Republic v. No. 117209: Hernandez, G.R

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Change of name of a person is a matter of public interest.

The State has an

interest in the names borne by individuals and entities for purposes of
identification, and change of name is a privilege and not a right, so that before
a person can be authorized to change his name given him either in his
certificate of birth or civil registry, he must show proper or reasonable cause,
or any compelling reason which may justify such change. Otherwise, the
request should be denied. !epublic v. "ee #ai "am, $o. "%&&'(), *( +uly
,-'-, &. SC!/ ,(0(, ,(0)%0., citing 1u Chi 2an v. !epublic, $o. "%&&(0(, &-
$ovember ,-'3 and 1ap 45 Siu v.!epublic, $o. "%&30*), &. /pril ,-'-6
To justify a request for change of name, petitioner must show not only some
proper or compelling reason therefore but also that he will be prejudiced by
the use of his true and official name. $ames may be changed judicially or
1. Judicially, a change of name may be effected by order of court upon
proper and reasonable cause.
/mong the grounds for change of name which have been held valid are8
a6 when the name is ridiculous, dishonorable or e7tremely difficult to write or
b6 when the change results as a legal consequence, as in legitimation9
c6 when the change will avoid confusion9
d6 when one has continuously used and been 5nown since childhood by a
:ilipino name, and was unaware of alien parentage9
e6 a sincere desire to adopt a :ilipino name to erase signs of former alienage,
all in good faith and without prejudicing anybody9 and
f6 when the surname causes embarrassment and there is no showing that the
desired change of name was for a fraudulent purpose or that the change of
name would prejudice public interest. !epublic v. Court of /ppeals, ;.!. $o.
-)-(', &, <ay ,--&, &(- SC!/ ,.-. See also !epublic v. 2ernandez, ;.!.
$o. ,,)&(-, - :ebruary ,--', &3* SC!/ 3(-6
g6 Clerical or typographical error on surname.
The grounds provided in (a)-(f) are governed by Rule 103 of the Rules of Court
for change of name. The ground provided in (g) is governed by Rule 10 of the
Rules of Court for the cancellation or correction of entries in the civil registry.
2. Extrajudically, a change of name may be effected by the local civil
registrar or consul general in case of non-resident on the ground of
clerical or typographical error. Extrajudicial change of name is limited
to change of first name or nick name.

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