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Issue 1, Week 3 Term 3

Being goalie was pressuring
because if I let the goals in I
would be letting my team
down *laughs* says Sons of
Pitches goalie, Cassandra


starts off with two exciting
matches between newcomers KFC
vs Sons of Pitches and Sons of
Pitches vs Nunaroos!

KFC vs Sons of Pitches 4 0
It is a season to look
forward to, judging by the premiere
game last Wednesday! KFC player
Evelyn Daly was the first player to
score the goal of the season. It was
an exciting moment, with cheers
and high fives thrown around.
Were gonna try our best
and even if we dont win well still
be winners says KFC coach
Zachala Koutsouliotis after
Mondays training.
KFC came out victorious
after a 4-0 win, which was
surprising to most as a large
amount of players on the team
were unexperienced!
Experienced soccer player
and coach of Sons of Pitches,
Shania Burns lead her team onto
the field with determination and
professional blue uniforms, but left
defeated after a 4-0 loss.
There was no time to waste
though, as Sons of Pitches were
preparing to step up their game for
the second match against

Sons of Pitches vs Nunaroos 2 0
Sons of Pitches really
stepped up their game in their
second match, with a 2-0 win.
Nunaroos, having watched the
previous match, walked in
motivated and determined, and
didnt see what was coming for
My team are very
enthused, they were determined
and ready to play. We are already
working together really well.
Wednesday should be a breeze!
says Nunaroos coach Tiah Trimboli
after Mondays training.
With the only two goals of
the match scored by Sons of
Pitches coach Shania Burns, it was
big comeback for the team, who
worked together and shared the
It was really chaotic and
stressful, because it was the first
game said Nunaroos soccer
player Sophie Mueller. Shania
Burns counters that statement and
says that the organisation was well
and the rules were easy to follow.
The two goals were scored
when there was surprisingly no
defence down Nunaroos side,
which was a big mistake that
coach Tiah realises.
We have a lot more to
work on, I realised just how much
competition we have, but we are
prepared to step up to the
challenge says Trimboli after the
Sons of Pitches player
Adriana Caruso agrees, stating
that Everyone played well, but
things could be improved.
The two exciting soccer
matches that started off the
season leave us all anxious and
excited for the two games next

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