Case Study 2 p.121

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Sherisse Woodley

G. Anderson
Creativity in Business
July 22, 2014
Case Study 2 p.121
1. How does Sol y Canto define its business? Identify the offer, the target
market, and the product and delivery capability.
Sol y Canto was founded as a result of an experience. In 1984 my husband and I
met through a three-week cultural exchange tour to Nicaragua. We created our
first band, Flor de Cana, out of that life changing event, commited to signing
about the reality in Central America and opening the eyes of the North American
people as to the role of our government in Nicaraguas war in the mid-1980s.

Sol y Cantos mission is to create music and performances that move, delight,
excite and connectconnect that audience to the richness of Latin American
culture; connect individuals, Hispanic and non-Hispanic, to each other through
shared experience of music, poetry, humor and a joyful, playful vibe; and connect
us all to our hopes and visions of a better world.

Their target market has a wide range from young children to senior adults in a
variety of setting. Their events can go for 45 minutes to two hours depending on
the number of performers. They usually perform in the US and Puerto Rico
concerts. Schools, senior care centers for their nonprofit.

2. Describe the culture of the Amadors businesses.
The company is a very small organization of 6. The team are all close and
developed a strong relationship, respect for each other. They hold weekly staff
meetings to ensure that all issues and resolved quickly.

3. Which methods of deciding upon business opportunities did Rosi and
Brian Amador pursue?
They saw great promise in their voice over business and pursued voiced over
work in their home. They kept costs lowe by staying at home and used their twin
daughter to help with voice overs which resulted in success.

4. What competitive advantage does Amador Bilingual Voice-Overs have in
the voice-over field? List them and indicate whether each is based upon
quality, price, location, selection, service, or speed/turnaround or a
combination of these.
They provided competitive pricing because they did voice overs in their
house it eliminated costs (Price, location)
Provided accent-free voice overs (service, quality, selection)
A long range of time 20 seconds to 20 hours (service, quality)
Have acting experience to convey emotions in a pleasing flexible tone of
voice (quality)
Guarantee their service (service)
Dozen of testimonies (quality)
24 hour turnaround for smaller projects, one week for larger
Offer translation, quality, service
Offer original music in authentic Latin styles service

5. If you were consulting to the Amadors, what advice would you give them?
I will tell them to think outside the box. When they think they reach their capacity
to look for another way to make it grow. To keep the quality of their service and
work the same when they get bigger, and advertising.

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