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Universal ASIO Driver For WDM Audio

- Instruction Manual -
Last reviewed: 08/1/08
Table of Contents
Introdu!tion"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 1
#ettin$ Started""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 2
Settin$ u% &our audio so'tware""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""2
(asi! )on'i$uration"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""*
Advan!ed )on'i$uration""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
)o++on Usa$e )ases O%ti+i,ations""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""8
Usin$ -.eWus!/el0""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 1
2rou3les/ootin$""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 10
Wel!o+e to ASIO4ALL v24 2/is +anual ena3les &ou to +a5e t/e +ost o' &our ASIO4ALL installation6
es%e!iall& as it !o+es to t/e advan!ed 'eatures newl& introdu!ed in t/is 7ersion o' ASIO4ALL"
In order to a!/ieve t/e 3est %ossi3le results wit/ ASIO4ALL6 it is re!o++ended t/at &our !o+%uter is
!on'i$ured a!!ordin$l&:
Set the power scheme to Always On (XP) or High Performance (Vista) in order to turn o''
8ro!essor 89State swit!/in$4 Advanced: Modify an existing power scheme so as to not switch CPU
speed, ecause other power settings are not that critical!
Turn off system souns4 W/ile e"$" t/e Windows lo$on sound !ertainl& will not 3e a %ro3le+6
sound e''e!ts in res%onse to 3utton !li!5s6 noti'i!ations et!" will +ean t/at 'or t/e ti+e t/e& %la&6
ASIO4ALL +a& 3e una3le to initiali,e t/e audio devi!e"
For u%dates6 /el% and 'urt/er in'or+ation6 %lease visit:
/tt%://www"asio4all"!o+/ 9 ASIO4ALL We3 site
/tt%://+ti%%a!/"%ro3oards40"!o+/ 9 Su%%ort 'oru+
Getting Started
Setting up your audio software
In order to +a5e use o' ASIO4ALL6 &ou need to !on'i$ure &our audio so'tware a!!ordin$l&" :ow &ou would
do t/is de%ends on &our %arti!ular so'tware a%%li!ation" #enerall&6 &ou would alwa&s enter t/e audio
!on'i$uration +enu and sele!t ASIO 9; ASIO4ALL v2"
2/ere now s/ould 3e a 3utton to laun!/ t/e ASIO !ontrol %anel" :ow t/is 3utton is la3eled de%ends on &our
%arti!ular so'tware" On!e &ou %ress t/is 3utton6 t/e ASIO4ALL !ontrol %anel s/ould a%%ear" 8lease !onsult
t/e +anual o' &our audio so'tware 'or 'urt/er assistan!e6 i' ne!essar&4
So+eti+es6 t/e audio so'tware indeed would not %rovide an ASIO !ontrol %anel o%tion" 2/is is t/e !ase 'or
e"$" so+e ASIO out%ut %lu$ins in +edia %la&er so'tware" For !on'i$urin$ ASIO4ALL wit/ t/ese
a%%li!ations an&wa&6 &ou !an laun!/ t/e !ontrol %anel 3& !li!5in$ on t/e ASIO4ALL status i!on in t/e
S&ste+ 2ra& area "
2/e tra& i!on will 3e!o+e visi3le w/enever an
a%%li!ation initiali,es t/e ASIO4ALL driver" !f there is
no tray icon" your auio application is not currently
using the AS!O#A$$ ri%er" <ou !an disa3le 3alloon
noti'i!ations 3& swit!/in$ to -Advan!ed0 +ode in t/e
ASIO4ALL !ontrol %anel"
=ote: W/ere it is %ossi3le to a!!ess t/e ASIO !ontrol %anel =ote: W/ere it is %ossi3le to a!!ess t/e ASIO !ontrol %anel from within the auio application from within the auio application6 &ou s/ould 6 &ou s/ould
use t/at o%tion instead o' !li!5in$ t/e tra& i!on4 use t/at o%tion instead o' !li!5in$ t/e tra& i!on4
)/an$es +ade in t/e !ontrol so+eti+es +a& not /ave an e''e!t until &ou restart t/e audio a%%li!ation" On!e
&ou +ade it into t/e ASIO4ALL !ontrol %anel > one wa& or t/e ot/er 9 &ou !an now %ro!eed wit/ so+e
3asi! !on'i$uration"
Basic Configuration
&' (e%ice $ist
2/is is t/e list o' WDM audio devi!es 'ound in &our s&ste+" :i$/li$/t t/e devi!e t/at &ou want to +a5e
!/an$es to"
=ote: All %ara+eter !/an$es alwa&s onl& a%%l& to t/e !urrentl& /i$/li$/ted devi!e4 =ote: All %ara+eter !/an$es alwa&s onl& a%%l& to t/e !urrentl& /i$/li$/ted devi!e4
A!tivate t/e devi!e &ou want to use 3& !li!5in$ on t/e 3utton ne?t to t/e devi!e na+e4 In t/e %i!ture
a3ove6 t/e High (efinition Auio (e%ice would 3e ena3led w/ile all ot/ers are not"
2/e !urrent state o' ea!/ devi!e is s/own as a s+all i!on on its asso!iated 3utton" It !an 3e eit/er o'
Acti%e 2/e devi!e /as 3een su!!ess'ull& started 3& t/e audio en$ine"
!nacti%e 2/e devi!e s/ould 3e availa3le 'or use in t/is session 3ut /as not 3een started &et
)na%aila*le 2/e devi!e is in use elsew/ere6 su!/ as 3& anot/er audio a%%li!ation or 3& t/e
dreaded -+S ,S Software -a%eta*le Synth06 a MIDI out%ut o%tion &ou
s/ould never use4
.eyon $ogic <ou $et t/is i' t/e devi!e 'or so+e un5nown reason re'uses to start and/or
dis%la&s errati! 3e/avior o' an& 5ind" So+eti+es6 !losin$ and re9o%enin$ t/e
!ontrol %anel +a& !ure t/e situation6 as +a& un%lu$$in$ and re9insertin$ o' US(
devi!es" So+eti+es6 t/is !an also +ean t/e sa+e as -Unavaila3le06 w/enever t/e
devi!e does not re%ort its !urrent availa3ilit& or t/e la!5 t/ereo' 3a!5 to
=ote: I' t/e devi!e list is e+%t&6 t/is +eans t/at &ou do not /ave a sin$le WDM audio devi!e in &our =ote: I' t/e devi!e list is e+%t&6 t/is +eans t/at &ou do not /ave a sin$le WDM audio devi!e in &our
s&ste+" 8lease !/e!5 wit/ &our audio /ardware +anu'a!turer 'or a WDM driver4 s&ste+" 8lease !/e!5 wit/ &our audio /ardware +anu'a!turer 'or a WDM driver4
Illustration ": #asic Control Panel $iew
/' AS!O .uffer Si0e
Use t/e slider to ad@ust t/e ASIO 3u''er si,e 'or t/e devi!e !urrentl& /i$/li$/ted" S+aller 3u''er si,e
+eans lower laten!&" On!e &ou /ear !ra!5les or audio 3e!o+es distorted6 &ou need to in!rease t/e 3u''er
si,e" ASIO 3u''er si,e dire!tl& relates to audio laten!&" 2/us6 &ou want to $et a rat/er s+all value /ere"
1' $oa (efault Settings
8ressin$ t/is 3utton will reset all !on'i$uration o%tions to t/eir initial de'aults" Use w/en audio initiall&
wor5ed and &ou later $ot lost in t/e !on'i$uration %ro!ess"
#' Switch To A%ance +oe
Swit!/es t/e !ontrol %anel into -advan!ed0 +ode6 w/ere &ou !an 'i? t/in$s or !o+%letel& +ess t/e+ u%
at &our dis%osal" -Advan!ed0 +ode is e?%lained in t/e -Advan!ed )on'i$uration0 se!tion o' t/is
Advanced Configuration
On!e t/e !ontrol %anel /as 3een swit!/ed to advan!ed +ode6 t/in$s 3e$in to loo5 a little +ore !o+%li!ated"
<ou will /ave noti!ed t/at t/e ite+s in t/e devi!e list are now e?%anda3le" (& e?%andin$ t/e devi!e list6 &ou
!an now 'ull& e?%lore t/e WDM audio ar!/ite!ture o' &our s&ste+"
2/e devi!e list !ontains (e%ices6 (e%ice !nterfaces and so !alled Pins At/is is Mi!roso'tArB lin$oB" 2/e
'i$ure a3ove illustrates /ow t/e& interrelate in t/e WDM CS /ierar!/&"
Usin$ t/e 3utton ne?t to ea!/ entr&6 &ou !an now sele!tivel& ena3le/disa3le ea!/ %arti!ular ite+ in t/e
devi!e list" 2/is wa&6 &ou !an also !reate +ulti9devi!e9setu%s"
Multi9devi!e9setu%s reDuire t/at all t/e devi!es involved are runnin$ 'ro+ t/e sa+e !lo!5 sour!e" <ou !an
a!/ieve t/is 3& dais&9!/ainin$ devi!es via S/8DIF et!" Fortunatel&6 +ost US( devi!es will auto+ati!all&
s&n!/roni,e t/e+selves 'or as lon$ as t/e /ost !ontrollers t/e& are !onne!ted to /ave a !o++on !lo!5
sour!e6 w/i!/ is triviall& true 'or t/e US( /ost !ontrollers e+3edded in t/e sout/ 3rid$e on an& +ain3oard"
=ote: I' devi!es are not a!!uratel& s&n!ed6 t/eir audio strea+s are li5el& to dri't a%art over ti+e4 =ote: I' devi!es are not a!!uratel& s&n!ed6 t/eir audio strea+s are li5el& to dri't a%art over ti+e4
On t/e ri$/t side o' t/e %anel are t/e advan!ed !ontrols A""1B"
2' $atency 3ompensation
Sin!e ASIO4ALL does not /ave su''i!ient 5nowled$e o' t/e underl&in$ /ardware/driver ar!/ite!ture6 it
!an onl& $uess t/e a!tual laten!ies involved"
Wit/ t/ese sliders &ou !an !o+%ensate 'or t/e laten!ies un5nown to ASIO4ALL su!/ t/at re!ordin$s in
&our seDuen!er So'tware are %ro%erl& ali$ned wit/ t/e rest"
=ote: In +ulti9devi!e9setu%s t/e lar$est res%e!tive value o' all devi!es will 3e used" 2/ere'ore6 i' =ote: In +ulti9devi!e9setu%s t/e lar$est res%e!tive value o' all devi!es will 3e used" 2/ere'ore6 i'
di''erent devi!es /ave di''erent in/erent laten!ies6 audio %la!e+ent will not 3e a!!urate 'or so+e devi!es4 di''erent devi!es /ave di''erent in/erent laten!ies6 audio %la!e+ent will not 3e a!!urate 'or so+e devi!es4
Illustration %: Advanced Control Panel $iew
4' Harware .uffer on5off
=ote: For Wave.2 drivers A7istaB6 t/is 3o? is la3eled - =ote: For Wave.2 drivers A7istaB6 t/is 3o? is la3eled -Allow Pull +oe (-a%e6T) Allow Pull +oe (-a%e6T)0 instead4 0 instead4
Ena3les t/e /ardware 3u''er 'or t/e /i$/li$/ted devi!e" 2/is onl& wor5s 'or so !alled --a%eP3!0
+ini%orts6 as ot/er t&%es o' WDM drivers do not usuall& allow dire!t a!!ess to t/e /ardware 3u''er"
Ad@ust+ent 'or 3est /ardware 3u''er %er'or+an!e involves t/e -ASIO (u''er Si,e0 slider and t/e -(u''er
O''set0 slider Asee 3elowB" :ardware 3u''erin$ wor5s 3est 'or rat/er s+all ASIO 3u''er si,es" 2r&
so+et/in$ 3etween 128 and 2F sa+%les as a starter4
2/e 3i$$est advanta$e o' usin$ t/e /ardware 3u''er is t/at t/is +et/od uses a lot less )8U" In addition6 it
+a& 3e %ossi3le to de!rease laten!ies even 'urt/er"
In +ulti9devi!e9setu%s6 it is %ossi3le to +i? :ardware93u''ered devi!es wit/ devi!es t/at are not" 2/is6
/owever6 is not %arti!ularl& re!o++ended4
I' /ardware 3u''erin$ is not su%%orted 3& a %arti!ular audio devi!e6 t/ere will 3e an additional laten!& o' a
!ou%le /undred +illise!onds6 w/i!/ is !learl& audi3le"
-Allow Pull +oe (-a%e6T)0
2/ere are two 3asi! a!!ess +et/ods 'or a Wave.2 devi!e6 -%ull9+ode0 Aalso !alled -event9+ode0B and
-%us/9+ode0 Aalso !alled -%ollin$ +ode0B" -%us/9+ode0 is t/ou$/t to 3e su%%orted 3& all Wave.2
drivers and A7istaB OS %lat'or+s6 w/ereas -%ull9+ode0 wasnGt even o''i!iall& do!u+ented 3& Mi!roso't
until al+ost one &ear after 7ista went .2M" As a !onseDuen!e6 -%ull9+ode0 is still 3ro5en in a nu+3er
o' instan!es"
I' t/is 3o? is le't un!/e!5ed6 ASIO4ALL will never use -%ull9+ode06 ot/erwise it will use it w/enever
%ossi3le" !f it wor5s6 -%ull9+ode0 %rovides ti$/ter ti+in$ and is $enerall& t/ou$/t to 3e te!/ni!all& 3etter
t/an -%us/9+ode0"
=ote: 2/e old ASIO4ALL 2"8 3e/avior 'or t/is o%tion was as i' =ote: 2/e old ASIO4ALL 2"8 3e/avior 'or t/is o%tion was as i' chec7e chec7e4 I' &ou !/e!5 t/is 3o? and t/ere 4 I' &ou !/e!5 t/is 3o? and t/ere
are no %ro3le+s6 5ee% it !/e!5ed 'or 3etter %er'or+an!e4 are no %ro3le+s6 5ee% it !/e!5ed 'or 3etter %er'or+an!e4
8' 9ernel .uffers5.uffer Offset
I' /ardware 3u''erin$ is disa3led6 t/is !ontrol lets &ou add u% to two +ore 3u''ers to 3e Dueued 'or audio
out%ut" Ea!/ additional 3u''er in!reases t/e out%ut laten!& o' t/e devi!e 3& t/e ti+e it ta5es to %la& one
3u''er" 2/ere'ore6 t/e initial settin$ o' -20 s/ould onl& 3e !/an$ed on less %ower'ul +a!/ines6 w/ere
reasona3l& s+all ASIO 3u''er si,es !annot 3e a!/ieved wit/ t/e de'ault settin$"
I' /ardware 3u''erin$ is ena3led6 t/is !ontrol deter+ines t/e a+ount o' !learan!e Ain +sB 3etween w/ere
ASIO4ALL will insert data into/read data 'ro+ t/e /ardware 3u''er6 and t/e %osition w/ere ASIO4ALL
!urrentl& t/in5s t/e /ardware read/write %osition is" Sound !o+%li!ated alread&H <ou /avenGt even seen
t/e !ode t/at !al!ulates t/is"""
As a $eneral rule: :i$/er settin$s in!rease laten!ies and sta3ilit&6 lower settin$s /ave t/e adverse e''e!t"
<ou s/ould6 /owever6 3e a3le to a!/ieve a settin$ t/at is ver& !lose to ,ero A-4+s0 would still 3e
!onsidered -ver& !lose to ,ero06 w/ile -10+s06 t/e de'ault6 would indi!ate t/at t/ere is roo+ 'or
Wit/ Env&2493ased 8)I9sound !ards6 t/ere +a& 3e an o%tion in &our sound !ard !ontrol %anel t/at reads
-DMA (u''er 2rans'er Laten!&0 ASeen wit/ 2errate! %rodu!tsB or si+ilar" <ou s/ould set t/is to t/e
lowest %ossi3le value6 e"$" -1+s0 'or 3est results"
:' Always 6esample ##'&;<=#: 7H0
ASIO4ALL !an do real ti+e resa+%lin$ o' 44"1 5:, audio to/'ro+ 48 5:," .esa+%lin$ will
auto+ati!all& ta5e %la!e w/enever ASIO4ALL is o%ened 'or 44"1 5:, and t/e WDM driver does not
su%%ort t/is sa+%le rate"
2/ere +a&6 /owever6 3e instan!es in w/i!/ !ase an A)1I will su%%ort 44"1 5:, 3& resa+%lin$ internall&"
More o'ten t/an not6 /owever6 A)1I resa+%lin$ Dualit& is e?tre+el& %oor and/or %rone to sta3ilit&
issues" 2o wor5 around t/is6 &ou !an ena3le t/is o%tion" Wit/ at least one in!arnation o' t/e SoundMa?
WDM driver As+wd+"s&sB6 t/is o%tion a3solutel& +ust 3e ena3led in order to +a5e it wor5 at 44"1 5:,
at all"
>' ?orce -(+ ri%er to &4 .it
2/is o%tion onl& /as an e''e!t i' t/e su%%orted 3it de%t/ o' t/e WDM driver is lar$er t/an 1F6 3ut less
t/an 24" So+e A)1I devi!es re%ort e"$" 20 (its resolution 3ut !annot a!tuall& 3e o%ened 'or +ore t/an
1F (its resolution" S/ould t/is 3e t/e !ase on &our s&ste+6 t/is o%tion %rovides a wor5around" Ori$inall&6
t/is was introdu!ed as a wor5around 'or an issue wit/ t/e Si$+a2el A)1I WDM driver"
Common Usage Cases Optimizations
Playing Software Synths $i%e
In t/is s!enario6 &ou do not need audio in%uts" 2/ere'ore6 &ou 3est disa3le t/e+ all6 w/i!/ nor+all& will
%rovide &ou wit/ a 3etter sta3ilit& at ver& s+all ASIO 3u''er si,es6 or allow s+aller 3u''er si,es in t/e
'irst %la!e" Furt/er6 &ou s/ould also disa3le all audio out%uts &ou do not reall& need" 2o disa3le !/annels6
use t/e advan!ed !ontrol %anel6 e?%and t/e ite+s in t/e WDM devi!e list and disa3le ever&t/in$ &ou do
not want to use in t/is setu%4
3omputer As @ffects Processor
O3viousl&6 in t/is s!enario &ou do need in%uts" (ut6 as alwa&s6 &ou s/ould disa3le all !/annels &ou do not
want to use" Disa3le 44"1C:, resa+%lin$ i' it is not reall& ne!essar&4
,eneral Purpose SeAuencer Setup
=or+all& it +atters +ost t/at &ou do not $et an& dro%outs even w/en t/e )8U load $oes t/rou$/ t/e
roo'" 2/us6 it is re!o++ended t/at &ou rela? t/e laten!& reDuire+ents a little and wor5 wit/ an ASIO
3u''er si,e t/at 'eels !o+'orta3le wit/ all &our 'avorite 7S2 %lu$ins a!tive" 2/is es%e!iall& a%%lies w/en
&ou are re!ordin$ audio6 in w/i!/ !ase dro%outs are a little worse t/an @ust +oderatel& anno&in$" I' &our
seDuen!er %rovides laten!& !o+%ensation6 &ou %ro3a3l& want to !/e!5 t/at re!orded audio is ali$ned
%ro%erl&6 and6 i' not6 +a5e t/e ne!essar& ad@ust+ents in t/e -Laten!& )o+%ensation0 se!tion in t/e
advan!ed settin$s dialo$"
$atency (oes Bot +atter A $ot
In !ertain !on'i$urations6 ASIO4ALL allows 'or 3it trans%arent audio w/ere t/e Windows driver sta!5
does not" :en!e6 audio%/iles %re'er ASIO out%ut over Dire!tSound or MME6 w/i!/ +ost li5el& does
+an$le audio data" In t/ese s!enarios6 laten!& is o' little !on!ern and audio in%ut is not as5ed 'or"
=aturall&6 &ou would +a5e sure t/at all in%uts are disa3led6 set t/e ASIO 3u''er si,e to t/e +a?i+u+ and
3e /a%%&4
Using ReWusce!"
I' &ou sele!ted t/e 6e-uschel install o%tion6 t/e audio in%uts ASIO4ALL %rovides to &our /ost a%%li!ation
are now also a!!essi3le as 6e-ire in%uts" 2/is +a5es sense 'or a%%li!ations t/at onl& allow 'or ASIO
out%ut6 3ut su%%ort 6e-ire" One su!/ a%%li!ation is 6eason"
=ow6 in order to $et real9ti+e audio in%ut in 6eason6 &ou need to +a5e sure t/at ASIO4ALL v2 is t/e
!urrent ASIO driver" 2/en: 3reate9;6e.irth !nput +achine 9 t/atGs it4 2/e ASIO4ALL in%uts are now
+a%%ed to t/e out%uts o' t/e 6e.irth !nput +achine"
=ote t/at6 on!e &ou /ave =ote t/at6 on!e &ou /ave 6e-uschel 6e-uschel installed6 &ou !annot use installed6 &ou !annot use 6e.irth 6e.irth in in 6eason 6eason" In order to re9ena3le " In order to re9ena3le
6e.irth 6e.irth in%ut 'or in%ut 'or 6eason 6eason &ou need to re9install ASIO4ALL wit/ t/e &ou need to re9install ASIO4ALL wit/ t/e 6e-uschel 6e-uschel install o%tion le't install o%tion le't
un!/e!5ed4 un!/e!5ed4
Sin!e ASIO4ALL %resents itsel' to t/e audio so'tware as a sin$le ASIO driver6 3ut due to its various
!on'i$uration o%tions6 !an a!t li5e a !/a+eleon6 t/ere are nu+erous t/in$s t/at !an $o wron$ wit/out
ASIO4ALL 3ein$ at 'ault" Most nota3l&6 i' &ou !/an$e t/e devi!e setu% in t/e ASIO4ALL !ontrol %anel6 t/e
nu+3er o' availa3le in%ut and out%ut !/annels is li5el& to !/an$e6 as well as t/e na+es o' t/e !/annels t/at
are seen 3& t/e /ost a%%li!ation" 2/ere'ore6 it is alwa&s advisa3le to restart &our audio /ost a%%li!ation a'ter
an& !/an$e in t/e audio devi!e setu% w/enever &ou 'ind t/at t/e %arti!ular a%%li!ation does not a%%ear to 3e
a3le to /andle t/ese 5inds o' !/an$es on t/e 'l&"
More %otential %ro3le+s and %ossi3le solutions:
AS!O#A$$ %/ not %isi*le in host auio configuration menu
2/ere are two %ossi3le reasons 'or t/is: Eit/er &our audio a%%li!ation does not su%%ort ASIO or &ou
installed ASIO4ALL v2 as an under%rivile$ed user" In t/e latter !ase6 %lease lo$ on as Ad+inistrator and
install ASIO4ALL v2 a$ain" On!e su!!ess'ull& installed6 ASIO4ALL v2 s/ould not reDuire Ad+inistrator
%rivile$es an&+ore in order to run"
Auio e%ice flagge as )na%aila*le or .eyon $ogic e%en though it is not in use elsewhere
<ou want to +a5e sure t/e -MS #S So'tware Waveta3le S&nt/0 or an&t/in$ 3& a si+ilar na+e is not
ena3led an&w/ere in &ou MIDI setu%" 2/e ASIO4ALL We3 Site /as 'urt/er in'or+ation on t/at"
I' an& su!/ -So'tware Waveta3le S&nt/0 Aso+eti+es in dis$uise as -"""DLS S&nt/"""0B !an 3e ruled out as
t/e !ause6 tr& to restart t/e audio /ost a%%li!ation" So+eti+es6 w/en swit!/in$ 'ro+ anot/er driver to
ASIO4ALL v26 t/e %revious driver will not release t/e audio devi!e in ti+e"
I' t/e devi!e is an US(/8)M)IA/FireWire devi!e6 !lose t/e ASIO4ALL !ontrol %anel6 un%lu$ t/e
devi!e6 %lu$ it in a$ain and re9o%en t/e ASIO4ALL !ontrol %anel"
3annot play soun from another application when AS!O#A$$ is acti%e
2/is 3& desi$n" As !lose to t/e /ardware as %ossi3le +eans t/at all t/e so'tware +i?in$ %rovided 3&
Windows will 3e 3&%assed" Wit/out an& so'tware +i?in$ 9 and t/e asso!iated laten!& and 3it +an$lin$ 9
&ou are stu!5 wit/ t/e /ardware +i?in$ !a%a3ilities o' &our audio devi!e" Most o' t/e ti+e6 t/ere si+%l&
are no /ardware +i?in$ !a%a3ilities at all"
(Vista) The meters are mo%ing" e%erything loo7s o'7' < .ut there is no soun
Drivers 'or :i$/ De'inition Audio devi!es /ave a /a3it o' listin$ S8DIF out%uts 3e'ore t/e analo$ ones"
As a !onseDuen!e6 t/e 'irst two or +ore ASIO !/annels will 3e routed to S8DIF6 i' &ou use t/e de'ault
!on'i$uration" <ou !an !/an$e t/is 3& eit/er disa3lin$ t/e S8DIF out%ut in t/e ASIO4ALL !ontrol %anel
or !orre!tl& assi$nin$ ASIO !/annels in &our audio a%%li!ation"
3hanges mae in the control panel o not propagate *etween ifferent auio applications
"""=eit/er do t/e& %ro%a$ate 3etween di''erent users4 2/is is not a 3u$6 itGs a 'eature4 ASIO4ALL v2
stores settin$s %er /ost a%%li!ation/%er user4 2/is +a5es it %ossi3le to /ave several instan!es o'
ASIO4ALL run at t/e sa+e ti+e 'or as lon$ as t/e& do not tr& to use t/e sa+e %ie!e o' audio /ardware
e?!lusivel&" 2/is 'urt/er allows /avin$ ASIO4ALL run in edu!ational/!o+%uter la3 t&%e environ+ents
wit/out -userFFF0 3ein$ a3le to 'JJJJ t/in$s u% 'or an& user on t/e sa+e +a!/ine6 wit/ t/e e?!e%tion o'
-userFFF0 /i+//er/itsel'"
The latencies isplaye in e'g' 3u*ase SX 1 o not match the %alues that woul result from the
AS!O *uffer si0e'
ASIO4ALL su%%orts t/e laten!& !o+%ensation 'eatures o' ASIO /osts t/at %er'or+ laten!&
!o+%ensation" 2/is su%%ort is still a 3it under develo%+ent and will 3e i+%roved as ti+e %asses" 2/e
values re%orted /ere are not @ust t/e laten!ies ASIO4ALL adds to t/e audio strea+6 3ut rat/er t/e
re%resent t/e w/ole o' driver/OS//ardware in/erent laten!ies" I' t/e $uess was !orre!t6 t/at is"""
Earlier 7ersions o' ASIO4ALL did not +a5e t/is atte+%t at $uessin$6 so &ou +a& o3tain a s+aller
laten!& dis%la& wit/ v1"? and ot/er WDM9;ASIO wra%%ers" 2/e true Ai"e" 8er!eivedB laten!ies are at
least as $ood as wit/ earlier versions and on to% o' t/at6 t/e& do not !/an$e an&+ore w/en )8U
utili,ation $oes u%4
)o%&ri$/t 2004920086 Mi!/ael 2i%%a!/"
All trademar&s are the property of their respective owners and used for product identification purposes
'his document contains statements that may(may not e true! Particular cominations of colors or lac&
and white contrast may(may not cause epilepsy, nausea, or the urge to do weird things to domestic animals!
)ither way, I shall not e held responsile for any of that!

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