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Please Join

Congressman Henry Cuellar

Texas' 28th Congressional District
Committees: Agriculture, Small Business, Homeland Security
Chairman of Homeland Security Subcommittee on Emergency
Preparedness and Response
May 20,2008
Hunan Dynasty
215 Pennsylvania Ave SE # 2
Washington, DC 20003
(202) 546-6161
Contribution: PAC: $5000 $2500 $1000
Individuals: $1000
Designate checks for 2008 (General)
Please send contributions to:
Texans for Henry Cuellar
PO Box 6147
Laredo, TX 78042-6147
R.S.V.P. to Jason Houser at (517) 410-2626 or cuellar200S(G)
IFax paid for by the DCCC and authorized by Texans for Henry Cuellar.1
Contributions are not deductible as charitable contributiOn!> for fedetal lnCOl.l:W tax purposes. CorpO.tatc contributions are prohibited. COlltdbutio!1S from foreign
nationals are not})erroltted. Federal law encourages us to use our best effort to coUect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer for
each individual whose contributions exceed $200.00 in an election cycle. Not printed at government expense. An. individual may contribute up to $2,300 pet electioll.
cycle, a multi...candidate PAC mllY contrihl1te 11!, to $S,OOOper election cycle. Individual contributions must be made from the donor's own funds.

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