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Brief introduction of e-Commerce project

The overall objective of the project is to define a commercially viable business model
for implementing e-Commerce for the Companys brand(s) in China market.
The project will likely be carried out in 2 phases. We are putting more emphasis on
1st Phase in the following paragraphs, since details of 2nd Phase are subject to
changes based on various factors such as findings from 1st Phase, and the first 3
months will primarily cover the 1
Phase of the project.
1st phase:
The key objective for this phase is to conduct research and information
collection to gain a comprehensive background on current e-Commerce
development in China.
1. Latest update on ecommerce in China such as:
No. of users/consumer behavior/transaction value. What do consumers use
internet for?/ demographics of these users/any particular category they are
interested to buy on line/ Different consumer behaviors in different regions?

2. Business models analysis:
What are the current models being adopted by consumer brands? Pros and
Cons of respective models, illustrate with specific case studies

3. Particular interests on Sports/outdoor/Casual fashion/Cosmetic, skin care,
body care segments, indepth case studies. Case studies of 1 or 2 key brands in
market on using different models, successful or not? Critical learning references,
business performance, challenges faced especially with their ecommerce set
up/logistics/ payments/conflicts with physical channels/consumer
understandings etc. If there are cases outside the segment that is worth to pay
attention to, also can incorporate into the project
2nd Phase Tentative Outline (details of which may, to a certain extent, depend on
outcome of 1

With reference to the background project done in 1st phase, together with best
practices from other sophisticated markets, students engaged in 2
Phase are
expected to come up with a practical and commercially viable e-Commerce
business model for our designated brand(s) in China (also based on their
understanding about our brand and operation).

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