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CordiaUy Invites You To A Special EveningHonoring

Missouri Republican Senate Candidate
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
6:30 PM Reception
7:00 PM Dinner
Charlie Palmer Steak
101 Constitution Avenue NW
Washington, DC
Reception sndDinner: $1,500perperson
Reception Only: $1,000perperson
Contributions should be made payable to FRIENDS OF Roy BLUNT and mailed to:
Attn: Anne 507 Capitol Court NE DC 20002
To RSVPt Please Contact Steve Gordon or Anne Burnley at (202) 546-0900, via email to or complete form below and fax to (202) 546-1814.
YES, I will be pleased to join Congressman Roy Blunt on October 7
for the reception and dinner.
I will forward my contribution in the amount of $l,SOO.
YES, I will be pleased to join Congressman Roy Blunt on October 7
for the reception only. I will
forward my contribution in the amount of $1,000.
__ Unfortunately, I am unable to attend but I will send a contribution in the amount of $ .
Name, Title Company _
Business Address. City State----Zip _
Business Phone ..... Business Fax ..,jOJEmail _
Authorized lIIld paid for by Friends of Roy Blunt. Contributions are not deductible for income tax purposes.
Corporate contributions ate prohibited. Pedetallaw requites political committees report the name, mailing address,
occupation, and employer for each individual ",-hose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 per election cycle.

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