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On Wednesday night I was privileged to visit Al Minhad Airbase in the United Arab Emirates where the
dedicated and highly professional men and women of the Australian Defence Force were preparing for the
first Australian humanitarian aid drop to Northern Iraq.

The mission was conducted by a RAAF C-130J Hercules delivering ten pallets of badly needed supplies to
Yezidi civilians trapped on Mount Sinjar by encircling ISIL forces.

The cargo included 150 boxes of high energy biscuits and 340 boxes of bottled water enough to sustain
3,700 people for 24 hours.

Initial reports are that the drop was conducted successfully and the aircraft is returning to base.

Australia is working closely with our allies and partners to respond to the humanitarian disaster unfolding in
northern Iraq.

The aid drops will continue until the security of the Yezidi civilians is assured and they can safely move
from Mount Sinjar.

The aid pallets were each fitted with specially designed parachutes to ensure they landed safely.

Meticulous planning went into ensuring they were air dropped where they were most needed.

This is a humanitarian cause and Australia has a long and distinguished tradition of assisting people in need.

All Australians can be proud of the work of the Australian Defence Force.

14 August 2014

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