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Install minimum components:


1. Kernel configuration parameters
make following kernel changes (/etc/sysctl.conf ): # mq prerequisites
vi /etc/sysctl.conf
add the below value
kernel.sem = 500 256000 250 1024
If you wish to load these sysctl values immediately, enter the command sysctl -p.

2. Max open files

If the system is heavily loaded, you might need to increase the maximum possible number of open
files. If your distribution supports the proc filesystem you can query the current limit by issuing the
following command: cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max

If you are using a pluggable security module such as PAM (Pluggable Authentication Module), ensure
that this does not unduly restrict the number of open files for the mqm user. For a standard
WebSphere MQ queue manager, set the nofile value to 10240 or more for the mqm user. We
suggest you add this command to a startup script in /etc/rc.d/

1. Max process

A running WebSphere MQ queue manager consists of a number of thread programs, and each
connected application will increase the number of threads running in the queue manager processes.
You should ensure that the maximum number of processes which the mqm user is allowed to run is
not unduly restricted by one of the pluggable security modules such as PAM. Set nproc for the mqm
user to 4090 or more.

To start MQ Explorer
Install RPM

Login as mqm user

Then execute the below command to access MQ Explorer

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