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J{eatfier e:l 'Tony (]?

Cord'ia{{y invite you to a dinner /ionoring
{}'atrick:/. l.(ennedy
2651 Woodley Road, NW
Washington, DC
(Valet PllJ:king available across the street at the Marriott Wardtnan Park Hotel)
rruescfay, Septem6er!)th
6:30- 8:30pm
Co-J{ost: Contri6ute or<Rsdse $5,000
\PYlCSponsor: $2,500 - lrufi:vidua{Sponsor: $1,000
\PYlCSupporter: $1,000 - lrutwidua{Supporter: $500
<PCease a ~ Cfieck.i paya6fe to:
Prietuls of\Patrictt'l(pnneay
501 CapitofCourt, :NJE.
Suite 100
'Wasliington, (]JC20002
Por Q!testions or to <.RS'rAPpfease cat!(}reg :Mecfierat 202.543.0624 or emai{
Contri6utUms to 'FMufs oj'l?atrlc{'l(J1tIIii1fj arB IWt ta:{tfdut:ti6k. Corporate contri6utUms are intpet'lllissi6k 6yFaC
raw. PetfemCra,w requim us to use out' liest ejfott.J to cotT.ict and"to report tlie name, maili1l(J aaarBss, occupatian a1llf
name 'IfemJJC<!Jer'lfinJ:witfuaCs WIWse ctmtri6utwn.r tl:{j:eea$200 in an eketian<yeW.

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