"Billy Goat Tavern" Cheeseburger and Beer Reception For Candice Miller

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(And we promise to give you both Coke and Pepsi!)
Please Join
Congresswom.an Candice Miller MI-l 0
Transportation and Infrastructure
Highways and Transit, Water Resources
House Select Committee on EnergyIndependence and Global Warming
House Committee On Homeland Security
For Her Annual Rooftop "Billy Goat Tavern"
Cheeseburger and Beer Reception!
Tuesday June 10,2008
The National Association of Realtors
500 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, DC
5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
$1,000 per PAC $500 per person
RSVP Andrew Theodore (703) 619-7031
E-mail andrew@theodorecompany.com
Please make checks payahle to Candice Miller for Congress
P.O. Box 182152 Shelby TWP, MI 48317
Authorized and paid for by the Candice Miller for Congress committee.
Robert Leslie treasurer.
Fodcrallaw rcquucs that the nat"f\C address and ()CcupatlOl1 of any contributor whose ap;grcgatc contrIbution
amount exceeds 5200 in a calendar ycer. Fedoral election l.1.W also limits contribution aJ1101,.lnts by non
qualified politi.:;etl action conunittccs to 51,000 per olcction cycle and $5
OOO p<:r C1<X:tiof'l cycle by .il"lulti
candidate political action conunittoos. Federal election law also prohibits political candidat0 commlttoo
contribLLtions by foreign nationals or any non-U,S. citizon. Please note that political caJ.npaig-n committee
contributions are not tax deductible, Corporate contributions arc prohibited.

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