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We bow before you, Sri Devi, who are yourself good fortune in the

dwellings of the virtuous, and ill-fortune in those of the vicious,

intelligence in the hearts of the learned, faith in the hearts of the good,
and modesty in the hearts of the high-born. May you protect the
universe! How can we describe your inconceivable form, or your
abundant surpassing valour that destroys the asuras, or your wonderful
feats displayed in battles among all the hosts of gods, asuras and
others !ou are the origin of all the worlds! !ou are incomprehensible
even to "ishnu, Shiva and others. !ou are dispassionate. !ou are the
resort of all. #his entire world is composed of an infinitesimal portion of
yourself. !ou are the supreme primordial $ra%riti untransformed.
Source& Devi 'hagavatam
All the strength and force of man comes from his faith
in things unseen. He who believes is strong; he who
doubts is weak. Strong convictions precede great
Nothing worthwhile ever happens quickly and easily.
You achieve only as you are determined to achieve ...
and as you keep at it until you have achieved.
Robert H Lauer

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