Reception For Dennis Moore

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You are cordially invited to attend a fllndraising reception

Congressman D'cnnis Moore (KS-03)
Committee on the Buc$get II Committee 011 Financial Services
Blue Dog Coalition, Pollcy Co-Chair
Thursday, September 25, 2008
5:30 - 7:00 p.m.,
437 New Jers.ey Avenue, SE
Washington, D.C.
Requested Contribution
$5,000 PAC Host - $2,500 PAC Sponsor
$1,000 PAC Guest - $500 Individual Guest
Please RSVP to (202) 347w3042 or
Checks made payable and. mailed to:
"Moore for Congress"
P.O. Box 75214 ... WasWngton, D.C. 2001.35214
IPaid Tor by Moore for CongrEls!
Contribu1ions or gifts !o Moo,e for Conllresll ,are no! W,x dedu,ctible. WG may !\J:oept c:ontrlbuntions from an individual
lotaling up 1'0 $.2,300 PElr eleolion; $4,600 per eleollon oyol'll. Fildaral PAO's may conlribut" up to $5,000 pet election;
$10,000 per cycla. Federallllw prohibits oontributlonslo lhe ,oampalgn from oorpo,rallons, labor organizalions and
national banks: from any person contributing another person's funds; from 10relgn who lack panne,nant
resldilnt slatus; from federal government contractors.
Fedcer6l1law requires us 10 us,e our best effol1slo coll"ot and report the name, mallin,Q ,addreell'. occupation and name
of em 10 er of IndividualS whose contribullons exceed $200 in an eleotlon cycle.

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