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._--- .._...__ ...__.

Senator Getltlle Voitlovich

CongressltuUf Stel'e
Congreir,..'num nave HOMOI'
Congre$$1voman Delwrtlh Pryt:e
.Majority Leade" John Boehner
Ct)fl:gressman Paw Gillmor
Co'tgres,sUlilU Steve LaTouretJe
Cm''''J'f'eslfi'',"'' .Ralpl. RefIlIli'
Ohio State Representative Mary Taylor
Republican CandidateIor Ohio Auditor ofState
Tuesday, .June 20, 2006 5:sOJ,]. m. /0 7: 00p. m
The Capitol Hill Club" SOl) F,rsl Street, 511
$250 per pel'son $500 per PAC
Please mak.cperSQnaJ or PAC check t:tayable
to "Citizens for Mary Taylor"
R5'"VP Jo Elizabeth Conatser at o1'vio
at nNp@e;]c;c;
This event is not seeking contributi()l1s gxeater them $2,100 per penon lUld $5,000 per Political
Action Comtnittee. FeJerallaw prohibits contributions ti"om corporations and labor
organizations. Contributions arc 110t tax deduc.lible for federal income ta'{ purposes.
Contributions ti'om foreign natilmal8 lIre prohibite(l, Ohio campaign finance law requires us to
retain and report the employer or Dccupation for each individual whose cOlltributions aggregate
in exceSS of $1 D(L
--- .._ _.-------_.__._--
If you would like to be removed from this Ii,!. please call (202) 526-1845,
fax (202) 526-1985 or email
Paid for by Citizens fOl" Mary Taylol-, James M. Bowen,. Treasurer, 3788 Park ,Ridge Dr., Uniontown, OH 44685

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