Luncheon For Virgil Goode

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Please join

Congressman Todd Tiahrt

House Appropriations Comnrittee
Ranking Member of Interior and Environment Subcommittee, Subcommittee on Defense
Select Intelligence Committee
District of Kansas
For a Luncheon Honoring
Congressman Virgil Goode
House Appropriations Committee
Subcollunittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development
Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government
Subcommittee on Interior and the EnvIronment
District of Virginia
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Capitol Hill Club
300 First Street, SE
Washington, DC
$1000 per PAC/$500 Individual
Make checks payable to:
Goode for Congress
235 South Main Street
Rod:y Mount, VA 24151
Please RSVP to Julie Hooks at (20'i!) 547-7854 or
Paid for by Goode for Congress
Federal law requires political committees to usc their best efforts to obtain and report the naUIC
.luail,ing address. occupation and
name of employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of$200 ill all election cyclc. Contributions to
,oode for Congress are not ta."\: deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax ptuposes. Contributions from foreigJ
nationals and cot])Oratiolls arC': pjohibitcd. Not Printed at GovcrnIllcut Expense.

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