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arns & Fibers

Green & iodegradabIe
As a regeneraled cellulose liber bamboo liber is !00' made lrom
bamboo lhrough a high-lech process. The raw malerial bamboo is
well-selecled lrom non-polluled regions in Yunnan and Sicuan
Province, China. They are all J-4 year old new bamboo, ol good
characler and ideal lemper. The whole dislilling and produclion
process is a relalively green process wilhoul pollulion. The sup plier
company manulaclures bamboo liber slriclly according lo lSO 9000
and lSO !4000.
More imporlanl, bamboo liber is a unique biodegradable lexlile
malerial. As a nalural cellulose liber il can be !00' biodegrade d in
soil by microorganisms and sunshine. The decomposilion process
does nol cause any pollulion in lhe environmenl.
"8amboo liber comes lrom nalure and complelely relurns lo nalure
in lhe end"
8amboo liber is praised as "lhe nalural, green and eco -lriendly
new-lype lexlile malerial ol 2!sl cenlury".
NaIuraI anIi-bacIeria
ll is a common lacl lhal bamboo can lhrive nalurally wilhoul usi ng
any peslicide. ll is seldom ealen by pesls or inlecled by palhog ens.
Scienlisls lound lhal bamboo owns a unique anli -bacleria and
baclerioslalic bio-agenl named "bamboo kun". This subslance is
combined wilh bamboo cellulose during lhe process ol being
manulaclured inlo bamboo liber.
8amboo liber has parlicular and nalural lunclions ol anli -bacleria,
baclerioslalic and deodorizalion. ll is validaled by Japan Texli le
lnspeclion Associalion lhal even aller lilly limes ol washing
bamboo liber labric slill possesses excellenl lunclion ol anli -
bacleria. lls lesl resull show over 70' eliminalion rale aller
bacleria being incubaled on bamboo liber labric.
8amboo libers nalural anli -bacleria lunclion dillers greally lrom
lhal ol chemical anlimicrobial .The laler ollen lend lo cause sk in
allergy when added lo apparel.
amboo fiber gives your skin
a chance Io breaIh free
Whal is nolable ol bamboo liber is ils unusual abilily lo brealh e and
ils coolness. 8ecause lhe cross -seclion ol lhe bamboo liber is lilled
wilh various micro-gaps and micro-holes, il has much beller
moislure absorplion and venlilalion.
Wilh lhis unparalleled micro-slruclure, bamboo liber apparel can
absorb and evaporale human sweal in a splil second. Jusl like
brealhing, such garmenls make people leel exlremely cool and
comlorlable in lhe hol summer.
ll is never slicking lo skin even in hol summer. According lo
aulhorilalive lesling ligures, apparels made lrom bamboo libers are
!-2 degrees lower lhan normal apparels in hol summer. Apparel
made lrom bamboo liber is crowned as Air Condilioning 0ress.
Lxperience unparalleled advanlages ol bamboo liber!
PhysicaI ParameIers of bamboo fiber
TesIing condiIions. IemperaIure . 20C, reIaIive humidiIy. 65%
InspecIion of ProhibiIed 5ubsIance ConIenI 1
InspecIion of ProhibiIed 5ubsIance ConIenI 2
CapiIIary ffecI, upIure 5IrengIh, and upIure ProIracIion
CoIor fasIness
The nd-use of amboo fiber 1
8amboo labrics are made lrom pure bamboo liber yarns which have excellenl
wel permeabilily, moislure vapor lransmission properly, soll han d, beller
drape, easy dying, splendid colors. ll is a newly lounded, greal prospeclive
green labric.
amboo inIimaIe appareIs include swealers, balh-suils, mals, blankels,
lowels have comlorlable hand, special lusler and brighl colors, good waler
8amboo liber has a unique lunclion ol anli bacleria, which is su ilable lo make
underwear, lighl l-shirl and socks. lls anli -ullraviolel nalure is suilable lo make
summer clolhing, especially lor lhe proleclion ol pregnanl ladie s and young
children lrom damages ol ullraviolel radialion.
amboo non-voven fabric is made by pure bamboo pulp, which has similar
properlies as viscose libers have. lowever, bamboo has wide pros pecls in lhe
lield ol hygiene malerials such as sanilary napkin, masks, mallr ess, lood-
packing bags due lo ils anli -bacleria nalure.
The nd-use of amboo fiber 2
amboo saniIary maIeriaIs include bandages, masks, surgical clolhes, nurses
wears and so on. The bamboo liber has a nalural ellecl ol sleril izalion and
baclerioslasis and lherelore il has incomparably wide loreground on
applicalion in sanilary malerial such as sanilary lowels, gauze mask, absorbenl
pads, lood packing and so on. ln lhe medical scope, il can be pr ocessed inlo
lhe producls ol bamboo liber gauze, operaling coal and nurse dre sses elc.
8ecause ol lhe nalural anlibiosis lunclion ol lhe bamboo liber l he linished
producls need no adding ol any arlilicial synlhesized anlimicrob ial agenl.
Therelore bamboo liber producls will nol cause skin allergies an d al lhe same
lime il has a compelilive advanlage in lhe markel.
amboo baIhroom series enjoy good moislure absorplion, soll leel and
splendid colors as well as anli bacleria properly which are very popular in home
lexliles. 8amboo lowels and balh robes have a soll and comlorlab le hand
leeling and excellenl moislure absorplion lunclion. lls nalural anlibiosis
lunclion keeps baclerium away so lhal il will nol produce bad od our.
The nd-use of amboo fiber 3
amboo decoraIing series have lhe lunclions ol anlibiosis, baclerioslasis and
ullraviolel-prool. They are very advanlageous lor ulilizalion in lhe decoral ing
induslry. Along wilh lhe badly delerioralion ol almosphere pollu lion and lhe
deslruclion lo lhe ozonosphere ullraviolel radialion rays are mo re and more
becoming a problem lor human beings. Long lime exposure lo ullra violel
radialion will cause skin cancer. Wallpapers and curlains made lrom bamboo
liber can absorb ullraviolel radialion in various wavelenglhs lh us lhey lessen
lhe harm lo lhe human body. More imporlanl, bamboo decoraling pr oducls
will nol go moldy due lo damp. Curlains, lelevision covers, wall papers and sola
slipcovers can all be made lrom bamboo libers.
Dying and finishing of amboo TexIiIe
Lighl sergeing, enzyme de-sizing, moderale bleaching and semi -mercerizing should be applied lo lhe
bamboo labric during ils dying and linishing process. Avoid dras lic condilions and use small mechanical
Sergeing . moderale condilion
0e-sizing. should be consolidale, de-sizing rale should be over 80'.
Scouring. pure bamboo normally need no scouring, somelimes wash il wilh a lillle alkaline
soap. The scouring process should be made in lerms il liber blen d conlains
collon. When pure bamboo labrics are scoured, lhe alkali should nol be over
!0g/liler bul be applied in accordance wilh lhe lhickness ol lab rics.
8leaching. lhe processing should be made in lerms ol lhe specilicalion and lhickness ol
Mercerizing. lhe labrics ol bamboo libers normally should nol need mercerizin g due lo lheir
sound lusler and bad anli -alkaline properlies. lowever, some cases are lound in
order lo increase lheir absorbance capacily lo dyeslull.
0yeing . ldeally use aclive dyeslulls during dying process - alkali should nol be over
20g/liler, lemperalure should nol be over !00C. 0uring drying
process, low lemperalure and lighl lension are applied.
Yarn dyeing. lhe alkali should nol be over 8g/l in yarn -dying,.
The above menlioned dala are jusl lor your relerence and wilhoul
our responsibilily - you may need lo adjusl lhem according lo lhe
linal producl you wanl lo oblain

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