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In my life, I have had bad and happy moments. The best period in my life
was my childhood. A person’s childhood years (the time from birth to twelve
years of age) are the most important years of a person’s life, because in
these years they study many important things for the future life.
I remember my childhood days nostalgically because those were the best,
the funniest and the happiest days in my life. Every day I and my friends in
the morning were going out. We were all day together and besides we were
not all at the same ages (there were alder and younger than me) we never
separate in groups. I remember that we did not go home whole day. Not ever
for lunch. We were taking sandwiches and we ate outside. We played many
games. My favorite one was playing football. We were all so happy and
complex. There were not any intrigues, hypocrisy, enviousness and bad
thoughts like there is today. We had pure smiles, pure thoughts, and pure
Then some of my friends (the alder ones) grow up, they started going out
with boys, then they went in high school, so they started to move away.
Then I and the girls of my age went in high school, we did not have any time
for going out and our union broke up. I will always remember my childhood
because it was the best period in my life.


There is not a person on this planet that hasn’t made mistakes in their lives.
We all made mistakes and I think that they are very useful. People learn from
them and if we do not make any mistakes, we would not know what is right
and what is wrong. After the mistake was made, we often think how to repair
it. We cannot change them because we can’t go back and change the past,
but we should apologize if we offended some person and that person should
accept that apologize. In the world of education, the more mistakes a person
makes, the less intelligent that person is thought to be. But I don’t agree
with this claim. I totally support another one, which says “we are people and
people made mistakes”. In my opinion mistakes are opportunities to learn
something new. People learn from their mistakes, because when you make a
mistake and experience the consequences of the mistake, typically not so
good consequences, you wouldn’t want to make that mistake again, because
you wouldn’t want to feel on your skin those consequences again.
Just like everybody I have made some mistakes too. After that of course I
was regretting, but I learned many things from them. First of all I learned
how to behave in the future and not to repeat the same mistakes.


You are standing up, waiting for something small to come flying in your
direction. Suddenly you see it, you quickly reach out and you give it back or
you try to put it at the right place.
Are you:
1. Swatting mosquitoes against the Great Wall of China;
2. A baseball outfielder dealing with rowdy, food-throwing fans;
3. In the world’s most violent puppet show?


Handball is a sport that is played by 6 players and 1 goalkeeper. At first sight
it is very easy, but when you try it, you realize it is harder than you can
imagine. That happened to me, like it happens with everyone that loves
handball and then wants to try it because it is a fast and very aggressive
I love handball since I know about myself. I never missed one game on TV
and I wanted to play too. But I didn’t know there was a handball team in my
town. I heard about that when I was finishing my first year in high school.
When I heard about that I went in the sport hall the next day, although I
thought it was too late for me to start. Anyway, I started playing and soon
my team got into the super league. Therefore, we needed two teams: the
seniors and juniors. My first game was with the seniors against Kometal - the
biggest handball name in Macedonia. When I thought that I will seat all 60
min. at the chair and when I thank God that I will not get in my coach said:
Get it!!! In addition, I was so scared. I thought my heart would get out of my
body. Nevertheless, it was the end of the game and I played just few
minutes, so my heart was saved. It could not get out for few minutes
Well as the time passed by I started getting better and better, but I still thing
that I got in the team very late. Anyway this sport made me better in many
ways and I don’t regret for playing it. Handball is my life!!!


It is a fact that there are many problems in the world. Moreover, it is a fact
that they influence the people's lives. Global warming, the world economic
crisis, unemployment, poverty... Although there are many problems in the
world, I think that the biggest and most serious problem is the world
economic crisis.
This crisis affects the lives of millions people in the world. Many companies
and factories are closed and many people are starving. They do not have
money to buy food, they are cold, they do not have money to pay their bills
and they lead a life full with worries and problems. The bad economic life
causes health problems and many people suffer about that. In addition, the
bad hygienic conditions cause many diseases. In addition, not only that.
People need money to live their lives; they cannot function only from the air
that they breathe.
However, the H1N1 virus is wide spread in the world. Many innocent people
have died and those who are affected by this virus have to be treated with
tamiflu. But this costs money and everything goes in circle.
Therefore, the great minds in the world, should take some action. They have
to find solutions and solve this problem immediately.


Throughout my life, I have had the opportunity to meet many people and
most of them have helped me when I needed. Nevertheless, there is one
person who I know I could not live without and that is why she is the most
important person in my life. This person would do anything for me. I am
talking about my mother Roza. First, I have to say that she is very beautiful.
If we talk about her inside beauty, I would say that she is even ten times
more beautiful inside. Well if she is so beautiful outside, can you imagine
how beautiful is she inside? No, you cannot. She is the best person in the
world. My mom gives me wonderful advices and has taught me a lot about
life. She has been a part of my life since I was born, but I really needed her
more as I approached my teenage years. I never do anything serious without
talking with her and taking her advice. She has done many things to make
me realize that she would do anything for me. My mom has been always
there for me. However, not only for me. She is available any time for anyone.
My mom is very nice, generous, friendly and helpful. She works in a hospital
as a nurse and that is why she is so helpful. She helps everyone that asks foe
help, usually our sick family members and neighbors. Talking to her is a real
pleasure. She is always ready to give you an advice and make you feel
better. When I grow up I want to be just like her.


Money...Some people think that money is the root of all evils but honestly, I
do not support this claim. According to me money are only means for the life,
but they are not everything.
If I were given a million dollars, I would do very useful things. I really love
children so the first thing that I would do with a pleasure is to give 200 000
dollars for the sick children and children without parents because I feel sorry
for them and I wish these children the best.
I would spent 100 000 dollars in the improvement of the health
organizations, mainly in hospitals. People need better health system better
conditions in the hospitals.
With 200 000 dollars I would pay as many operations as I can for the people
who do not have enough money for medicate.
I would invest 200 000 dollars in the education because we have to improve
our educational system.
In addition, I would invest 200 000 dollars to open new factories where most
of the people who are unemployed will work.
Lastly with 100 000 dollars I would help to open many organizations whose
aim will be professional orientation. Many young people after finishing
primary school and later high school do not know where to continue their
education. Professional orientation will help them to make the right choice.


Throughout the previous years, there were many debates whether the
students learn useful things in school. Many books were written and lot of
conversations included this theme. We all know that it is very useful for
students to go in school and to study their subjects but the crucial question
is: Are these facts going to help the students in their future? On the other
hand, maybe there is something that is more useful?
My personal opinion is that you cannot learn everything in school and I know
that many people will agree with me. For example: Although we learn many
facts and a variety of information about different things in school, we do not
get all the answers there. We do not get the answers how to behave in
stressful situations, how to overcome the problems in our everyday life or
even how to choose the right partner in our life. Moreover, you have to agree
that these questions are very important for our future.
Even though schools are very important, the real experience is more
precious. From our experience, we can learn many things but this does not
mean that we do not need the education from the school. School education
and our life experience complement each other. Therefore, we have to study
a lot and be prepared for the problems in our life. As the time goes by we will
accumulate a great experience and we will learn from our mistakes how to
overcome every problem and each stressful situation.
School education is inseparable part from our lives but so is the real life



They say time flies when you are having fun, when you are in high school,
when you are in the best period of your life. I totally agree with this claim.
Even when we grow up, the high school days will stay forever in our memory.
We would remember our school teammates, our teachers, the crazy things
that we were used to do, maybe some arguing or fight that would look funny
Nevertheless, these are not my reasons for returning this year to school.
Honestly, the first reason is that I have to. Today high school is compulsorily.
Anyway, these high school days will not be ineffective. What I learned in my
school will help me a lot when I will finish high school. That is another reason
why I returned to school this year. I want to finish the high school of course
with good grades and then to go at the Kiril and Metodij University. All my
life I was dreaming to be somebody, to work in a big corporation as a
manager and to be successful. That is why I have to finish high school and
then I would go to the University. I think that with hard work I can realize my

1. What has been the best period in your life and why?
-In life there are always moments that we cannot forget and we
consider them the best period of our life. Those moments always bring
smile on our face and take us back there, in the time when the
moment had happened to us. These moments are going to last forever
and will be mirror of the best period in our life.
I think that the best period in my life it is when my little sister was born
and 9 months before that. I want to write about this period because it
is a childish memory and that memory's are full with cordial feelings. In
that time, my biggest wish was to have a baby brother or sister and I
talked about it all the time. The day when I found out that my mother
is pregnant, I was very excited and happy. That period there was
always smile on my face and I was inpatient to see what the baby is
going to be. When the day came, I was so happy that I did not know
what to say or do. That day my biggest childish dream came true.
These periods of our life make significant changes that make our life
more beautiful and bring joy and happiness like it happened to me.

2. Most people feel that they have "learned lessons" in their

life. They may have made some mistakes that taught them
-Nobody is perfect. No matter how good the person is she/he can make
mistakes that may taught her/him something. Very often, it happens
for us to make mistakes and after that we regret and we wish to go
back in the past and correct the mistake. It is impossible, and all we
can do is to remember and use it in our life experience so did not make
the same mistake again. I will tell you about my mistake. I had a good
friend once, but now I do not know what happened to her because I
have not seen her for some time now. We were four best friends and
we were always together but she moved in Skopje. In time, we met
another friend who turned as against her. When the time came for us
to go on excursion, we should have called her to come with us but we
did not, actually we turned everyone in our class against her. She was
very disappointed and very angry with my friends and me. We turned
our back when she most needed us. I will always regret for that, but I
learned to be a better friend.

3. Think of something you really like doing (a hobby, sport..)

-Everyone have a hobby or something to do, some things that make us
enjoy, make us happy.
My hobby is listening to music. Music inspires me, and fills me up in
every way. I listen to music when I am sad, when I am happy in every
chance I have I use it to listen to music. I love all types of music but
most of all I like balladic love songs with deeper meaning and texts
who can touch deep in my heart and my soul. Music helps me a lot, it
has positive effect on me, and it makes me stronger and cheers me up.

4. What do you think the most serious problem in the world is?
-The world has many problems but I think most important and worst
problems are: wars, hunger and sicknesses like HIV virus. There are
places in the world where people are still killing еach other, places
where people don't have homes, food and places full with diseases.
Those are nations that don't achieve higher level of education and
don't achieve to fit in the new world because of this reasons there are
still wars and people are still dying. Other reasons is under economical
developed and crises. The people are in agony and they are fighting for
We need to put end on wars and hunger. To make this thing works we
and rest of the world need to help financial and Humanitarian to reach
level of the modern world at least we need to try to do that. That's why
we should all contribute any way we can.

5.Choose an important person that you have looked up and

who has helped you in your life.
-We all have some person to look up, an idol in our eyes a person who
is best for us and can help us if we need some help or can give an
advice. Generally that person is often in our presence and in most case
that person is very alike us.
That person for me is my mother. We look alike a lot most of all in
character. When we talk she always understands me, sympathizes me,
and tries to help me. We do not speak a lot because she goes to work
but when we do, she gives me the best advice. She teaches me about
things I do not understand well and thanks to her now, I am ready to
face my problems by myself. I want to be more like my mother
because she is strong and independent woman and she never
complains about something she always tries to work her way.
My mother is my best person to look up and she helps me the most in
my life.

6. If you were given 1 million dollars to spend how you would

spend it? You cannot use it on yourself, family members, or
-If someone gave me 1 million$ that I could not spend on myself, for
my family and friends, I would divide the money to more charities. I
think that money is not most important in life and while some people
use them for pleasure, there are people who really need for a lot more
serious things. I would give the money to organizations for children
with special needs, children without parents to rehabilitate the old
cultural monuments, etc. Part of the money would be donated for
expensive surgeries to people that cannot afford and they are really
needed. When each of us were given 1$million dollars and we all spend
them right way the world would be a better place.

7. Many people believe you cannot learn everything in school.

Some say that experience is best teacher. What’s more
important to a person's education: things learned in school or
through real life experiences. Write a 200 words essay
answering this question. Be specific and give examples to
support your view.
-Today the school is indeed very necessary. There we learn things that
we need for a good and decent life. In school, we being build as
persons with culture and respect. However, not all may be learn in
school. I think more important are life experiences and those we can
learn more from life experience. Through life we come across various
problems and complications that we solve and with that we become
stronger and able to handle on our own. Like an example is the boy
without education who succeed to join the quiz millionaire and won
only because of his difficult but instructive life experience.

8. What are your reasons for returning to school this year?

School is an important segment of the life of everyone. Success that
we achieve in life in terms of work, achievements, awards were the
work of education that we receive in school. This year I returned to
school because it is one of the most important things for me and
because my future life depends on my education. Thanks to school one
day I will have great job with worthy salary so I can secure my family
to have a good and decent life.

Think of something you really like doing (a hobby, sport, ...)

There a lot of things that I really like to do....Like most important of all are:
*Reading book...I like to read books....It makes me very happy....I like to read
a love stories,for the forbidden love and str...I spend a lot of time reading
*I'm enjoying listening house music it makes me feel very happy.......
*Chatting with my friends....When I'm sad,happy or I have something to told
them,but I can't see them,than I chat with them...I told them a lot of things....
*I like to surfing on net....I like when I read a lot of thing,like
life,love,problems....I like when i see something new about famous
people,about their life....
*Watching TV makes me feel good...I like watching
movies,scientific emissions

What do you think the most serious problem in the world is? Why?

Most serious problem in the world to me is the globalization.Let me introduce

in thish problem…Globalization is a processthat has been going on for the
past 5000years,but it has signif icantly accelerated since the demiceof the
Soviet Union in 1991. Elements of globalization include transborder
capital,labor,management,news,images and data flows.
The main engines of globalization are the transnational
corporations,transnational media organizatons,intergovernmental
organizations,non-governmental organization,and alternative government
From a humanist perspective,globalization entails both positive and negative
consenquences: it is both widening the income gaps among and within
nations,intensifying and diminishing political domination and homogenizing
and pluralizing cultural identities.
Globalizaton is a process along four dimensions: economic
globalization,formation of world opinion,democratization,and political
globalization.This was rounded off with the assertion that changes along one
of these dimensions elicited changes among the other dimensions.
Covering a wide range of distinct political, economic, and cultural trends, the
term “globalization” has quickly become one of the most fashionable
buzzwords of contemporary political and academic debate. In popular
discourse, globalization often functions as little more than a synonym for one
or more of the following phenomena: the pursuit of classical liberal policies in
the world economy, the growing dominance of western forms of political,
economic, and cultural life, the proliferation of new information
technologies , as well as the notion that humanity stands at the threshold of
realizing one single unified community in which major sources of social
conflict have vanished. Fortunately, recent social theory has formulated a
more precise concept of globalization than those typically offered by pundits.
Although sharp differences continue to separate participants in the ongoing
debate, most contemporary social theorists endorse the view that
globalization refers to fundamental changes in the spatial and temporal
contours of social existence, according to which the significance of space or
territory undergoes shifts in the face of a no less dramatic acceleration in the
temporal structure of crucial forms of human activity. Geographical distance
is typically measured in time. As the time necessary to connect distinct
geographical locations is reduced, distance or space undergoes compression
or “annihilation.” The human experience of space is intimately connected to
the temporal structure of those activities by means of which we experience
space. Changes in the temporality of human activity inevitably generate
altered experiences of space or territory. Theorists of globalization disagree
about the precise sources of recent shifts in the spatial and temporal
contours of human life. Nonetheless, they generally agree that alterations in
humanity's experiences of space and time are working to undermine the
importance of local and even national boundaries in many arenas of human
endeavor. Since globalization contains far-reaching implications for virtually
every facet of human life, it necessarily suggests the need to rethink key
questions of normative political theory.

• If you were given one million dollars to spend how would you
spend it?

• It was mondey and I was going to school.One misteriuos man
come and he ask me What I would do if he give me one million
dollars to spend but not for myself my family or my friends…I
was confuced…I don’t know what I say..The men was waiting
and I told him to give me the money…With that million dollars I
will do something usufull.I was thinking about that few days
and then I decided to build a memorial house for our angel
Tose Proeski…That would be a big house with all personal
things and his music studio and all albums.This house will be
open for everyone who loves him…With the rest of money i will
give to humanitarian affairs for example to children without
parents for sick children and for hungry people in the world.

• Choose an important person that you have looked up to and
who has helped you in your life

For most important person in my life I will take my mom.First of all

im grateful to her because she is the reason I born,she bring me
life.I live with my parents and my brother and sister.Every day my
mom goes to work.she’s hard-working for us,to have easier life.I
admire her for everything she do for us.She help me in school,in my
love life….in everything that is important to me-it’s important to
her.Let me describe my mom:Her name is Olivera Gegovska, she’s
tall,have blonde hair,brown eyes.
She is my idol.When I grow up I want to be like her…Time to
time,yes we argue a lil bit…but that is usually for one family,like in
love-its better to argue a lil bit neather to keep your mouth closed.-
that is advice from my mom.What else I can say about her…There is
a lot of writing …it least keep me on 1000 words! It’s simply…if you
want to know who is my mother…you must to meet her! That’s all
for the person I admire most.
P.S. I also love my father,sister and brother and my best friends…
but my mom…like I said up…it’s my IDOL.


• Most people feel that they have "learned some lessons" in

their life. They may have made some mistakes that taught
them something!

We make a lot of mistakes..But people says: If you don't make a

mistake,you will never realise what you do with your life...I've made
a mistakes...But that help me to be a better person today...No one
will love you for you....They will love you for your personality...Last
week I've made a mistake,and I will always regret for that
mistake...It was about my best friend...I told her a lot of bad
words.We have a big argue and we say each other a very bad
words...I was very unhappy for that...I was feeling that I'm loosing
my best friend....I start to think for all good and bad moments that
we spend together.. I was very sad.....I could find a solution to safe
our friendship.....Аfter several days I have a conversation with
her...We talked about our mistakes,all bad words that we
exchanging to each other,and we concluded that our friendship is
stronger than everything....If i didn't make this mistake I will never
see how much this friendship is important for me and how much
that person makes me happy......From this mistake I learned a lot of
things....I will not permit to make this happen again...



• What has been the best period in your life, and why?

• Sometimes I miss my childhood.It was the period of my life
when i feel very safe and very happy......I miss games with my
neighbours,the time spend watching cartoons....When we
finish with school,we organize different kinds of games like
basketball,brnato,water games and str.I miss vacations with
my friends in Jelovce and Vrutok....In summer I was going in
Montenegro with teacher from my school.I met a lot of
friends,party with my friends,swimming a lot....In winter I was
going in Mavrovo..It was very beautiful to see a lot of
snow,and have fun on it....I like my choldhood because I was
very young and very innocent....I miss that
times,games,laughs....But I can't but I cant to return the time
back...But I left only beautiful memories...............
Many people belive you can not learn everything in scholl.Some say
that experience in the best teacher.What is more important to a
persons education:thinks learned in school or trought real life

School is the place when studied secondary socialization to

children.But before school socialization primary studied in
family.In this place the yungers fare a group steps with big
ideals with great profesion.With my words we most studies like
in school and out of that,but only the positive side.As regands
important from teacher to school that is a big could see from
the finds class has important and phifizicall side cloths,walknes
Teacher for the first time most to have skills professionals but
in other sfenes in his life and social if he like to have success in
his work but for bad luck we can`t say that all teachers in all
school instuticion have this skills and this job they can`t realize
in the great nivel all of this appears in weakess in all futune
gemenations that come from this teacher
Teachers shuld have and lovemiss and will for work they
finish.Because whith love can ceatch everything.Am with this
education of many generation it will be more performs but
eitheir dependet prom out side because all to coupor eac other.
What are you reasons for returning to school this your?
The school is educational institution,and this is so important for
suetion in broader terms.My resons are almost the same with
all my friends.Nomely that knowledge with large to enrich brain
ton ever more.To complet those deficiencies that have.Attend a
rich insight and clear one learning of thousands of until
then.But also again new learning from new fields,that until this
time where unknown to me.Toreach a scale up to my
education.To forward a stap close to my profesion not a step
the rain for a perfect step that will bring success in
work.Something alls reason also that for me is imporants the
placemend of a seriozly professional conection with friends
teacher and other peopleabout teaching and other stuff in
profesion life what about can used my future,like one realy
profesionalist.School opened our doors of the future,of
tolerance and democracy,all social sciently and echimical
developmenc.This is the major reasons to return to school this
Think of something realu like doing(Hobi
Having a hobby helps to make you are a more interesting
person and gives you something fascinatinf to talk about with
My hobi is watching Tv,because I realy like comedy films,and
walking a lot in montains.Every weekend I and my sister went in
Mavrovo.Which we spend a very goog time other things that I
like doing are realing,surting in the internet,eat in the
restaurant with my perents.So plas pleasure tabe a sport.i like
playning Basketbool in over the world.Everyboddy got a hause
a dream,and they one my freams,and realize them
High School was pretty great as I had no trouble getting good
grades and had lots of time to play games and just have fun.The
best period in my life was in 2005-2009,but I can say the last 3
years have been the mos intense and have the most things
change.I think that is the period in life where you can be happy
without reason and without worry.That isn`t always true
though.Some people have a horrible childhood.
Normaly any period of life is unique and nice,depends on what
you are doing.It`s just nice remembers but not all the time best
The most beautiful think that I remember is my 17th birthday
,when my friends came to my house,and we spent very good
After that I went out with my boyfriend and he sad me the most
beautiful word,I fell so happiest.He had prepared me one
present,one bell.shear who seid I love you Viki.There are some
thinks that I will remember ouer life.
Over the last few years, climate changes have been hotly
debated and become an accepted threat to our planet.

There are increasing evidences that climate changes are not

only random but are also accelerated by industrial activities.
The global temperature and the sea level are rising more
rapidly than before, at 2 Celsius and 30cm repectively. As a
result, coastal areas and small islands are being endangered,
also, the frequency and the severity of extreme weather events
such as droughts, floods and storms are grater and grater.
Many nations have experienced extreme weather conditions
such as Britain with the hottest summer on record in 2006 or
the West of Viet Nam with several serious storms. Additionally,
the burning of fossil fuels has released a large amount of
carbob dioxide emissions which cause the greenhouse effect.

However, all the problems can be limmitted by enormous efforts

of people all over the world. The Kyoto Agreement in the 1990s
tried to create international consensus to limit industrial
emissions of gases. Unfortunately, some nations are unwilling
to comit to real change due to economic pressures from within
the countries and the interests of mutinational coporations.
What’s more, by investing in renewable energy and energy
efficiency, most nations can take essential steps toward
reducing the dependence on oil and other fossil fuels, and save
billions of dollars on gasonline. Moreover, the authorities
should also put an emphasis on raising people’s awareness
about climate changes so that everyone will realise their
resposibility for saving the planet , as well as the environment.

In conclusion, climate changes are now so serious and have

direct influences on our planet . Nevertheless, by putting
 Choose are important person that you havelooked up to and
why has helped you in your life?

The life is with reflux and tide. Doing al of my life until known I’
cant says that a beautiful part of that it passed for help from
others. The first place family especially parands.With whose
assistance we offer from day of birth.I clothes,
all other beautiful thinks. Honor to ever my eraining in all
aspects.Goes to school and after needed is also from their
side,with a lot of caris.Thet don`t like to wish me anything.To
be in the some lini like my friends.
In goes to school impact on my life was my teacher of the finds
class.That for me apeas like am ideal.He was everything it helps
we in the write and read to the first nambers.
Friends of my class helpped me in my secondar
socialization.One widen society than family sucking.
Exeples of this I have a lot but this was only few of tham,that
imprives that my life almost if was in impact need to help from
others and to came in this that i`m now but i`m sure that will
continious untill all of my life,because the life is not living
No humen,who individ that not want help of society.All we are
depended that someone less am one more.

If you wear given one million dollars to spend how old you
spend it?You can not use it for you members of

-1 Milion dollars?a lot of money.Mony isn`t allwas that make

man to man.That came and goes.But important is how you will
spend it?
With all many I can`t realize some of my dream.In the first time
will be human ,will help to the poor people,homeless ,the
families of wan victims which i`m this days are in a lot of
With one million dollars I will open the factory that I will give
work to the poorest that they to fill valid,to fill happy that they
are able to hold their family.With one million dollars I will
organize a big group for medicine,to travel whith different
countries to all over the wold and to help to the sick,the injunet
from the won.
With one million dollar I will organize food matrials to sepenet
to all world,to all poorest people and hungry.
With one million dollars I will open a lot of institutes to discover
the sick from the drogs.I`ll open a lot of institucions of sport for
jumpentertimet I`ll open one instuticion for old peoples because
and they have a big importance for ouer life with their advice.
With one million dollars I will realize a lot of think,but where to
find those many…
1.What has been the best period in you life and why?
As we grow up our problems are getting bigger and bigger that’s why our
parents or grand parents are telling us that the childhood is the best period
of our life.. We all want to finish school and to find work to have our money,
but the adults didn’t thought like us they want to turn back time when they
were students and they will give everything to turn back the time.. And if I
think better they are right, childhood is the best period in our life’s we have
problems but when we grow up we will laugh for that.. My best period in my
life till now was before one or two years, when I was 3 year in highschool, We
go out with my friends meeting, new people and the the most important of
all was when I met my first love and I’m still with him.. I had the most
beautiful moments with him and I still remember every moment spent
together . ==----

2. Most people feel that they have "learned some lessons" in their
life. They may have made some mistakes that taught them
We all make mistakes in our lifes and we regret for that later or
somebody help us to see that we are not right. I have learned
a lot lessons and I’m sorry for that.. For example I had a few
friends who I thought that they are my friends but they show
up their “face” later. I was telling them everything for me they
knew everything, I was helping them in their lives or for some
problems that they had, but later they show up who they really
are. Now when I think about that I’m wondering why people
should be like that, how is possible to be so mean because I’m
not like that and people like them I can not understand. I’m
saying that this is my mistake because I permitted that and I
don’t stop that friendship in time. And than happen something
very awful and unexpected. I learn that lesson and I know that
this will never happen to me again.
3. **Think of something you really like doing (a hobby, sport, ...)**
Everyone has different hobbies, different ways of spending his free time.
Some people like watching Tv, reading book or newspapers, listen music or
do some other thing’s.We usually don’t have much time for some free
lessons out of school, I would love to go to some dance classes or English
lessons but this is it. The fact is that we must do everyday all the same. We
have work to do at home, we have to study and do our homework, internet
surfing or chat-that’s our routine. But sometimes we gotta find free time to
do something that we really like doing. Well I have a few things that I really
like doing including a sport activity. From all thing I really like doing I will
mention reading books and watching movies. I really like reading books but
only if they are interesting I mean with romantic contents or some
interesting story. Also I love watching TV, chatting, swimming, skiing… I
enjoying do this stuffs and somehow I find time to make this stuff much

4. **What do you think the most serious problem in the world is? Why?**
Today the world is occupied with all kind of problems like. For some people
the biggest problems in our society are money or the economic crisis. From
all parts in the world there are people who sleeps out, they had nothing to
eat, they haven’t clothes to wear. But also there are people who have
everything, they build’s buildings and big houses for themselves not thinking
for people who don’t have a place for living. In my country there are people
who had graduated but still they haven’t a job. I think that the biggest
problem in the world is Economic crisis, there are big corporations who
bankrupted. Also I will mention hunger of poor people. Sometimes we have
to wonder how are they feeling? We are home now and it’s hot but how are
they sleeping on the streets? And for all this people are guilty, people who
have the power in their hands.
5. **Choose an important person that you have looked up to and who has
helped you in your life.**

Sometimes I’m thinking are there in this world people who are sent from God
to help someone, just like angels. I think that people like that are real and
they are all around us. Some of them stay with us forever some of them
leave us. Some of them are ready to help us in any moment, to give us their
advice, to support us in all our decisions. Like we all knew our parents are
there always for us, they love us, give us advice, in some way they live for us
to grow us as a smart and educated people. But as we grow up we are
separating from our parents, anyway they are our parents but we are grown
now and we are not anymore daddy’s girl or mommy’s boy. Before a year
and a half I met my first love, he is the person who I want to spend my life
with. He is with me all the time he helps me for my problems, giving mi
advices, when I’m sad he knows how to cheer me. I love that person and I’m
very glad that he came in my life.

7.. [[Many people believe you cannot learn everything in school.

Some say that experience is the best teacher. What is more
important to a person's education: things learned in school or
through real life experiences?]] Write a 200 word essay answering
this question. Be specific and give examples to support your view.

The world is a place where we are surrounded by many people, different

characters and we are witnesses of many things that happen no matter if
they happen to us or somebody else. Everyday we learn something new in
school or in our everydain. But what we learn from our experiences we can
not learn in school and that is a fact. Through all those years spent at school
I learned many things, but through experience, your real life experience, you
can learn much more, through life we come across various problems and
complications that we solve and with that we become stronger and able to
handle on our own Here I will give a simple example, let say you have done
something wrong in your life, made a mistake for which you regret and felt
worried and sad.

.8. What are your reasons for returning to school this year?
Everytime I want something more, to graduate, work in a bank and this is not
possible if I would’t return to school year, this is my last year in high school
and I will graduate. My goal is to continue with my further education,
to make myself well educated person and have a sucessful carrier in
life... When i said continue mu education, i ment firstly finish this
school year. this year i have some new lessons, new working
principles, and the most important things new ideas and
knowledge... Every day spent at school to me is more advanced
because everything that we do at school is actually path that leads
us to the goal. But at school besides that we learn, also we have
interesting and funny events with friends and teachers even. This
are the reasons for returning to school this year and I hope that I
will success in my life carrier.

1. What has been the best period in your life, and why?
02. October 1991 a baby was born with brown eyes and brown hair. Since
the day I open my eyes and make my first noise I knew – a great adventure
is starting fool with health love, happiness, surrounded with family, friends,
all the loved ones, good times and bed times. That adventure accidently was
my whole life. In my 18 years in this world I have been in every possible
situation that every teenager till 18 can be. And probably you will say: ‘what
can a child till 18 can know so much about life and best periods in a person’s
life. Well I don’t know everything but I had read many books and had
conversation with old people and adults so I have a clue what are important
and meaningful things in life and what things aren’t. When I think about this I
have two theories of best period of life, and the booth have positive and
negative lines.
The first theory is that every period in life is one of the best periods.
Beginning with childhood ending with death her self. Fact is that life is fell
with good and bad times. There is no such thing as perfection, simply perfect
life do not exist, but happy life do exist. in my life I had a very good times
like my sister’s wedding where I was so happy and danced all night, my 18th
birthday party, all the best time in my life spended with my friends and
family. And bed times like a bed degree at school. And there is the second
theory that says: ‘the best period in a person’s life is the childhood’. I think
jes the best period is childhood because you don’t know the real problems in
life and you’re so insets and honest, you don’t care about the stupid and in
the same serious problems that people have, you know that you’re safe at
you home with your family. At the same time everything is interesting for
you, getting to know the world that you’re born in and many nice and happy
situation and advents with your family. My childhood was unforgettable; it
was so nice and honest that it brings me just happy memories and thoughts.
I wish I can be that child again. I had safe home mommy and daddy and two
sisters that love me without limit, I remember a part when I was bad girl and
had cause some problems but most of the time I played with my toys and
the friends I had and still have. But time has passed by that period in my life
that I’m so proud but it brings me to the life that I have now.
The final conclusion of this in my opinion is that every period in life has good
and bad times. So live every moment, every second every minute every day
like is the last day of you life. Injury every thing in front of you. Smile more
often and don’t worry too much be happy because happiness is the best
period of life.
2. Most people feel that they have "learned some lessons" in their life. They
may have made some mistakes that taught them something.
I remember that day like it was yesterday, my biggest mistake in my
childhood years. A mistake that I had learned my lesion and I’m so glad that
I’ve been try that time in my life. When I think about it isn’t such a big deal,
is kind of silly but it was so important to me that days. It was early Spring me
and 2 of my friends went out for a walk. We started to play some games but
soon that games started to be boring for us. So we decided to go home. At
the way of home we stopped in front of a beautiful house with beautiful
garden with flowers, I still can remember the smell of the red rouses
‘wowwww’ we thought and in that minute a idea come in my friends and my
head- we are going to still that flowers and put it in found of our houses, so
our houses can be as beautiful as this house we thought and went home. The
same night we get together and went to the beautiful house and still all the
flowers that where there. He were so happy because we complied our
mission and put the flowers in front of our houses. Happy like that went
home and fall a sleep. But logically every bed or good thing has it’s own
consequences. ‘No good deal goes unpunished’ The next morning the
owners of the house wake up and see what has happened to there beautiful
flowers they got very angry and se our houses fool with there flowers
because they accidently were our neighbors. my father so angry to me it was
so horrible I was three months grounded and I felt so trebly after my
punishment I can’t see my neighbors I was so shamed. Fortunately they
move the next year. I learned that you mustn’t wish other things that aren’t
yours. My father was right, I got over that and now I have my own beautiful
garden with amazing flowers that smell so beautiful.
3. Think of something you really like doing (a hobby, sport, ...)
Because of our dynamic living we usually don’t have time to do anything else
except working and cleaning the house learning doing some necessarily
things that we must do, we can save some time for our friends and families
but that is it. We don’t have time for our self’s or any free time. Well I refuse
to be that kind of person and I hope I’ll never be one of thus people. I’m free
spirit in every meaning of the word. In this meaning I always like doing new
things and new hobbies or playing different sports. I’ll start with the reading.
I definitely like reading new books with romantic literature also I love films.
My favorite film is ‘A walk to Remember’ all times film. Except films and
books I absolutely love running in the mornings especially in Sundays. I enjoy
running because it helps me to think and I activate my whole body, after a
good run I like doing some exercises. Because I always want to true
something new recently I’m exercising yoga. First it was difficult for me
because I was beginner but easily I got it. One new thing that I learned and
I’m beginning to do is meditation, is interesting and fun, I enjoy meditation
because it comes you done and you feel more powerful and controlling when
you are calm. Sports are my second name I love doing some sports a lot but
in my life a choose exercises , yoga and other things over sports so I don’t
have time for doing any sports, but the good thing is that at school I play
basketball and I have fun playing. When I was younger I went for a karate
classes but I didn’t like it much so soon I decided not to go. One thing that I
definitely love doing is dancing and singing in my bedroom. I love when I
sing it brings me happiness and the dancing is just a fool part of my life. I
really like to go on some dancing classes also I love some adventures like
bungijumping and swimming with sharks but in my town there is not such
thing and I’m pretty sad about it, but in second thought I have my running
and other things that I love and makes me happy. Happiness that is the most
important thing and that is my motivation to do all the things that I do. I just
love the smile of my face.

4. What do you think the most serious problem in the world is? Why?
There two theories for the world: the first one is coming from the
Bible and is completely supported from the people. It goes like this:
‘first of all God has created the earth and the sky. Then He saw that
the earth was empty and dark so he created light. He decided light
is going to be Day and the darkness is going to bi night…’ in this
theory God is creator, and the world is nothing but good creation of
God. The second theory is beginning from the first human, where is
says that the first human was a monkey and then after a good
period of time that monkey turned to a men like the real men are
today and time after time he created the whole world. Anyway the
point in all this is that no matter what theory do you support the
fact is that: our world do exist, from the start when the world was
created there ware problems and when the world was starting to
develop that global problems become more bigger. The world was at
the top of the development and successes, time was passing, new
things were created but the global problems didn’t despaired. In my
opinion there is a few serious global problems in the world because
the world is so big and it’s on the top so there is no way of not
being any problems at all or small ones. Anyway it wouldn’t be
interesting if everything was right and good, our life wouldn’t have
any meaning. That few global problems are: wars( is so bed to have
wars in this world because we are civilized man and we can solution
our problems calmly), global worming ( like a treat to the human for
distorting the world), drugs ( serious health threat), prostitution,
selling children… I’m going to talk about the global worming
because I thing that is the problem that we have to work on it
before is going to be too late. More then 100 years before the
scientist know about ‘the shining form the Sun that passes the
Earth and hits on her land. In order to go in the space, the shining
form the Sun is staying in the atmosphere and is making hot in the
Earth. This process isn’t allowing our planet to become cold and it’s
unfriendly to our Earth.
Write an essay explaining what you think, and give specific
examples and reasons.

“Many people belive you cannot learn everything in school, some

say that experience is the best teacher what is more important to
person education: things learned in school or trought real life
experience? “
The school is part of our life. In school we can learn everything abouth
education. We can learn how to be someone in soliety, and some other
thinks for the school and for the thinks who we like to know. But we can’t
learn everything in school. Sometimes experience is the best teacher ever.
The life carry us in some hard siruations, when we need to deside what we
need to do, and what we can’t to do. This things we can’t to do. This thinks
we can’t learn in school. The life experience make ad stronger. I think that
the bouth things are important. Some situations mere important are things,
learned to school and for other situations mere important are through real
life experience. Dependet of situations our reaction is diferent. I can’t say
that one is more imoportant because the bouth are important, dipendet of

“If you were given one million dollars to spend how would you
spend it? You cannot yous it for your self family or friends “
If someone give me one million dollars to spend some I will given to renovate
the home for kids withouth parents. Conditions of this homes are disapoint.
The rest of money I will by them food, cllothes and plaything. With those
money the conditions will be better. Thise kids are not guilty for thid bed
destiny to live without parents. In Macedonia the life conditions of this kids
are disapoint. They don’t have education, sometimes they don’t have food,
clothes, simple they can’t live how another people. I think that with thise
money I will to grow up light thear hard life and they will have more beautiful
life. I think that then they will be happy. This people can be happy whit small
thinkgs. Whit one kiss, one embrace, one small moment when they well feel
love. And with thise money, whit now better conditions their happynes will be
the bigest ever. I thing that this things cildren deserv to be happy

“Thing of something you really doing “

Every person has something what he really like doing. Someone like to draw,
to play some sport, to listening music and many other thing. The thing that I
really like to doing is walking alone. I enjoy in this, because I can thinking for
many things who torture me at this time. It can’t mean problems, I walk
when I’m happy, when I mind the word is mine. When I walk I relax and can
to thinking better for everything. Once I feel so bad I was thinking that I’m
alone in this big world, and the true friends don’t exist. I was feeling so sad,
for some person who fails my friendship, and my confidence. I feeled so bed I
soluble to go walking. When I walking I was thinking for this and I get
solution, that in this time friend can be just one person who can do
everything for you, and not everyone who like to look you’re suffering.
Walking helping me a lot to thinking, and when walk I’m feeling so happy
and I forget all my problems.

“Choose an important person that you have looked up to and who

has helped in you’re life “
Each person in his life has some person how to be a proud on him. This
person is the most influential in his life.
The most influential person in my life is my mum. I’m very proud in her. She
was made a beautiful things for advices me, my sister and my brother. My
dad, died when she was 32 years, she don’t knower what to do whit us. We
ware very young, and my mum too. But my mum knower that the life go on,
and my mum needs to protect us. The years were going. She made to we not
feel sad and without father love and advices. When I was so sad she tolled
me that, I have her and that she love me so much. She advised me, for
became a good person. And she successes in that. She like help me when I
need help. I can toll her everything. She know to listening me and to tell me
some advice, what I can to do and can’t to do. She influent in my life so
much and I very very love her.

What do you think the most serious problem in the world is? Why?
I think that we are living in a world full of trademarks that we are leaving
behind us. And every thing we do, whatever bad or good say something
about the human behavior. How carelessly we can really be we all can see in
the nature. As the days go by our environmental problems are getting
bigger. Are people asking themselves what are they provoked by? Do we see
the true problem? The world’s problems descend from personal problems.
Greed, lack of morality, selfishness, cruelty, ambition. These are the ones
who cause world’s problems. The point is that every major problem begins
with an individual's own self centered desires. And the result is vanishing
species, overflowing landfills, forest destruction, water contamination, air
contamination and the worst thing by now global warming. Unprecedented
warm winters, prolonged summers, rainstorms at an unexpected time of the
year -climate change is drawing global attention like never before. Across
the world human activities like vehicle emissions and the burning of fuels
contribute to global warming. It has taken extreme and life threatening
weather patterns to finally drive the message home that global warming is
happening and unless a concerted, global effort is made to make it to
reverse it will become irreversibly.

What has been the best period in your life, and why?
Every person has some best periods in his life. For me the best period in my
life is my childhood.
When we are child we mind that everything is easy. We are happy when play
some child games, when for a firs time sleep without our parents, when we
went firs time in school, when we learn now things for life and when bye us a
now plaything.
We don’t have problems that need to find solution, we don’t know how the
life of aged people is, and we don’t like to know that. We thing that the word
is perfect, and every person is happy. Than I was happy because I was
thinking that I will stay a child and that nothing haven’t change. I was never
thinking that life can change so fast and fro this big happiness can get a big
sad and big pain that will forever stay in my heart. I like my begin childhood,
because the end was so hard with big pain for young child. That was the best
period in my life. The begin childhood I will never forget, because that time I
was real happy how I can’t never be.

What are the reasons for returning to school this year?

School days are the best time in our lives. It’s something that you can never
forget. First love, now friends, now teachers and very interesting thing
happened in our classroom. But in firs place is learning how to prolong your
life, learned how to do for realize your dreams.
I returned to school this year for many things. First because without high
school you’re nothing in society and you can’t find good job. I like to study to
realize my dreams, and my dreams are to finishing a university, to find good
paid job, to get marry and to have children who I can to enable good life, and
they to have everything what they want. Than I will be happy, and I will be
the happiest women in world, who works what I want, and will be good paid
and will have a big and happy family, with very much love.
I need to be successful for realize my dreams, and I will get this because I
want that, and because I want to realize my dream. To do this first thing
what I made was when I returned to school this year, and to be a good
student how every year.

Most people feel that they have “learned some lessons” in their life.
They may have made some mistakes that taught them something
We are people and every person has made some mistakes that taught them
something in their life. I don’t know what I write because I was made some
mistakes and that mistakes taught me to be a stronger and better person in
rest of my life.
The biggest mistakes what I made was because I don’t have respect for life,
and I believed that we will live eternally. But when my dad’s die, I begin to
understand that life is very short, for do something that we don’t want. Life is
small moment in space and we need to past the best we can. For this small
time we people don’t have time to do wrongs and to hate batwing us. The
life gives us a chance to show our goodness and our love for every person
indifferent on nationality, religion, age and pole. The life is just a moment,
one small dream to love, enjoy and don’t thing in bed things because we
don’t have two lives to life. Now I enjoy in life and don’t things how to will be
in a feature because you never know when you live finished. This was the
best lessons that taught in my life and for life.
Choose an important person that you have looked up to and who
has helped you in your life. In life is very important the people who you
looked up to and admire especially when you are still young and you haven’t
build your own character. In my life the most important person that I looked up to
and helped my most is Svetlana Naumoska. My sister!!! Of all persons in the
world that I know and honor is my sweet and good and beautiful sister Svetlana.
Svetlana is the second child in my family and she is born in Tetovo, but now she
lives with me and over family in Gostivar . She is 24 years old and she works in a
bank, soon she will move to Skopje because she will be closer to her work.
Svetle is very confident person and she knows something of everything. Her
hard-work brings her to have a grad job at the bank. She pushed me up to be as
hard working as she is so I can get the things that I want like her. She's so
creative, she can make flower out of torn!!! That is the greatest thing about her,
and she always tells me that I can be creative and I can be many things if I just
and really want to be. She is giving me the self-confidence to try new things in life
and no be afraid to do them in public. Svetle's always smiling and she is out
going. She loves meeting now people and she likes going out with her boyfriend
and friends and she has a ton of fun with them. In that view we are the same.
She is sometimes stubborn but she never fights she is usually calm. She has
respect for other people feelings and she tells me how important that is to others
and to you at the same time. My sister is so good looking! She is thin with brown
eyes and straight brown hair. She is not much tall of a person but she isn't so
short. She's in to her early twenties age. Her face is soft like a baby. We are
similar because I have brown hair and eyes. She loves people, watching films
especial comedies. She's always listening to music even when she is having a
shower! Svetle likes to do aerobics, dancing and absolutely loves eating slates
and chocolates. She gives me good tips about films and healthy food, some
excurses and other staff. She definitively can't stand noisy places and she
doesn't like junk food such as hamburgers and that is a good thing because she
sometimes cooks for me vegetarian food that is very healthy. Her favorite food is
slates mine too. Svetle has a lot of friends, everyone like her because of her
kindness and helpfulness and after her she’s giving me tips for friendship and
kindness and she always tells me: ‘if you can help, help people but never ever
give fake promises to help them if you can’t’. She is a person with positive energy
and she always is relaxed, people love to be in her company. She's always ready
to give advice and honest opinion. She is very generous, for example she gives
her old clothes and money to poor people and children with out parents.
I love my sis, she is a example for good person!!!

If you were given one million dollars to spend how would you spend it? You cannot use it for
yourself, family members, or friends.
If I was a winner of million dollars I'll be so happy first of all and I'll start planing so many
Because money in this world is so much
Imported. My dream is to open a bank, someone will ask me why bank? in that question
I'll answer except that the fact that is my dream, I think that is a good
investment. And in the meter of fact in my opinion that is the future dream job of every
sexual person. Except of that I want to live money to the next generations, to heir
my companies and my money, to be happy and to have what ever they like. So
firstly I'll invest some money and by a bank or build one of my own. Then when
the years are passing by I'll have money to spreed the bank and make a chain of
banks. with the money I'll have ( that are going to be triple) I'll spend for my own.
I'll by houses and flats and every thing I want. I'll travel a lot, I'm going to see the
whole world and spending time at things I love. Maybe I'll open a yoga center and
a few charity centers, I'll adopt many children that is my wish ( if I have many
money). Because I have so much ideas for business I'll open as many I want and
my money is going to come bigger and bigger and I'm going to be the riches
women in the world:) And if a became I'll help the world in so many ways. I'll
invest in every thing. I thing is right and first of all I'll invest in science because I
like to remove cars and other objects that are destroying over mother nature. I
8. What are your reasons for returning to school this year?
We leave in 21st century. And it this world you will be successful only if you are one of this three
classes of people: being in a family where your patents have a fortune- lot or money, having
parents who have many friends and a good ones too who can help you in every satiation, or you
could be a person that doesn’t need money or friends to be perfectly successful in your carrier, in
order to be that person you must have first of all education and a lots of skills. I’m the third class.
Class of surviving alone. My class is the most difficult because we have to build our own bridge to
happiness and good jobs. In order to survive the difficult road fool with torns first of all you must
have good education and knowledge. You have to be strong character and you have to know how
to use your skills, be intelligent and know how to behave in different situations. A result of that are
a good carrier and a prodding job. I returned to school this year to become that person fool with
knowledge and perfect education so I can make true my mission witch is going to collage and
finishing collage. That is one reason, the second is for fun, at school is so cool because you are
learning and at the same time you have fun with your class friends. You explore new things and
going to new places with your teachers. Meeting new friends, go to a café after and before school
act. And the third reason is the thought: ‘what in the world I’m going to do at home?!’ and ‘I
definitely don’t want to work a silly job all day for not enough money’. I don’t want to be the
nothing in my life. I want to build a carrier that I would be proud of. With my knowledge finishing
collage and go in every parts of the world. Be a person of example.
Many people believe you can not learn everything at school. Some say that experience is
the best teacher. What is more important to a person’s education? Things learned
in school or through real life experiences?
The world… A place where every day we are in relation with events, we are surrounded by many people,
different characters, attitudes, opinions… We are witnesses of many things that happen. We don’t see
how fast the time passes and then, we ask ourselves where did our youth go? In sorrow we remember of
many things that we learned. We go back in time and as in a movie we are looking at our successes and
beats. The origination as a worthy person we own to our education, because, as many people said, our
knowledge we acquire in school.
But is that real? We need only education, or we also need experience? It’s true that in school we learn a
lot, however, if we don’t try anything that we learn in our life, we will be powerless. Would you have the
same opinion about a place of you go and visit it or you only read about it? Would you know what the
meaning of love and happiness is, if you don’t feel it on your own and if you don’t share it? Would you
know what help is if you don’t help someone?
To learn all these things, we don’t only need education, but experience too. It’s not the same what we
have read about and what we have lived through. Life is a temptation in which day by day we build
ourselves as a person and we go through everything it bring us.


If you were given one million dollars to spend, how would you spend it?
To meet the challenges of the 12th century is not an easy thing to do, but rather is a challenge for
ourselves which means that we as future leaders of this country will rise to the occasion and confront the
challenges. But we cannot do this if we don’t have a good job, or what is more important money.
Everyone in his life is dreaming about being rich and famous.
If I were given a million dollars I’d do many useful things first of all for those who don’t have money at all
and then for me. I would build many fabrics in which there would be thousand of unemployed people. I
would try to stop the poverty in every single way that I can. I would buy new clothes and toys for the
children who have mental disabilities, and I would fight for their rights. The other thing that I would do for
these poor kids is that I would strive for them to have the right medical treatment and not to be pushed
away from the social workers and the government. The reason why I say this is because they deserve to
be treated like normal children and it’s not their fault for being born with such disease.
Money help a lot in everyone’s life but it don’t content the whole world. And if I had one million dollars I
would give to the ones who really need it.


Choose an important person that you have looked up to, and who was helped you in
your life.
Sometimes, when we are lonely we are thinking about our life. About everything that passed, about our
successes and beats, about our moments of happiness and sorrow, about the time that passes like a fast
river and we are powerless to stop it.
In everything that we do, we are surrounded with people that share lot of moments with us. Some of them
stay with us forever and some of them leave us. Some of them are ready to help us in any moment, to
give us their advice, to support us in all our decisions.
They are our friend, our family and the people we love. However, there is always someone who takes the
first place when we talk about a person who helped us in our life. We ask the question: Who that person
is? Then we remember who was with us when we were little, when we made our first step, when we said
our first word, who’s the person who took care of us when we were sick… Through out all these pictures
one person is always present. That’s our mother.
That’s the person who has helped us the most, that’s always been decide me, that has always known
how to console me, to hug me and make me feel strong. Even if I put together all these verses to make a
fairytale, it wouldn’t be enough to make up for all the things she has done.


What do you think the most serious problem in the world is? Why?
The world we are living in is a far from perfect. That is the reality we all have to face. There are too many
problems in the world now, like wars, drugs, human trafficking, etc., all very serious in their own way, and
it would take one an eternity to discus all of them. In this essay I would like to write about the one that I
believe is the mother of, maybe not all, but most problems: the money.
Money has the power to control us. We feel bad if we don’t have money in our pockets, and we will not
stop at anything until we have them. The worst thing is that we are never satisfied with the amount we
have, we always want more.
More of the crimes are money related; people will steal and even kill if they cannot get the money the
honest way. Money has the ability to corrupt people, and it seems that very few are immune.
I don’t have a solution or an answer to this problem. I know that it is probably impossible to do something
to change the way the world is, especially about this issue. I would like to finish with the famous words
from the movie “Cabaret”: “Money make the world go around”.


Think of something you really like doing (a hobby, sport)…

Everyone has different hobbies, different ways of spending his free time. Some people like listening to
music, others like sports… But, there are a lot of people who like watching TV too much. Watching TV is
an addiction if we are standing in front of TV all of our free time. The TV along with books is our window to
the world.
Everyday, we are witnesses of different spectacles, modern shows, where glamour and money are
represented in a large measure. Also, we can see the farthest and the most exotic places which are
unreachable to us.
On the one hand, TV is a great machine filled with new information, but on the other hand it’s a machine
where we can see a lot of murders, crimes and violence.
Very often, on the TV news we can hear that somewhere someone killed a child, or that someone made
an attack and killed innocent people. It’s very unpleasant, because in that way many people are left
without parents and homes. A lot of small children are watching crime and murders on TV, which has a
big influence on their psyche.
Even though watching TV is one of the many hobbies I have. I think that all TV stations should pay
attention to what are they showing, because that is very necessary now, when we are living in such a
dangerous world.


Most people feel that they have “learned some lessons” in their life. They may have
made some mistakes that taught them something.
People often say the best lessons they have learned are a result of their mistakes. Everyone makes a
mistake, that is the way of life. Some people want to turn back time and make everything right, but instead
of doing that, they should remember that experience and build on it.
Fortunately, in my relatively young life, I have not made any significant mistakes that I can write about. Of
course, I have made some small mistakes that I have regretted later on. On of those mistakes was
confiding to a person I consider a friend, even though we knew each other for a relatively short period of
time, only to have my trust betrayed. I had confidence in that person so I opened myself and shared some
of my fears and thoughts, and that person told them to all of our mutual friends the very same day. I was
very ashamed and disappointed, and since then I am more careful when I chose my friends and, most
importantly, to whom I confide.
The experience we again from the mistakes we make will make us wiser and teach us how to deal with
similar situations. After all, trial and error learning has been man’s best teacher since the beginning of


What has been the best period in your life and why?
Life is a great experience for all of us, and everybody has the right to it. Every day we are learning a lot of
new things, how to handle them, how to make our dream come true etc. But, for that we should try and
work a lot. Life is difficult and because of that we should enjoy in whenever we can and try and make the
things that we want.
Childhood is the best period when we can do everything, it’s the best period of our lives. Everybody is
happy, and nobody worries about a thing. So do I. I was a very happy child. I didn’t care about anything, I
was playing all day long in the yard in front of my house. Almost all of the days were similar, but they were
very interesting and filled with games, laughter, songs, jokes…
My parents fulfilled all of my wishes. I remember that always when we were going on picnic, we took fruit.
I was playing with my brother, who I like very much.When I started to go to school I was very happy
because I got my first knowledge, I met a lot of new friends. I was very happy not only in the first grade,
but all years until now.
I’m sure I have missed something, because all my childhood was filled with memories. I consider that I’m
still a child, because that is what I’m in my spirit, although I know to be responsible girl.
Life is a big responsibility and that is why we all should live an uor childhood and remember it all our life.

5. __Choose an important person that you have looked up to and who has helped you in your life.__
Influenced various aspects of my life, based on their personal characteristics, accomplishments, and
values. I have been privileged to have had numerous teachers and professors who I respect for their
patience and intelligence. There are artists that have inspired me by their natural talents and original
creativity. I value many political leaders, who have inspired me by their contributions to society, and their
ability to change our futures. Of all the people I have encountered in my life, the person I admire most is
my father.
As the youngest girl in my family, I always considered myself to be "Daddy's little girl." Growing up it
always made me sad to see so many of my friends and neighbors without a father or father-like figure
around. This helped me appreciate how my father always takes an interest in his children's lives. To this
day, he still professes how proud he is of me and my siblings, and is still there to support us in whatever
we are involved in. In every aspect of my life my father continuously pushes me to excel. Whenever I feel
like giving up, or have a question or a concern, I know I can always call on him for advice. From him I
have also learned that sometimes you have to put others needs ahead of your own, but not to the point
they will begin to take advantage of you. His strength seems to be unbreakable during hard times, and is
extremely determined to accomplish anything he sets his mind on. I hold great esteem for how he stands
up for what he believes in, and will never back down. I have always admired his open mind, compassion,
and sense of understanding. He is a very reserved man, but has a great sense of humor, and always
knows how to put a smile on my face.
I remember how my father worked during the week at night, and how we would look forward to the
weekends when we would spend time with him
2. **__Most people feel that they have "learned some lessons" in their life. They may have made some
mistakes that taught them something.__**
Looking back on my life I see that I have made many mistakes. All due to my lack of patience and never
listening to what my elders told me. If I had only listened to their words of wisdom and took into
consideration what was told, I would have saved myself a lot of trouble.
The first valuable lesson I learned was when cheating on the final test caused me a lot of trouble. It
started at ninth grade when high school was a totally new thing. I began to have many new friends and
they could drive. Going out was much more fun than staying home and studying. I started to come to
school late everyday. If I did come on time, I would slept in class. I missed a lot of homework and class
activities. So, I was already behind the class before I even knew about it. I did not know what to do when
the final was about to come. I was stuck in a bad situation, so I decide to take the short cut and cheat on
the exam. Too bad, I got caught and went through a lot of bad experiences with the teachers and school
Well, as a teenager, I always thought that my parents talk too much, sometimes irritating. I did not really
respect what they had to say. As I grew older, I also got wiser, and that is when I realize that the elders
are really wise and fully experienced with life. Everything that they say are advices from years of life
experience, and they only gave advices for my own good. However, the older I grow, the more I respect
my parents and I think everybody should feel the same way toward their elders for the lessons they have
been passing on to you.

4. What do you think the most serious problem in the

world is? Why?
The world is currently facing the most severe financial and economic crisis in decades. The current global
economic crisis is a major challenge for the international economic organizations and requires a rapid
response to counter the impacts on the whole economy.
International organizations provide a common platform wherein representatives from different parts of the
world can discuss and evolve solutions for the current crisis .
I would like draw attention to some specific features of the current crisis and the important role that
international cooperation can play in mitigating its negative effects.
First, its scope. One of the peculiarities of the current situation is that what started as financial turmoil in
the United States quickly paralyzed major parts of the world financial system with devastating effects on
the global economy.
The most efficient way to counteract a widespread slowdown that affects at the same time the entire
global economy is a coordinated international response. This demands not only addressing the obvious
and immediate implications of the crisis but also anticipating what could be the likely ramifications in other
areas, so as to design corrective actions enabling us to take preventive measures.
Second, there is a clear need for public intervention to address the crisis. The role of the public sector as
a safeguard of economic stability is undisputed. Governments have thus a key role in shoring up
confidence and, when necessary, in providing a direct boost to economic activity to offset private sector
weakness. Moreover, in many cases it has already been identified that efficient policy responses require
coordinated and agreed-upon actions by many stakeholders (including the public and private sectors,
international organizations and the civil society), both nationally and internationally. Efforts to promote a
wider and more comprehensive international multi-stakeholder dialogue on the policy responses to the
global crisis can thus contribute both to a better diagnosis of the key policy problems and to a more
efficient therapy in identifying best practices in addressing the problems.
Third, the importance of incorporating long-term considerations in the design of anti-crisis programmes. In
a crisis, particularly in one that is as severe as the one we are experiencing, there is the danger that
policies focus only on short-term issues, without paying sufficient attention to other threats that are less
immediate but certainly quite as real. It is much more productive for all partners in the global economic
community to look at the current situation in a more positive way.
Thus, stronger coordination is needed among economic and financial sector policymakers around the
world during the global recession and one of the organizations that can help to bring countries together to
cope with the crisis is the International Monetary Fund. Being an international organization that oversees
the global financial system and is formed to stabilize international exchange rates and facilitate
development, the IMF have tools to take steps in crisis.
Most economists agree that fixing the world's economy will involve at least these two steps: repairing the
financial sector, and restarting economic growth.
The IMF has played a central role in helping member countries cope with the financial and economic
crisis and return to financial stability.
The Fund can strengthen the global financial safety net by taking steps to simplify access to its resources,
strengthen its lending capacity, and develop further its lending tools for low-income countries. It can also
monitor and analyze the policy responses by member countries to cope with the impact of the crisis,
consider the key issues that countries will have to deal with and ensure that Fund-supported programs
enable countries to restore stability as effectively as possible.
Over the current period of the world crisis the IMF should be aimed at expanding and making its work
more flexible. To follow this, the fund is now working on the New Arrangements to Borrow. The Fund also
make tenser its work with members to ensure that recent agreements are turned into bilateral loan
agreements and quickly brought to the Board for approval. This is aimed to provide timely and effective
financial assistance to its members
One more important area for IMF to work over is the lending system for low-income countries. Recent the
fund doubled the access limits for lending to low-income countries, which was already an important step
forward. What's more, the IMF should discuss proposals to simplify and strengthen the lending tools and
financing system for the poorest nations.
Finally, it should ensure that the large number of Fund-supported economic programs are as effective as
possible in helping countries weather the crisis and restore stability. Key issues include the availability of
trade finance, tax policy and exit strategies for countries that have invested heavily in crisis-related
The Fund's work program should also understand the need for enhanced regulatory reform to keep up
with innovations in the global financial system and also explore the stability of the international monetary
system, including reserve currencies.
Such improvement in the IMF's work and reforming of its system would probably enable it to be a more
effective leader in responding to the current crisis.

6. ****If you were given one million dollars to spend how would you spend it? You cannot use it for
Charity is benevolence, or an act based
yourself, family members, or friends.****
upon a belief in the goodness and worth of other people. I have
that love and belief in people, that is why I shall donate this
$1.000.000 to the children from Africa. Starvation, disease,
homes with no conditions for a human to live in. These are some
of the constant , everyday enemies those children need to fight for
survival. They are brave and don’t give up, but their bravery isn’t
enough unless the world remembers to help them. With this
money I’ll provide the generous and kind doctors which selflessly
and guided only by the wish to help, struggle to save more and
more lives, with the medicines needed to cure the poor children
so they will have a better life and grow into strong adults to secure
the future of the next generation. Also, I will get presents for those
children so I could see them innocently smiling, and those smiles
will be my precious present from them. Lots of packages with
clothes will be given and shared between them to replace those
dirty and ripped ones they have. Smaller amount of the money will
be for their education, hiring teachers to hold classes , books,
step by step educational programs and etc. because being
educated is also important. The power of the dream is simply not
released in the life of a child. Helping the children isn’t coming
from pitying but from human compassion. My vision is to provide
total care to each child; shelter, security, nutrition, clothing,
medical care, counseling and education. And in the end I know
that every penny has secured a bit of happiness in the children’s
life. That is the best investment a man can make ;)))))))))

1.What has been the ebst period in your life, and Why?
Hobby can take you out of your life for a while. It can be invigorating, relaxing, educational, fun,
or maybe, if you are lucky, a little of everything. Hobbies are more than just ways to
creatively pass the time. They are also good for your health. Hobbies and other leisure
activities can have many health benefits.Everyone knows that stress can and will at
some point in your life, take a heavy toll on your mind and body. A hobby can prevent
the harmful effects of stress and also make your life richer and more rewarding. There is
evidence that staying mentally active may actually help prevent Hobbies can also help
us feel connected.
I have number of hobies that I do in my free time. The hobby I like most is playing my guitar. My
guitar very unique and beautiful because it is my favorite. The guitar was given to me by my
mother for my seventh birthday. My uncle,who also plays guita taught me how to play it. Now I
can play a few simple tunes. I have even begun to sing while playing the guitar but I has not been
too successful at this. My uncle tells me that all I need is a lot of practice and I should be able to it.
He is very good at accompanying himself and I admire him very much.
Another hobby that I spend time on is keeping tropical fishes. I have a modest little glass
aquarium where I keep a variety of little fishes. Some of them were bought from the shop while
some of them were caught from the stream near where I live. They look so beautiful swimming
about in the aquarium and I love to just watch them. It is very relaxing to do so. Even my uncle
loves watching them.
There are other hobbies that I indulge in once in a while but they are not as interesting as the ones
I have mentioned. There mentioned really keep me occupied and I am glad I am able to do them.
3.Thing of something you really like doing(a hobby,sport..)
In the life of every person there always are periods that leave indelible bright memories. Despite
for everyone these are always personal and are related with different events, I am absolutely
confident that in general the most remarkable memories come from the period of high school
life. Indeed, this is the best period because high school years are very romantic time within
which people obtain new friends. First of all, studying in the high school we meet a lot of new
people with whom we will have lasting friendship throughout the rest of our lives. Therefore,
the most important people we have the relationships with for the rest of the life, we usually
meet during the high school years.
Finally, the high school years is probably the first period when people seriously fall in love.
Being young, beautiful, full of whim and vigor, students are getting attracted to each other,
starting dating and falling in love. These relationships, saturated with juvenile romance
become remarkable recollection for everyone. Some of them, might even end up with the
marriage. Hence, high school years might be considered as the most romantic time in the life.
All in all, there are different exciting periods in life of every man. Meanwhile, I have no doubts,
that the best time is always related with high school years; the years of acquaintance with
new people and experiencing the romance.

What do you think the most serious problem in

the world is? Why?
We are witness on the time, time on changes in
who very things is changing. Is change the hope
that they will take some money, and do them life
better. The big problem and serious problem in
the world is drugs, alcohol and poverty. The
young people are they use drugs and alcohol not
matter that they know that can destroy them
and them life. We need to use a life, on good
way, to live happy, to remember of youngest
who the most beautiful part of life is. Drugs and
alcohol destroy a life. Life can be beautiful only
if we know how to use him and to life. The world
can be better place for life if people help each
other, give love and goodness. The world can’t
exist without people and because of that people
need to care about other people and about the
world. The young people only need to care about
that to find a good job and to care for them
future and happiness.

What are you reasons for returning to school

this year?
This year I go to school because I have to go but
also I am alone sensible that what I learn in
school I will not be enough educated. Is very
important I to finish this year because I want to
do on University. I that mean that I will have
more know in my life. Because without education
you are anyone and anything. Without education
I will can’t be successes, satisfied and happy.
That what is important for everyone is education
because with that you can easy find job and you
can in the future to care for your family. People
need to know that without learning they can’t
have anything in life. Also they can be
independent with finishing good school you and
with having education. Whit finishing school you
are successful person of who other persons are
proud but also person who is proud of them

Most people feel that they have learned some

lessons in their life. They may have made some
mistakes that taught them something.
In the world doesn’t exist person who didn’t
have made mistakes in them life and of they
mistakes to learn very important things. Very
often whit the mistakes we can hurt some
person that we like but also we can hurt our self.
Like everyone also I have done some mistakes
who make me feel bed and sad. However of
mistakes people learn and know to value what is
important for them and them life. Most people
think that mistakes are bed, but I don’t think
like that. I think that with them we can value
who persons are bed and who are good, to value
what is good and what is bed. The mistakes that
I do are not so big but however I am sorry about
that. I think that old people do more and big
mistakes of us young people. If I could do
something different I want to be better person
whit that the parents are proud and more
successful. I think that mistakes can help and be
useful for us for every decision that we bring.

If you were given one million dollars to spend

how you would spend it.
When I will have one million dollars the first that
I do is going to a holiday. I want to go on some
exotic traveling. I want to visit and see some
places and to learn how people live there. The
most of everything I want to visit Paris. Also the
part of money I will give to my parents because I
want to help them. This is way how I to back
them for every thing that they do for me. My
parents deserve that and more things. The part
of money I will give to charities. I want to give
money for people who are hungry and who need
help. The part I will save for me. Because on that
way I will have safety future. This part of money
I will give on my mum to keep for me because I
believe in her and I think that the money are
save in her hands. Also I plan to go on university
so the saved money will need me for my future
plans and ideas. You never know when you will
need money so is better to have money in every

Choose an important person that you have

looked up to and who has helped you in your
Everybody has an important person who has
value on them life. The most important person in
my life is my mum. Only she can understand me
and help me when is difficult for me. She gives
me advices about that what I need to do and not
to do in my life. If she is not whit me I will can’t
to do anything and to person that I am today.
She is the most important for me because she
takes me to a right and good way and tells me
the things that are important and useful for me.
When is very difficult for me when I am
disappointed whit all love of mother she help me
and give me advices. Only she can make I to be
happy and satisfied. She is always on my way in
my life. We have special language whit who we
understand each other and whit who we

Most people feel that they have” learned some

lessons” in they life. They may have made some
mistakes that taught them something.

Every person in them life make mistakes. But

some people say that of the mistakes is learning
many things. In the world doesn’t exist person
who didn’t make mistakes? But that mistakes
help for learning something new, new
experience and for living good life. Also I have
made a few mistakes of who I am not very
proud, but anyway I learn very important things
I learn what I need to do and what I didn’t need
to do in future. Of one side with mistakes we
learn, but of other side we can offend some
person whit that what we say. In my life I learn
that the life need to be value more every
moment, every minutes we need to use the best
that we can and for good things. Before
everything we need to value our self more that
others. The mistakes that I did make me more
valiant, now on others way I see the things. Now
I know that life is beautiful and anyone didn’t
need to be scare of makings mistakes because
they can help for everything. If I could I will do
very things different and mabby I will be better

Think of something you really like doing (a

hobby, sport)
One of my hobbies is traveling. I really like to
travel because I think that traveling brings
exciting things, new meetings and experience.
Whit traveling you can meet interesting and
funny people also you can make new friendships.
You can see very interesting things, buildings,
restaurants and something else. You can bring
new experience of traveling see and learn
something new that can be useful for you and
your life. Traveling is time when you can relax,
forget in the problems and enjoy in the travel.
Other my hobbies are listening music and going
to shopping. I listen music every day and that
really relaxes me and makes me happy. I like
shopping and usually I do that with my sister
and my mum. Shopping make me forget on
everything else. Of the sports I like basketball
and handball. In the past I play basketball
usually with my friends but now I play not often.

What do you think the most serious problem in

the world is? Why?
We live in the time of many changes; the live is
change also the people. Nobody is asked himself
what is happen with the world. In the world have
poverty. Little number of people is prepared to
help, to give happiness. The most serious
problems in the world are poverty, drugs,
alcohol. The young people are they who the use
the drugs and alcohol. The drugs and alcohol
only drugs only brings difficult life. The life can
be beautiful, also he can be more beautiful do
peoples know how to live and be successful.
Peoples also are envious of each other. They
care only for themselves and for them needs. If
have more peoples in the world who are prepare
to help, to anybody care for other not only for
them self to be humane the world will be better
place for living. Only if peoples live in harmony
and peas they will be happy and proud. The
drugs, alcohol and poverty are the reasons
become peoples can be happy and live in peas.
The worlds need more tolerance, people who
want to help and more love. People must to be
good, more educated and more cultural. If we
are together we can resolve the problem in

Close on person you have looked up to and who

has helped you in you live.
The person who has helped me in my life is my
mum. She’s god a good personality. She is
cheerful a helpful. I am look like her because I’
am also helpful, I want help to people when they
need that. I and my mum have almost identical
characters. We think some, we like some things
and both believe too much on people. She really
help me very much in my life, she care for me
and she is try to give me with her advices, love
and attention that she give to me, My mum like
very much children’s and because of that she
care for my with very love. If she wasn’t I will
never be that what I am now. She always
supports me in everything that I do. She says to
me what I need to do and what I not to do. I
believe in her very much and I believe that only
she can bring me on the really way. She is
always there when I need her and I feel save
only she is with me and tell me what is good for

If you were given one million dollars to spend

how you spend it.
If I given one million dollars I will give that
money to a charities. On that way I will help of
many people in the world who I poor and hungry.
Only on that way we can lessen poverty in world
and make happy many people in the world who
wait of our help and goodness part of money. I
will give for people who are sick and who need
money. I will give for children’s without parents
who need to care alone for them self. I will give
money for children’s who are handicap. I think
that they need money very much. On this way I
can make people and children’s more happy,
satisfaction and to be enable to make possible
very children’s to enjoy in them childhood. Whit
all this I also will be happier because to help on
people and children’s for me have value and is
big thinks. I will proud of myself and on my
treatment. Is good feeling to know that you
make very people to value them life. If in the
world have more humane people anything will
be better. The other part I will save for me. I will
save money for the future because I plan to go
on University also I will spend part of money for
some traveling and for my family.

Many people believe you cannot learn

everything in school. Some say that experience
is the best teacher. What is most important to a
person’s education: things learned in school or
through real life experience.
I think school is not enough for learning
everything in the life. Real life experience is the
best for me to know what I have done in my life.
When I will think better in the school you study
but you can forget that, so that is for short time
and that what you do into your life impersonal
experience, is much better and important for
everyone. You can change that what you do in
your life with anything else. Because personal
participate in that what is happen in my life and
with that I learn what is good and bed for me.
With personal experience you can see into what
you past and how to l live you life in the future.
That what happen into your life you will
remember forever. People bring better desidions
when they personal see what happen with life.
That what people learn in school mabby is good
because like that people can early find a job, but
that can help for brings desidions. Things
learned in school can’t to be compared whit
personal experience, real life experience.

What are you reasons for returning to school

this year?
The reason every students go to school is
because they want to be successful, educated,
also to be more cultural and to realize them
wishes and them purposes. With the more
education people can easy to find a job and to
care for them families in the future. Of the one
side I do to school because I must, because only
on that way I can to be more successful. Also I
go to school because I want to get more knows
and education. I want to study something new
and some thing that I will in the future. I go to
school because after school I want to go in
University and to independent, because with the
finishing school I can more easy find a job and to
be independent, to care about my things and
also to help on my parents for every thing. The
school opens the door for better future and
gives more possibilities for better and happy
life. With the education student can complete
him knows and to be human of who other people
will be envious, to be human who will be proud
and satisfied of himself and able to care himself.
*Choose an important person that you have looked up to and who
has helped in yuor life*

To many people,their friend are the most important things in their life.Really good friends share
the good times and the bad times,help you when you've got problems,never judge you and never
turn their backs on you.For my one luck I have some.I've known them all my life,grown up with
and been through lots of ups and downs with.My best friend...It's the person I can turn to for
impartial advice and a shoulder to cry on when life lets you down.I know that no matter what the
problem or what time of day or night it is,my best friend will drop everything and put me frst.I will
probably be my best friend I go to for help.Perhaps some my parent are being too heavyhanded I I
can not talk with that,wathever my problem is I know I can realy on my best friend.I'm realy happy
having them,and I will allways try to keep them by my side.I'm and I allwys be thankfull to them
.For every single moment spent with me,talking and solving my problems I surdlu return them
too.I shoosed them carfull and threat them well so I'm sure they will be friends for life.

*Think of something you really like doing(hobby,sport).With you enjoy this


Nobody would argve that reading books is a bed thing.People say the man who does not read
books is merely not born.Most of us agree,reading a book is normally better than watching TV,I
agree too.I'm finding pleasure neading them.
I you examine you day for reading opportunies,you will discover lots of free time.For example
standing at the bus stop,travelling,over lunch,going up for things the occasional 10-20 minutes
here and there qvickly add up.
But the time will fly if you always have your book with you.
Books are there to be read.I really enjoy in my free time sit and spend couple of hours reading
Many could ask how can you find it pleasure "wasting" your wree time reading books,do you see
any bennefits from it?
I will anwer them,as I sald once,I reed to pleasure,I free my mind,I realese myself, I like it,it makes
me feel good.Is it a novel or poem either it is a literature for higher education,all that storie I face
many simmilar situacions happend in my life.
So reading them I learn many thing that will halp in future,how to solve my problems,let say,give
me new ideas for life and learn some new things,I have never heard about them before.
I upgrade my minds,how to akt in creation still,everithing is based on knowledge,so reading will
make me reacher and surelly make life easy.

*If you were given 1 million dollars to spend how would you spend it?*

The time has come without money you're nothing,everyone wants money,money makes your life
easier,simple,you have money you have everything,people likes you.You can aford anything you
want,go everywhere you want etc.
But I think differently,many thing you can not buy with money,here I will
mention,friendship,love,and much more important things in life.
Well if I have that opportunity let say won a lottery,or someone give me that money,of course I
would be the happiest person.
But even then I wont think differently.My life is briliant.I have nice family,lots of friends,I have the
most of basic and most important things that has no price,no money can buy them.
Along with most people,walk guickly past those who appare lass fortunate than ourselves.Who
will think of them.Every day I see homeless pople,but usually the most attention I might give them
is a how sad look.I sometimes get angry with myself for being selfis,and I justify my fears by
saying,they have no job,no future,have hungry childs who are wii for them,go home and give
them some bread.
Once I wolked downtown and set next to a homeless men.It learned more about people than I ever
had before.All I heeded to do was to open my mind.
That's how I'm gonna spend that money.I would done a big thing,buy them some clothes,for their
child too,give them some money,it's wont fell sorry spendig money on them.I will make them a bit
happy I will fill up my heart.

*Most people feel that they have "learned some lessons" in their life*

Someone once said, "If you want to know what your future will be like, look at your habits now".
Whatever habits you have today will dictate your tomorrow. If you have negative habits that keep
you stuck in the past, you will only keep getting what you've always got. Your future will be no
different from today. Your habits, the way you do things now, will guarantee that. So, unless you
change those habits, especially constantly finding fault with yourself, regretting your decisions or
feeling that you are not as good as others, those habits will follow you endlessly.
You have to stop beating yourself up over past actions, stop aiming for perfection and stop
comparing yourself to others, otherwise you will always feel inadequate. You also have to
appreciate your limitations, praise yourself DAILY for being a wonderful and unique human being.
Stop seeking the approval of others when the only standard should be your own, and look
outwards to others in love and appreciation than just focusing on yourself.
Keep out of the past unless it is positive! When we keep ourselves in the past it is because we
don't like our present too much. We probably feel isolated, excluded, unloved, unappreciated, so
we secretly blame ourself, we use our depression to maintain attention, but of a sort which, sadly,
alienates us from others and have counter-productive effects. In short, our current unhappiness
helps us to hark back to the past to remind ourself of how terrible we are while making our
situation worse.
We keep the negatives stuck in our head, perhaps for sympathy, instead of facing them,
acknowledging them, forgiving OURSELVES and others and moving on. You cannot truly forgive
until you find love .. your own self-love. To find true love from someone else, you have to love
yourself first. No one can love you for you.
But people who live in the past tend to take their present for granted, while many others have not
been so privileged to have one. Most important, ee have no present or future if we live in the past.
We are so busy looking back there, we have no time to make a future or to appreciate what we
have. Hence we come across as selfish and ungrateful.
Most of all, accepting yourself as you are and giving thanks for every new day of you life, instead
of taking it for granted, is the biggest factor in nurturing self love and moving someone from
feeling like 'crap' to feeling fabulous and fantastic.

*Many people believe you cannot learn everything in school.Some say that
experience is the best teacher.What is more important to a person's
education things learned in school or through real life experience?*

Through all this years spent at school desk I must say that things,live got much knowledge ,that
will help in future education.But the best teacher,the most important to a person education,in my
opinion,I think that is experience.As I said,through all those years spent at school I learned many
things,but through experience,your real life experience,you can learn much more.Here I will give a
simple example,let say you have dne something wrong in your life,made a mistake for which you
regret and felt worried,sad etc.
After it,you sit down,thinking and thinking what have you done,how would you act differently,in
that situacion,in order not to do it again.We learn from our mistakes,once we have made it,we
regret for them,all we do is try not doing same in future.That's why in my oppinion experience is
the best teacher.Our mistakes from past will make us better person in future.

*What do you think the most serious problem in the world is?Why?*

The global financial crisis caused by sub-prime financial crisis all over the world,has become one
of the most radical reshapings the world economy since the erupion of the crisis in
2007,economic growth and domestic demand in advanced economy has slowed down.
Emerging markey economies are experiecing dec'ine in domestic demand and in export.All
corners of the financial systems are being affected,even in the well-secured corners of the
world .Emerging markets are being increpsingli,affter with bond rates running down and
exchange rates are coming under heavy preasures.Real GDP groeth estimation shows that
growth in emerging markets would fall below HP trend.
This reflect that the emerging and developing economies are the sovice of reshence for the global
economy.Advonced economies (US,EU) are now in recession and are estimated t continue to
contract for the next quarters before gradually recover at a slow pace.
What we are experiencing today is essentially the most serious crisis facing world economy
altough the full force of impact has not get been felted.
In a preparation,the return of trust and confidence in financial markets is absolutely central.The
global economy is not facing a complete breakdown and there is a hope for relative recovery.I is
absolutely critical that sufficient policies should be put in places immediately to stabilite financial
markets conditions.
Although resilience in emerging economies with aggregate strong fundamentals is sopporting
global growth and economy but nevertheless contain concerning level of vulnerabitilies in some
countries.This problem has not occurred in a day nor will it be solved in a day.But,if we continue
to cooperate and we are resolute,we will solve it.

*What has been the best period in your life, and why?*

In my life, as i grow up, i passed through and enjoyed many beautifull day’s, month’s... I will
always remember day’s when i was a cild, days of my childhood! I really enjoyed that period of
time, it is unfogrivable.
With my friends from neighbourhood every year were waiting to finish school stuff, obligations
for school and then release ourselves and enjoy summer time! Standing up early in the morning
have a quik meal and then go out and stay till late hours of night, hanging up with them! Every
day was special, different, one from another! I really cen’t get out of my mind that wonderfull
moments, filled with happiness, fun... really liked being with my friends, playing many games,
joking, walking around the city, staying late talking and talking, here i will mention talks about
boys, my first simpathy... I really liked too when we go to village for some days or going out from
city, for vocation, summer trips to ohrid, alone with them, doing crazy and wild things. That days
spend in summertime with friend i have been waiting for, i have been living for.
That perriond of time my childhood filled my hear with beatutifull memories, and i will always
remember, the period of time spent in laugh, fun... no words can desribe that feelings of happines.
I really miss now that wonderfull times, but the time can not go back, now is enough beeing in my
mind, and stay day forever.

*What are your reasons for returning to school this year?*

Every year we think about something more, smomething new, new ideas for future,
planning about how to make progres in life...
Many thoughts about life in future, where we would be in some time from now... this are
thouse questions we often think about.
My goal is to continue with my further education, to make myself well educated person
and have a sucessful carrier in life...
When i said continue mu education, i ment firstly finish this school year. this year i have
some new lessons, new working principles, and the most important things new ideas and
knowledge... Every day spent at school to me is more advanced because everything that
we do at school is actually path that leads us to the goal.
But at school besides that we learn, also we have interesting and funny events with
friends and teachers even. All the time we exchange our oppinions, we have debates
about many topics that are interesting, after school many times we go for a coffe and etc.
That is part of our life i think make us happy becouse that moments will reminds us on
things that will be happen, times and moments enjoying them when wewill rich our goal..
We all see in ourselves succesful people, with great carriers, and be prouf ourselves!

When you have one million dollars for what you willl spend.

When I will have one million dollars first thing that i do is that the i will give money of poor people,
on waifs, on people that really need money. Also part of money i will give of my parents and help
them very much with that. And with the rest money I want to spend for me. I want to travel in the
world to visit some places when I never been after. I want to visit Egypt, Spain and some others
countries. I want to walk and to see how people live there to buy some beutiful things and all this
will. Always stay in my life, and my mind. To meet new people, to be. Friend with them. I really
wish to travel in the world. And I will be happy if i have this one million dollars because with this
money i will do my dream real.

What you think who is most serious problem?

We are withess of very bad things in the world. We are meet whit the big number of serious
problems who need to be resouled. The economics crisis is the most seriuos problem in the
world, and all that bring poverty, bed healty. And bed conditions for life on people. The economics
crisis is so bed,serious problem who bring complete distriction on people in world. People do bad
things and do that often. Like stealing, kills, drugs. All this things have bad, influense of human
that mean that this problems must to be resolved because if they are not resolved can come to
distriction on the world. The problems must to be resolved for better life on people, like that
people will be more happy and satisvate. People also need to be better, to help, to give love and

Think on somethihg that you want to do?

Something that I really want to do is writing poetry. When I was little I really enjoy in writing
poetry. Often I write for love because I am very instired of good and beautiful things of love. I
write poetry with very love and tolenranse. I love poetry and I thing that with poetry will bring to
me very successand very beautiful things in life. I hope that in the future I will can to declarate my
songs and to success to continue with the poetry. Also i hope that in the future i will be a big poet
if that happen I will be very happy and satisvate. Also my hobbies are listening music and playing
basketbal. I enjoy when i listen music and I am relax. I did'nt play often basketball but i like that
sport. I also enjoy when I go to disco with my friends, then I nave really fun time.

The most influense person in my life?

The most important and influense in my life is my mum. She is always with me to help me, to
understand me when is the most difficult time for me and give me good and useful advices
because she want I to be good person. I am always happy when she is with me to tell me and
advice me what is good and what is bed for me. My mum help me very much and alway care for
me, for decidions that I bring. When I have periods when I was sad, disapoited she is always
there to be witch me and do the best she can to make me happy in that sad times. Whit her
mother love and care, her words give me hope for better and happy life. I life better when she is
with me and i really love i bring better decidion. She mean very much in my life.
1. What has been the best period in your life and why?
Every period on our life has its own beauty. In different period of our life we have different
opinions, expectations, wishes and things that make us happy at all.
The best period in my life has been the period when I was 5. I love that time when I played with
my friends outside, the time when I didn't know for stop. =) My parents always were reproaching
me for my late outsides. I love the period especially because I didn't have special obligations,
problems and worries. L was happy child without a care in the world. In that period my ordinary
day was like this:
I was working up at 8 o clock,that was the time when I have breakfast and after that I go out. We
were playing all day, so I forgot to eat...We used to play different kinds of games but I don't know
how its says in English. We used to play Associations, Karti etc.
However I could not describe that time at all because it was the best period in my life,the beauties
time and memory witch I will never forget.
2. Most people feel that they have learned some lessons in their life..
There is no one in the world that never ever have made a mistake. Making mistakes is a
completely normal thing. People do mistakes purpose or un purpose. Ones I made a mistake and
I feel so bed for it and I wanted to turned the time and make it right, but the time is passing and
we couldn't do anything to come it back. The worst mistake that I have made is be good with the
bad people. I have a "friends" were not as good as they was showing. I was a friend with them, a
good friend who every time was showing and helping with school homeworks, exams, problems
etc. as long as I saw that they were friends with me only when they need help. They were in a
some way using me. They had never ever call me for run, coffee or something like that. It was a
mistake that told me that I have to choose me friends warily. But in every mistake there is a good
thing a good lesson and I learned my lesson: "Be friends only with the classes of people that
deserve to have you as friend!"

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