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Republ i can Mai n Street PAC (RMSP)


Senator Arlen Specter

Senator Norm Coleman Senator Susan Collins
Senator John McCain Senator Olympia Snowe

Rep. Judy Biggert Rep. Brian Bilbray Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite
Rep. Ken Calvert **Rep. Dave Camp Rep. Shelley Moore Capito
**Rep. Michael Castle Rep. Charlie Dent Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart
Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart Rep. David Dreier Rep. Vernon Ehlers
Rep. JoAnn Emerson Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen
Rep. Jim Gerlach Rep. Lynn Jenkins Rep. Timothy Johnson
Rep. Mark Kirk Rep. Leonard Lance **Rep. Steven LaTourette
Rep. Jerry Lewis Rep. Frank LoBiondo Rep. Mary Bono Mack
Rep. Tim Murphy Rep. Thomas Petri Rep. Todd Platts
Rep. Dave Reichert Rep. Jim Saxton **Rep. Pat Tiberi
Rep. Michael Turner **Rep. Fred Upton Rep. Greg Walden
(** PAC Board Members)

Wednesday, April 1
5:30 7:00 p.m.

The Capitol Hill Club
300 First St, SE

$1k per PAC (2 tickets) / $500 per PAC or Individual (1 ticket)

Please RSVP to Sarah Chamberlain:
703-477-4961 or

Please make checks payable to:
Republican Main Street Partnership PAC
1120 L Street, NW/ Suite 100-263/ Washington, D.C. 20005
Paid for by Republican Main Street Partnership PAC 703-477-4961
Contributions to Republican Main Street Partnership PAC are not tax-deductible as charitable donations for federal
income purposes. Federal law requires Republican Main Street Partnership PAC to use its best efforts to collect and
report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer for individuals whose contribution exceeds $200
in a calendar year. Contributions by foreign nationals and corporations are prohibited by federal law. FEC #
Not printed at government expense.

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