Lunch For John Boccieri, Mark Schauer, Bobby Bright, John Adler, Gary Peters, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

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Chairman John D.

Chairman" Energy and Commerce Committee
Invites you to a lunch with
Congressman Bart Stupak
Clzaiz; Oversight Iil.l1dInvestigaao11S Suhconrmit:t:ee
Congressman Frank Pallone
Chair, Health Subcommittee
Tuesday, June 10,2008 "" 12:0Opm - 1:00pm
Phoenix Park Hotel
520 North Capitol Street NW, Washington, DC
$15,000 PAC"" Host $10,000 PAC Co-Host
Ifyou have completed your commitment to the DCCC, please
contribute a total of$2,000 to one or more of the following candidates:
Mark Schauer, MI-07
John Adler, NJ-03
John Bocceirri, OH-I6
Bobby Bright, AL-02
Gary Peters, MI-9
For mote infonnation or to RSVP, please contact
Debra Guilford at (202) 485-3509 or
Fcderallawrcquires us to USc our best e:fF= to ccJ1ccr :mdrcpott thc=c, =i1ingaddress, occtp:1tiOlJ andname
ofemployer ofiruU'Piduals wh""c co.attihution5 excced$200in a calendaryear.
Contt:ibutions or gifts to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ate not tax deduCtlble.
Contributions from non-US citizens. non-pe=en[ residents. and corporations ate not penni.tted.
Paid for and Aut!IDrized by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
430 South Capitol Street, SE Washingron, DC 20003 (202) 863- r500 www.d=mg
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee:

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