Hail To The Chief's Reception For WCF

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Ticket sales are open for WCF's

4th annual Hail to the Chiefs reception.

To RSVP click here - this event will sell out!

Johnny's Half Shell, Capitol Hill, DC - September 17, 2008 at 6-8pm

Honoring Chiefs of Staff
April Boyd
Rep. Ellen Tauscher (CA-10)
Sheila Bunn
Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (DC-AL)
Elizabeth Burks
Senator Blanche Lincoln (AR)
Adrienne Christian
Rep. Donna Edwards (MD-4)
Lisa Cohen
Rep. Diana DeGette (CO-1)
Julie Eddy
Rep. Doris Matsui (CA-5)
Katie Elbert
Rep. Niki Tsongas (MA-5)
Adrienne Elrod
Rep. Loretta Sanchez (CA-47)
Joan Evans
Rep. Darlene Hooley (OR-5)
Julia Frifield
Senator Barbara Mikulski (MD)
Cathy Hurwit
Rep. Jan Schakowsky (IL-9
Stacey Leavandosky
Rep. Zoe Lofgren (CA-16)
Tamera Luzzatto
Senator Hillary Clinton (NY)
Nora Matus
Rep. Lynn Woolsey (CA-6)
Terri McCullough
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (CA-8)
Julie Nickson
Rep. Barbara Lee (CA-9)
Maura O'Neill
Senator Maria Cantwell (WA)
Kimberly Parker
Rep. Laura Richardson (CA-37)
Maura Policelli
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (AZ-8)
Amanda Renteria
Senator Debbie Stabenow (MI)
Laura Schiller
Senator Barbara Boxer (CA)
Lisa Sherman
Rep. Susan Davis (CA-53)
Elizabeth Stanley
Rep. Nita Lowey (NY-18)
Patrice Willoughby
Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones (OH-11)*
*in memorium

Sponsors and Committee
List in Formation

Americans for UNFPA ~ Kalah Auchincloss ~ Jane Bergner ~ Maria Berthoud
Kathy Bonk ~ Joyce Brayboy ~ Cindi Broydick ~ Julie Burton
Hon. Leslie Byrne ~ Tenley Carp ~ Cathy Cohen ~ Terese Colling
Barry Conaty ~ Amy Conroy ~ Linda Coughlin ~ Cynthia Drew
Foley Hoag LLP ~ Stephenie Foster ~ Edie Fraser
Stefanie Freeman Conahan ~ Kim Gandy ~ Michael Goodman
Rachel Gorlin ~ Bobbie Greene McCarthy ~ Dr. Dana Greenwald
Harmon, Curran, Spielberg & Eisenberg, LLP
Jeanne Hubbard ~ Humane USA ~ Jefferson Consulting Group
Natalie Jones ~ Andrea Kane ~ Margaret Kavalaris ~ Alicia Kerry Jones
Holly Kinnamon ~ Gary Klein ~ Norma Krayem ~ Ann Lewis ~ Anne London
Sara Love ~ Jenny Luray ~ Sander Lurie ~ Lisa Maatz ~ Wendy Mackenzie
Susan Magee ~ Lorelie Masters ~ Mary McCain ~ Jennifer McGee
Leslie Miles ~ Jodi Mitchell ~ Karen Mulhauser ~ Marcia Nirenstein
Rita Norton ~ Eve O'Toole ~ Procter & Gamble ~ Heather Podesta
Marti Rosenbaum ~ Rosina Rubin ~ Elizabeth Shuler
Anne Slaughter Andrew ~ Alicia Smith ~ Beth Solomon ~ Julie Susman
Julie Trute ~ Tule River Tribe ~ Susie Turnbull ~ Caren Turner
Suzanne Turner ~ Jessica Wasserman ~ The White House Project
Nancy Zirkin

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
VIP Reception 5:30PM ~ Main Reception 6:00PM ~ Program Begins 6:30PM

Johnny's Half Shell
400 North Capitol Street NW, Washington, DC 20001

Please contact Shilpa Pesaru at shilpa@pesaru.biz or at 479-595-2529
or Julia Hoffman at julia.hoffman@gmail.com or at 617-869-1364
to RSVP, join the committee, or to learn about sponsorship opportunities.

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