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The Republican Party of Florida

Cordially Invites You To A Dinner With Special Guest

Bill McCoIIUnt
Candidate for Florida Governor
Tuesday, September 22
, 2009
The Caucus Room
Street, NW '""" Washington, DC
7:00 pnl
$5,000 PAC/Personal/Corporate
Please RSVP to Lauren Kirshner at (202) 347-4071 or COlan to

Please provide the following information for each contribution:
Address . . ._.... __. . .. _.__. .
City State Zip . .
Cell "" ._..__,.w<_m."""",,",<, ,,._.,. ,,.<""'_' __" __. w.,,,w'''''''''''''''_ 0 ffi ..,,,,,,, ,"<.,"__w,.,,,,, _,,,,..,,,,,
Email __. ,. ...._.__._.__. . ._..._.....__.__.__._.. , .. .. .._ .........
Occupation .. n n ... (required information)
(For corporations) Type of Business WM.__n nW"". .... ""''''',''"'",,''_.,,''''''',,.,,. __.. ' (required information)
Please mail your check made payable to Florida Victory 2010 to:
.Jill Willhuns, 522 East Park Ave., Suite 201, Tallahassee, Florida 32301
Contributions to the Republican Party of Florida (RPOl") are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.
Contributions permitted under federal law will be deposited in the RPOF Federal Account (RPOF's federal
component) unless otherwise designated and are subject to federal contribution limitations. Contributions not
permitted under federal law will be deposited into the RPOF state committee account (RPor's non-federal
component) as permitted by law. Contributions from foreign nationals arc prohibited. Fedel'allaw
us to use out best efforts to colle{j: and n>poIt thf! name, mailing address, occupation, and of
employer of each individual whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year.
IPaid for by Republican Party of Florida. Not authorized b;Y ani: cllndidate or committee.

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