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You are Cordially Invited to Join
Susan Hirschmann & Frank Vlossak
In Honor of
House Energy and Commerce Committee
Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming
Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection
Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations
Subcommittee on Health
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
12:00-1:00 PM
324 Independence Avenue, SE
Washington, DC
$1000 PAC
$500 Individual
Please RSVP To Will Milligan
202-588-8988 or wmjl!igan@wmevsmtsino,oom
Paid For by "Manhll Blllckburn for Congre" P.O, Box 682185, Franklin, TN 37068
Political contribution. are not deductible a. oharitable oontributions for the pUIpo.e. of federal income tax.
Corporate contributions cannot be accepted, Federal law requires political committee. to report 1I1e name,
ma.iling address, occupation and name of employer for Bach individual whoaB contributions aggregate in
e"oe.. of $200 in an election oyole, Not paid for at government e"pense.

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