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A Project Report On
A project study on BANKING AT HDFC
Submitted by:

XXXXX University, Mumbai
MBA in Banking (Finance)
I undersigned XXXXX XXXXX student of MBA 3
semester decare t!at I !ave done t!e
"ro#ect on $ BA%I& BA'(I') A* +,F& BA'( -*,./ !as been "ersonay done by me under
t!e guidance of 0rof. XXXXX XXXXXXX ra#kot in "artia fufiment of MBA 0rogram1
during academic year12334113. A t!e data re"resented in t!is "ro#ect is true 5 correct to t!e
best of my kno6edge 5 beief.
I aso decare t!at t!is "ro#ect re"ort is my o6n "re"aration and not co"ied from any6!ere ese.
,ate 13171231X
I take t!is o""ortunity to e;"ress my dee" sense of gratitude, t!anks and regards to6ards a of
t!ose 6!o !ave directy or indirecty !e"ed me in t!e successfu com"etion of t!is "ro#ect.
I "resent my sincere t!anks to Mr. XXXX XXXX (Branc! Manager, b!avngar ) 6!o ao6ed
me to take training at +,F& BA'(.
I 6oud aso ike to t!ank +,F& bank %taff for t!eir 6onderfu< su""ort 5 ins"irabe guiding.
I aso t!ank 0rof. XXXX sir XXXX, =a#kot 5 "rof XXXX sir knvibm 6!o !as sincerey
su""orted me 6it! t!e vauabe insig!ts into t!e com"etion of t!is "ro#ect.
I am gratefu to a facuty members of XXXX ra#kot and my friends 6!o !ave !e"ed me in t!e
successfu com"etion of t!is "ro#ect.
-ast but not t!e east I am indebted to my 0A=:'*% 6!o "rovided me t!eir time, su""ort and
ins"iration needed to "re"are t!is re"ort.
,ate> 113141231X
0ace> 1B!avnagar
&+A0*:= 0A=*I&U-A=% 0A): '8.
1. I'*=8,U&*I8'................................................................................
1.1 +I%*8=? 8F BA'(I').................................................
1.2 MI%%I8',@I%I8' A', BU%I':%% %*:A*:)?A..
1.3 BOARD OF DIRECTORS&TOP MGT......................
1.1 A&&8U'*% 5 ,:08%I*:%AAAAAAAA..A
1.B I'@:%M:'*5I'%U=A'&:AAAAAAAA..
1.C F8=:X5*=A,: %:=@I&:AAAAAAAAA..
1.D 0A?M:'* %:=@I&:%AAAAAAAAAA......
1.1 +UMA' =:%8U=%: ,:0A=*M:'*AAA..A.
1.2 MA=(:*I') ,:0A=*M:'*AAAAAAAA
1.3 FI'A'&: ,:0A=M:'*AAAAAAAAAA
+I%*8=? 8F BA'(I')
Banking is neary as od as civiiEation. *!e !istory of banking coud be said to !ave started 6it!
t!e a""earance of money. *!e first record of minted meta coins 6as in Meso"otamia in about
2C33B.&. t!e first :uro"ean banknotes, 6!ic! 6as !and6ritten a""eared in1DD1, in %6eden.
c!eFue and "rinted "a"er money a""eared in t!e 1733Gs and 1433Gs, 6it! many banks created to
dea 6it! increasing trade.
*!e !istory of banking in eac! country runs in ines 6it! t!e deveo"ment of trade and industry,
and 6it! t!e eve of "oitica confidence and stabiity. *!e ancient =omans deveo"ed an
advanced banking system to serve t!eir vast trade net6ork, 6!ic! e;tended t!roug!out :uro"e,
Asia and Africa.
Modern banking began in @enice. *!e 6ord bank comes from t!e Itaian 6ord $"#n co$
meaning benc!, because moneyenders 6orked on benc!es in market "aces. *!e bank of @enice
6as estabis!ed in 1171 to !e" t!e government raise finance for a 6ar.
At t!e same time, in :ngand merc!ant started to ask godsmit!s to !od god and siver in t!eir
safes in return for a fee. =ecei"ts given to t!e Merc!ant 6ere sometimes used to buy or se, 6it!
t!e meta itsef staying under ock and key. *!e godsmit! reaiEed t!at t!ey coud end out some
of t!e god and siver t!at t!ey !ad and c!arge interest, as not a of t!e merc!ants 6oud ask for
t!e god and siver back at t!e same time. :ventuay, instead of c!arging t!e merc!ants, t!e
godsmit!s "aid t!em to de"osit t!eir god and siver.
*!e bank of :ngand 6as formed in 1DHB to borro6 money from t!e "ubic for t!e government
to finance t!e 6ar of Augsburg against France. By 173H, godsmit! 6ere using bank of :ngand
notes of t!eir o6n recei"ts.
'e6 tec!noogy transformed t!e banking industry in t!e 1H33Gs round t!e 6ord, banks merged
into arger and fe6er grou"s and e;"anded into ot!er country.
In todayGs dynamic 6ord banks are inevitabe for t!e deveo"ment of a country. Banks "ay a
"ivota roe in en!ancing eac! and every sector. *!ey !ave !e"ed bring a dra6 of deveo"ment
on t!e 6ordGs !oriEon and deveo"ing country ike India is no e;ce"tion.
Banks fufis t!e roe of a financia intermediary. *!is means t!at it acts as a ve!ice for moving
finance from t!ose 6!o !ave sur"us money to (!o6ever tem"orariy) t!ose 6!o !ave deficit. In
everyday branc! terms t!e banks c!anne funds from de"ositors 6!ose accounts are in credit to
borro6ers 6!o are in debit.
9it!out t!e intermediary of t!e banks bot! t!eir de"ositors and t!eir borro6ers 6oud !ave to
contact eac! ot!er directy. *!is can and does !a""en of course. *!is is 6!at !as ead to t!e very
foundation of financia institution ike banks.
Before fe6 decades t!ere e;isted some infuentia "eo"e 6!o used to and money. But a
substantiay !ig! rate of interest 6as c!arged 6!ic! made borro6ing of money out of t!e reac!
of t!e ma#ority of t!e "eo"e so t!ere arose a need for a financia intermediate.
*!e Bank !ave deveo"ed t!eir roes to suc! an e;tent t!at a direct contact bet6een t!e
de"ositors and borro6ers in no6 kno6n as disintermediation.
Banking industry !as a6ays revoved around t!e traditiona function of taking de"osits, money
transfer and making advances. *!ose t!ree are cosey reated to eac! ot!er, t!e ob#ective being
to end money, 6!ic! is t!e "rofitabe activity of t!e t!ree. *aking de"osits generates funds for
ending and money transfer services are necessary for t!e attention of de"osits. *!e Bank !ave
introduced "rogressivey more so"!isticated versions of t!ese services and !ave diversified
introduction in numerabe areas of activity not directy reating to t!is traditiona trinity
I',IA' BA'(I') %?%*:M
Non-Schedule Ban!
%tate co1o"
&entra co1o"
Banks and
0rimary &r.
&ommercia Banks
Indian Foreign
0ubic %ector
0rivate %ector
I&I&I etc.
%tate Bank of India
and its %ubsidiaries
8t!er 'ationaiEed
=egiona =ura
=eserve Bank of India
%c!edue Banks
*!e banking scenario in India !as been c!anging at fast "ace from being #ust t!e borro6ers and
enders traditionay, t!e focus !as s!ifted to more differentiated and customiEed "roductIservice
"rovider from reguation to iberaiEation in t!e year 1HH1, from "anned economy to market.
:conomy, from icensing to integration 6it! )oba :conomics, t!e c!anges !ave been s6ift. A
most a t!e sector o"erating in t!e economy 6as affected and banking sector is no e;ce"tion to
t!is. *!us t!e 6!oe of t!e banking system in t!e country !as undergone a radica c!ange. -et us
see !o6 banking !as evoved in t!e "ast C7 years of inde"endence.
After inde"endence in 1HB7 and "rocamation in 1HC3 t!e country set about dra6ing its road ma"
for t!e future "ubic o6ners!i" of banks 6as seen inevitabe and %BI 6as created in 1HCC to
s"ear!ead t!e e;"ansion of banking into rura India and s"eed u" t!e "rocess of magnetiEation.
0oitica com"usionGs broug!t about nationaiEation of bank in 1HDH and obbying by bank
em"oyees and t!eir unions added to t!e ist of nationaiEed banks a fe6 years ater.
%o6y t!e unions gre6 in strengt!, 6!ie bank management stagnated. *!e casuaty 6as to t!e
customer service decined, com"aints increased and bank management 6as unabe to item t!e
In t!e meantime, tec!noogy 6as becoming a goba "!enomenon acking a vision of t!e future
and t!e banks erred bady in o""osing t!e tec!noogy u" gradation of banks. *!ey mistakeny
beieved t!e tec!noogy 6oud ead to retrenc!ment and eventuay t!e marginaiEation of
*!e "robem faced by t!e banking industry soon surfaced in t!eir baance s!eets. But t!e
"revaiing accounting "ractices unabe banks to dodge t!e issue.
*!e rues of t!e game under 6!ic! banks o"erated c!anged in 1HH3. 'orms or income
=ecognition, Assets cassification and oan oss "rovisioning 6ere "ut in "ace and ca"ita
adeFuacy ratio become mandatory. *!e cumuative im"act of a t!ese c!anges !as been on t!e
conce"t of state o6ners!i" in banks. It is increasingy becoming cear t!at t!e state o6ners!i" in
bank is no onger sustainabe.
*!e amendment of banking reguation act in 1HH3 sa6 t!e entry of ne6 "rivate sector banks and
foreign banks.
MAJ8= 0-A?:= I' I',IA
1. +,F& BA'( -*,
2. I&I&I BA'( -*,
3. %*A*: BA'( 8F I',IA -*,
B. 0U'JAB 'A*8I'A- BA'( -*,
C. BA'( 8F BA=8,A -*,
D. F:,:=A- BA'( -*,
7. AXI% BA'( -*,
4. I') @?%?A BA'( -*,
H. I,BI BA'( -*,
13. I',U%I', BA'( -*,
11. ?:% BA'( -*,

*!e +ousing ,eveo"ment Finance &or"oration -imited (+,F&) 6as amongst t!e first to
receive an Kin "rinci"eK a""rova from t!e =eserve Bank of India (=BI) to set u" a bank in t!e
"rivate sector, as "art of t!e =BIKs iberaiEation of t!e Indian Banking Industry in 1HHB. *!e
bank 6as incor"orated in August 1HHB in t!e name of K+,F& Bank -imitedK, 6it! its
registered office in Mumbai, India. +,F& Bank commenced o"erations as a %c!edued
&ommercia Bank in January 1HHC. +,F& is IndiaKs "remier !ousing finance com"any and
en#oys an im"eccabe track record in India as 6e as in internationa markets. %ince its
ince"tion in 1H77, t!e &or"oration !as maintained a consistent and !eat!y gro6t! in its
o"erations to remain t!e market eader in mortgages. Its outstanding oan "ortfoio covers 6e
over a miion d6eing units. +,F& !as deveo"ed significant e;"ertise in retai mortgage oans
to different market segments and aso !as a arge cor"orate cient base for its !ousing reated
credit faciities. 9it! its e;"erience in t!e financia markets, a strong market re"utation,
arge s!are!oder base and uniFue consumer franc!ise, +,F& 6as ideay "ositioned to "romote
a bank in t!e Indian environment.
+,F& Bank began o"erations in 1HHC 6it! a sim"e mission > to be a World Class Indian
Bank. 9e reaiEed t!at ony a singe minded focus on "roduct Fuaity and service e;ceence
6oud !e" us get t!ere. *oday, 6e are "roud to say t!at 6e are 6e on our 6ay to6ards t!at
+,F& Bank -imited (t!e Bank) is an India1based banking com"any engaged in "roviding a
range of banking and financia services, incuding commercia banking and treasury o"erations.
*!e Bank !as a net6ork of 1B12 branc!es and 32HC automated teer mac!ines (A*Ms) in C24
cities and tota em"oyees is $2%&'.

Co*p#ny B#c+,round
Industry Finance 1 Banks 1 0rivate %ector.
Bus-ness Group +,F& )rou"
Incorpor#t-on D#te 31I12I1HHB
Pu".-c Issue D#te 31I12I1HHC
F#ce /#.ue 13.3333
Co*p#ny0Bus-ness Re,-str#t-on No I':3B3A31314
Key O11-c-#.s C!O Aditya "uri
+I%*8=? 8F +,F& BA'(
+,F& BA'( -*, 6as incor"orated in August 1HHB in t!e name of K+,F& Bank -imitedK,6it!
its registered office in Mumbai, India. +,F& Bank commenced o"erations as a %c!edued
&ommercia Bank in January 1HHC.
If ever t!ere 6as a man 6it! a mission it 6as H#s*u+)")#- P#re+)$ Founder #nd C)#-r*#n2
!*er-tus$ o1 HDFC Group. HDFC BANK LTD 6as amongst t!e first to set u" a bank in t!e
"rivate sector. *!e bank 6as incor"orated on 33t! August 1HHB in t!e name of L+,F& Bank
-imitedG, 6it! its registered office in Mumbai.It commenced o"erations as a %c!edued
&ommercia Bank on 1Dt! January 1HHC. *!e bank !as gro6n consistenty and is no6 amongst
t!e eading "ayers in t!e industry .
+,F& is IndiaKs "remier !ousing finance com"any and en#oys an im"eccabe track record in
India as 6e as in internationa markets. %ince its ince"tion in 1H77, t!e &or"oration !as
maintained a consistent and !eat!y gro6t! in its o"erations to remain t!e market eader in
mortgages. Its outstanding oan "ortfoio covers 6e over a miion d6eing units.
+,F& !as deveo"ed significant e;"ertise in retai mortgage oans to different market segments
and aso !as a arge cor"orate cient base for its !ousing reated credit faciities. 9it! its
e;"erience in t!e financia markets, a strong market re"utation, arge s!are!oder base and
uniFue consumer franc!ise, +,F& 6as ideay "ositioned to "romote a bank in t!e Indian
environment In a miestone transaction in t!e Indian banking industry, *imes Bank 6as merged
6it! +,F& Bank -td., effective February 2D, 2333.
I. 9ord &ass Indian Bank
II. Benc!marking against internationa standards.
III. *o buid sound customer franc!ises across distinct businesses
I@. Best "ractices in terms of "roduct offerings, tec!noogy, service eves, risk management
and audit 5 com"iance
*!e +,F& Bank is committed to maintain t!e !ig!est eve of et!ica standards, "rofessiona
integrity and reguatory com"iance. +,F& BankGs business "!ioso"!y is based on four core
vaues suc! as>1
1. 8"erationa e;ceence.
2. &ustomer Focus.
3. 0roduct eaders!i".
B. 0eo"e.
*!e ob#ective of t!e +,F& Bank is to "rovide its target market customers a fu range of
financia "roducts and banking services, giving t!e customer a one1ste" 6indo6 for a !isI!er
reFuirements. *!e +,F& Bank "us and t!e investment advisory services "rograms !ave been
designed kee"ing in mind needs of customers 6!o seeks distinct financia soutions, information
and advice on various investment avenues.
I. Increasing market s!are in IndiaGs e;"anding banking
II. ,eivering !ig! Fuaity customer service
III. Maintaining current !ig! standards for asset Fuaity t!roug! disci"ined credit risk
I@. ,eveo" innovative "roducts and services t!at attract targeted customers and address
inefficiencies in t!e Indian financia sector.
0:=%8' ,:%I)'A*I8'
Mr. Jagdis! &a"oor @ice 0resident
Mr. Aditya 0uri Managing ,irector
Mr. 0ares! %ukt!ankar :;ecutive ,irector
Mr. +aris! :ngineer :;ecutive ,irector
Mr. (eki M. Mistry ,irector
Mr. As!im %amanta ,irector
Mr. Arvind 0ande ,irector
Mrs. =enu (arnad ,irector
Mr. & M @asudev ,irector
Mr. )autam ,ivan ,irector
,r. 0andit 0aande ,irecto
*80 MA'A):M:'*
Ab!ay Aima :Fuities 5 0rivate Banking and '=I Business
Ani Jaggia Information *ec!noogy and -ega
As!is! 0art!asart! *reasury
B!arat %!a! Merc!ant %e=vices
) %ubramanian Audit 5 &om"iance
(aiEad Maneck &redit 5 Market =isk
Mandee" Maitra +.=, Admin 5 Infrastructure
'avin 0uri Branc! Banking
0raay Monda Assets 5 &=:,I* &A=,%
=a!u ' B!agat =etai -iabiities, Marketing 5 ,irect Banking &!annes
Anant!anarayan 8"erations
%as!i Jagdis!an Finance
%ud!ir Jos!i *reasury
B&%IN!%% H!AD%
A Asokan :merging :nter"rise )rou"
Amit (umar =etai Branc! Banking19est 1
Ani 'at! Business Banking 1 9orking &a"ita 5 =etai Agri
Aru" =aks!it *reasury
As!ima (!anna B!at :merging &or"orate )rou"
As!ok (!anna =etai Assets 1 *9
B!aves! &!andua 9!oesae 8"erations
Bi#u 0iai =etai Assets 1 :-,0-,-A% 5 )8-,
Birendra %a!u retai 8"erations
,ee"ak Ma!es!6ari &redit and Market =isk
)sv %urya 0rasad Information *ec!noogy
+ar"reet %ing! '=I Business
Jimmy M *ata &or"orate Banking
Munis! Mitta Information *ec!noogy
'andkis!or -a;man Financia Institution )rou"
'itin %ubramanya :Fuities and 0rivate Banking
0arag =ao &redit &ards
=a#ender %e!ga Financia Institution )rou"
=o!it )aurav Marketing
%an#ay B ,ongre -ega
%an#eev 0ate ,irect Banking &!anne
*arini @aidya *reasury
A9A=,% 233H
:conomic *imes
Brand :Fuity 5
'iesen =esearc!
annua survey 233H
3ost Trusted Br#nd 2 Runner &p
Asia Money 233H
7Best Do*est-c B#n+ -n Ind-#7
IBA Banking
A6ards 233H
7Best IT Go8ern#nce A9#rd 2 Runner up7
)oba Finance
7Best Tr#de F-n#nce B#n+ -n Ind-# 1or 4556
I,=B* Banking
:;ceence A6ard
7Best IT Go8ern#nce #nd /#.ue De.-8ery7
Asian Banker
:;ceence in
=etai Financia
7As-#n B#n+er Best Ret#-. B#n+ -n Ind-# A9#rd 4556 7
FI'A'&: A%IA
A9A=,% F8=
&''1IB' 7Ind-#n o1 t)e (e#r ;Bus-ness<7
'asscom I* User
A6ard 2334
7Best IT Adopt-on -n t)e B#n+-n, %ector7
Business India 7Best B#n+ 455:7
Forbes Asia F#" =5 co*p#n-es -n As-# P#c-1-c
Asian Banker
:;ceence in
=etai Financia
Best Ret#-. B#n+ 455:
Asiamoney Best .oc#. C#s) 3#n#,e*ent B#n+ A9#rd 8oted "y Corpor#tes
Microsoft 5 Indian
:;"ress )rou"
%ecur-ty %tr#te,-st A9#rd 455:
9ord *rade
&enter A6ard of
For outst#nd-n, contr-"ut-on to -ntern#t-on#. tr#de ser8-ces.
Business *oday One o1 Ind-#7s >3ost Inno8#t-8e Co*p#n-es>
Financia :;"ress1
:rnst 5 ?oung
Best B#n+ A9#rd -n t)e Pr-8#te %ector c#te,ory
)oba +=
:;ceence A6ards
1 Asia 0acific
7!*p.oyer Br#nd o1 t)e (e#r 455? 2455:7 A9#rd 2 F-rst Runner
up$ @ *#ny *ore
Business *oday 7Best B#n+7 A9#rd
,U' 5
B=A,%*=::* M
B:%* BA'(
A9A=, 2337
*!e Bombay %tock
:;c!ange and
Business for %ocia
7Best Corpor#te %oc-#. Respons-"-.-ty Pr#ct-ce7 A9#rd
',*@ 0rofit Best B#n+ A9#rd -n t)e Pr-8#te sector c#te,ory.
*!e Asian Banker
:;ceence in
=etai Financia
Best Ret#-. B#n+ -n Ind-#
Asian Banker Our 3#n#,-n, D-rector Ad-ty# Pur- 9-ns t)e Le#ders)-p
Ac)-e8e*ent A9#rd 1or Ind-#
Future Activities
B&%IN!%% %!G3!NT
+,F& Bank offers a 6ide range of commercia and transactiona banking services and
treasury "roducts to 6!oesae and retai customers. *!e bank !as t!ree key business segments>
A) B#n+-n, %er8-ces'
*!e BankKs target market ranges from arge, bue1c!i" manufacturing com"anies in t!e Indian
cor"orate to sma 5 mid1siEed cor"orate and agri1based businesses. For t!ese customers, t!e
Bank "rovides a 6ide range of commercia and transactiona banking services, incuding
6orking ca"ita finance, trade services, transactiona services, cas! management, etc. *!e bank is
aso a eading "rovider of structured soutions, 6!ic! combine cas! management services 6it!
vendor and distributor finance for faciitating su"erior su""y c!ain management for its cor"orate
customers. Based on its su"erior "roduct deivery I service eves and strong customer
orientation, t!e Bank !as made significant inroads into t!e banking consortia of a number of
eading Indian cor"orate incuding mutinationas, com"anies from t!e domestic business !ouses
and "rime "ubic sector com"anies. It is recogniEed as a eading "rovider of cas! management
and transactiona banking soutions to cor"orate customers, mutua funds, stock e;c!ange
members and banks.
Ret#-. B#n+-n, %er8-ces '
*!e ob#ective of t!e =etai Bank is to "rovide its target market customers a fu range of
financia "roducts and banking services, giving t!e customer a one1sto" 6indo6 for a !isI!er
banking reFuirements. *!e "roducts are backed by 6ord1cass service and deivered to t!e
customers t!roug! t!e gro6ing branc! net6ork, as 6e as t!roug! aternative deivery c!annes
ike A*Ms, 0!one Banking, 'et Banking and Mobie Banking.
*!e +,F& Bank 0referred "rogram for !ig! net 6ort! individuas, t!e +,F& Bank 0us
and t!e Investment Advisory %ervices "rograms !ave been designed kee"ing in mind needs of
customers 6!o seek distinct financia soutions, information and advice on various investment
avenues. *!e Bank aso !as a 6ide array of retai oan "roducts incuding Auto -oans, -oans
against marketabe securities, 0ersona -oans and -oans for *6o16!eeers. It is aso a eading
"rovider of ,e"ository 0artici"ant (,0) services for retai customers, "roviding customers t!e
faciity to !od t!eir investments in eectronic form.
+,F& Bank 6as t!e first bank in India to aunc! an Internationa ,ebit &ard in
association 6it! @I%A (@I%A :ectron) and issues t!e Master card Maestro debit card as 6e.
*!e Bank aunc!ed its credit card business in ate 2331. By %e"tember 33, 233C, t!e bank !ad a
tota card base (debit and credit cards) of C.2 miion cards. *!e Bank is aso one of t!e eading
"ayers in t!e Nmerc!ant acFuiringN business 6it! over C3,333 0oint1of1sae (08%) terminas for
debit I credit cards acce"tance at merc!ant estabis!ments.
9it!in t!is business, t!e bank !as t!ree main "roduct areas 1 Foreign :;c!ange and
,erivatives, -oca &urrency Money Market 5 ,ebt %ecurities, and :Fuities. 9it! t!e
iberaiEation of t!e financia markets in India, cor"orate need more so"!isticated risk
management information, advice and "roduct structures. *!ese and fine "ricing on various
treasury "roducts are "rovided t!roug! t!e bankKs *reasury team. *o com"y 6it! statutory
reserve reFuirements, t!e bank is reFuired to !od 2CO of its de"osits in government securities.
*!e *reasury business is res"onsibe for managing t!e returns and market risk on t!is investment


8F +,F& BA'(
+,F& BA'(

A&&8U'* 5 ,:08%I*% %:=@I&:
Banking s!oud be effortess. 9it! +,F& Bank, t!e efforts are re6arding. 'o matter 6!at a
customerKs need and occu"ationa status, 6e !ave a range of soutions t!at are second to none.
9!et!er youKre em"oyed in a com"any and need a sim"e %avings account or run your o6n
business and reFuire a robust banking "artner, +,F& Bank not ony !as t!e "erfect soution for
you, but aso can recommend "roducts t!at can augment your "anning for t!e future.
It incudes t!ese services> 1
%aving accounts.
&urrent accounts.
Fi; de"osits.
,emate account.
%afe de"osits ockers.

%avings Accounts
*!ese accounts are "rimariy meant to incucate a sense of saving for t!e future, accumuating
funds over a "eriod of time. 9!atever "ersonGs occu"ation, bank !ave confident t!at "erson 6i
find t!e "erfect banking soution. *!ere some saving accounts ike> 1
=eguar %aving Account>
An easy1to1o"erate savings account t!at ao6s you to issue c!eFues, dra6 ,emand ,rafts and
6it!dra6 cas!. &!eck u" on your baances from t!e comfort of your !ome or office t!roug! 'et
Banking, 0!one Banking and Mobie Banking. If you need money urgenty t!en you can take
money from t!e A*M mac!ine. *!ere are 1H77 A*M centers across t!e country.
%aving "us Account

Introducing t!e best banking o"tion for you 6it! +,F& Bank %avings "us Account. 'o6 you
can get access to some of t!e finest banking faciities 6it! +,F& BankKs %avings "us Account.
A you !ave to do is maintain an Average Puartery Baance of =s. 13,333I1.
%aving Ma; Account

9ecome to a 6ord of convenience. 0resenting %avings Ma; account, oaded 6it! ma;imum
benefits to make your banking e;"erience a "easure. By maintaining an average Fuartery
baance of #ust =s. 2C,333I1 you get a !ost of "remium services from +,F& Bank absoutey
%enior &itiEen Account

+,F& Bank a""reciates your needs and endeavors, 6!ic! is 6!y, t!ey "resent an account
es"eciay dedicated to customer, 6!ic! ike a dutifu c!id 6i !e" you fufi your needs in t!e
best manner "ossibe.
'o fris Account

In an effort to make banking sim"er and more accessibe for customers, bank !as introduced t!e
K'o FrisK %avings Account, 6!ic! offers customer a t!e basic banking faciities. &ustomer can
even avai of services ike 'et Banking, Mobie banking free of cost. In t!is customer can "ut
Qero Initia 0ay1in and a Qero Baance account

Institutiona saving accounts
A s"eciay designed account t!at offers t6in benefits of a savings as 6e as a current account.
&ustomerGs funds continue to earn you interest 6!ie !e en#oys !asse1free banking 5 a !ost of
ot!er features. A t!is and more in a Qero Baance account.
%aary Accounts
In t!is account customer can get saary from 6!ere !eIs!e doing suc! #ob and organiEation or
com"any at 6!ere t!e customer of t!e bank in doing #ob de"osit t!eir saary in to t!e saary
account a "erson can get saary.
*!ere are various kinds of saving accounts in t!e +,F& Bank ike> 1
0ay ro account.
&assic saary account.
=eguar saary account.
0remium saary account.
,efense saary account.
'o fris saary account.
=eimbursement saary account.
(idGs advantage account

%tart saving for your c!id today and secure !isI!er future a sentence tes by t!e +dfc bank.
8"en a %avings Account and transfer money every mont! into customerGs (ids Advantage
Account and 6atc! t!e savings gro6 as customerGs c!id gro6s. *!e accumuated savings in t!e
(ids Advantage Account can over t!e years !e" in meeting customer c!idKs needs.
Main features and benefits of t!is account are as foo6>1
&urrent accounts
+,F& Bank &urrent Account gives t!e "o6er of inter1city banking 6it! a singe account and
access to more t!an cities. From s"ecia c!eFues t!at get treated at "ar 6it! oca ones in any city
6!ere branc!, faster coection of outstation c!eFues ("ayabe at branc! ocations), free account
to account funds transfer bet6een +,F& Bank accounts to Free inter1city cearing of u" to 133
ak!s "er mont!, bankGs "riority services !ave become t!e benc!mark for banking efficiency.
'o6, 6it! an +,F& Bank &urrent Account, e;"erience t!e freedom of muti1city banking.
0erson can !ave t!e "o6er of muti1ocation access to !is account from any of our 7D1 branc!es
in 327 cities. 'ot ony t!at, !e can do most of !is banking transactions from t!e comfort of !is
office or !ome 6it!out ste""ing out.
*!ere are various kinds of current account in t!is bank ike> 1
0us current account

+,F& Bank "us &urrent Account gives t!e "o6er of inter1city banking 6it! a singe account
and access to more t!an cities. 0us &urrent Account reFuires maintaining an average Fuartery
baance of =s. 133,333.

*rade current account

In todayKs c!anging business reFuirements, you need to transfer funds across cities, and time is
of t!e essence. +,F& Bank *rade &urrent Account gives "o6er of inter1city banking 6it! a
singe account.
From s"ecia c!eFues t!at get treated at "ar 6it! oca ones in any city 6!ere bank !ave a
branc!, to free account to account funds transfer bet6een +,F& Bank accounts, to free inter1city
cearing of u" to C3 ak!s "er mont!, bankGs "riority services !ave become t!e benc!mark for
banking efficiency. *rade &urrent Account reFuires maintaining an average Fuartery baance of
=s. B3,333.
0remium current account

Business needs a "artner 6!o can manage finances 6!ie concentrate on gro6ing business.
Form t!is account customer can avai benefits of inter1city banking account t!at reFuires an
average Fuartery baance of ony =s. 2C,333, offers 0ayabe1At10ar c!eFue book faciity 5
F=:: inter1city cearing transactions across our net6ork u" to =s.2C -acs "er mont!.
A &urrent Account 6it! t!e benefits of accessing account from a arge net6ork of branc!es, and
t!roug! direct access c!annes 1 t!e "!one, mobie, Internet and t!roug! t!e A*M.
=eguar current account

A &urrent account is idea for carrying out day1to1day business transactions. 9it! t!e +,F&
Bank =eguar &urrent Account, customer can access account anytime, any6!ere, "ay using
"ayabe at "ar c!eFues or de"osit c!eFue at any +,F& bank branc!. It aso faciitates F=::
':F* transactions 5 F=:: =*)% coections for faster coections in account. =eguar &urrent
Account reFuires to maintain an average Fuartery baance of ony =s. 13,333.
9it! a vast net6ork of branc!es in cities a over t!e country, and access to a mutitude of
A*MKs, customer can kee" track of a transactions anytime.

=eimbursement &urrent Account

'o more "a"er6ork, no more recei"ts to kee" track of 1 a !asse1free account t!at ao6s de"osit
t!e reimbursements receive from com"anyIorganiEation on a mont!y basis.
*o o"en t!is account a "erson !as to foo6 t!ese "rocesses>
0rocure an Account 8"ening ,ocument (A8,) from +,F& Bank. (If "erson !as #ust #oined,
first reFuest to com"any to o"en u" a %aary Account for "articuar "erson).
Mention %aary Account number and ,ebit &ard number on t!e A8, so t!at ,ebit card can be
inked to bot!, %aary Account as 6e as ne6 =eimbursement Account.
=eFuest com"any to directy credit cas! "ayments to t!e =eimbursement Account.

=F& M ,omestic Account

Fu name of t!is account is =esident foreign currency account.
+ave you accumuated foreign currency from traveing abroad freFuentyR =eceived gifts from
reatives in foreign currencyR 8r earned it by any ot!er means as a""roved by t!e =eserve Bank
of IndiaR
If so, o"en =esident Foreign &urrency ,omestic Account and manage foreign currency
efficienty. 0erson can c!oose to set u" your account eit!er in U% ,oar, )reat Britain 0ound or
*o o"en t!is accounts a "erson as to foo6 t!is "rocess> 1
&!oose t!e currency in 6!ic! "erson 6is! to o"erate. 8"en account 6it! an initia amount as "er
t!e foo6ing1U% ,oar S 2C3 )reat Britain 0ound S 233 :uro S 2C3 and maintain an Average
Puartery Baance of t!e same amount.
Fe;i current account

*ired of static transaction imits during "eak seasonsR +,F& Bank Fe;i &urrent Account is t!e
ans6er to c!anging banking needs during "eak seasons.
9it! +,F& Bank Fe;i &urrent Account &as! ,e"osit and Any6!ere *ransaction imits are a
muti"e of t!e baance you maintain in &urrent Account. %o, during "eak seasons, customer get
t!e benefit of !ig!er transaction imits due to t!e !ig!er average baances maintained in account.
9!atGs more, during ean seasons, "erson need not 6orry about maintaining !uge baances to
en#oy !ig! transaction imits, 6!ic! "erson any6ay may not need. Fe;i &urrent Account
reFuires to maintain a minimum Average Mont!y Baance (AMB) of #ust =s. 7C,333.
A"e; current account

*!e to" "osition is a6ays t!e desirabe "osition. 9it! t!e A"e; current account, take business
to a ne6 !ig!. 8n maintaining an average Fuartery baance of =s. 13 ak!s, t!is account makes
sure "erson make t!e most of every business o""ortunities coming !is 6ay. Unimited, free,
any6!ere Banking e;"erience at t!e A0:X is reserved for "erson 6!o #oints t!is.

Ma; current account

Ma;imum benefits and minimum !asses for customer 6it! Ma; &urrent Account 6it! a =s. C
ak!s average Fuartery baance reFuirement, bank "resent to 6ord of "rivieges t!at !e"s
business e;"and and gro6. Features ike ma;imum free transaction imits incuding ot!er
beneficia features on t!is current account truy en!ances business "otentia to t!e Ma;imum.

Fi; de"osits service
-ong1term investments form t!e c!unk of everybodyKs future "ans. An aternative to sim"y
a""ying for oans, fi;ed de"osits ao6 to borro6 from o6n funds for a imited "eriod, t!us
fufiing needs as 6e as kee"ing savings secure.
0eo"e can invest !isI!er money into eit!er in security market or god or mutua fund or into a fi;
de"osits. 0eo"e a6ays go to t!at 6ay 6!ere !eIs!e can get more benefits and minimum risks.
%o, for t!is "ur"ose !e !as a better c!ance to de"osits money in to t!e fi; de"osit.
If "eo"e beieve in ong1term investments and 6is! to earn !ig!er interests on !isI!er savings,
no6 is t!e time to invest money in +,F& bank Fi;ed ,e"osit. )et u" to H.7CO on +,F& Bank
Fi;ed ,e"osit 6it! an additiona 3.C3O for %enior &itiEens. 9!atKs more '8 0:'A-*? if
6it!dra6 "art of t!e F, in times of need. Fe;ibiity, %ecurity and +ig! =eturns a bunded into
one offering.
=eguar fi; de"osit
As "er t!e rues and reguation of t!e bank a "erson can de"osit t!eir money in to a fi; de"osit in
t!e bank and can get t!e benefits of t!ese faciities.

Five year ta; saving fi; de"osit

In 233D, it 6as announced for t!e first time t!at Bank fi;ed de"osits booked by an
IndividuaI+UF for C years 5 u" to =s. 1,33,333I1 6i be ao6ed e;em"tion under %ec 43& of
t!e Income *a; Act,1HD1 sub#ect to necessary decarations taken from t!e &ustomer.

%u""er saver faciity

&ustomer can en#oy a !ig! rate of interest aong 6it! t!e iFuidity of a %avings Account by
o"ting for a %u"er %aver Faciity on !is or !er savings account. Avai of an overdraft faciity of
u" to 7CO of t!e vaue of !is or !er Fi;ed ,e"osit.
%6ee"1in faciity

,o you 6is! to avoid taking overdrafts, and sti take advantage of your Fi;ed ,e"ositsR *!en
6!at you need is a %6ee"1In Faciity on savings account. -ink Fi;ed ,e"osit to %avings or
&urrent Account and use it to fa back on in case of emergencies. A deficit in %avings or &urrent
Account is taken care of by using u" an e;act vaue from Fi;ed ,e"osit. %ince de"osits are
broken do6n in units of =e 1I1, customer 6i ose interest ony for t!e actua amount t!at !as
been 6it!dra6n.
,emat account service
'o6adays s!are market is becoming is t!e main occu"ation of t!e "erson. %o to avoid fauty
"rocesses demat account is reay most im"ortant for t!e s!are market and for t!e safety of s!ares
it is most im"ortant.
+,F& BA'( is one of t!e eading ,e"ository 0artici"ant (,0) in t!e country 6it! over 4 -ac
demat accounts.
+,F& Bank ,emat services offers a secure and convenient 6ay to kee" track of securities and
investments, over a "eriod of time, 6it!out t!e !asse of !anding "!ysica documents t!at get
mutiated or ost in transit.
+,F& BA'( is ,e"ository "artici"ant bot! 6it! 1'ationa %ecurities ,e"ositories -imited
('%,-) and &entra ,e"ository %ervices -imited (&,%-).
%afe de"osit ocker
A %afe ,e"osit -ocker 6it! +,F& Bank is t!e soution to "ersonGs fear. -ocated at seect
branc!es in cities a over t!e country, bankGs ockers ensure t!e safe kee"ing of vauabes.
An individua (not minor), firms, imited com"any, associations, cubs, trusts, societies, etc may
!ire a ocker.
Advantages of safe de"osit ocker in +,F& bank
9ide Avaiabiity.
-ockers avaiabe in various siEes. i.e. %ma, Medium, -arge and :;tra -arge 6it! varying rents.
-ockers are rented out for a minimum "eriod of one year. =ent is "ayabe in advance.
'o de"osits are reFuired to avai a ocker. Just o"en an account and get t!e ocker faciity.
*!ere is a nomina annua c!arge, 6!ic! de"ends on t!e siEe of t!e ocker and t!e centre in
6!ic! t!e branc! is ocated.
'omination for %afe ,e"osit -ocker
*!e -ockers and t!eir contents can be nominated to "eo"e near and dear to you.
'omination faciity is avaiabe to individua !irer of %afe ,e"osit -ocker.
In t!e case of a soe !irer of a safe de"osit ocker, nomination can be made in favor of ony one
9!ere t!e safe de"osit ocker is !ired in t!e name of a minor, t!e nomination s!a be made by a
"erson a6fuy entited to act on be!af of t!e minor.
*erms 5 &onditions
For obtaining a -ocker at +,F& Bank you must be an account !oder 6it! Bank.
-ockers can be aotted individuay as 6e as #ointy.
*!e -ocker !oder is "ermitted to add or deete names from t!e ist of "ersons 6!o can o"erate
t!e -ocker and can !ave access to it.
-oss of (ey is to be immediatey informed to t!e concerned Branc!.

-8A' %:=@I&:%
In todayGs com"etitive 6ord every t!ing !a""ens ony 6it! t!e !e" of money or t!roug! t!e
money every "erson need money. But some time a "erson !as not cas! on !and at t!at time !e
needs one eit!er from any friend or from any financia institute. -one dose not mean t!at ony
o6er cass "erson needs it but aso u""er cass "erson it is needed.
As "er t!e reFuirement of t!e every "erson t!ere are muc! ty"e of oans are t!ere in t!e +,F&
0ersona oan
A "erson !as so many dreams but some time due to scarcity of money a dream canGt be satisfy.
%o, !ere one soution for t!at "erson t!is is "ersona oan. From t!is !eIs!e can fufi t!eir needs
or reFuirement. It can be any t!ing eit!er a dream of vacation or sonIdaug!terGs admission to
coege or any 6edding, so "ersona oan can be !e"fu in t!is entire reFuirement.
As "erson ordered in t!e !ote for tea or coffee and it is immediatey came fast, same over !ere
any "erson 6ant to get a "ersona oan 6it! t!e nomina documents !e can get t!e oan.
+ome oan

+,F& Bank brings, +,F& !ome oans to doorste". 9it! over 33 years of e;"erience, a
dedicated team of e;"erts and a com"ete "ackage to meet a !ousing finance needs, +,F&
+ome -oans, !e" "eo"e reaiEe dream.
@e!ices oan
'o6adays t!e ife is being so fast, time vaue is becoming more im"ortant so to reac! at t!e
destination of any business reated occasion or for a boy to reac! coege or any 6!ere at t!e fi;
time t!ere are so many reFuirement of ve!ices. But every "eo"e !ave no ca"acity to "urc!ase
ve!ices 6it! cas! so for t!at !ere in t!e +,F& bank ve!ices oan is avaiabe. *!ere are many
ty"es of ve!ices oan.
*y"es of ve!ices oan>
*6o 6!eeer oans.
'e6 car oan.
Used car oan.
*ractor oan (for agree cuture business).
&ommercia ve!ice oan.
%o, as "er t!e reFuirement of t!e "erson t!ere are t!ese ty"es of oans are avaiabe t!is are at t!e
c!i" rate and !asse free from more documentation and ot!er "rocedure. And commercia
businessman can get t!e benefits of t!e commercia ve!ices oans. *!us as "er t!e need of
different "eo"e t!ere are ve!ice oans avaiabe. And aso terms and condition are different as
"er t!e reFuirement.
:;"ress oan "us
Bank offer :;"ress -oans 0us at "erson ,oorste" to !e" fufi a !isI!er needs. *!e "rocedure
is sim"e, documentation is minima and a""rova is Fuick. It is !e"fu to "erson in re"airing of
!ouse, %c!oo admission or aso in t!e famiy !oiday.

)od oan

9it! +,F& BankKs )od -oan, "erson can get an instant oan against god #e6eery and
ornaments. *!e "rocedure is sim"e, documentation is minima and a""rova is Fuick. A "erson
can get 73O oan on t!e vaue of t!e god #e6eery and ornaments.*!ere is aso avaiabiity of
t!e overdraft on t!e god #e6eery. 9it! t!is a customer can get free additiona services ike free
"ersonaiEed c!eFue book, free internationa debit card, and free net banking "!one banking
:ducationa oan
'o6adays im"ortant of education becoming very !ig!. A%s it im"ortant becoming !ig! it is
becoming costy. %o in t!e !ig!er education some time "eo"e can not effort a !ig! "rice at a
same time. %o, t!ere is education oan is aso avaiabe for t!e student.
A "erson can get oan u" to 13 ak!s to study in India and 23 ak!s if !e 6ants to study in
abroad. -oan avaiabe u" to tenure of 7 years incuding moratorium "eriod.
-oans disbursed directy to t!e educationa institution. It is reeased as "er fee sc!edues of
institutes. :;cusive *eegra"!ic *ransfer faciity avaiabe for courses abroad. -oans avaiabe
for s!ort durationI #ob oriented courses aso.
-oan against security

9it! +,F& BankKs -oan against %ecurities, "erson can get an overdraft against securities ike
:Fuity %!ares, Mutua Fund Units(:Fuity, ,ebt, FM0s), )od :;c!ange *raded
Fund(:*F),'ABA=,Ks B!avis!ya 'irman Bonds, 0oicies issued by -I& 5 %eect 0rivate
Insurance &om"anies, '%&, (@0, U*I Bonds (A=% 5 U%DB Bonds) and )od ,e"osit
&ertificates, 6!ie sti retaining o6ners!i". And t!e best "art is t!at !e can continue to en#oy a
!is s!are!oder benefits suc! as rig!ts, dividends and bonuses -oan avaiabe to '=Is against
%!ares, Mutua Funds (eFuity, ,ebt, FM0s), U%DB Bonds, Insurance 0oicies, '%&, and (@0.
-oan against "ro"erty
+,F& Bank brings -oan Against 0ro"erty (-A0). 0erson can no6 take a oan against
residentia or commercia "ro"erty, to e;"and !is business, "an a dream 6edding, and fund !is
c!idKs education and muc! more. +e can de"end on bank to meet a !is business reFuirements
even to "urc!ase a ne6 s!o" or office for business. -oan to "urc!ase &ommercia 0ro"erty
(-&0) is a s"eciay designed "roduct to !e" "erson e;"and !is business 6it!out reducing t!e
ca"ita from !is business.
*!ese are oans services "roviding by +,F& bank 6!ic! are very !asse free and reay benefits
for most of customer and most of customer are satisfied by t!e oan services "roviding by t!e
&A=, %:=@I&:%
In todayGs com"etitive and fast time card services "roviding by t!e banks are reay very
im"ortant to every "erson and every business needs or to take mea in to t!e !ote or to "urc!ase
#e6eery from t!e #e6eery s!o"s cards are "aying good roe in t!e banking sectors.
Bank ranges of &ards !e" to meet financia ob#ectives. %o 6!et!er "ersons are ooking to
add to !is buying "o6er, conducting cas!ess s!o""ing, or budgeting !is e;"enditure, !e 6i
find a card t!at suits !im.
&redit cards
A "erson 6ants many t!ings ike, a tri" to Bai, a diamond ring for 6ifeKs dreams. %ome dreams
canKt 6ait. If t!ereKs somet!ing "erson !as a6ays 6anted. If a "erson 6anted fufi !is 6ants !e
can get benefits from t!e +,F& bankGs credit cards faciities. different ty"es of credit
&assic cards
%iver &redit &ard.
@aue "us &redit &ard.
+eat! 0us &redit &ard.
0remium &ards>
)od &redit &ard
*itanium &redit &ard
9omanKs )od &ard
0atinum 0us &redit &ard
@isa %ignature &redit &ard
9ord Master&ard
&ommercia &ards
&or"orate &redit &ard
,ebit card

+,F& Bank ,ebit &ards give "erson com"ete and instant access to t!e money in !is accounts
6it!out t!e risk or !asse of carrying cas!.
*y"es of debit card> 1
&assic card
:asy s!o" internationa ,ebit card.
0remium card
:asy s!o" god ,ebit card.
%"eciaiEed card
:asy %!o" Internationa Business ,ebit &ard.
:asy %!o" 9omanKs Advantage ,ebit &ard.
:asy %!o" '=8 ,ebit &ard.
(isan &ard.

0re"aid card
Besides offering convenience, 0re"aid &ards !ave been taiored to ans6er trave and gifting
Fore;0us &ards
0re"aid *rave &ard.
)ift 0us &ards
0re"aid )ift &ard.
Food 0us &ards
0re"aid Food 0us card.
Money 0us &ard
*!e &or"orate 0ayment card
I'@:%M:'* A', I'%U=A'&: %:=@I&:
'o6adays a 6ard investment is becoming more "o"uar. 0erson invest t!eir money in to various
sc!emes or in to t!e god or s!are market etc. but some time !e is in to t!e difficut situation, for
t!at bank !e" "erson invest 6isey t!roug! financia and investment services.
*y"es of investment> 1
Mutua Funds
Invest t!roug! t!e Mutua Fund route to meet varied investment ob#ectives.

*raditiona 0ans Unit -inked 0ans
+,F& c!idrenKs 0-A'. +,F& Unit -inked ?oung %tar 0us II.
+,F& Money Back 0an. +,F& Unit -inked ?oung %tar %uvid!a.
+,F& %avings Assurance 0an. +,F& Unit -inked ?oung %tar %uvid!a 0u
+,F& Assurance 0an. +,F& Unit -inked 0ension.
+,F& *erm Assurance 0an. +,F& Unit -inked 0ension 0us.
+,F& -oan &over *erm Assurance 0an. +,F& Unit -inked :ndo6ment 0us II.
+,F& :ndo6ment Assurance 0an. +,F& Unit -inked :ndo6ment %uvid!a.
+,F& %inge 0remium 9!oe of -ife Insurance +,F& Unit -inked :ndo6ment %uvid!a
+,F& Unit -inked :n!anced -ife 0rotection
):':=A- A', +:A-*+ I'%U=A'&:
&om"ete "rotection for business, !eat!, trave 5 more.
A secure investment avenue giving stabe returns 6it! ta; benefits.
Financia 0anning
%tart 'o6 0an investments to meet financia goas
(no6edge &entre
0rofit from researc! and make informed investment decisions.
:Fuities 5 ,erivatives
-everage bankGs vast information re"ository and transact onine.
Mudra )od Bar
Buy 2B (arat god bars made in %6itEerand and certified by Assay.

F8=:X A', *=A,: :=@I&:
'o6adays businesses becoming 6ord6ide e.g. India to America but main "robems are about
monitory transaction because at every country t!e currency become c!anged so for t!at banks are
"aying a very im"ortant for t!e businesses.
If "eo"e need to dea in foreign currency and kee" tabs on e;c!ange rates every no6 and t!en,
transfer monies to India, make "ayments etc., +,F& Bank !as a range of "roducts and services
t!at "eo"e can c!oose from to transact smoot!y, efficienty and in a timey manner.
Bank offering foo6ing Foreign :;c!ange 0roducts and %ervices.
Foreign :;c!ange and *rade %ervices
*!e foo6ing are different met!ods of transacting in Foreign :;c!ange and remitting money.
*raveers &!eFues.
Foreign &urrency &as!.
Foreign &urrency ,rafts.
&!eFue ,e"osits.
&as! to Master.
*rade %ervices.
Fore; %ervices Branc! -ocator.
Im"ortant guideines and sc!edues A Foreign :;c!ange transactions are conducted by stricty
ad!ering to =BI guideines. ,e"ending on t!e nature of transaction or "oint of trave, "eo"e 6i
need to understand !is Foreign :;c!ange imits.
=BI )uideines.
Fore; -imits.
'on +,F& Bank Account +oders.
0A?M:'* %:=@I&:
'o6adays ife of a "erson become very stressfu and !eIs!e becoming busy 6it! t!eir o6n
business, but t!ey !ave to "ayment for somet!ing so for t!at reason bankGs "ayment services
become started.9it! +,F& BankKs "ayment services, "erson can bid goodbye to Fueues and
"a"er 6ork. BankGs range of "ayment o"tions make it easy for "ay for a variety of utiities and
@erified By @isa

,o you 6ant to be 6orry free for your onine "urc!ases. 'o6 you can s!o" securey onine 6it!
your e;isting @isa ,ebitI&redit card.
'et %afe
'o6 s!o" onine 6it!out reveaing your +,F& Bank &redit &ard number. 9!at more, you can
no6 use your +,F& Bank ,ebit &ard aso for onine "urc!ases.
Merc!ant %ervices
Acce"t a @isa, Master&ard, credit and ,ebit cards at your outets t!roug! state of t!e art 08%
Mac!ines or t!roug! your 6ebsite and e;"erience !asse free "ayment acce"tance.
0re"aid Mobie =efi
If you are an +,F& Bank Account !oder, you can no6 rec!arge your 0re"aid Mobie 0!one
6it! t!is service.

Bi 0ay
0ay your tee"!one, eectricity and mobie "!one bis at your convenience. *!roug! t!e Internet,
A*Ms, your mobie "!one and tee"!one 1 6it! Bi 0ay, our com"re!ensive bi "ayments
@isa Bi 0ay
0ay your utiity bis from t!e comfort of your !omeT 0ay using your +,F& Bank @isa credit
card and forget ong Fueue and ate "ayments forever
0ay 'o6
Use your +,F& Bank &redit &ard to "ay your utiity bis onine, make subscri"tions and
donationsU no registration reFuired. :n#oy credit free "eriod and re6ard "oints as "er your credit
card features.
Insta 0ay
0ay your bis, make donations and subscribe to magaEines 6it!out going t!roug! t!e !asses of
any registration.
,irect 0ay
%!o" or 0ay bis onine 6it!out cas! or card. ,ebit your account directy 6it! our ,irect 0ay
@isa Money *ransfer
*ransfer funds to any @isa &ard (debit or credit) 6it!in India at your o6n convenience t!roug!
+,F& BankKs 'et Banking faciity.
e1Monies 'ationa :ectronic Funds *ransfer
*ransfer funds from your account to ot!er Bank accounts across India 1 F=:: of cost.

8nine 0ayment of :;cise 5 %ervice *a;
Make your :;cise and %ervice *a; "ayments at your o6n convenience t!roug! +,F& BankKs
'et Banking faciity.
=eigious 8fferings
'o6 donate to your favorite tem"e easiy and securey using +,F& BA'(Ks 'et Banking.
IM0:=IAI0=:F:==:,I&-A%%I& BA'(I')
As a s"ecia customer bank "roviding a *AJ to customer 6it! name im"eriaI"referred customer.
For t!at bank "rovide a s"ecia service to t!eir customer. +,F& BankKs "referredIim"eria
0rogramme is t!e roya decree t!at en!ances t!e e;cusivity t!at you are accustomed to. It makes
you fee s"ecia at every ste", "am"ering 6it! services t!ose ot!ers can ony dream about. *!is
service goes beyond t!e obvious, rises above t!e e;"ected, so t!at t!e 6!oe 6ord can see, t!at
even today, t!e grandeur and magnificence of royaty is aive and 6e.
*!us as retai banking service bank "roviding reay good and beneficia services to t!eir
customer and as famiy member t!ey are "roviding good services to every customer eit!er t!ey
are came business reated or anyt!ing. %o for t!is reason +,F& bank "aying a good roe in t!e
customerGs ife for t!eir monitory transaction.

'=I BA'(I')
9it! a vie6 to attract t!e savings and ot!er remittance into India t!roug! banking c!annes
from t!e "erson of Indian 'ationaity I 8rigin 6!o are residing abroad and boster t!e baance of
"ayment "osition, t!e )overnment of India introduced in 1H73 'on1=esident(:;terna) Account
=ues 6!ic! are governed by t!e :;c!ange &ontro =eguations.
*!e funds !ed in 'on1=esident (:;terna) Accounts ('=: Accounts) Fuaify for certain benefits
ike e;em"tions from ta;es in India, free re"atriations faciities, etc.
,e"osit ty"es
'=I1Banking faciitates t!e '=I customer to o"en t!e foo6ing account ty"es.
'=: ('on =esident :;terna Accounts)
It can be in t!e form of %avings, &urrent or fi;ed de"osits in Indian ru"ees. *!e funds in t!is
account are fuy re"atriabe.
'=8 ('on =esident 8rdinary Accounts)
It can be in t!e form of %avings, &urrent or Fi;ed ,e"osits in Indian =u"ees. *!e funds in t!is
account are not re"atriabe (ony interest accrued is re"atriabe).
F&'= (Foreign &urrency 'on =esident Accounts)
It can be in t!e form of fi;ed ,e"osits ony, in t!e five ma#or currencies, namey U% ,oars,
)B0, ,M, :uro, and Ja"anese ?en. *!e funds in t!is account are fuy re"atriabe

9+8-:%A-: BA'(I')
9!oesae banking is t!e "rovision of services by banks to t!e ike of arge cor"orate cients,
mid1siEed com"anies, rea estate deveo"ers and investors, internationa trade finance businesses
and institutiona customers, suc! as "ension funds and government entitiesIagencies. Aso
incuded is banking services offered to ot!er financia institutions. In essence, 6!oesae banking
services usuay invove !ig! vaue transactions. 9!oesae banking com"ares 6it! retai
banking, 6!ic! is t!e "rovision of banking services to individuas.
9!oesae banking services
&or"orate service
&or"orate Banking refects +,F& BankKs strengt!s in "roviding our cor"orate cients in India, a
6ide array of commercia, transactiona and eectronic banking "roducts. 9e ac!ieve t!is
t!roug! innovative "roduct deveo"ment and a 6e1integrated a""roac! to reations!i"
-arge &or"orate
%u""y &!ain 0artners
Agricutura -ending
%ma 5 medium term enter"rises
+,F& Bank understands !o6 muc! of !ard 6ork goes into estabis!ing a successfu %M:.
Bank aso understands t!at business is anyt!ing but NsmaN and as demanding as ever. And as
business e;"ands and enters ne6 territories and markets, "erson need to kee" "ace 6it! t!e
gro6ing reFuests t!at come in, 6!ic! may ead to "urc!asing ne6, or u"dating e;isting "ant and
eFui"ment, or em"oying ne6 staff to co"e 6it! t!e demand. *!atKs 6!y +,F& Bank !as
assembed "roducts, services, resources and e;"ert advice to !e" ensure t!at your business
*!e foo6ing inks 6i !e" identify individua needs.
Funded %ervices.
'on1Funded %ervices.
%"eciaiEed %ervices.
@aue Added %ervices.
Internet Banking.

Financia institutions 5 trusts
Financia Institutions.
Mutua Funds.
%tock Brokers.
Insurance &om"anies.
&ommodity Businesses.

)overnment sector
+,F& Bank acts as an active medium bet6een t!e government and t!e customers by means
of various services. *!ese services incude>
*a; &oection 6!erein customers can directy "ay t!eir ta;es ike ,irect ta;es, Indirect ta;es
and %aes *a; coections at t!eir oca +,F& Bank.
:1*icketing 1 +e"s t!e customer by "roviding !im a direct access to book a =ai6ay *icket
onine and get it !ome deivered.
8"ening of -I&Ks is done by t!e bank on be!af of )overnment of India, Mints and 0resses, t!us
faciitating im"orts for t!e )overnment.
&oection of evies and ta;es on be!af of Munici"a &or"orations i.e. (ayan 1,ombivi
Munici"a &or"oration, is undertaken by t!e Bank.
&oection of stam" duty is done via franking mode in t!e stateKs of Ma!aras!tra 5 )u#arat.
*!e %tam" ,uty Franking Faciity is avaiabe at foo6ing branc!es in Ma!aras!tra Fort,
&!embur, -o6er 0are, Mira =oad, *!ane (*aao 0ai), 0anve, =atnagiri, 0une(F& =oad),
(o!a"ur, 'ag"ur, 0im"ri.
*!e %tam" ,uty Franking Faciity is avaiabe at foo6ing branc!es in )u#arat
,isbursement of 0ension to retired :m"oyees of &entra )ovt and ,efence is directy done by
+,F& Bank aong 6it! t!e disbursement of "ension to t!e members of :0F8 (:m"oyees
0rovident Fund 8rganisation).
:ectronic &oection of fees on be!af of ,)F* is done by t!e bank too.
+UMA' =:%8U=&: ,:0A=*M:'*
$+uman =esource Management function t!at !e"s managers recruit, seect, train and deveo"
members for an organiEation. 8bviousy, +=M is concerned 6it! t!e "eo"eGs dimension in
9ork force of an 8rganiEation is one of t!e most im"ortant in"uts of com"onents. It is said t!at
"eo"e are our singe most im"ortant assets. Because of t!e uniFue im"ortance of +UMA'
=:%8U=&: and its com"e;ity due to ever c!anging "syc!oogy, be!avior and attitudes of men
and 6omen at 6ork, in a business concerns, t!ere is one common eement. I.e. +uman
"ersonne function, i.e., man"o6er management function is becoming increasingy s"eciaiEed.
*!e "ersonne function or system can be broady defined as t!e management of "eo"e at 6ork1
management of managers and management of 6orkers. 0ersonne function is "articuary
interested in "ersonne reations!i" and interaction of em"oyees1!uman reations.
In a sense, management is "ersonne administration. Management is t!e deveo"ment of "eo"e,
and not mere direction of materia resources. +uman ca"ita is t!e greatest asset of a business
enter"rise. *!e essentia ingredient of management is t!e eaders!i" and direction of "eo"e.
:ac! manager of "eo"e !as to be !is o6n "ersonne man. 0ersonne management is not
somet!ing you reay turn over to "ersonne de"artment staff.
Respons-"-.-t-es o1 Hu*#n Resource Dep#rt*ent.
+=, maintain daiy attendance record t!roug! branc! manager via :1mai.
*ake decisions for a""rova regarding eave notes.
+e takes t!e decision reated to t!e recruitment, seection and training of t!e candidates. +e
taks to t!e consutant reated to t!e recruitment of t!e Fuaified candidates. +e aso does
screening of t!e candidates, s!ortist t!e candidate and takes t!e first round of t!e intervie6.
+e maintains t!e database of t!e candidates to come for an intervie6. +e aso maintains
"ersona fie of eac! em"oyee. +e aso com"etes t!e #oining formaities of eac! ne6
*!ey are taking sur"rising visit in every branc! and coect information about em"oyees.
+e is res"onsibe for t!e mont!y saary of t!e em"oyees as "er t!eir attendants and "assing
to t!e Branc! Manager.
Hu*#n Resource p.#nn-n,
*!is is !anded by doing t!e "anning at t!e beginning of every year. At t!e end of t!e year, t!e
+uman =esource de"artment from eac! Branc! receives t!e reFuirement for t!e "erson for
6!oe year. *!en t!e "anning of recruitment and training is done by training manager and
recruiting manager 6!ic! is a""roved from +ead of += ,e"artment.
. Recru-t*ent
=ecruitment is a "rocess of searc!ing for "ros"ective candidates for t!e given #ob in t!e industry.
As 6e kno6 it is very im"ortant for an industria concerns to !ave efficient and effective
"ersonne 6it! rig!t Fuaity and at rig!t time and at rig!t "ace avaiabe 6!enever t!ey are
needed. :very organiEation needs em"oyee time by time because of "romotion or retirement of
an em"oyee. For t!is "ur"ose an organiEation need to searc! for t!e rig!t candidate. And so it
needs to encourage t!is ty"e of rig!t candidates 6!enever t!ey reFuire.

%ources o1 Recru-t*ent
0ersona data of candidates and data bank maintain by t!e +=.
&am"us =ecruitment.
&om"anyGs o6n 6ebsite.
0acement consutants.
Advertisement in t!e ne6s "a"ers ike *imes of India, )u#arat
:m"oyee reference.
Recru-t*ent Process
%eection is t!e "rocess of taking individuas out of t!e "oo of #ob a""icants 6it! reFuisite
Fuaifications and com"etence to fi #obs in t!e organiEation. It is define as t!e "rocess of
differentiating bet6een a""icants in order to identify and !ire t!ose 6it! a greater ikei!ood
of success in a #ob.
%eection is based on "robation base, t!ey are taking e;"erienced "erson for D mont!Gs
"robation and for fres!er t!e "robation "eriod is 1 year.
9!ie t!e seection of t!e senior eve "ost, is taken by !ead office at Mumbai.
Tr#-n-n, #nd De8e.op*ent
*raining aims at increasing t!e a"titudes, skis and abiities of 6orkers to "erform s"ecific
#ob. It makes em"oyees more effective and skifu. In "resent dynamic 6ord of business
training is more im"ortant t!ere is an ever "resent need for training men. %o t!at ne6 and
%)ort.-st %creen-n, Inter8-e9
c!anged tec!niFues may be ado"ted. A ne6 and c!anged tec!niFue may be taken as an
advantages and im"rovement affected in t!e od met!ods.
*raining is earning e;"erience t!at seeks reativey "ermanent c!ange in an individua t!at
6i im"rove !isI!er abiity to "erform on t!e #ob.
*!ey "rovide $on t!e #ob/ training to t!eir em"oyees in t!e branc! as t!ey seect t!ese
em"oyees for seing various "roducts of bank by direct marketing. 9!enever t!ey seect
ne6 candidates for any "ost, t!ey use to give t!em on t!e #ob 6ork.
In case of saes "ersons to distribute t!eir various "roducts, in t!e beginning t!e "erson !as to
6ork under t!e observation of !is senior t!en t!e !ave to go in market to !ave t!eir o6n
*!e time for training "rogram for t!e candidate is de"ends u" on t!e reevant "osition of !is
6ork area. *!ey aso "rovide training reated to customer care and communication.
Per1or*#nce Appr#-s#.
An organiEationGs goas can be ac!ieve ony 6!en "eo"e "ut in t!eir best efforts.
0erformance a""raisa may be understood as t!e assessment of an individuaGs "erformance
in a systematic 6ay. It is define as t!e systematic evauation of t!e individua 6it! res"ect to
!isI!er "erformance on t!e #ob and !isI!er "otentia for deveo"ment.
*o a""raise t!e "erformance of t!e em"oyee t!ey !ave deveo"ed a credit system on t!e
basis of t!e given target to t!e em"oyee. After a""raising t!e "erformance of t!e em"oyee
t!ey "ut t!e grade of eac! em"oyee in t!e foo6ing grade criteria.
!*p.oyee Re*uner#t-on #nd Incent-8e P#y*ents
=emuneration is t!e com"ensation an em"oyee receives in return for !isI!er contribution to
t!e organiEation. =emuneration occu"ies an im"ortant "ace in t!e ife of an em"oyee.
At +,F&, remuneration of an em"oyee com"rises M 6ages and saary, incentives.
A#,es #nd %#.#ry
A "art from various incentives and benefits, t!e "ersonne are com"ensated ony in terms of
6ages and saaries. A "ro"er com"ensation in terms of t!is is necessary for motivation
em"oyees for t!eir continuous
im"roved "erformance. For a t!is, it is reFuired t!at 6ages and saaries are "rovided
6e by organiEation.
9ages and saary refers to t!e estabis!ment and im"ementation of sound "oicies and
"ractices of em"oyeeGs com"ensation. A 6age and saary is t!e remuneration "aid for t!e
service of abor in "roduction "eriodicay to an em"oyee. *!e bank is in service industry so
t!e saary is given on mont!y basis. *!ey use to !ire certain saesman on commission base
and t!ey are "rovided t!eir saaries on commission base. 9!ie ot!er "ermanent staff are
being given mont!y saaries. As +,F& bank is re"uted bank in market t!e "ay scae are as
"er t!e standard.
%aes e;ecutives (coa;) are being given saary of D333 to 4333 "er mont!. 9!ie saes
officerGs saary ranges from 1C333 to 14333 "er mont!. +,F& bank is aso giving attractive
incentives as "er t!e target. *!e saary of branc! manager is around 3C333 "er mont!.
In +,F&, em"oyees get incentives on t!e basis of t!e target given to eac! em"oyee and
t!eir area of 6ork. *!ey !ave deveo"ed t!e incentive structure for t!e em"oyees on t!e
basis of "oint system. A t!e em"oyees get t!e incentive in t!e form cas! re6ard.
. !*p.oyees "ene1-t
*!e em"oyees of +,F& automaticay become +,F& bank saary account +oders 6it!
s"ecia benefit and "rivieges and receive instant saary credit. *!e benefit incude
internationa debit card, cor"orate card 6it! individua iabiity (&&I-), access to "!one
banking and internet banking, demat accounts, and !ost of ot!er services to com"ement t!eir
savings account. +ere are some of t!e features of +,F& BankGs saary account.
Motivation is 6iingness to do somet!ing conditioned by t!is actionGs abiity to satisfy some
need. Motivation is given by t!e res"onsibe "erson, ike branc! manager or team manager for
better "erformance in t!e de"artment.
D-sputes #nd t)e-r reso.ut-on
,is"utes are common in organiEation. In "ractice, dis"utes mainy reate to t!e target ony
because if any em"oyee is not ac!ieving target !eIs!e 6i not eigibe for incentive 6!ic!
creates frustration among t!em.
:very em"oyee is free to tak to t!e !ead of t!e "articuar de"artment if t!ey !ave any "robem
reated to t!e #ob. Firsty, t!e "robem is soved by t!e !ead of t!e "articuar de"artment and if
t!e "robem does not soved by t!e !ead of t!at de"artment t!en it is addressed to t!e +=
Marketing Management
*!e activities of a com"any associated 6it! buying and seing a "roduct or service. It incudes
advertising, seing and deivering "roducts to "eo"e. 0eo"e 6!o 6ork in marketing
de"artments of com"anies try to get t!e attention of target audiences by using sogans, "ackaging
design, ceebrity endorsements and genera media e;"osure.
A#ay (ekar, +ead, Marketing, +,F& Bank, said t!at t!ese initiatives are es"eciay targeted at
t!ose consumers 6!o are not a6are about t!e bankKs various vaue added services suc! as direct
banking faciities.
N9e are going to demonstrate t!e advantages of net banking and mobie banking, as t!ese
conce"ts are reativey ne6 to "eo"e iving in smaer to6ns and cities,N said (ekar. *!e bank
!as aso aunc!ed anot!er initiative caed Business (i Baten, 6!ic! is targeted at areas 6!ere
t!e buk of t!e "o"uation com"rises sma businessmen. (ekar said t!at t!e bank 6oud get
e;"erts to tak on a number of issues suc! as vaue1add ta; and saes ta;. Bank can measure t!e
resut of a cam"aign t!roug! t!e saes t!at t!ey generate and t!e customers t!at are added. *!ere
is a cear return on investment, 6!ic! from a functiona "oint of vie6 gives t!e team a stronger
voice. Bank !as aso been abe to reduce t!eir ad s"ends by about 1311C "er cent and !as aso
reduced t!e cost of acFuisition BankKs focus in future 6oud be to en!ance its database marketing
initiatives. Bank "an to invest cose to =s 12 crore to create t!e environment t!at is reFuired to
su""ort customer inteigence t!at eads to data based marketing.

+,F& !as c!artered an e;tensive &ustomer -ifecyce based marketing cam"aign caendar for
t!is and t!e fort!coming fisca. Fracta, 6!ic! s"eciaises in "redicting t!e be!avior of t!e
customers in t!e areas of risk and marketing, 6oud be "artnering +,F& BankKs marketing team
in various initiatives of gro6ing t!e retai business Fuicky and cost effectivey.
+,F& !as been using anaytics for taking informed marketing decisions. Fracta 6i !e" t!e
bank use information to reac! ne6 customers and to buid, nurture and ma;imiEe asting
customer reations!i"s. Fracta 6i aso !e" t!e bank sove t!e "robem of ever1increasing
customer acFuisition costs and reducing customer oyaty. *!e marketing "rogrammes 6oud
invove acFuisition of customers "rofitaby by reducing cam"aign costs, cross seing various
asset and iabiity "roducts to t!e e;isting customers, t!ereby, everaging t!e e;isting
reations!i"s and "roactivey retaining e;isting customers. FractaKs anaytics1based marketing
soutions s"an 6!ic! t!e entire ifecyce of customer reations!i" rig!t from customer
acFuisition to customer retention to customer vaue management, is e;"ected to give +,F& an
u""er !and in understanding t!e needs and circumstances of t!eir customers.

Marketing Initiatives *aking By *!e Bank
+,F& Bank is "ossiby t!e ony bank in India, and one of t!e very fe6 in Asia, to !ave
embarked on a data1ed marketing anaytics cam"aigns initiative, using marketing automation
tec!noogy "rovided by Unica. Unica !as been recognised by )artner as t!e eading "ayer in
t!is fied. *!roug! t!is too, 6e !ave been abe to inteigenty use t!e B1C terabytes of customer
data avaiabe in its 6are!ouse. 9e !ave set u" a team to conduct marketing cam"aigns in a
scientific manner using customer data, usage "atterns, "references, ifecyce, etc, t!e bank aso
conducts event1based marketing
*!ese initiatives aso com"ement our media1based marketing as 6e as on1t!e1ground
marketing activities, 6!ic! remain im"ortant in t!e bigger sc!eme of t!ings. +o6ever, t!e
marketing anaytics initiative enabes us to measure t!e efficacy of t!e cam"aigns, testing every
cam"aign every ste" of t!e 6ay, e;"erimenting 6it! creatives, messages, media, etc. *!ere are
earnings t!at can immediatey be absorbed and incor"orated in t!e ne;t cam"aigns, and t!ese
cam"aigns in a 6ay "rovide us 6it! information about customer c!oices and "references t!at can
be used for mass media communication, making t!ose more effective .

Media @e!ices Used For %end Message *o =eac! *arget Audience

+,F& Bank !as been "redominanty using direct maiers, e1mais, and %M% for communicating
our message to our target audience as t!ey are t!e most cost1effective routes of addressing our
core target audiences 6it! ma;imum degree of customiEation "ossibe .

Market %egmentation
3#r+et %e,*ent#t-on is defined as t!e "rocess of s"itting customers, or "otentia customers, in
a market into different grou"s, or segments, 6it!in 6!ic! t!e customers s!are a simiar eve of
interest in t!e same or com"arabe sets of needs satisfied by a distinct marketing "ro"ositionU it is
aso e;"ained as a marketing tec!niFue t!at targets a grou" of customers 6it! s"ecific
c!aracteristics, i.e. a "articuar grou" t!at !as its o6n distinct customer "rofie and buyer
c!aracteristics so t!at for marketing "ur"oses, it can be targeted se"aratey from ot!er segments
of t!e market.
It -s # +ey -n,red-ent 1or success1u. *#r+et-n, as it sim"ifies t!e targeting, "ositioning and t!e
"anning "rocess.
A true Market %egment meets a of t!e foo6ing criteria> it is distinct from ot!er segments
(!eterogeneity across segments), it is !omogenous 6it!in t!e segments (e;!ibits common
attributes), it res"onds simiary to a market stimuus and it can be reac!ed by a market
intervention. Market %egmentation sim"ifies t!e firmGs "roduct, "ricing, "romotion and
distribution strategies and aso faciitates "anning and organiEing function of management more
easiy and cost effectiveyU but it reFuires a t!oroug! understanding of t!e customers needs. It is
referred as a too for defining markets and t!ereby aocating resourcesU it uses statistica
tec!niFues caed factor anaysis and custer anaysis to combine attitudina and demogra"!ic
data to deveo" segments t!at are easier to target.
3#r+et %e,*ent#t-on c#n "e done on t!e basis of t!e ocation ()eogra"!ic %egmentation)U on
t!e basis of age, income, gender and ot!er measurabe factors (,emogra"!ic %egmentation)U on
t!e basis of ifestye, ikes, disikes, taste and "references (0syc!oogica %egmentation)U and
according to t!e !istory, oyaty and res"onsiveness (Be!aviora %egmentation).
A business must anayEe t!e different needs of t!e market segmentsU t!eir interna strengt!s and
6eaknessesU e;terna o""ortunities and t!reatsU and various ot!ers factors ike t!e mission,
vision, vaues, beiefs, attitudes, norms and standards of t!e organiEationU as 6e as t!e
com"etitors strategy, socia and cutura factors, economic environment, goba "ers"ective,
demogra"!ic environment, tec!noogica and "oitica I ega as"ects before deciding t!eir o6n
P)-.-p mentioned five criteria for an effective segmentation 6!ic! states t!at
%egmentation s!oud be> 1
B. 3e#sur#".e' 1 it s!oud be "ossibe to determine t!e vaues of t!e variabe used for t!e
4. Re.e8#nt' 1 it s!oud #ustify t!e e;"ected "rofits and t!e gro6t! "otentia.
C. Access-".e' 2 t!e target customers must be reac!abe and servabe for t!e organiEation.
D. D-st-n,u-s)#".e' 1 t!e target audiences must be diverse and abe to s!o6 different
reactions to different marketing mi;.
=. Fe#s-".e' 2 t!e firm must !ave an abiity to dra6 an effective marketing "rogram for its
Market segmentation is an effort to increase a com"anyGs "recision marketing. A market
segment consists of arge identifiabe grou" 6it!in a market 6it! simiar 6ants, "urc!asing
"o6er, buying attitudes or buying !abits. As +,F& bank is a service sector industry t!ey
introduce different sc!emes for different "eo"e. :ac! "erson is different in nature and eac! !ave
differ criteria for investment ike risk factor, return, iFuidity, ta; benefits etc.
*arget Marketing
$Market %"eciaiEation is a business term meaning t!e market segment to 6!ic! a "articuar
good or service is marketed. It is mainy defined by age, gender, geogra"!y, socio1economic
grou"ing, or any ot!er combination of demogra"!ics.
It is generay studied and ma""ed by t!e organiEation t!roug! ist and re"orts containing
demogra"!ic information t!at may !ave an effect on t!e marketing of key "roducts I services.
A "roduct focusing on a s"ecific target market contrasts s!ar"y 6it! one, foo6ing t!e market
strategy of mass marketing/.
T#r,et-n, c#n "e done "y t)e 1-r*s "y #dopt-n, # .o,-c#. #nd syste*#t-c *et)odo.o,y 0
steps. A)-c) #re #s 1o..o9s' 2
%T!P B' 2 Ident-1y t)e potent-#. "uyers' 1 *!roug! "ro"er market researc! and market
segmentation (it is t!e "rocess of "uing a"art t!e entire market as a 6!oe and se"arating it into
manageabe dis"arate units based on various demogra"!ic, "oitica, economic and socia factorsU
it can aso be customer I "roduct I com"etition reated segmentation).
%T!P 4' 2 %e.ect t)e t#r,et #ud-ences' 2 *!e factors t!at infuence *argeting are t!e Interna
and :;terna :nvironment. Interna environment incudes t!e mission, vision, vaues and
ob#ectives of t!e firmU 6!ereasU :;terna factors are t!e socia, cutura, economic, goba,
demogra"!ic, natura, task, tec!noogica, "oitica and ega environment. *!roug! a""ro"riatey
com"iing t!e customers "rofie to decide t!e B 0Gs M 0roduct, 0rice, 0ace and 0romotion and
obtain t!e demogra"!ic, "syc!oogica, geogra"!ic and be!aviora information of t!e buyer.
*argeting is deciding t!e "otentia buyers, "roducts to be offered and a""ro"riatey "ositioning
eac! "roduct to t!e segment.
%T!P C' 2 Proper pos-t-on-n, o1 t)e Product' 1 After deveo"ing an a""ro"riate segmentation
and target strategyU "ositioning strategy can be 6orked out effectivey. 0ositioning enabes t!e
firm to create a "ositive image, gain com"etitive advantage and "ace t!e brand in t!e customers
mind to en!ance t!eir good6i and become t!e most "referred brand.
0ositioning can be in t!e form of "roduct, "rice, "romotion, service, distribution c!anne, image,
"eo"e, advertising, "ubicity, "ubic reation or seing differentiation.
0ositioning %trategy
$0ositioning is t!e act of designing t!e com"anyGs offering and image to occu"y a distinctive
"ace in t!e target marketGs mind.
0ositioning starts 6it! a "roduct. A "iece of merc!andise, a service, a com"any, an institution, or
even a "erson. But "ositioning is not 6!at you do to a "roduct. 0ositioning is 6!at you do t!e
mind of t!e "ros"ect. *!at is, you "osition t!e "roduct in t!e mind of "ros"ect. A com"anyGs
differentiating and "ositioning strategy must c!ange as t!e "roduct, market, and com"etitors
c!ange over time. 8nce t!e com"any !as deveo"ed a cear "ositioning strategy, it must
communicate t!at "ositioning effectivey.

+,F& bank !ave "ositioning strategy of Cont-nu-n, # Tr#d-t-on o1 Trust. It is accurate
"ositioning strategy because it signifies a trust 6it! its cients. +ere is s"ecia =eations!i"
Manager dedicated to6ards customer service and satisfaction and give t!em guidance about
various sc!emes 6!ic! !e"s t!em to get rig!t sc!eme 6!ic! suit t!eir needs. In t!is 6ay it
continues to maintain a trust 6it! its cients.
In t!is modern era it is very easy to kno6 !o6 muc! im"ortant t!e finance is in t!e business. As
current "osition of t!e market is totay different from ancient 6!ere it 6as very easy to get t!e
finance. But no6 a days it is not so, it is very difficut task to raise funds from market. As today
"eo"e are facing ot of "robem and !ave ess confidence on t!e market so it is difficut to raise
fund 6it!out "ro"er "anning.
For t!e bank as it is a Financia Institution 6e can consider finance as ifebood of t!is business.
*!e com"any s!oud manage to get sufficient finance. *!e com"any s!oud use to kee" "ro"er
"anning for t!e finance of its o6n and aso of t!e arge no. of de"ositors 6!o are t!ere 6it! t!e
bank. 9e can define financia management as a task of acFuisition and utiiEation of funds
needed in t!e business in a manner so t!at organiEations goa can be ac!ieved. In +,F& Bank,
its c!ief Financia 8fficer and *reasurer manage t!e finance. ,ue to "ro"er "oicies and se"arate
management t!e com"any can !ave "ro"er o"eration of finance.
For t!e bank finance itsef is t!e "roduct no6 it is not an easy task to manage t!is finance. As
bank !as to kee" 6atc! on t!e de"osits of its miions of customers and aso it !as to manage its
o6n arge financia base. As in recent it is "o"uar $'o finance no business/, for t!e bank
$Finance itsef is business/. *!ere are different ty"es of organiEationa structure suc! as grou"
organiEation, ine organiEation, ine and staff organiEation. +,F& Bank !as ine of aut!ority and
ine of aut!ority is vertica i.e. aut!ority "asses from to" to bottom and res"onsibiity "asses from
bottom to to" eve management.
As +,F& Bank is very big com"any and it !as arge cienta base so it is very difficut and
com"icated to manage its finance in "ro"er 6ay. *!ere 6e need of concrete and "ro"er "oicies
to !ave "ro"er management of it. Because of big siEe of t!e bank one cannot manage a t!e
accounts of it aone. %o, com"any !as to a""oint many different "ersons so t!at t!ere is "ro"er
maintenance of t!e funds of different "ersons is "ossibe.
Ratios %
March- 2009

March- 2008

March- 2007

Oper#t-n, Pro1-t
1H.47 33.74 33.1C
Gross Pro1-t
14.3C 24.C4 33.C3
Net Pro1-t
11.3C 12.42 13.C7
Turno8er R#t-os
Turno8er R#t-o
3.33 3.33 3.33
Turno8er R#t-o
3.33 3.33 3.33
F-Fed Asset
Turno8er R#t-o
C.33 C.14 B.33
%o.8ency R#t-o
Current R#t-o 3 .24 3 .27 3 .2D
De"t !Gu-ty
H.BH 4.7D 13.D2
Co8er-n, R#t-o
3 .BB 3 .74 3 .47
Per1or*#nce R#t-o H
Return On
2.B4 3.34 3.D4
Return On
1C.32 13.43 17.7B
D-8-dend (-e.d 22.1D 22.1D 22.H1
Pro1-t @ Loss Accounts ;Rs. -n *-..-ons<
3#rc) 2 4556
;B4 *ont)s<
H 3#rc) 2 455:
;B4 *ont)s<
H 3#rc) 2 455?
;B4 *ont)s<
Sales ()'*'+'.(& ,(.++ (2-*$...(+ ,(.++ &-*+--..+ ,+.))
+.++ .-+..+ ,+.++ (*+2).%+ ,+.+(
Ttal Inc!e ()'*'+'.(&
Ra" #aterial
+.++ +.++ +.++
E$cise +.++ +.++ +.++
($&*.(&... ,+.&+ &$*$+%.&+ ,+.%) $$*$+$.(+ ,+.%%
-)*2&&.'. ,+.2+ -&*+-'.-+ ,+.-( 2'*$2&.-+ ,+.--
&)*(((.+. ,+..$ .&*&'(.2+ ,+.-) -(*')..$+ ,+.-&
Grss 'r(it /.)*&22.-+ /+.2$ /(+*&--.)+ /+.+) /.*2%%.2+ /+.+$
De%reciatin -*$)).+) ,+.+2 2*'('.2+ ,+.+2 2*()%.++ ,+.+-
'r(it Be(.
-2*)$%.'+ ,+.(' 22*&+-.&+ ,+.(& (%*.+2.++ ,+.2+
Ta$ (+*$.).2+ ,+.+$ %*)+).++ ,+.+% .*)''.++ ,+.+%
Net 'r(it 22*.+'.$+ ,+.(( ($*&)..&+ ,+.(- ((*.2$.++ ,+.(.
Other Nn)
-$.)) ,.++ %..+ /(..++ .++
22*..-..) ,+.(( ($*)+(.2+ ,+.(- ((*.((.++ ,+.(.
.*2$-.&. ,+.+2 -*+(2.'+ ,+.+2 2*2-$.'+ ,+.+-



PROFIT AFT!R TA ;Rs. Crores<
%98* Anaysis is a "o6erfu tec!niFue for understanding your %trengt!s and 9eaknesses, and
for ooking at t!e 8""ortunities and *!reats you face. Used in a business conte;t, it !e"s you
carve a sustainabe nic!e in your market. Used in a "ersona conte;t, it !e"s you deveo" your
career in a 6ay t!at takes best advantage of your taents, abiities and o""ortunities.
%98* A'A-A?%I% 8F +,F& BA'(
=ig!t strategy for t!e rig!t "roducts.
%u"erior customer service vs. com"etitors.
)reat Brand Image
0roducts !ave reFuired accreditations.
+ig! degree of customer satisfaction.
)ood "ace to 6ork
-o6er res"onse time 6it! efficient and effective service.
,edicated 6orkforce aiming at making a ong1term career in t!e fied.
%ome ga"s in range for certain sectors.
&ustomer service staff need training.
0rocesses and systems, etc
Management cover insufficient.
%ectora gro6t! is constrained by o6 unem"oyment eves and com"etition for
0rofit margins 6i be good.
&oud e;tend to overseas broady.
'e6 s"eciaist a""ications.
&oud seek better customer deas.
Fast1track career deveo"ment o""ortunities on an industry16ide basis.
An a""ied researc! centre to create o""ortunities for deveo"ing tec!niFues to "rovide
added1vaue services.
-egisation coud im"act.
)reat risk invoved
@ery !ig! com"etition "revaiing in t!e industry.
@unerabe to reactive
attack by ma#or com"etitors
-ack of infrastructure in rura areas coud constrain investment.
+ig! voumeIo6 cost market is intensey com"etitive.
(:? 08I'*
%98* Anaysis is a sim"e but "o6erfu frame6ork for anayEing com"anyKs %trengt!s and
9eaknesses, and t!e 8""ortunities and *!reats you face. *!is !e"s you to focus on your
strengt!s, minimiEe t!reats, and take t!e greatest "ossibe advantage of o""ortunities avaiabe to
B88(% =:FF:=:,>
0!ii" (oter (:ig!t :dition), $ Marketing Management
*.' &!!abra , +uman =esource Management
9:B%I*:% =:FF:=:,>*
=:08=*%IA=*I&-:% =:FF:=:,>
Annua re"ort of +,F& BA'( 233H

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