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The Economic Times

Title : ON SAME PAGE - Spend MPLAD Fund After Consulting Party: Shah
Location :
Article Date : 08/14/2014

Newly elected BJP president Amit Shah has informed BJP MPs that expenditure from their Local Area
Development fund, will in future, be done in consultation with the party organisation, and keeping in
mind priorities flagged by local feedback.
He made this announcement at the first ever meeting of the BJP parliamen tary party to be ad dressed by
him after he took over as BJP president which was held last Tuesday. Shah made it very clear that this
was one way to ensure that the party and MPs were on the same page when it came to developmental
work. Every district unit of the party has been told to form a committee which will co-ordinate with the
local MP and flag areas where the finds could be used, said a source who was present at the meeting.
Each MP , both in the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha gets a sum of Rs 5 crore per annum as a local
area development fund to commission works in hisher area. There are specific things on which this
money can be spent on, a host of works from solar lighting, to construction of railway halts, and roads.

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