. No Students

Dec. 22-Jan. 4 - Winter Break
January 5 - PD. No students.
January 14 - Report Card Conferences
January 19 - MLK Holiday
January 20-23 - Heart and Soul Week
February 13 - PD. No students.
February 16-20 - Mardi Gras Break (19 & 20 -
conditional dates)
March 2-5 - Quarterly Exams
March 6 - Records Day. No students.
Mar. 30-Apr. 3 - Spring Break
April 15-17 - iLeap and Leap Testing
May 18-21 - Quarterly Exams. 12:30 Dismissal.
May 22 - Last student day. Noon Dismissal.

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