Dinner For Tom Latham

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* *
* ;jtJll M4eKiAAoltl. '*
: :::
* *
'* Cordially invite you to a Dinner with *
: "1I88Nialt TONi LalAaNi :
* *
*' Wednesday, September 16 *'
* *
'* *
* CafeB *"
::: 424 8th Street, Sf' :
* Host: $2,000 per PAC f $500 per person *
* Attend: $1.,000 per PAC I $250 per person *
* *
* Please. RSVP to Margo Te.nnison: '*
* 202
9091 or RSVP@oe.llwe.thergrouQ,net *
*' Checks payabl\\ to L.atham for *'
* 1',0, Box 71, Clarion, IA 5525 *
FF..C ID: (0028745
*' *
* Paid for and authori:1,ed by l.atham for Congress *
Contributions to Latham for Con9""'ss are not deductible for federal income tax purposes,
Federal law req'Jires us to use our best errolts to coUl!et and I'l'portthl! name, mailing address, 7('
occupation and name of employer of individuals whose ccJntributions exceed $200 in an JIlL
election cyde. Contributions by foreign nationals and corporations are prohibited, Not paid for '7'f(
* at government expense, *
!fyou wish you be removed, please cal! 1-80"-915-2571, ext 26780 or write "Remove" tmdyourltl>: number andfax
* back to 202'737-::99. *

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