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Voa tlnz: G::>rdlallqIm/ltltd tololn

Gongr{lman Tr{lnt 'rank

(flr/sona'lJ 2ndTJllJtr/t'lt, rlrmrzdttzr!!It'lfi!J' (bmmltt{Z/Z fi Jadlelart;! (bmmlttn)
Th{l Gaucu 'Room
4"{9th JJtreiZt flW
March 25
"fit 8:00"flM
1io.!t COntribution.!: $2,000 lItt{Z:nd{Z:{Z: Contribution.!: $1,000
to Tong Yord
phonlZ: (703)323-7300 (202)318-2572 email:
MaklZ ChlZel{&l pagabllZ to:
"Th\Z CommittiZiZ to 'R.iZ-eliZet TriZnt 'f'rankfi3 to C'ongr\Zals"
PO :Box 1082 <i)pringfisz;ld, Virginia. 221.51
Political contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Corporate
contributions ",re prohibited, Contributions from foreign nationals are not permitted.
Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing
address, occupation and name of employer of individUals Whose contributions exceed
$200 in an election cycle.
Authorized and Paid for by The Committee to Re-Elect Trent Franks to Congress
PO Box 8r05, GLmdal., AZ 85J"l
Not Printed At GoVernment Expense

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