2 Class Policy 2014

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Seventh Grade Life Science

Mrs. Chou 2014-2015

ACADEMIC CONTENT: use of lab equipment, scientific processes, cells,
genetics/heredity, DNA/protein synthesis, classification, evolution,
archaebacteria/eubacteria, protist, fungus, plants, invertebrates/vertebrates, human
anatomy and physiology

SKILLS DEVELOPED: making observations, using lab equipment accurately,
recording and analyzing data effectively, writing essays/research papers, working
as a team and independently, test preparation, note taking, following instructions,
making/interpreting graphs and charts, organizing material, time management,
using assorted sources for research, understanding the connection between science
and the world

TEXTBOOK: A textbook will be going home with each student. Keep your
book in good condition. You will be responsible for damaged or lost books.

NOTEBOOK: Bring your notebook to class every day. It will contain the
a. Grade Tracker- Record the assignment and grades for extra credit.
b. Current Work- Place assignments, blank notebook and graph paper here.
c. Project Section- All papers related to your project belong here.
d. Past Work- Place papers here after a test, or else, keep the work in a separate
binder at home. It will come in handy to study for midterms and the final.
e. Paper- Place notebook paper and graph paper here.

SUPPLIES: Please see the attached supplies and donations list. A $10
voluntary lab fee is requested to help support the various needs of a science

a. Your grades will be divided into two categories.
i. Daily Work mostly found in your Science Notebook-
activities, labs, homework, most projects, and Participation

ii. Assessments- Tests (50 points), Quizzes (10-30 points).

b. All tests will be worth 50 points. They will not be open note or book.
Quizzes will be worth 10 to 30 points and may at times have access to their
homework assignments to help them on this timed assessment. The
Notebook grade for a particular unit will also be worth 50 points, and will be
turned in on the day of a test. Notebooks should be used as a prime source of
study material in preparation for a test.

c. Enrichment Projects are geared to help you explore science topics that
supplement those studied in class. These types of projects will help you
understand your world better and hopefully provide a way for you to apply the
knowledge you are learning.

d. Each of you will start off with 50 points per quarter in Participation Points.
This grade will be entered at the end of each quarter in the Daily Work
category. Loss of points will result from tardiness to class, not having your
needed classroom supplies, behavior issues, and other things that disturb the
process of learning.

e. Late work policy- Late assignments will be worth one letter grade lower than
they would if turned in on time. No assignment will be taken more than one
day late unless you have been absent or you have received approval from me
to turn in something later. NOTE: Certain assignments will not be accepted
when late.

f. Online Grades and the Grade Trackers are a way for you to keep track of your
progress in science.

ABSENCES: When absent, make arrangements as soon as possible. It is your
responsibility to see me and arrange a schedule to complete your work in a timely
fashion. Please check my website for topics covered that day.

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