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Please Join Us for a Fundraising Reception

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and featuring
Republican Leader Mitch McConnell
Senator Jon Kyl
Senator tarrun: Alexander
Senator John Comyn
Senator John Ensign
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
National Republican Senatorial Committee
The Majority Room
425 Second Street, NE
Washington, DC
$1000 per PAC/Per Person
Please RSVP to Jody Gale at 202 347 4071 or rsvp@pearson-associates,com
Send your contribution to:
Team Sununu
900 19" Street, NW
8'h Floor
Washington, DC 20006
Contributions to Team Sununu are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income
tax purposes. Corporate contributions are prohibited. Contributions from foreign nationals are
not permitted, Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name,
mailing address, occupation and name of employer for each individual whose contributions
exceed $200 in an election cycle. Not printed at government expense.
Pald for and authorized by Team SUnunu.
PO Box 500. Rye. NH 03870

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